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Acta Oncologica

ISSN: 0284-186X (Print) 1651-226X (Online) Journal homepage:

Weight loss, appetite loss and food intake in

cancer patients with cancer cachexia: Three peas
in a pod? – analysis from a multicenter cross
sectional study

Tora S. Solheim, David Blum, Peter M. Fayers, Marianne J. Hjermstad, Guro

B. Stene, Florian Strasser & Stein Kaasa

To cite this article: Tora S. Solheim, David Blum, Peter M. Fayers, Marianne J. Hjermstad, Guro
B. Stene, Florian Strasser & Stein Kaasa (2014) Weight loss, appetite loss and food intake in
cancer patients with cancer cachexia: Three peas in a pod? – analysis from a multicenter cross
sectional study, Acta Oncologica, 53:4, 539-546, DOI: 10.3109/0284186X.2013.823239

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Acta Oncologica, 2014; 53: 539–546


Weight loss, appetite loss and food intake in cancer patients with
cancer cachexia: Three peas in a pod? – analysis from a multicenter
cross sectional study


1Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, 2Department of Oncology, St. Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim,
Norway,3European Palliative Care Research Centre (PRC), Department of Cancer Research and Molecular
Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 4Institute of
Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, UK, 5Regional Centre for Excellence in
Palliative Care, South Eastern Norway, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway, 6Department of Neuroscience,
Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, and 7Oncological
Palliative Medicine, Division of Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine and Palliative Care Center,
Cantonal Hospital, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Background. How to assess cachexia is a barrier both in research and in clinical practice. This study examines the need for
assessing both reduced food intake and loss of appetite, to see if these variables can be used interchangeably. A secondary
aim is to assess the variance explained by food intake, appetite and weight loss by using tumor-related factors, symptoms
and biological markers as explanatory variables. Material and methods. One thousand and seventy patients with incurable
cancer were registered in an observational, cross sectional multicenter study. A total of 885 patients that had complete data
on food intake (PG-SGA), appetite (EORTC QLQ-C30) and weight loss were included in the present analysis. The asso-
ciation between reduced food intake and appetite loss was assessed using Spearman’s correlation. To find the explained
variance of the three symptoms a multivariate analysis was performed. Results. The mean age was 62 years with a mean
survival of 247 days and a mean Karnofsky performance status of 72. Thirteen percent of the patients who reported eating
less than normal had good appetite and 25% who had unchanged or increased food intake had reduced appetite. Correla-
tion between appetite loss and food intake was 0.50. Explained variance for the regression models was 44% for appetite
loss, 27% for food intake and only 13% for weight loss. Conclusion. Both appetite loss and food intake should be assessed
in cachectic patients since conscious control of eating may sometimes overcome appetite loss. The low explained variance
for weight loss is probably caused by the need for more knowledge about metabolism and inflammation, and is consistent
with the cancer cachexia definition that claims that in cachexia weight loss is not caused by reduced food intake alone. The
questions concerning appetite loss from EORTC-QLQ C30 and food intake from PG-SGA seem practical and informative
when dealing with advanced cancer patients.

Patients with advanced, incurable cancer frequently altered metabolism, and is defined as ongoing loss of
experience involuntary weight loss. Weight loss in skeletal muscle mass that cannot be reversed by con-
cancer is usually a consequence of either reduced ventional nutritional support [1]. It is characterized
nutritional intake or uptake of nutrients, or of cancer by progressive functional impairment [1] and con-
cachexia. Reduced nutritional intake or uptake is tributes to more than 20% of cancer deaths [2].
defined as starvation, and will normally respond well Since around 50% of patients with malignant disease
to nutritional treatment. Cancer cachexia is caused cannot be cured and more than 80% of advanced
by a combination of decreased nutritional intake and cancer patients experience cachexia [2], the toll

* These authors contributed equally to this article.

