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Common Issues

1-Try for free button of the marquee looks bigger in size.

In IE11, both the buttons look distorted

2-Lightroom classic mini plans modal is not visible properly.

3- Try for free and learn more CTAs of the all the three cards still have the same custom link

4- same custom link is getting triggered on click of “buy now/learn more” CTA of all the merch pods.

Buy now|CCPages|Photoshop-Photo-Ind-Step|AppReco|merch|prsnlz-default|OPT-9667|Merch|

Learn more|CCPages|Photoshop-Photo-Ind-Step|AppReco|merch|prsnlz-default|OPT-9667|

Note- Same for default as well (Buy now|CCPages|Photoshop|PageDesign|Blade|Merch|

5- Header is not updated for – result 1, 3 ,4, 5-(bug 18)

Updated for -result 2

6-A) There is no tracking on click of CTAs “learn more” and “start free trial” of the STE banner. And
links are same as that of the marquee (as per @Darius)- result 3 , 4

B) At the banner, Price mentioned is $25.99(all apps) but it is going to checkout page with pricing
$12.99(same as that of marquee and to photography 20gb)- Bug2

A) Learn more CTA of the bottom (STE related pages)

Learn more - 1|CCPages|Photoshop-Photo-STE-Step|AppReco|merch|prsnlz-default|OPT-9667

Learn more|CCPages|Photoshop-Photo-STE-Step|AppReco|merch|prsnlz-default|OPT-9667|

result4.html,result25.html and result26.html

1- Image is clickable and going to the acrobat pro page.

Result 24-

1-On click of the CTA “learn more” from the bottom(STE pages) , It is firing custom link “Learn more
– 1” for this result page . Whereas for other pages , it is as per the result pages.
2-STE banner is not present on the page(bug21)

New observations
Result page 5,4 3

Buy now|CCPages|Photoshop-Design-Ind-Step|AppReco|merch|prsnlz-default|OPT-9667|Merch|

Learn more|CCPages|Photoshop-Design-Ind-Step|AppReco|merch|prsnlz-default|OPT-9667|

result page-24,26

Analytics tracking for merch blade CTAs is same as that of default for this particular result page. For
other pages , it is as per the quiz result .

Buy now|Merch|Prsnlz-Default

Learn more|Merch|Prsnlz-Default

2- There is no tracking on marquee “learn more”/start free trial-result2


1-Result page 3,4-

“learn more “ is going to buy/students now—Fixed

2-result4.html,result25.html and result26.html-fixed

Image is clickable and going to the acrobat pro page.

3- Get Photoshop as part of the Creative Cloud Photography Plan for as low as CAD $12.99/mo.-
Bug2-Price is different on the banner

3- Not fixed for my urls

4- Jj
5- Fixed
6- Existing- result page-1, 2,3,4

10,11- Copy is not as per the xd


Add in comment

1-Alignment issue

Cards alignment- result 1

2- Image is clickable and going to acrobat page(result 2,11)

Analytics and link issues

3- There is no tracking on click of

A)“browse photography tutorial” .- Result 2(bug25), 13

B)start free trial and learn more- Result 2, result 3

C)banner learn more and start free trial(STE) – result 3, result4

result page-24,26

Analytics tracking for merch blade CTAs is same as that of default for this particular result page. For
other pages , it is as per the quiz result .

Buy now|Merch|Prsnlz-Default

Learn more|Merch|Prsnlz-Default

Result page12

n Photoshop-STE-Livestream

1- Analytics tracking
Actual Learn more-1|CCPages|Photoshop-Design-STE-Live|AppReco|marquee|prsnlz-
default|OPT-9667|We recommend Photoshop.

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