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ASNT Level ITI Study Guide® Basic revision by Matthew J. Golis S ‘The American Society for Nondestructive Testing ASNT Level III Study Guide® Basic revision by Matthew J. Golis ‘The American Society for Nondestructive Testing ASNT Lovet Il Stay Guide: Base, publish in 1997, vas writen by Mathew J. Gols. This revision was ‘pac and revised in 2006 by Robert B. Cameron, HELLIER, Huston, TX Cynthia M, Leoman ior Pblised by The Arian Society for Nondestructive Testing, Ie Trivartingte Lane PO bow 2318 (Corus, OF 43228-0518, Copyright © 1997 by The American Soi fo Nondestructive Testing, In. ASNT i ot esponible for the oben or accuracy of tformaton erin, Pablahed opinions ad teens do oot access refi the Aninon of ASNT: Progacts or siesta are averse or mentioned donot cary the endorsement or ‘Eommendation of ASNT IRRSP, WPT Hndboo. The NDI Tehulan and wow astorg av rans of The American Society for Nondesrcive Testing, tne ACE ASNT, Level HT Stay Gul, Materials Evaluation, Nondesiuive Testing Hondinol, Reseach ft Nondesracve Blain and RNDE a register tremars of The American Society for Nondestacive Testing, ne. ASNT exists to creat safer world by promoting the profession and technologies of aondestretive testing. ISBNS. 978-1-57117-1412 ISBN-10- 57117-1412 Print inthe Unite States of America first pring 0887 Second printing 0/88 hind printing 1089 fourth rating 081 sty prining 0194 ‘xh pentng with revision 0897 ‘event pining 0400 ‘ight ptng with revision 1042 nth piatng with evson 0106 Contents Fare ttn Pups How Use the Sadly Guid 1 Section , Administration ofa Personnel Qualification and Cetfcation Program, ‘Chopcr 1 Auminsation of «Personnel Quaifcaon and Ceiation Program Chapter 2, Recommended Practice No. ETC, sory of SWETCIA Contents snd Iced Us of SWETCIA (Overview of N-TE-14, 2001 ‘SETC-1A, Foreword xcept SWP-TC-TA, Sections 1.3 end Escort Inguiis for vFeTC- 1A, Socton 1 General Commens on Secon 2 a3 Review Questions for SNE-TC-1A, Sections 1,2 and 3. SWETC-IA, Section 4 Exc. Ings for SNF-TC-TA, Seton 4, ‘General Commons oa Seton 4 Review Questions fr SNT-TC-1A, Seton 4 SNETC-IA, Seton 5. Excerpt Review Gustine for SNETC FA, Seaton 5 SWETCIA, Section 5 Bxcorp. Inuit: for SNT-TCTA, Section 6 ‘Gener Comments on Seton 6. Review Questions for SNT-TC-1A, Seton 6 SWETCAIA, Seton 7. Excerpt Review Gustin for SWEETC-FA, Seton 7 SWETC:IA, Section 8 ect. Inuit: for SNETE-TA, Section 8 Review Questions for SNT-TC-14, Seton & SNTETC-IA, Section 9. Excerpt Inquines for SW-TC-TA, Section 9. (Genoal Commons on Seton 8 Review Question for SVTTC:sA, Section 8 SVETC-IA, Section 10 Excerpt Ings for SWETE-TA, Seton 10. (General Conamenss on Section 10, SNE-TC-IA, Seton IL Excerpt General Commans on Seton I ) Ti SNETC-1A, Sstion 12. 6 Exce 6 {Geoeral Comments on Sesion 13 % SNETC-1A, Section 13 % Excer % lnguiies foe SNFTE-TA, Seton 13. %6 Review Questions fr SNT-TC-1A, Section 13 u SNETC-14, Socio Lt u Excer a Inguiies foe SNETC-TA, Seton 14 ” {General Conments.on Secon 1 ” (Chaper 3, The ASNT NDT Leve Ie Corifcton Program, x» IASNE NDT Level I » ‘What isan ASNT NDT Level » ASNT Praictive Msntesance Level i » light for ASNT Level I Exemitatins 30 ASNT Level Il Examinations 0 NDUVPAM or PAMINDT Conversion 40 40 Recertification SWETC-IA Cetin Options a Use ofthe ASNT NDT Level Cancion 4 ACCP Professional Level It 7 ‘ASNT Examination Sehole a Ings for ASNT Level I Cesifcaon 4 Review Questions 2 (Chaper 4 ANSUASNT CP-189:2001, as ‘Overview of ANSUASN? CP- 189.3001 4s Review Questions 