Correspondence: T. S. Solheim, Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
PRC, Bevegelsessenteret, Olav Kyrres Gatan 13, Trondheim, 7030 Norway. Tel: 47 92049507. Fax: 47 72826028. E-mail:

(Received 27 March 2013 ; accepted 4 July 2013)

ISSN 0284-186X print/ISSN 1651-226X online © 2014 Informa Healthcare
DOI: 10.3109/0284186X.2013.823239
540 T. S. Solheim et al.
of this condition is severe both for society and the correlates significantly with physical function [7].
individual patient. The pathophysiology behind primary appetite loss in
An international cachexia consensus indicated advanced cancer is probably in part caused by pro-
four domains to be assessed in cachexia: 1) catabo- inflammatory cytokines and neuro-hormonal altera-
lism driven by inflammation, tumor products, tions [8], and seems accordingly to be related to the
and neuro-hormonal alterations including hypo- host reaction to tumor. Appetite loss may, however,
anabolism; 2) anorexia or reduced food intake; 3) also be affected by secondary factors such as depres-
loss of muscle mass and a variable loss of fat mass; sion/psychosocial stress, nausea, constipation, taste
and 4) reduced physical/psychosocial function, e.g. alterations or pain [6,9].
manifesting as physical fatigue and psychosocial The item “food intake” is logically associated
distress [1]. There is a wide range of items that may with appetite loss or factors causing appetite loss, but
be of interest when measuring these domains, i.e. can also be influenced by a wide range of factors like
various biomarkers, patient-reported outcomes or cognitive impairment [10], vomiting, stomatitis, dys-
several disease-related patient characteristics. The phagia, dietary restrictions etc. [11].
consensus offered little guidance on which items to The lack of knowledge and agreement about how
use, but for the nutrition domain it was recom- to assess weight loss and cachexia has been an impor-
mended that patients’ own estimates of total food tant barrier in the interpretation of cachexia research
intake compared to normal should be registered, as and in the clinical treatment of involuntary weight
well as probable causes for reduced intake. loss. It is therefore important to work towards a
Cancer cachexia was previously referred to as the common functional understanding of which items to
cancer cachexia-anorexia syndrome, as anorexia is consider and which to bypass in the evaluation
frequently encountered. There is, however, no agree- of patients with advanced cancer and weight loss
ment about how to diagnose anorexia, and different (Figure 1).
instruments (e.g. AQ, VAS, AC/S-12, FAACT) all A systematic review of items measured in clinical
measure different aspects of the condition [3]. studies of weight loss showed that dietary records
Anorexia can be regarded as an overarching concept were sporadically reported, that many studies only
consisting of a variety of symptoms such as appetite extrapolated the amount of food intake from self-
loss, early satiety, taste alterations [4], reduced food reported appetite, and that appetite loss and energy
intake, meat aversions and nausea/vomiting [5]. In intake were inconsistently related to weight loss [12].
daily practice, appetite and anorexia are commonly There are indications that reduced food intake
used as synonyms as both can be defined as loss of and appetite loss are distinct items [13]. There is,
desire to eat [3,5]. In the following this definition of however, still controversy concerning the necessity to
anorexia and appetite loss will be applied. assess both self-reported food intake and appetite as
The term “appetite loss” can be perceived as an a part of the nutritional domain in cachexia, or if
indicator of both quality of life and cancer severity, these measurements can be used interchangeably.
and is independently linked to survival [6] and There is also insufficient information as to which

Figure 1. Factors that impact weight loss in cancer patients.

