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Millennia Institute Mathematics Department

2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

Section A: Pure Mathematics (40 marks)

1 The curve y  ax 2  bx  c , where a, b and c are real constants, passes through the points
 3, 0  and has a stationary point at 1, 4  . Find the equation of the
curve. [4]

Qn Solution
1 y  ax  bx  c

At  3, 0  , a  3  b  3  c  0

9a  3b  c  0 ------------ (1)
At 1, 4  , a 1  b 1  c  4

a  b  c  4 ------------ (2)
 2ax  b
At x  1 ,  0,
2a  b  0 ------------ (3)

Using GC,
a  1, b  2, c  3
Hence, the equation of the curve is y  x 2  2 x  3 .

Note: A stationary point being at 1, 4  gives us 2 pieces of information.

1) Substitute x  1, y  4 into equation of curve.
2) Differentiate the equation of the curve to get  2ax  b .
Then, substitute x  1,  0 into equation of curve.

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

2 The curve C has equation y   ln  5  2 x  .
3x 2
Show that the x-coordinate of the stationary point of C satisfies the equation
3x3  2 x  5  0 .
Hence find the coordinates of the stationary point. Determine, using a non-calculator
method, the nature of the stationary point. [5]

Qn Solution
  2 x 3  
(i) dy 1 1 2
 2   3 
[5] dx 3 5  2x 3x 5  2 x
For stationary points,  0.
2 2
 0
3x 5  2 x

2  5  2 x   2  3 x3   0
6 x3  4 x  10  0 (Shown)

Using G.C., x  1 .
When x  1 , y   ln 3
 1 
Hence, 1,  ln 3  (or 1, 0.765  (3 s.f.)) is a stationary point.
 3 
Method 1: First derivative test
x 1 1 1
− 0 +

 1 
Hence, 1,  ln 3  is a minimum point.
 3 
Method 2: Second derivative test
d2 y
dx 2
   
  3x 4  2 1 5  2 x   2   4 
2 4
x  5  2 x 2
d2 y 4 22
When x  1 , 2
 2  0
dx 9 9
 1 
Hence, 1,  ln 3  (or 1, 0.765  (3 s.f.)) is a minimum point.
 3 

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

3 y


The diagram shows the curve C with equation y  e2 x  2e x 2 . The curve crosses the x-
axis at the point A.

(i) Find the exact x-coordinate of the point A. [3]

(ii) Use differentiation to find the x-coordinate of the stationary point of C. [3]

Qn Solution
(i) Method 1:
[3] e2 x  2e x  2

ln e 2 x  ln 2e x  2 
ln e 2 x  ln 2  ln e x  2  2 x ln e  ln 2   x  2  ln e
2 x  ln 2  x  2
x  ln 2  2

Method 2:
e 2 x  2e x  2
e2 x
e x2
e 2 x ( x  2)  2
e x2  2
x  2  ln 2
x  ln 2  2

Method 3:
Let y  e x Note: If an exponential equation

y 2  2  e2 y 2  2 y  y e2 y  2  0
 needs to be solved exclusively by
substitution, the question would
2 give you the substitution required.
 y  0 (NA) or y  2
2 2
 e x  2  x  ln2  2 or x  ln 2
e e
Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

(ii) For stationary point of C,

Note: Since the question said “Use
[3] d 2x
 
e  2e x 2  2e2 x  2e x  2  0 differentiation”, clear algebraic steps must
be shown on how differentiation is used
 e2 x  e x2
and use of GC is not allowed to find the
 2 x  x  2  x  2
stationary point.

4 The curve C has equation y  kx 2  4 x , where k is a negative constant.

(i) Sketch C, labelling the coordinates of the points of intersection with the axes. [2]
(ii) Hence solve the equation ke  4e  0 .
2x x
(iii) Using an algebraic method, find the range of values of k such that the horizontal
line y  4k does not intersect C. [3]

Qn Solution
(i) y
[2] y  kx 2  4 x

Since k  0 , we have this

shape (can substitute
k  1 to view shape on

Note: Label coordinates in terms of k.