2° Section 2, General Application of Various NDT Meth nnn (Chape 5, Genz Aplications of Vaous NDT Metis 3 ‘Overview ofthe ASNT Baie Examination 5 “Topical Outlines, Reference Resouces and tevew Questions 5 “Acoustic Emission Testing (AE) 3 “Topical Out. 3 References By Review Questions St "ecomapnetic Testing (Et) St Topiea! Outi St References Ss Review Questions 5s Inara Tharsl Testing i) 8 “Topial Outline Ra Reference Se Review Qucsions Se Leak Testing (0) @ “Topical Outing @ References © Reviow Qvestions © ‘Liga PenersntTesting C1, 6 “Topical Outine él References @ Review Questions oa ‘Mapas Paice Testing tT, cS : ‘Topical Outi. 65 Referens, 68 Review Questions 6 "Nestron Radiographic Testing (NR) 0 "Topical Outi 87 Referee o Review Questions o Radiographic Testing (7) 70 Topical Outi, 7 References 2 Review Questions. 2 ‘tran Testing (UT 4 Toles! Outi 4 References 4 Review Questions. 4 ‘Vibration Analysis Tesing (WA). 78 Toplea! Ove. 78 Rateenes, % Review Questions % ‘Visual and Opal Tesing WT). % Topical Outi % References. % Review Questions ~ Seeton 3, Matera and Processes for NDT Techno enn Chape 6 Matas and Processes for NET Technolgy “Overview of Matra and Processes For NDT Teh Review Questions. ‘Chape ,Relton of NDT to Manofactaring {Chaper 2Intaduction to Manuactaring Tesi (Chaper 3 Propertios cf Mari. ‘Chaper4 The Nature of Materials an Sold Sat Changes in tas. {Chaper 5, Forous Metals ‘Chapa 6, Nenferos Mets and Piss. ‘Chaper7 The Nace of Manufactig. {Chaper & The Casting Proves {Cpe 9, The Welding Proce. ‘Chaper 1, Welding Process snd Desi. {Chaper 1,Plase How | Milwork. Forging ad Power Malla Pressworking of Sheet Metal ‘Machining Pundamenas {Chaper13, Miscellaneous Processes in {Chaper 16,Susace Fl im (Chapee 17, Inspection m3 Answers to Review Questions Append, Coe of Ethics for Level IT NDT Personnel Certified By ASNT en eee | Foreword Purpose hs Sty Guide isnt oad individ propring to taketh Basis Examination as part of the process of Becoming ested ay am ASNT NDMLevel none oc more NDT motos is equally uel fer persons preparing oa a Basic {yell Examinaton ander an employers pervonelqulcaton and ceriication program PersNTTCIA “The meri in hs Stay Giese the boy of koe inte in the Baie Taamiaionaitered under he ASNT NDT Lev ceraicaton program, The ASNT NDT Leva I ceicton program seve, offer bythe American Society fo Nonfestvetive “etng, Ic tht ives NDT perenne! sh pny hae hr fait ith the {incites and paces of NDT anced yon Independent bods The program ses ah independent body to rv eee nd ses omrehonive wen examinations oseniy those posons who meet the ete for bseoming INASNTENDT Level Il foreach NDT mtd Matod examinations ae fred in ‘ows Eicon Testing letomagnetie Tsing Infrared Tra Testing User Testing Mebas Lenk Testing Lud Penta Testng Magno Parle Testing Neston Raosraphie Testing Radiographic Testing 10, Uimseni Testing 11, Viton Anais 12. Visual Testing ‘The ASNT NDT Level Il certification program requires satisfactory completion of a 4-hour Basic Examination. Twelve different NDT methods ‘examinations are given with durations of 4 hours, SRNR eeme ee aaER be their only source of preparation. The Sualy Guide provides 2 general overview of subject ‘matter covered by tho examination so that students can dently those areas ofthe body of knowledge in Which they need further stud: "Note that references to persons who have met the eiteria forthe Lovel II cerifiatonsissved by ASNT are called ASNT NDT Level IIL. This sia contrast othe person who has met the eiteria of fn employer and who i identified