Weight loss, appetite loss and food intake in cancer patients 541
factors are associated with food intake, appetite loss is measured on a four-point categorical scale (not at
and weight loss in advanced cancer. all – very much).
Our primary aim was to examine the association Three of four items from the Patient-Generated
between reduced food intake and appetite loss to Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) [17] were
confirm our hypothesis of a modest correlation. The used to assess weight loss and food intake: patient-
secondary aim was to evaluate the associations reported current weight, weight change in the last
between food intake, appetite loss and weight loss six months, and changed food intake compared to
with tumor-related factors, symptoms, survival and normal on a three-point categorical scale (less than
CRP. The third objective was to examine whether usual – more than usual).
reduced food intake, appetite loss and weight loss Since cachexia was not the primary study out-
can be explained by symptom burden and treatment- come and it is essential not to overburden the patients,
or disease-related factors. other relevant items for cancer cachexia such as a
checklist for nutrition-impact symptoms, tests for
physical function, presence of clinically relevant
Material and methods edema or registrations of tumor activity were not part
Patients and study design of the EPCRC-CSA assessment. The last retrospec-
tive registration of death was completed by 31
Between October 2008 and December 2009, 1070 December 2010.
patients were registered in the European Palliative
Research Collaborative – Computerized symptom
Statistical considerations
assessment study (EPCRC-CSA) [14]. This obser-
vational, cross sectional multicenter study aimed to For all analyses, “weight loss” was defined as self-
advance the development of a computer-based reported weight loss the last six months expressed as
symptom assessment and classification tool for a percentage. Patients were assumed to have reduced
pain, cachexia and depression. A major research food intake if they rated their food intake as less than
objective was to characterize the different symp- usual compared to normal (both items from PG-
toms, and investigate how these should be assessed. SGA). Patients were considered to have reduced
The choice of items was based on the work of the appetite if they reported a little, quite a bit or
EPCRC. The assessment and classification tool is very much appetite loss on the EORTC QLQ-C30
intended for use in clinic and research. Adult questionnaire.
patients with incurable cancer and metastatic or The analytical approach in this paper consists of
advanced disease were recruited from 17 centers in three steps.
Norway, UK, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, In the first step, Spearman’s correlation was cal-
Canada and Australia [14]. culated to explore the relationship between self-
reported reduced food intake and appetite loss. The
Data collection next two analytical steps examined whether food intake,
appetite and weight loss are distinctive assessments.
The entire data collection was performed using In the second step, univariate analyses were per-
touch-sensitive computers (HP Compaq TC4200 formed to describe associations between tumor-
1200 tablet PCs). Specific details regarding methods related factors, symptoms and biological markers
and instruments have been presented elsewhere [14]. and levels of food intake, appetite and weight loss.
One part of the registration was completed by health- The factors explored were all 15 scales from EORTC
care professionals, the other by the patients. A QLQ-C30, weight loss, food intake, origin of cancer,
research nurse assisted patients if necessary. Health- metastasis site, treatment and CRP. CRP was log
care professionals obtained and recorded informa- normally distributed and was transformed before the
tion on age, gender, height, weight, blood tests and regression analysis.
treatment. Cancer diagnosis including stage of dis- The impact on survival of food intake, weight loss
ease and metastases with localization was also and appetite loss was explored using univariate log-
recorded. rank tests. Significant factors (p  0.05) were included
Patients’ subjective health was measured by the in a multivariate survival analysis using Cox-model
European Organisation for Research and Treatment regression.
of Cancer Core Quality of Life Questionnaire, the In the third step, multivariate regression analyses
EORTC QLQ-C30 version 3.0 [15]. This well- were conducted to determine the portion of variance
validated and extensively used 30-item tool is spe- explained by weight loss, appetite loss and reduced