When y  0 , x  kx  4   0  x  0 or kx  4  0
 x
(ii) Let u  e x . Then ku 2  4u  0 .
[2] 4
From (i), u  0 or u  
ex  0 or e x  
(reject since e x  0)
4  4
Hence, since k is a negative constant,   0, x  ln    .
k  k
(iii) 4k  kx 2  4 x Sub equation of line to equation of curve to
kx  4 x  4k  0 --------  
attempt to find point(s) of intersection.
For line to not intersect C, equation   has no real roots. Hence,
b 2  4ac  0

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

 4  4k  4k   0
a  k , b  4, c  4k
16  16k 2  0
 16 1  k 2   0 Note: The quadratic curve of
 16 1  k 1  k   0 16 1  k 1  k  is a
“frowning” curve since the
coefficient of k2 is
From the graph, negative.
k  1 or k  1 (reject since k is negative)
Hence, k  1 .

Note: Cannot use GC since question needed algebraic method.

 3 x  2 2
5 (a) Find
x  dx . [2]

d  1  2x
(b) (i) Show that   . [2]
dx  4  2 x 2   4  2 x 2 3
(ii) Hence evaluate exactly

 e kx dx
0  4  2x  2 3

in terms of k, where k is a constant. [4]

Qn Solution
 3x  2 2
 
(a) 9 x 2  12 x  4 Expand numerator first and then divide
[2] dx  dx
x x each term in the numerator by the

 9 x  12  4 x dx
Remember to include +c after
9 2
 x  12 x  4 ln x  c integration!

 3x  2    3x  2 2 dx


dx 

x dx

d 

dx  4  2 x 2
 d
 
 dx 4  2 x 
2 2

1 3 3 2x
   4  2 x 2  2  4 x   2 x  4  2 x 2  2 
 

2  4  2x

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

 
  e
(b)(ii) 1
2x 1

[4]  e dx  2 
 dx 

0   4  2x 
2 3
0  4  2 x 2 3  0

   1 kx 
 2 2 
  e 
Make use of (i) result
 4  2x 0  k 0
 1 1   ek 1 
 2    
 2 2  k k 
2 ek  1
 1
2 k 2 21
 1  22  2

e 1
2 22
 2 1

6 In finance, returns mean profit from investment excluding the principal amount. John is
interested in investing his savings of $50000.

(a) He is keen to invest in BankWater Company. It is believed that John’s returns from
his investment in that year, $X (in thousand dollars), is related to the amount of
time taken, t (in years), and the amount he invested, $C (in thousand dollars), by
the following model:

X  C  ea bt  1 ,

where a and b are constants to be determined. The company has a policy that clients
must invest for at least one year before they can receive any returns.

John invests his entire savings into the company.

(i) John did some research and found that he will receive $1000 from his
investment after 2 years. Find the value of a and show that
1  51 
b  ln   . [3]
2  50 

(ii) Hence determine John’s returns after 10 years, giving your answer to the
nearest dollar. [1]

(iii) Sketch the graph of X against t. [2]

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

(b) John is keen to invest in the Great Southern Investment Company (GSIC) and the
Amazing Northern Investment Company (ANIC). John believes that his rate of
returns from GSIC, $Y (in thousand dollars per year), is related to the amount of
time taken, t (in years), by the following model:


On the other hand, John believes that his rate of returns from ANIC, $W (in
thousand dollars per year), is related to the amount of time taken, t (in years), by
the following model:

W  0.002C  2t  3

For both models, $C (in thousand dollars) denotes the amount John invested.
If John decides to invest his savings of $50000 equally in both companies in 2018,
find the exact time after he invested in which both companies first give the same
rate of returns. Determine the rate of return from each company at this
instant. [4]

Qn Solution
6(a)(i) Note that C  50 .
When t  0 , X  0 :
0  50  ea  1
e a  1  a  ln1  0

When t  2 , X  1 :
1  50  e2b  1
 e 2b  1
51  51  1  51 
e 2b   2b  ln    b  ln   (shown)
50  50  2  50 
6(a)(ii)  5ln  50
51 
 
[1] When t  10 , X  50  e  
 1  5.20404
 
 
John will have a return of $5204 (to the nearest dollar) in the 10th year.