s the employer's Level I or just Level Section 1 Section 1 Administration of a Personnel Qualification and Certification Program References Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, 2001 Faition, Columbus, OH: The American Society for ‘Nondestructive Testing, Inc. 2001." ASNT CP-189 (2001), ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel, 2001 Edition, Columbus, OH: The American Society for Nondestructive ‘Testing, Inc. 2001. ‘This reference is available from ASNT. Chapter 1 Administration of a Personnel Qualification and Certification Program Qualification and certification of NDT personnel, based on some standardized approach thats recognized and agreed to by buyers and sellers of NDT-relatedinspoctions s widely prticed throughout industry. Recommended Practice No, SNFTCLIA, Personnel Qualification ‘and Cerification in Nondestructive Testing was the first document widely used for this purpose. ‘Another document initially issued by ASNT in 10991, reissued in 1995 and 2001 is ASNT CP-189: Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel. This docurient lifes from SNF-TC-1A in that it isan ANSI Standard and contains clearly defined mimimum quirements that must be satisfied in thei entirety, ‘The Basie Examination ofthe ASNT NDT Level II @ cerifiation program adresses the ost recent editions ofboth ofthese documents 'SNE-TC-1A (2001) and ANSVASNT ‘€P-189 2001) willbe analyzed paragrap-by- paragraph in the following section. Selected Ingles and responses taken from published interpretations ofered by the SNT-TC-1A Interpretation Pane are included to assist individuals in understanding some of SWE-TC-1As Philosophical intentions. The responses should be ‘considered as clarifications of intent of the recommended practice, The inguies and responses fre verbatim the way they were writen inthe year indicated inthe inguiry number. They do not Aaiess subsequent changes made to later editions fof SNP-TC-JA. CP-189 interpretations are available fon the ASNT Web site ‘The general structure and some of the details of the ASNTNDT Level It certification program nd how it supports dhe manner in which SNT-TC-1A snd CP-189 are implemented throughout industry sre also covered in Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A History of SNF-TC-IA “The reasons for which Recommended Practice SWETC-14 was created and the manner in which it evolved were described in an article published in, Materials Evaluation, October 1968, Vol. 26. No 10, pages 12-14, by Harold Hovland and Car B, Shav, titled, “How to Qualify and Contiy NDT Personnel." The following excerpts outline how ‘his important recommended pratice came into Wet te inrensing cory an tbr of rendu et bods use ard wth eater ean upon rons esting, sty hes nt ean slo rete cana in ye eno bara ina refs wi the nee. Many ‘uatomer ant al hy were ot cm he rnd et xanaons hy ey Nad pd saree ing sgt of he enous a5 he ever ad rr cantacas ond tempat to gute repens he wari ad quan dno etn of the quiets lords test persrel pan he mantis sedi he naan 0 umber of daar ing wt the {weston fe waneg, uation and catcaton o rend est panna Abou hese docuents fl pain oh same sate nt nave te sane ‘jen hr ea they ween ic ‘heey causing und eet Aen sy, ageing abut 1950, a ew crating, avert agencies an etl ios Inge of ASNT aso weer he aig and ‘ualiieton c noes et pase vas ‘oper ha dr fe Sei 196, th icy faut Tcl Conc, snd Tas Grau to sty th estilo peparng A douent et wo eal wth alg regres ant eooanetaon eet rhe ‘ultbatao of nnd est personel Ts Goup ended prepare a ecru’ prace wich