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Name of Mode of Action Indication Contraindi Side Adverse Nursing

Drug cation Effects Effects Consideration

Oxygen therapy Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen -Nurses can

Generic increases the therapy in treatment therapy is Potential initiate oxygen
Name: arterial pressure clinical is generally Adverse if patients
Oxygen of oxygen and is settings is contraindic safe, but it Effects: breach
effective in used ated in all can cause expected
Brand improving gas across patients side -Oxygen normal
Name: exchange and diverse with effects. toxicity parameters of
oxygen delivery specialties unfavorabl They -Oxidative oxygen
Alnox, to tissues, , including e include a stress saturation 
Entonox, provided that various ventilation dry or - -A medical
Ez-OX, there are types of response bloody Depression review is
Heliox, functional anoxia, to oxygen nose, of required within
Oxygen, alveolar units. hypoxia or treatment. tiredness ventilation 30 minutes 
Southern Oxygen plays a dyspnea In case of and in a select - Assess skin
Medical critical role as an and any non- morning population and provide
electron other effective headache with skin care to
Classific acceptor during disease O2 s, the skin chronic the area
ation: oxidative states and treatment around hypercarbi covered by the
low-flow phosphorylation conditions (unfavorabl the a mask.
or high- in the electron that e facemask - Pressure and
flow transport chain reduce the ventilation or nasal Retinopath moisture under
equipmen through efficiency response cannula y of the mask may
t activation of of gas resp.) can get prematurity cause skin
cytochrome c exchange mechanical irritated, -Absorption breakdown.
oxidase and ventilation and the atelectasis -Check
Doctors (terminal oxygen must be inside of frequently that
Order: enzyme of the consumpti turned to nose both prongs are
Administe electron on such as as well as might in client’s nasal
r Oxygen: transport chain). respiratory in all cases become nares
high flow This process illnesses, with dry. - Ensure that
conc. achieves trauma, patients in prongs are in
Placing successful poisonings respiratory the nares
the baby aerobic and drug coma. properly. A
in knee respiration in overdoses.  poorly fitting
chest organisms to - nasal cannula
position. generate ATP Spontaneo leads to
molecules as an usly hypoxemia
Time energy source in breathing and skin
Administ many tissues. patients breakdown.
ered: Oxygen who are - Be sure mask
June 23, supplementation requiring fits securely
2021 acts to restore supplemen over nose and
normal cellular tal oxygen mouth. A
activity at the therapy poorly fitting
mitochondrial - Any mask reduces
level and reduce patient the FiO2
metabolic who is on delivered.
acidosis. an oxygen - Monitor the pt
mask that closely for risk
is: for aspiration
1. Not - Interventions
compliant, as for partial
2. not rebreather
improving, mask; this pt
3. Or has requires close
an monitoring.
increase in Monitoring
work of ensures proper
breathing functioning
and prevents
-Post- harm.
support or

tal heat &
for artificial

Name of Mode of Action Indication Contraindi Side Adverse Nursing

Drug cation Effects Effects Consideration

Generic Morphine Morphine Used with Side Adverse - When opioid

Name: binding to opioid is used for severe effects of effects infusions are
Morphine receptors blocks the cases of Morphine are: used, NO
Sulfate transmission of managem respiratory are: ADDITIONAL
nociceptive ent of depression, ORAL/INTRAV
Brand signals, signals chronic, acute or - Convulsion ENOUS opioid
Name: pain-modulating moderate, severe Constipati ; nausea, or sedative
Duramorp neurons in the to severe bronchial on vomiting, agents should
h spinal cord, and pain. asthma in -Nausea dry mouth, be given prior
Infumorph inhibits primary an -Vomiting Constipatio to consultation.
afferent Opioids, unmonitore -Stomach n; urinary
Classific nociceptors to including d setting or pain retention, -Check the
ation: the dorsal horn morphine, in the -Diarrhea headache, patient hourly.
Opioid sensory are absence of -Loss of vertigo; Regular
agonist projection cells. effective resuscitativ appetite palpitations monitoring
analgesic Morphine has a for the e -Weight ; such as blood
time to onset of short term equipment loss hypothermi pressure and
Doctors 6-30 minutes. managem since - a; pruritus, temperature,
Order: ent of morphine Headache urticaria; pulse and
Administe pain. can further -Dizziness tachycardia respiratory rate
r Patients decrease -Spinning , are not as
Morphine taking the sensation bradycardi essential in
Sulfate, opioids respiratory -Anxiety a; blurred palliative care
0.05-0.2 long term drive. -Flushing vision; patients- can
mg/kg (up may need Paralytic (warmth, miosis; be negotiated
to 15 mg to be ileus; or tingly dependenc with ward staff
per dose) monitored obstructive feeling) y; and families.
q 4 hr, for the airway -Memory drowsiness
subcutan developme disease; problems, ; Interventions:
eously or nt of acute liver or lightheaded -Warning:
intramusc physical disease; Sleep ness; Dilute and
ularly (IM) appearanc comatose problems dizziness; administer
e, patients; (insomnia sweating; slowly IV to
Time addiction increased or strange dysphoria; minimize
Administ disorder, intracranial dreams) euphoria likelihood of
ered: and drug pressure; adverse
June 23, abuse. acute Potentially effects
2021 alcoholism. Fatal; -Use caution
Pulmonary Respiratory when injection
edema depression; IM or
resulting Circulatory subcutaneousl
from a failure; y into chilled
chemical hypotensio areas. With
respiratory n; repeated
irritant. deepening doses, an
coma; excessive
anaphylacti amount may
c reactions be absorbed
circulation is
patients that
they are
unlikely to