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

Qn Solution
[2]  12 ln  50
51 
t 
X  C e  
 1
  Ensure the graph passes
 
through and labelled at  0, 0 
and does not appear in the
negative t region.

 0, 0  Label the axes correctly (X and

t t instead of x and y)

6(b) For both companies to give the same rate of returns,

[4] 0.04C 20
0.002C  2t  3    2t  3 
5t 5t
 2t  3 5  t   20
10t  2t 2  15  3t  20
2t 2  7t  5  0
 2t  5 t  1  0
t  1 or t 
The companies give the same returns first when t  1 .
John invests  $25000 in each company.
When t  1 , C  25 ,
W  Y  0.002  25   2 1  3  0.25
Hence, John’s rate of returns is $250 per year from each company when t  1 .

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

Section B: Probability and Statistics [60 marks]

7 A code consists of 6 characters. The first 4 characters of the code consist of 4 digits
chosen from 1, 2,3, 4,5, 6, 7,8 . The last 2 characters of the code consist of 2 letters
chosen from  A, B, C , D, E , F , G, H  . Repetitions are not allowed for the characters.

(i) How many different codes can be formed? [1]

(ii) How many different codes can be formed if the code contains the letter H ? [2]

(iii) The codes are used as passwords to transmit data between two platoons in a military
exercise. It is a rule within the military exercise that there must be at least 2 even
digits used in the code. How many ways can the platoon forms codes if no two
even digits can be next to each other? [3]

Qn Solution
7(i) Number of possible arrangements
[1] = 8  7  6  5  8  7 or 8 P4  8 P2 or 8C4  4! 8C2  2!
= 94080

1. (For 8  7  6  5  8  7 ) Using “box method”, we look at the number
of choices of numbers or letters for each character. Since repetitions are
no allowed, the number of choices reduces by one after each character
is filled.

2. 8 P4 or 8C4  4! is for choosing any 4 numbers and arranging the 4

chosen numbers for first 4 characters. 8 P2 or 8C2  2! is for choosing
any 2 letetrs and arranging the 2 chosen letters for last 2 characters.

7(ii) ____|H_
[2] ____|_H

Number of possible arrangements

 8  7  6  5  2! 7 1 or 8C4  4! 2! 7 1 or 8 P4  2! 7 1
 23520

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

7(iii) Do note that there can only be two even digits present in order to fulfil the
[3] restriction.
Method 1 (Consider Cases)
There are three cases for 2 even digits to not be next to each other.
Case 1: EOEO|_ _
Number of choices  4  4  3  3 C  2!  8064
Case 2: OEOE|_ _
Number of choices  4  4  3  3 C  2!  8064
Case 3: EOOE|_ _
Number of choices  4  4  3  3 C  2!  8064
Total number of choices  8064  8064  8064  24192
Method 2 (Method of insertion)
_O_ O_ |_ _
Number of choices
 4
C2  2!  4
C2  3
C2  2!
Choose 2 odd digits and arrange them Choose 2 even digits Out of 3 positions, choose 2 positions to house the even digits

 C  2!

Choose two alphabets and arrnage them

 24192
Total number of choices = 24192

8 In a recent mathematics test, it is known that on average, 6 out of 10 students in the

Institute scored an A grade. It is assumed that the grade of the students is independent of
the students’ stream and class. Mr Wong is interested to find out how well his 20 students
in 17C7 fared for the mathematics test.

(i) Write down the mean of the number of students who scored an A in 17C7 for the
mathematics test. [1]

(ii) Find the probability that there are at least 5 students but fewer than 12 students
scoring an A grade in 17C7. [2]

(iii) Mr Wong returns the scripts to his students after marking. Find the probability that
the eighth script that he returns is the third script that has an A grade. [2]

(iv) Mr Wong has n students in 17A6. He will consider 17A6 to have performed well
if the probability of more than two students scoring an A for the test is at least 0.99.
Find the smallest integer value of n for 17A6 to have performed well. [2]

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

Qn Solution
8(i) Let X be the number of students who scored A in 17C7, out of 20.
[1] Then X B  20, 0.6  . Formula for E(X) for
E  X   20  0.6   12 binomial distribution is in
8(ii) P  5  X  12   P  5  X  11
 P  X  11  P  X  4 

 0.40408
 0.404 (3 s.f.)