cifically developed for cancer patients [16]. The items food intake. All factors used in the univariate analy-
form five functional scales, three symptom scales and sis in step two were regarded as explanatory vari-
six single items. Appetite loss during the last week ables. Factors were then explored for associations
542 T. S. Solheim et al.
using a mixed forward-backwards stepwise multi- Table I. Demographic data.
variate regression analysis and included if significant Characteristics na Range %
(p  0.05). Factors were reported if the standardized
regression coefficients were larger than 0.1. The aim Female 412 46.6
Age 62 18–89
was to find the factors that best predicted appetite, BMI 24.3 10–61.9
food intake and weight loss. A multiple regression Tumor localization
analysis such as this should be regarded as exploratory, Digestive organs 249 28.1
as it will not provide a definitive set or of variables that Breast 146 16.5
contribute to the three symptoms since these will Respiratory organs 140 15.9
Male genitals 93 10.5
vary with the studied population and the strength of Urinary 50 5.6
connections between the factors evaluated. Leukemias/lymphomas 36 4.1
Skin 36 4.1
Bone/soft tissue 33 3.7
Results Head and neck 28 3.2
Other 71 8.0
Patient demographics Metastatic diseaseb
A total of 885 patients with complete data on weight Bone 325 36.7
Liver 273 30.8
loss, appetite loss and food intake were available for Lymph node 249 28.1
analysis after excluding four patients due to with- Lung 174 19.7
drawal of informed consent, 15 patients because of Brain 74 8.4
technical failure, and 166 patients with incomplete Other 218 24.6
data on food intake (n  82), appetite loss (n  37) Current oncological treatment
Chemotherapy 424 47.9
or weight loss (n  166). Radiotherapy 184 20.8
Mean age was 62 years (range 18–89) and 53.4% No cancer treatment 225 25.4
were male patients. Most patients (n  535) had Survival (days) 247 1–713
metastatic tumors originating from digestive organs, Karnofsky 72 20–100
breast or lung. At inclusion, 254 patients were not aNumber of patients or mean.
receiving active tumor treatment. The mean survival bThe patients might have several metastatic sites.
was 247 days (95% CI 233–261) and mean Karnof-
sky performance status was 72 (range 20–100). The significantly less weight loss (3.4% vs. 5.7%), describ-
charecteristics of the patients are reported in Table I. ing their appetite as better and their food intake as
closer to normal. All three symptoms were associated
Correlation between weight loss, appetite loss and with the use of anti-emetics (other than glucocorti-
change in nutritional intake coids), more nausea/vomiting and increased CRP-
values. All variables from EORTC QLQ-C30 were
Eating less than normal was reported by 13% of the associated with appetite loss. All EORTC QLQ-C30
patients who had good appetite, while 25% of the variables except insomnia, diarrhea and financial
patients who had reduced appetite ate more than situation were associated with reduced food intake
usual or unchanged (Table II). Correlation between and weight loss.
appetite loss and food intake was 0.50. The correla- The standardized βs imply that, for all three symp-
tions between weight loss and food intake, and weight toms, age, gender, tumor localization, metastatic site
loss and appetite were both 0.34. and current therapy had less impact than most vari-
ables on the EORTC QLQ-C30 scale and LogCRP
Distribution of symptoms, tumor-related factors, (Table III).
biological markers and survival In univariate analysis food intake, appetite and
Neither food intake nor appetite loss was significantly weight loss were significantly associated with reduced
associated with tumor or site of metastases in the survival (Figure 2). In the multivariate survival anal-
univariate analysis. Reduced food intake was associ- Table II. Comparison of appetite loss and food intake.
ated with higher age. Weight loss was associated with
gender (higher if male), and had a weak negative Appetite loss
correlation with tumors originating from the breast Food intake
Not at all A little Quite a bit Very much
compared to
as these patients had significantly less weight loss normal N % N % N % N %
compared to the rest of the population (2.2% vs.
5.2%). Weight loss, appetite and food intake were Less than usual 49 13 102 27 127 33 104 27
associated with the current use of chemotherapy, Unchanged 230 56 123 30 42 10 16 4
More than usual 57 62 18 20 13 14 4 4
with patients treated with chemotherapy having
Weight loss, appetite loss and food intake in cancer patients 543
Table III. Univariate linear regression.