coud contin re corse of exert onion red taraing of peso an average ‘eens or oa eat, tie fr one jod ‘ring, ardour, ‘Te auto SETC-1As ecard practi ‘ere qaleston and cara cf tendesiucoe ‘espera. rods frat wich inst en felon wing an nda procter te ‘uaieaten an oreo of posse whch mets Me ots nd omens ue ach sent as Contents and Intended Uses of SNETC-IA “The following information has been excerpted from the same acl cited above. The text ofthis anicle has been meified to include changes made in subsequent editions of SWP-TC-. iis end at SFO: 18s a gui for ach erp prepang te spec perso ‘ual al cata document ose et wn patos, ‘SW-TC-Asalsfah a spe odes, ss ‘he est mats, and plans he eos lee of ‘lets. he primary docu deta the ‘ane in ich esr re nanined 2d xed. The esto arses, "now doce xeon in sy parla precede pata eerie heres tet hrc witon ny ay usar of is ecu ust sat he reaurenens oe op and rst be acetal tte congas usta in corto, tiation mya ary re of oes. may ost ney ae rec of te baling eras, te waralons ard tne races of he examinations hay requ @ Cerf th Sao exe at a parla arson ‘ile oa gee 8 speci tox ray {ako the fm a card pat which an ep cartes ‘holevel fearing an quaeton os persone, ‘ha ener ase sae epentitykrth uaa a ceriatn of ts NOT pase a as fre pod For wang, en th at ple may pra a ample pred rd se his Ped unter corey. an, he enor bars fl espansybe cusnet be ‘ily of tht rece an te pod ir Wat he hoa pups tae, The ene ay eo cena ress campers and ase te an! sl te raul asa carl protien gan, th ely sy marta al carson fhe pet Way ‘tree cas, te eng beas crt ‘espns The aye reps hat het is begs sind wh sales 1, a eet in equa of uty ht wi exe the ues, nd tat wt deste he users propery. ‘The enpyeray cox io execs ary ese sreogates he rang, pals, ond ‘neato os poser Tr company ay engoy Bacon pei ane are ety ee pen wot te esporsbly woud bebe sare a ny ad ten tae ard cual tho ele. The ‘erie ey ean abn pag 38 recone ithe docu, xan se ind, an crt tam a threat o othe na Tho aploperevece is ‘eeporly thous 2 perenne crgencabon who is quai as 9 om ata ho qui fan or [rote te rag lb pesona andre ae ee non asthe acto of hese ero Tenge lect in te Le Sanices oan oud gery rete abn, el, ais ard teexarnatins fr certian Fears te met sa raring and examina ote person te pnt for ensuing hate progam ten camels wh har ‘nin race tes eh he rp Sanple quis genoa wamnates are valor ASAT Heads ach ues th eforoco sed tye cat aver. ie nent hath Lave ose ese estes a ‘als ona sou not ue to erat er ‘glifeatnn eramiatons. acon oe peal areata sei wit examin oqo, Ns end na te spe rant ret He omental usd by he ensoe barg ‘amos a ei te aqme the recedes nora se by eng a tha sal te spec equate an ousome ee emp, ’ Pra Exanraton lo nce The Fractal amination pian ahah et nd ‘exit o dlr hat be xanee undotans and nan oie te writen voces ara the une Titec tb repent o tase tate pect wl met ey ‘sou iia poit freee shod te [edt fr wich he exanine wl ga in {ie Pactzal Eaminatn, Tie may nde ich ge ce aterena tote proce, ak kan when the posi cam alone, fe pas bag tee reprettn a et, ost and he arin wie 9 rape itn, Ete Note the emphasis inthe foreging text onthe Jmout that SNTC-1A should be wed as & uideline, not a fxed requirement. This is reaffirmed on page i of SNT-TC-TA whe the follwing statement is found ‘This documents Intended a a guideline for ‘employers to etabish thor oum writen pactoe {or the quatieaion and cortication of ‘nondestuctive testing personne tis not Intended tobe used asa srt specication, rom a factual point of view; very few employers wll conform exactly