PT 1 - Grade 5 English Chapter 1 The Dream Catcher

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English Notes Grade : 5

Date: 03/05/2021


Pg. no. 6


A1. True or false

1. false

2. false

3. true

4. true

5. true

Pg. no.6

A2. Answer these questions.

1. The BFG brings the empty jars to catch/capture dreams.

2. The BFG is excited about the first dream that he catches as it is a wonderful dream

which will give a happy night to a toddler.

3. ‘Still as a starfish’ means motionless/unmoving/rooted to the spot.

4. Inside the jar, the trogglehumper moves violently, thrashes against the sides of the jar

and forever changes shape. According to the BFG, the reason for this kind of behaviour

is that it is a nasty dream which grows angry when caught/captured.

5. The BFG says that he would never let the trogglehumper go, for it is a nightmare

which will terrify a toddler.

Pg. no. 6

A3. Think and answer.

1. In the extract ‘The Dream Catcher’ from The BFG, catching dreams is significant as

BFG has a good understanding of the dreams as wonderful or nasty. He can blow the

good ones in the ears of the children and capture the terrifying ones and keep them away

from the children.

2. Yes, definitely, the BFG likes the children. The things that tell us about it include his

earnest desire to catch good dreams for their comfort and capture the bad ones to keep

them away from children. How he moves in the night to blow a dream in the ears of

children so that they sleep well and saving Sophie, an orphan, from fearsome giants are

other instances that tell us that he likes children and is concerned about their well-being.

Pg. no. 6

A4. Learn Interesting Terms

Roald Dahl possibly decided to make the BFG speak the way he does, termed as

gobblefunk language, for the following reasons:

a. The young readers are drawn to the interesting and funny text.

b. A new way of saying words which are easily connected, comprehended and enjoyed,

making it a unique experience.

c. This feature makes the character a memorable one in Children’s literature.

Pg. no. 8


B. prefixes and suffixes

1. impossible

2. forgetful

3. disqualified

4. misunderstood

5. hopeless

Pg. no. 9

C1. Identify and underline the nouns in these sentences. State their types.

1. Big Friendly Giant: proper noun

suitcase, ground: common and countable nouns

2. Sophie: proper noun

mist: common and uncountable noun

ears, head: countable noun

3. blood: common noun

icicles: countable noun and common noun

skin, floor: common and countable noun

4. BFG-proper noun

bottles, suitcase: common and countable nouns

5. glass: material and countable noun

Pg. no. 9

C2. Fill in the blanks using appropriate collective nouns.

1. swarm 2. set/row 3. school/shoal

4. library 5. murder

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