8(iii) Method 1: Define new binomial random variable

[2] Let Y be the number of students who scored A in 17C4 out of 7.
Then Y B  7, 0.6  .
Required probability  P Y  2   0.6
 0.046449
 0.0464 (3 s.f.)

Method 2: Manually calculate the probability

Required probability
 7
C2  0.6  0.6  5  0.6
Choose 2 scripts out of the first 7 to have an A grade The other 5 scripts do not have an A grade 8th script has an A grade

8(iv) Let W be the number of students who scored A in 17A6, out of n.

[2] W B  n, 0.6 
P W  2   0.99
1  P W  2   0.99

n 1  P W  2 
10 0.9877
11 0.9972
12 0.9987
Hence, smallest integer value of n = 11.

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions


21 x 10

11 6


Millennia Institute offers the following three subjects in the Commerce stream at H2
level: Economics, Principles of Accounting (PAA) and Management of Business (MOB).
Every student in the Commerce stream studies at least one of these subjects. The number
of students studying different combinations of these subjects are shown in the Venn
diagram. The number of students who study MOB and PAA, but not Economics, is x.
One of the students is chosen at random.

 A is the event that the student studies PAA.

 E is the event that the student studies Economics.
 M is the event that the student studies MOB.

(i) Write down expressions for P  A  and P  A M  in terms of x. [2]

(ii) Given that events M and A are independent, show that x  15 . [2]

Using this value of x, find

(iii) 
P  A  E   M ,  [1]

(iv)  
P  A  M  E . Explain also what this probability means in the context of the

question. [2]

Three students from the cohort are chosen at random.

(v) Find the probability that among the three students, one takes exactly 2 out of the 3
subjects, the other student takes only PAA, and the remaining student takes all 3
subjects. [3]
Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

Qn Solution
9(i) 49  x
P  A  Given that a student takes MOB already, what is the
[2] 81  x probability he/she takes PAA as well?
n A M 
P A M  
17  x P A M  
33  x n M 

P A M 
P A M  
PM 
17  x
 81  x
33  x
81  x
17  x

33  x

9(ii) If A and M are independent events,

[2] Method 1 (Preferred)
P  A  P  A M 
x  49 x  17

x  81 x  33
 x  33 x  49    x  17  x  81
x 2  98 x  1377  x 2  82 x  1617
16 x  240
x  15 (Shown)

Method 2
P  A  M   P  A  P  M 
x  17  x  49   x  33 
  
x  81  x  81   x  81 
 x  81 x  81 x  17    x  81 x  49  x  33
 x  81 x  17    x  49  x  33
x 2  98 x  1377  x 2  82 x  1617
16 x  240
x  15 (Shown)

P  A  E   M   1096  485
Note: This refers to the probability that a student does not take PAA or Economics,
and but takes MOB.

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

P  A  M  E   1650  258
Note: This refers to the probability that a student does not take PAA or MOB,
given that the student takes Economics.


This refers to the probability that a student only takes Economics, given that the
student takes Economics.

9(v) Note: There are 11  6  15  32 students who take exactly 2 out of 3 subjects, 21
[3] students who take only PAA and 17 students who take all 3 subjects. Each student
of a particular category will never be inside another category.

Method 1: Counting idea

No. of ways to select one student from each category

Required Probability 
Total no. of ways to select 3 students from 96
C1 21C1 17C1
Required probability  96


Method 2: Consider the order of choosing the students

32 21 17
Consider one particular case:  
96 95 94
21 32 17
Another case:  
96 95 94

Numerator always contains the product of 32, 21, 17 as the categories do not
overlap. The denominator decreases by 1 each time a student is chosen.
__ __ __
There are 3! ways to arrange the 3 students.

32  2117
Required probability   3!
96  95  94


Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

10 In an experiment, a biased coin is flipped 10 times. The probability of obtaining a head

is p, where p  0.5 .