Food Appetite Weight

Characterizationsa intake loss loss

Global health status/QoL 0.22* 0.37* 0.16*

Physical function 0.16* 0.32* 0.20*
Role function 0.17* 0.33* 0.17*
Emotional function 0.11* 0.27* 0.08
Cognitive function 0.08 0.24 * 0.11*
Social function 0.14* 0.24* 0.13*
Fatigue 0.24* 0.47* 0.20*
Nausea/vomiting 0.24* 0.45* 0.15*
Pain 0.18* 0.32* 0.15*
Dyspnea 0.12* 0.19* 0.06
Insomnia  0.01 0.15* 0.01
Appetite 0.47* 0.29*
Constipation 0.14* 0.23* 0.14*
Diarrhea 0.02 0.16* 0.08
Financial problems 0.04 0.11* 0.07
Log CRP 0.24* 0.26* 0.19*
Breast cancer 0.02 0.04 0.11*
Chemotherapy 0.07* 0.11* 0.12*
Anti-emetic therapy 0.12* 0.18* 0.10
Weight loss 0.26* 0.29*
Food intake 0.47* 0.26*
aOnly factors with standardized b values higher than 0.1 are
presented, and thus not most cancer origins, metastatic sites,
cancer treatments, age and gender. The standardized bs allow for
comparison of the impact of the explanatory variables on the
outcomes regardless of scales used. They indicate the highest
relevance among the examined variables.
*P-values 0.001.

ysis only weight loss (p  0.01) and appetite loss

(p  0.001) remained significantly associated with
reduced survival.

Multiple regression analysis

To determine the need for registering additional infor-
mation in future studies, a multiple regression analysis
was performed to examine how well weight loss, Figure 2. Survival curves.
appetite and food intake could be explained by other
factors (Table IV). Explained variance for the regres-
sion models (adjusted R2) was 44% for appetite loss,
27% for food intake and 13% for weight loss. Explan- In this observational, cross sectional, multicenter
atory variables used were demographic, tumor-related study, we explored whether food intake and appetite
and treatments factors as well as CRP, self-reported could be used as equivalent measurements in the
quality of life, nutritional intake and weight loss. assessment of cachexia in advanced cancer patients.
Appetite loss, LogCRP and weight loss were sig- In the studied population the correlation between
nificantly associated with food intake, but appetite food intake and appetite loss was r  0.50 (p  0.01),
had the highest standardized β (0.42 compared to a rather moderate association. In a substantial num-
0.11 and 0.13). Food intake, fatigue and nausea/ ber of patients (25%) self-reported food intake
vomiting were significantly associated with appetite increased or remained unchanged in spite of some
loss, with similar standardized βs (0.33, 0.26 and degree of appetite loss, and 13% ate less despite
0.25, respectively). Physical function, appetite loss, reporting good appetite. These data are consistent
food intake and gender were significantly associated with the primary hypothesis, suggesting that the two
with weight loss and had similar standardized βs factors, food intake and appetite loss, cannot be used
(0.15, 0.15, 0.16 and 0.11). interchangeably. This means that they cannot be sub-
544 T. S. Solheim et al.
Table IV. Multiple regression analysis*.

Food intake R²  0.27 Appetite loss, R²  0.44 Weight loss, R²  0.13

Characterizations b CI Stand. b b CI Stand. b b CI Stand. b

Food intake 18.03 (21.84–14.22) 0.32 2.48 1.11–3.86 0.16

Appetite loss 0.01 (0.01–0.01) 0.42 0.04 (0.07–0.02) 0.15
Weight loss 0.01 0.01–0.01 0.13
LogCRP 0.11 (0.17–0.03) 0.11
Fatigue 0.30 0.18–0.41 0.26
Nausea/vomiting 0.38 0.30–0.48 0.22
Physical function 0.05 0.09–0.28 0.15
Gender 2.10 0.55–3.65 0.11

*All standardized β 0.1, p  0.01.