Educate or
instruct the
patient or the
family of the
patient to:
-Take this drug
exactly as
-Do not take
medication for
disorder, and
do not let
anyone else
take your
-Report sever
shortness of
breath or

Name of Mode of Action Indication Contraindi Side Adverse Nursing

Drug cation Effects Effects Consideration

Competitively Propranolol The most - Obtain

Generic blocks both β1 Supraventr is common The most careful medical
Name: and β2 icular contraindic side frequent history to rule
Propranol adrenergic arrhythmia ated in effects adverse out allergies,
ol receptors. When s, patients include: effects are: asthma, and
hydrochlo access to β- Ventricular with obstructive
ride receptor sites is tachycardi bronchial -Dry eyes lightheaded pulmonary
blocked by a, asthma, -Nausea ness, disease.
Brand Propranolol HCl, Tachyarrh cardiogenic - fatigue, Propranolol
Name: the chronotropic, ythmia of shock, Drowsine dyspnea can cause
HEMANG inotropic, and digitalis- sinus ss upon bronchiolar
EOL, vasodilator intoxicatio prbradycar -Diarrhea exertion, constriction
Inderal, responses to n, dia and - bronchosp even in normal
Inderal beta-adrenergic Hypertensi greater Wheezing asm, subjects.
LA, stimulation are on, than first or insomnia, - Monitor
Inderal decreased Prophylaxi degree symptoms impotence, apical pulse,
XL, proportionately. s of block, of and respiration,
InnoPran common congestive bronchitis apathy. BP, and
XL Conventional migraine, heart -Fatigue, Reducing circulation to
beta blockers Familiar or failure feeling the dose of extremities
Classific exert their hereditary unless the weak propranolol closely
ation: effects essential failure is -Hair loss frequently throughout
Anti- by reducing tremor, secondary -Slower controls period of
arrhythmi myocardial Hyperthyro to heart rate these dosage
c, Class II contractility, idism with tachyarrhyt adverse adjustment.
Non- heart rate, autonomic hmia A person effects. Consult
Selective cardiac output, symptoms, treatable who physician for
Beta- and by blockade Infantile with experienc Potentially acceptable
Blockers of the β1 hemangio propranolol es any of Fatal: parameters.
receptors of the ma (off- . these -Heart -Evaluate
Doctors renal label) symptoms Failure adequate
Order: juxtaglomerular Fallot’s should -Heart control or
Administe complex, tetralogy call their block dosage
r 0.01 which reduces (Cyanotic doctor - interval for
mg/kg/ renin secretion, spells) right bronchosp patients being
dose slow thereby reducing Portal away; asm treated for
IV push the level of Hypertensi - hypertension
over 10 circulating Ang on. -breathing Bradycardi by checking
minutes, II, which will problems a blood pressure
repeat lower total or -postural near end of
every 6-8 peripheral bronchos hypotensio dosage
hours as resistance (Esch pasms n interval or
needed. engagen, 2018) -slow - before
Max: 0.15 intermittent
heart rate administration
mg/kg/do -allergic claudicatio of next dose.
se or 1 reactions, n -Be aware that
mg/dose, such as -Raynaud’s adverse
whichever itching, phenomen reactions
is less. rashes a occur most
and hives, -dizziness frequently
Time or -confusion following IV
Administ swelling in -mood administration
ered: the face changes soon after
June 23, or tongue - therapy is
2021 -sudden nightmares initiated;
weight - however,
gain hallucinatio incidence is
-swelling ns also high
of legs, - following oral
ankles, or paraesthesi use in the
feet a older adult and
- - in patients with
circulation bronchosp impaired
problems asm kidney
such as - function.
cold hypoglyce Reactions may
hands mia or may not be
and feet -purpura dose related.
-sudden -
changes thrombocyt
in blood openia Teaching
sugar points:
-trouble Educate or
sleeping instruct the
or patient or the
nightmare family of the
s patient to:
- -Report
hallucinati difficulty
ons breathing,
night cough,
swelling of
slow pulse,
rash, fever,
sore throat

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