(i) If the variance of the number of heads obtained in the experiment is 1.6, find the
value of p. [2]

The experiment is then repeated 100 times.

(ii) Find the approximate probability that the average number of heads obtained is less
than 8.03. [3]

Qn Solution
10(i) Let X be the number of heads obtained for the 10 flips. Then X B 10, p  .
Since Var  X   1.6 , Formula for Var(X) for Binomial
10 p 1  p   1.6 distribution is in MF26.

10 p  10 p 2  1.6
 10 p 2  10 p  1.6  0
From GC, p  0.2 (reject since p  0.5) or p  0.8

10(ii) E  X   np  10  0.8   8 Formula for E(X) for Binomial

Var  X   1.6 distribution is in MF26.
 1.6 
Since n  100 is large, then by Central Limit Theorem, X N  8, 
 100 

 
P X  8.03  0.59374 Formula for E(X) is in MF26.

 0.594 (3 s.f.)

Remember to square root the variance when keying into the GC.

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

11 Windmills made by students for Institute Day 2018 are said to be of height 1.5 m. A
random sample of 50 windmills is taken and the height, x m, of each windmill is measured.
The data is summarised by

 x  78 , x 2
 124.8 .

(i) Explain what is meant in this context by the term ‘a random sample’. [1]

(ii) Find the unbiased estimates of the population mean and variance. [3]

A student claims that the population mean height of windmills is more than 1.5 m. To
check the validity of his claim, a test at the 5% level of significance is carried out.

(iii) Explain, in this context, what is meant by ‘a 5% significance level’. [1]

(iv) Test whether the student’s claim is valid. [4]

(v) Another 2-tail test is conducted at 5% level of significance using the same data as
above. Without carrying out the test, state with a reason, whether the conclusion of
the test in part (iv) would remain the same. [2]

A new sample of 40 windmills is taken. The unbiased estimates of the population mean
and variance are 1.5 m and 0.345 m2. The population mean height is denoted by  . The
null hypothesis   0 is to be tested against the alternative hypothesis   0 at 5%
significance level.

(vi) If the conclusion of the test is that we reject the null hypothesis, find the range of
values of 0 . [4]

Qn Solution
11(i) A random sample is a sample where each windmill has equal chance of being
[1] selected, and the selection of a windmill is independent of another windmill.

[3] x
 x  78  1.56 m
n 50

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

1   x 

s 

49 
 x2 

 
1  782 
 
49  50 

3.12  78 
  0.063673  0.0637  3 s.f   or 
49  1225 

11(iii) 5% level of significance means 0.05 is the probability that the population mean
[1] height of a windmill is more than 1.5 m, when in fact the population mean height
of a windmill is 1.5 m.

Note: You have to answer in context of the question.

11(iv) Let X be the height, in m, of a windmill.

[4] Let  be the population mean height of windmills.

H 0 :   1.5
H1 :   1.5

Under H 0 , since n = 50 is large, by Central Limit Theorem,

 0.063673   78 
X ~ N 1.5,  approximately.
 50   
Or X ~ N 1.5, 1225 
Use z-test at   0.05 .  50 
 
From GC, p  value  0.046347  0.0463 (3 s.f.)

Since p -value  0.0463  0.05 , we reject H0. There is sufficient evidence at the
5% level of significance that the population mean height of windmills is more than
1.5 m.

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

11(v) Note that for the 2-tail test, new p-value  2   old p-value 
 2  0.046347 

 0.092694  0.0927  0.05

Hence, we do not reject H0 and thus, the conclusion will not be the same.

11(vi) Let X be the height, in m, of a windmill.

[4] Let  be the population mean height of windmills.
H 0 :   0
H1 :   0
 0.345 
Under H 0 , since n = 40 is large, by Central Limit Theorem, X ~ N  0 , 
 40 
X  0
Test statistic, Z  ~ N  0,1
Use z-test at   0.05 .
1.5  0
Corresponding test-statistic value: z  .
Critical value: 1.6448
Rejection region: z  1.6448


1.5  0
Since H 0 is rejected, test statistic value z  falls in rejection region.
1.5  0
 1.6448
1.5  0  1.6448
 0  1.6528
0  1.6528

Hence, 0  1.65 (3 s.f.)