stituted for one another or be extrapolated from each for other cytokines such as TNFα, IL-10, IL-8,
other when looking into the complexity of weight loss IL-4, IFN-γ were more inconsistent or mainly not
in e.g. cancer cachexia. significant [12]. Nevertheless, CRP is today prob-
In order to understand how food intake, appetite ably the most robust biomarker for cachexia [18],
and weight loss might be interrelated, regression although it is highly unspecific and new biomarkers
analysis was performed with these items as explana- are warranted. It is also important to acknowledge
tory variables. In this population other symptoms that cachexia can occur without manifest systemic
showed a higher association with food intake and inflammation [1].
appetite loss than variables related to the cancer dis- In the current study it is evident that advanced
ease and treatment in both univariate and multivari- cancer patients with appetite loss have a greater
ate analysis. symptom burden and reduced survival compared to
The multivariate analysis showed that dissimilar patients with weight loss alone. If assessing cachectic
variables were associated with food intake, appetite patients without considering appetite loss, one would
and weight loss, and that it was possible to explain lose an important predictor of survival, an important
44% of the variance of appetite loss, 27% of the vari- aspect of quality of life as well as an important topic
ance of food intake, but only 13% of the variance of for information/psychosocial intervention [19]. Infor-
weight loss. This suggests that there might be differ- mation from the present study supports the sugges-
ences as to which factors best predict appetite loss, tions that “cachexia with anorexia” should be a
food intake and weight loss, and also that the present sub-type of cachexia [4] or a part of a grading system
variables are insufficient to explain these symptoms. for cachexia [1,20]. While arguing for this, some
Therefore additional factors such as other nutritional emphasize that appetite loss and loss of weight/mus-
impact symptoms (early satiety, mouth sores, dys- cle have similarities in their pathophysiology as they
phagia, and information on metabolism) should be both might be affected by inflammation [21], while
assessed. A longitudinal study of newly diagnosed others propose a more diverse pathophysiology [4].
head and neck cancer patients found that symptoms The present results are based on selected vari-
such as pre-treatment anorexia, pain, dysphagia and ables, which represent some but not all possible items
mouth sores were predictors of reduced dietary in the four cachexia domains. Body weight was avail-
intake and weight [11]. able, but no information on edema or direct mea-
It was possible to explain more of appetite loss sures of muscle mass was assessable, which might
and reduced food intake than weight loss in the mul- reduce the value of weight loss as an indicator. In the
tivariate analysis. Furthermore, the correlations of analyses we investigated self-reported weight and
weight loss to appetite loss and to reduced food weight loss, the correlation between self-reported
intake were low to moderate (both r  0.34, p  0.01). weight and caregiver reported weight was in this
This is probably because of a gap in the understand- study r  0.97 (numbers not shown).
ing of metabolism and inflammation in relation to For the nutritional domain there was no informa-
weight loss; consistent with the cancer cachexia def- tion on early satiety or symptoms such as xerostomia,
inition that claims that cachexia/weight loss is not stomatitis or changes in sense of smell, but the mea-
caused by reduced food intake alone. CRP was asso- sures for appetite seem robust. For the catabolism
ciated with weight loss in the univariate analysis, but domain, there was no information on current cancer
not in the multivariate analysis. A review of items disease dynamics (e.g. whether the cancer was resis-
associated with weight loss found that albumin, CRP tant to anticancer treatment and progressing) or
and IL-6 were the inflammation markers most con- hypo-anabolism, but the dataset contains the impor-
sistently associated with weight loss [12]. Results tant marker CRP. Considering the functional domain,
Weight loss, appetite loss and food intake in cancer patients 545
the dataset contains self-reported physical function, to be caused not only by reduced food intake but also
but no objective measures of muscle strength. It is by additional factors; appetite loss and weight loss
not possible to evaluate whether the inclusion of might be concurrent events caused in part by common
these additional variables would have changed the pathophysiology. Reduced food intake is, however,
present results substantially. likely to accelerate weight loss. The present study
This was a cross sectional study and there were design does not give information on consequences for