tall the specifi recommendations of ST-TC-1A, Deviation from the recommendations of SWE-TC-IA should be documented in the employer's writen peactce, Overview of SNT-TC-1A 2001 ‘Tis section provides 2 paragraph-by-paragriph overview of SNETC-1A including exconps Irom the document, popular inquiries and oii responses provided by the ASNT SWP-TC-1A, Interpretation Panel, general comment bythe author nd review questions, SNE-TC-1A, Foreword Excerpt The Foreword of SNTETC-IA sates: This econo Pract sales to ea rere or aqui nd cerifiaton ora. nai, ecunent owes ‘eeamerded eaatral pee and tang ‘eqitenents rth are et roo, Sipplmerary dravvens nce queen ad arse Jn, wh my 0 ub comps ean or ner xn por “is Reconmanod Pace et reo be sd 98 he pte. ego MONE, that cnc eae porans, which meet ent of is document Fer scents puch and spol mst ae upn area fan rwyars param Te tb shoes bean sd thug tout engi the conan pesad heron. he employers spray odes. spe nes ado moa hse gules as appre a wien pace ie ere vwten patie, he wt shite be ua ce oF suf onhase te emplers neods ee archaseconpmens and asonbe tam an so the ‘ap as a cart prose hen aga, erp ‘gy anata al srpnerts th raat. ry sf hese ces, th ely bars cra responsi Te env resgensble at what og slings whe is inode, et it eat ean equa of uy, i nt Par the we, tat wl et dato the ser propery “The apy may choose io eves ayo ese rroganesin a rar, fea, nd Cerin os sae. Th xeny may rly pero reused an catty thet poole hows, he patty woud be the sane ab Fey a bee tad ae ua th ene The ‘elope conde aig progam as receded ne dou, ine ese ‘dha, a cory hem ashe slston hotte wak, Teenie wl rae is respons hgh a aon int exntatin wo S uae es Lve I and win auf to ain or ovo a taning of he pores unr Bea ‘cr jute othe aan ot se arse Teele may elect tulle he Lae Sexes of an oie agen to pri te unr, (ido, arn ael rae the eaten certo. Aeples of h maid used rang taxis of her persone, be espns esata hat be roan lee oles wh ke win pace hs wth te rl Sample quests fr goal ants are sate rom ASNT eae Each usin ces th efernce seta aay he cat ann. 6 Inde ate Lal anader hese cests 8 as oad shoul et sth eatin fr ‘asleatoe sarinators. adden oh ura ‘ania, a pei witn saninaton eae. is ended at he sai ean rt feprent at used by he oe bg anid tt efi the equa of he aaly se byte ere, sn tht say te specie eqn of any exe he emai. Praca xara lo nessa The fractal aman prewar aa et nd ‘asian odeleminn hat be ararnoe undastans ard hon owe wn process an te saprent et tes shou be reteset fos ht he ec el os aly ‘aii Gra pais ereee sh be pratlormied r which he eee wl be rat a {te Pascal aint, Timay nc uch eas 5 ce echrenoe tote proce, ain aan when ‘he roe cam be ahmed tn of he arte ning ste, retin of at ets, eon ‘he matron. ea [Note the emphasis inthe foregoing text om the intent that SNT-TC-1A should be wed es ‘guideline, nota fixed requiement. Tiss reaffirmed on page i of SNF-TC-JA where the Following statement is found ‘Ths documents ated a gidtine for ‘ployer to astabish tor oun writen pracion forth qualification and cetiieation of nondestructive testing personne is not Intended tobe use ett specication, From a factual point of view, very few employers wll conform exactly tall the specific recommendations of SNT-TC-14, Deviation from the recommendations of SNZ-TC-1A shouldbe documented in the employers written practice Overview of SNT-TC-1A 2001 This section provides a paragraph-by-paraeraph overview of SVF-TC-1A including excepts Irom the document, popular inquires and official responses povided by the ASNT SNT-TC-14 Interpretation