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Research Instrument


Part I. Demographic profile of respondents

Name: __________________________ (Optional) 
Age: _____________ 
Sex :
(  ) Female 
(  ) Male 

Civil Status :     (  ) Single

            (  ) Married 
            (  ) Separated 
            (  ) Widowed 
Type of High School of Origin : 
(  ) Public 
(  ) Private 

Mother’s Educational Attainment :

(  ) Elementary Undergraduate 
(  ) Elementary Graduate 
(  ) High School Undergraduate 
(  ) High School Graduate 
(  ) College Undergraduate 
(  ) College Graduate 
(  ) Master’s Degree 
(  ) Doctorate Degree

Father’s Educational Attainment: 

(  ) Elementary Undergraduate 
(  ) Elementary Graduate 
(  ) High School Undergraduate 
(  ) High School Graduate 
(  ) College Undergraduate 
(  ) College Graduate 
(  ) Master’s Degree 
(  ) Doctorate Degree

Parents’ Monthly Income: 

(  ) P7,500 and below 
(  ) P7,501 – P15,000 
(  )P15,001 – P22,500 
(  )P22,501 – P30,000
(  )P30,001 – P37,500 
(  ) P37,501 – P45,000 
(  )More than P45,000 

Mother’s Occupational Status: 

(  )Unemployed 
(  ) Self-Employed 
(  ) Government Employee 
(  ) Private Employee 

Father’s Occupational Status:

(  )Unemployed 
(  ) Self-Employed 
(  ) Government Employee 
(  ) Private Employee 

Academic Strand : 
(  ) STEM 
( ) Non-Stem
Home Location: 
(  ) Urban 
(  ) Rural 

Part II - The respondents’ experiences as a student to the capacity in understanding the lessons through
online learning.

Direction: Please check (/) the corresponding box of your answer. Please do not leave any statement
unanswered. Thank you.

5 – Strongly Agree, 4 – Agree, 3 – Undecided, 2 – Disagree, 1 – Strongly Disagree

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
As a nursing student, I…
1. Experienced a hard time understanding the
topics that are being discussed.
2. Experienced a hard time hearing clearly
the topics that are being discussed.
3. Am able to answer all questions the class
instructor may ask of me.
4. Experienced a hard time putting all of my
attention in online classes.
5. Experienced technical difficulties because
of the device that is being used
6. Am unable to understand due to
connectivity issue
7. Am unable to stay motivated through
online learning.
8. Am able to answer correctly the quizzes
and exams that are given to us.
9. Am unable to pass our school works in due
10. Am having a hard time adapting online
classes to my device rather than face-to-
face setting.
Part III Assessing the Knowledge and Skills regarding online learning among Nursing Students.

Direction: Please check (/) the corresponding box of your answer. Please do not leave any statement
unanswered. Thank you.

5 – Strongly Agree, 4 – Agree, 3 – Undecided, 2 – Disagree, 1 – Strongly Disagree

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
As a nursing student, I…
1. Understand the topics that the instructor
2. Am able to demonstrate the skills in actual
face to face setting.
3. Am able to absorb the knowledge and skills
that is being taught through online
4. Am able to answer medical questions that
is asked by the clinical instructor in both
online and face to face setting.
5. Utilize my learning from online discussions.
6. Am able to understand and repeat the
procedure in actual hospital/clinical
7. Am able to do basic vital sign monitoring.
8. Am able to do basic patient physical
9. Am able to do basic nursing
10. Can demonstrate all the procedure that
have been taught online.

Part IV. How many Nursing Students can cope up with online learning system.

Direction: Please check (/) the corresponding box of your answer. Please do not leave any statement
unanswered. Thank you.

5 – Strongly Agree, 4 – Agree, 3 – Undecided, 2 – Disagree, 1 – Strongly Disagree

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
As a nursing student,
1. Online Learning is effective when it comes
to my Nursing Education.
2. I have a hard time in coping up with my
Online Lessons.
3. Online Learning can help improve my
knowledge, skills and attitude.
4. Watching online videos about different
types of Medical Procedures can help
improve my Clinical Skills.
5. Studying online can affect my mental
6. I feel satisfied with the learning I receive
from my teachers.
7. Studying online is stressful during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
8. Online Learning helps shape Nursing
Students’ professional identity.
9. My teachers inspire and motivates me
while studying online.
10. I’m enjoying studying online at home.

Part V. Will be to evaluate the effect of online learning to the Nursing students.

Direction: Please check (/) the corresponding box of your answer. Please do not leave any statement
unanswered. Thank you.

5 – Strongly Agree, 4 – Agree, 3 – Undecided, 2 – Disagree, 1 – Strongly Disagree

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
As a nursing student, I…
1. find it easy to comprehend the lessons
2. find it easy to concentrate on the lecture
3. find myself easily distracted
4. find myself having difficulties catching up
with my teacher
5. find myself having difficulties in raising
questions and asking my teacher about our
6. find myself disinterested in listening to my
7. find myself more efficient and productive
in doing tasks.
8. find myself having difficulties in
understanding instructions and directions.
9. find myself often having
miscommunications with my group during
group tasks.
10. can use any and all applications for online

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