no documented measurements of what the patients weight, quality of life variables and survival following
used to eat or what they actually were eating at inclu- improved nutrition or appetite.
sion. Only patients’ own estimate of food intake in A problem when studying these issues is to
relation to normal intake was reported in accordance untangle the question of whether appetite loss and
with the minimal requirements described in the reduced food intake are merely irreparable indicators
international consensus [1]. This assessment of food of patients in whom treatment soon will fail, or
intake has however not been compared with precise whether the symptoms decrease the ability of some
longitudinal measurements of nutritional intake, and patients to be treated and that modifications can lead
as mentioned self-reported estimates are known to to improved survival or quality of life. Large prospec-
have some bias [22]. The self-reported question of tive studies with well-defined assessments and man-
food intake has not been validated against prospec- agement of both malnutrition and cachexia are
tively collected diet records and there is a possibility needed in order to answer this question.
that patients have been eating less than they report; Information in this paper is based on a large mul-
in this case the correlation between weight loss and ticenter study with advanced cancer of heterogeneous
food intake might have been higher if the information origin. It may contribute to the ongoing work on
on food intake were based on precise measurements assessment of cancer cachexia, which builds on the
of food intake instead of self-reported information. cancer cachexia framework. Currently it is difficult
This study nevertheless demonstrates that food to differentiate well between starvation/malnutrition
intake needs to be assessed in addition to appetite loss. and cachexia, partly because these conditions are
Even though cachexia cannot be cured with nutrition intertwined in varying degrees. Hopefully, the
alone [1], it is important to secure sufficient energy future refinement of the cachexia classification sys-
and protein intake and avoid under-nutrition in patients tem will help discriminate somewhat between these
with curative cancer or with pre-cachexia/cachexia. conditions, and thus improve treatment strategies.
Consultations with nutritional professionals (registered The current cross-sectional study did not define
dietitian or equivalent) might be of great value [23]. In cachexia as an inclusion criterion and therefore a
patients with late cachexia overview on food intake is mixture of patients with and without malnutrition
essential to enable patient information. In this situation and cachexia, were included which provides an
nutritional advice should be given in a manner that opportunity to describe the comprehensive cancer
attempts to relieve the burden for patient and their care population well.
givers. One example of this might be to end the
focus on calories and help increase meal enjoyment by
lowering demands and expectations.
In this population, grading of appetite loss on a The intention of the present study was to contribute
four-point scale gave a more nuanced prediction of to the clinical understanding of which items are nec-
survival and returned higher significance levels than essary for the assessment of a cachectic patient, and
the question of reduced intake. One reason for this by this to the progression of the international clas-
might be that some patients who realize they have sification system for cachexia.
short expected survival might eat more in the hope Cachexia is defined by weight loss and is char-
of fighting heir cancer disease. Another possibility is acterized by several domains. Both appetite loss
that patients might claim to eat more, even though and food intake should be assessed in the charac-
they eat less or the same, in order to give the clinician terization of cachexia as each of these symptoms
the supposedly “right answer”. The focus on eating appears to provide distinct information. One of the
enough and healthily might also be a reason for the reasons for this is that anorexia can sometimes be
moderate correlation between appetite and food overcome by conscious control of eating [24].
intake. Patients who know they are at risk of losing Patients who know they are sick and have a flawed
weight may force themselves to eat despite lack of appetite regulation may force themselves to eat
appetite. Thus, treating loss of appetite might not without appetite.
affect the intake in some patients but might affect The questions concerning appetite loss from
their feelings and joy of their meals. EORTC-QLQ C30 and food intake from PG-SGA
The cross sectional design can only evaluate asso- are practical and seem informative when assessing
ciations, not causality. Weight loss in cachexia is known advanced cancer patients.
546 T. S. Solheim et al.
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