Pane, general comments by the author, and review questions. SNETC-1A, Foreword Excerpt “The Foreword of SIPTC-IA states “Tis RoommendedPacteseclaes enor area er a uaiston an erin program. nai, be eur oes teomeded ef, experince and wang fequerets fre ore ext etods, ‘Sloman rns ne qt ond asi Ja, whieh may bo usd in corp errno or nandestciv sing pessoa “is lxanmendl Pract ct tended be sd as ti spin. ie eon, hee that cna eq paras, wich meet ei fs document Fs cna, uch and supper rust aoe up aceity fsn lyers progam, The vt shu been sed ght is ume eenghasze the canrensin peso Tari. he ener respons acess Spe nea om ese ilies as npr aie prac. he engi win prac, ab sei wed pce {fsb erohaze te employer rons, nea SNETC-1A, Sections 1, 2 and 3 Excerpt 52% teapid nat tection 4 andesucie sing NOT pak depens ‘on he capblis fre pra no ae ‘esponsbl fan pre NDT. Ths acon Pract hasbeen reps 0 eta gules fore qualia ae Caan of HOT pasar wes spectc js ‘ote ogee nowoge oe ees ees undyig the randesncte ts they ato, wines non, oer “is document proves eso te ‘etblcart oa quacatn an cxteston prugen. These ules ve bes deine ty he Anarean Say or Nero Tes, We, to Aid enpoesin ecg he ser aso be cass quay perso engace in ‘ay of he NT meats sed in Seton 3. 1s rend hat es gues may rot mprprie orca pies’ oreumstnces ‘andr apts. In eopng a witn pace ‘as requredinSacten 5, te arpa sou raen ‘hota eoornendatens preset hen and ‘nly an, a essay, ome parce neds 20 battens 2 “Tams ire n this ocr ae died as ‘ae: 2A Catan wien tsinay of ‘qolteaton, 2212 Carin Atay: th person or posons ‘report eit in te wn preci {sign tatons on bet o te ple 213. any Agere: warp fe sone big cai 214 Gasad Book vairatn:an arian istered wiht axes fence rata empl or mtr lid wth ‘rine eamietin. (28.7) 218 Cone: beng ata eile or Srl of NOT esperar sc strana byte enpya's Lott 246 Documenta he coon of rg in win fm. 22.7 plo ha corps, pat, rule ny which engos personel or wags, sl es other consis. 2218 Enon: wa acs axzorgsted Spot WOT memod under esto cf te sein nck te Pecamancs of be NOT nad and aaa aces but erie ie ‘pertinence rain aegeare. 219 Noniesucte Teg: arcs tat ies he ispectn,wsig, or reton of materi, omgotets nt ‘semble mats seri, [Bop and machina peers wit {utr inating dst te pars evcsty Trt is document he ‘arm ND pps equal oe NOT ‘these fe eral npn, aw ‘ection or pediatric oN) pasion, 21.10 Outi Agenoy a company oi ‘who ries NDT Ln srs ant noe quanto prot thse fences ho ben eewed a prot by the erly engaging the aang ios 23.31, Qualfeation deronsed lant Iwano, ang wth docu ring ‘leptin equa fo purse a oper te dts ot aspetc i 2.12 Recrnmendel Pacts: et of guieas ‘nai he erpiyetindelgng ‘flr proses rte actin ant ‘xtaton of HOT prone sty ho ‘pla’ spect rere. 21.19 aig: an xganid prog deveoed ‘wing te owleige an neces fo aration, 24.14 Wen Paco: 2 en pce onlay the employer hat ea te requremen or uct ond teria eer enor. 80 Nontecte Tesra Neto S31 ualfeson a ciao of NDT posoonel in secutane wi i Reornndod Prace enlcale wo eack oe eons nebots: Reus Enos etg acronagte estrg Lao Testing Weta Leak Tsing Lit eta Testing Mago Prce Testing "Nauten Rane Tsing strap esting ‘hematite vase etg rato ds sa Tsing 10 Coie Hi Study Gi Inquiries for SNT-TC-1A, Section 1 NOTE: The responses of the SNT-TC-14 Interpretation Panel are clarifications of intent and ae subject co the statement ofthe Scope in each edition of SNF-TC-14, paragraph 1, "Icis recognized that these guidelines may not be appropriate for certain employers” circumstances Andor applications, In developing a writen practice as required