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GOVERNMENT LAW COLLEGE TIRONELV CONSTITUTIONAL LAW _OF NDIA ASS TANMENT FRAMONG OF ONDPAN CONSTITUTSON Name + T Archana Rog. NO: 32DE0870 clay T LLB soo 9° Af Medium =: Friglbh No- of Pages Wwhuten :N ate ef QubMbstn © 07-07-2001 adel Za Laat eT | SYNOPSIG : + Mbyte - 2 Oxsentials af this scheme - 3 Praming et dhe New Consttlotron- A Commofeoment > Corstitin - 5 Show Tee: b+ Avdhewhadive fob ar sind. T- Ropeal 8: Implomenting - g-Rele of corskohubion a framing Khoa} Norimuddiy , Str FevOre Hes ese? cubrawardy , Zaganwtah ei eeae | Sinko. Tho erst meobing of athe Assembly tums Ud ae ot pecemnbie , 4b 25 the sevetelgtt captitvant Avemnbly fir andi. en gee, v-Royondaa Priasnd ums clocked ts penmmanertt Chatman « a wos Jet vie an -abmamphese of i * bhjecbie Rasetutin ? which later dhe Yreamble of the Constetatton at Youlus eommittecs te deal swith different ages Hf re Consbibudion. The repert | f Se committer formod the bess of tohth| the fevad —dviagt oof the Constitution oo moped . ty Aiqusd 99, NAT, a drafting coat LX 7 mentkeas as set up sander dhe Chai manshyp: JL Dr BR. Ambod Kare. THe Draft Constvrurtiom uy98 published. Ln Taney , VAS» The -fosple of andia weve qoen gs months bs discus dhe draft and Propsse .amercnts As manly as -7,635 Amendments were prepessecl and 9,473 were yAttually auscused- the comntitubin Assembly pul eestor «ae raph constikybtens 9s rcorstdeved. for WY Ams. sm all the conatttiant Awwombly sok fer 2 Yoo y 1 amoniths and IB ays - Commencement of Conmskiution : The Nowy constitution wef adits disay astapod, by ale Content Assembly var 264 Nevortber , 1949 and signed by the Prostar De Rayordaa Prasad Articles 5,6,7,8,9, by,324., Bb, 367, 372, 380) 388, 341,392. -£ 393 ise! eee | Lcame nto force at once. tho vemaumung POrvestas ef the OMSL come unks force to 26th Janucuy , 1450 aphids the Aote 4 the commencomont ep} the conntttulian - (Short nthe Arle 393 goes a short Mame 48 cr cambthution - (® “the consTrTTaon OF ANDTA”. Autherttabive Text tr Hind Lanquoge : Aruile § 294-A prnvicles that the poovister has boot vmade fer the .authontat pe f athe Constitute of andi dn the Send Jani ane ethot ut shall couse oe be Published by the Prestelont sundes his Audet Reboot « ‘The constitution of tndlace Repeated mean Andepondence Ack, 1947 and athe Goverment of Andis. ACL , 1935 together uwelh alll enactments | , amunding supplomancting dhe lodley act, bu, q net ancluding cthe — Abo.bikton of Privy couneth Taarrdtetcm — Ack 1950. ay is to be noted that the Tuikdiction ap Potvy ceuneth 6 Lheae add abolished by dhe Arolitton 6} Pavg Cound quoedictim ACL, 1949 4¥hUch

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