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

12 Apples and oranges have masses, in g, that are normally distributed with means and
standard deviations as shown in the table.

Mean Standard Deviation

Apples 70 

Oranges  5

(i) It is known that 95% of the apples have masses more than 65 g. Show that   3.04 ,
correct to 2 decimal places. [3]

(ii) It is known that 21.2% of the oranges have masses less than 127 g. Without
performing any calculations, explain why   127 . [1]

(iii) Given also that 21.2% of the oranges have masses more than 135 g, state the value
of  . [1]

(iv) Hence find the probability that a randomly chosen orange has a mass of more than
130 g. [1]

(v) Find the probability that a randomly chosen orange weighs more than twice the
mass of a randomly chosen apple. [3]

Calista randomly chooses 3 apples and 4 oranges from the vendor.

(vi) State the mean and variance of the total mass of the apples and oranges she bought.
Hence find the probability that the total mass of the apples and oranges she bought
is more than 750g. [3]

(vii) State an assumption for your calculations in part (vi). [1]

A café is interested in buying cartons of oranges to prepare fruit juices for sale. Being
particular about the quality of the oranges, the café will randomly choose 50 oranges
from a carton. If there are at least 15 oranges that have a mass of less than 127 g, the café
will reject the carton.

(viii) State one assumption for the number of oranges that have a mass of less than
127 g to be modelled by a binomial distribution. [1]

(ix) Assuming the Binomial model to be valid, find the probability that a randomly
chosen carton of oranges is rejected by the café. [3]

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

Qn Solution
12(i) Let A be the mass, in g, of a randomly chosen apple.
[3] Then A N  70,  2  .
P  A  65   0.95
 A  70 65  70   5
P    0.95  P  Z     0.95 , where Z ~ N  0,1
     
Using G.C.,   1.6449

Hence,    3.0397  3.04 (3 s.f.)

12(ii) Let R be the mass, in g, of a randomly chosen orange.

[1] Then R N   ,52  .


127 
Since P  R  127   0.212  0.5 , then this implies that the mean   127 g .

12(iii) Method 1: Using symmetry

[1] 127  135
  131 g
Since P  R  127   0.212  P  R  135  ,
the mean  must be equidistant from 127 and 135.

Method 2: invNorm (inefficient)

 127   
P  R  127   0.212  P  Z    0.212
 5 
127  
Using GC,  0.79950
127    5  0.79950 
   131.00
  131 (3 s.f.)

12(iv) P  R  130   0.57926  0.579 (3 s.f.)

Millennia Institute Mathematics Department
2021 PU2 H1 Mathematics 2018 MYE Suggested Solutions

12(v) Required Probability  P  R  2 A   P  R  2 A  0 

Let W  R  2 A
E W   E  R   2E  A   9
Var W   Var  R   22 Var  A 
  5   4  3.04 
2 2

 61.966
Then, W N  9, 61.966 
P W  0   0.12645  0.126 (3 s.f.)

12(vi) Let T be the total mass, in g, of apples and oranges Calista bought.
[3] Then T  A1  A2  A3  R1  R2  R3  R4 .
E T   3E  A   4E  R   734
Var T   3Var  A   4Var  R 
 3  3.04   4  5 
2 2

 127.72
T N  734,127.72 
P T  750   0.078414  0.0784  3 s.f.

12(vii) The mass of each fruit, within each type and across each type, is independent.
12(viii) Any one of the assumptions (do not state assumptions that have been given by the
[1] question already):
 The event that a randomly chosen orange has a mass of less than 127 g is
independent of other oranges.
 The probability that a randomly chosen orange has a mass of less than 127 g
is the same for each orange.

12(ix) Let X be the number of oranges that have mass of less than 127 g, out of 50.
[3] Then X B  50, 0.212  Probability that a randomly chosen
orange has a mass less than 127 g was
P  X  15   1  P  X  15  given in part (ii)
 1  P  X  14 
 0.092051
 0.0921 (3 s.f.)


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