in Section 5, the employer should review the detailed recommendations presented herein and modify them as necessary, to meet particular need.” The inquiries must be ‘ated in general terms only, because the Interpretation Panel cannot serve as areleree between a buyer and seller of otherwise become involved in any specific ease. Inquiries are humbered to inclde the yer of the inguiry and refer the edition of SNTETC.1A in effect i that ‘year, unless otherwise stated inthe question, New ‘ditions of SNT-TC:1A were published in these years: 1968, 1975, 1980, 1084, 1988, 1992, 1996, and 2001 Lnguicy 76-4 Tn paragraph 1.1, note the statement regarding “personnel whose specific jobs require appropriate Knowledge of . the nondestrctve tests they perform, witness, monitor, of evaluate” The SWE-TC-IA Interpretation Panel acted onthe following inquiry about thie section. Inquiry Paragraph 1.1 of SNP-TC-IA refers individuals who “perform, witness, monitor, cvaluate” nondestructive tests, I i intended that individuals whose principal funetion ae to witness, monitor, or evaluate nondestructive tests ‘be qualified inthe same manner as those whose ‘rincipal function is to perform nondestrtive Response Wis intended thatthe employer designate through the written practice as recommended in Paragraph 5 specific jobs that require knowledge of the technical principles of nondestructive testing, ‘The employer should test he statement of paragraph 1, personnel whose specific jobs require appropriate knowledge of the tecnial Driniples underlying the nondestructive tess they perfor, witness, monitor, oc evaluat,” agains the specific ob elements of the personnel in question in order establish whether o no the specific job requires knowledge of nondestructive testing es ‘Paragraph 1.4 very clearly states the intent that the detailed recommendations of SNFTC-1A should he eeviewed and modified by the user to Satisiy unique need, This allowance was originally incorporate! in recognition of the fact that each ‘manufacturer or each service organization has & different clientele. Customer or clientele requements ultimately determine what is scceptable between buyer and seller even to the ‘details of qualifying NDT personnel Inquiry 1.” May an employer deviate from the guidelines ‘omeethis specific needs? 2 Is our company’s specific written practice scceptble? Response: 1. Yes, in accordance with Paragraph 1.4 of SNPTC-IA the employer should modily the uideines to meet his needs. 2. Itis against ASNT policy 0 judge the applicability of company documents, As a general coniment, its the employer's prerogative to establish rteria for ceniticaton. Is then the customer's prerogative to aceopt or reject those teria, Inquiry 78-7 [ASNT has received frequen inghires from variety of sources revaning mandatory imposition ofthe recommendations of SWF-TC-1A into firm and inflexible requirements. By design, this ‘document lists recommendations which are Intended tobe used selectively in support ofthe individual needs ofeach employer. However, dve in part to such requests for some 1ype of mandatory requiements document, ASNT-CP-189 was developed asa Standards document that establishes ‘he minimum requtements forthe qualification and certification of NDT personel: ASNT always intended that the recommendations of SNF-TC-1A ‘be applied with fexbility and reason, recognizing ‘that Business enterprises often may need to satisfy sifering customer requirements, Inquiry 1. Should personnel who operate (arasonic)

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