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The Rise Education Academy Paper: Science

Inayat Killi District Bajaur Time: 3 Hours

Annual Examination 2020/21 Total Marks: 100
Class 3rd
Q 1: Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 10
Grass, Milk , Egg, Birds, Fruits
1. Mother feeds _____ to her baby. 2. Cow eats ______ 3. Hens lay _______.
4. Flowers change into_____. 5. _______ live in the nest.
Q 2: Choose the correct answer. 20
1. A cat eats meat and drink________. a. Milk b. Tea
2 A rabbit eats grass and _________. a. leaves b. wood
3. A parrot eats______. a. fruits b. leaves
4. All animals need_________ to live. . a. food b. wood
5. A cow also eats ________. a. grass b. Fruits
6. A lion eats _____. a. meat b. Fruits.
7. A dog eats______. a. meat b. bread
8. A hen eats _______. a. grain b. meat
9. Birds eat_________. a.. Rice b. bread
10. Fish live in ______. a. water b. jungle
Q 3: Write T for True and F for false statements. 10
1. Cow gives us milk [ ] 2. Pea seed is green. [ ] 3. Mustard seed is black. [ ]
4. Maize seed is brown. [ ] 5. Mango seed is bigger than pea seed. [ ].
Q 4: Complete the following series.
(i) Egg (ii)___________ (iii) Pupa (iv)_____________
Q 5: Match Column A with Column B. 10.
Egg Puppy
Dog Larva
Mother Grass
Cow Baby
Rabbit Leaves
Q 6: Answer any four (4) from the following Questions. 40
i. Name any two fruits?

ii. Name any two vegetables?

iii. Name any two animals?

iv. Name any two animals that give us milk?

v. Name any two birds that eat grains?

vi. Name any two animals that eat meat?

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