LBS Byelaw

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Notification under section 310, of the District Municipalities Act 1920,

as amended

Bylaws - Coimbatore Municipal Council - Licensing of Building Surveyors.


The following by-laws relating to the licensing of Building Surveyors and for their
compulsory employment by owners or others submitting building plans to the
Municipality adopted by the Municipal Council of Coimbatore in its resolution No. 1258
dated 31.3.1952 and approved and confirmed by the Inspector of Municipal councils and
Local Boards, Madras in his Proceedings. D,Dis. No. 47034/52 dated 30.10.52
hereby Published under sub-section (2) of section 310 of the District Municipalities Act,
1920 as amended. They come into operation three months after the date of publication in
the Coimbatore. District Gazette.

Coimbatore Corporation.


Under section 306(10) (c) of the Madras District Municipalities Act 1920 for the
licensing of surveyors and for their compulsory employment by owner or other persons
submitting buildings plans to Municipalities.


1. Every plan required to be submitted under the Madras District Municipalities Act
1920 (hereinafter called the Act) or any rule, by-law regulation or direction made
there under, shall be prepared by a Licensed Municipal Building or Plan
SURVEYOR hereinafter called 'LICENSED SURVEYOR'.

2. No Plan shall be accepted by the authority to which it is submitted unless it is

prepared and certified by a LICENSED SUVEEYOR and also signed by the
owner or other person, as the case may be submitting the plan,

3. Every person who desires to serve as a LICENSED SURVEYOR shall submit an

application to the Executive authority in the form prescribed by him together with
a License fee for the year for which the License is required and a security deposit.

4. No person shall be granted a License by the Executive authority to serve a


(i) Has paid License fee and the security deposit specified in by-laws 3.
(ii) The licensed surveyor possesses at least the qualifications prescribed by the
provincial Government for a draughtsman, surveyor, tracer or estimator and in
addition a fair knowledge of English and the language of the district and,

(iii) is considered fit and suitable for the due performance and proper fulfillment of
all duties required of such surveyor.

Note: - The estimator should have passed the Higher Grade of the Government technical
examination in Building, Drawing and Estimating and should, in addition, possess
practical experience for a period of two years in surveying and plan drawing.

5. The Executive authority may in his discretion grant or refuse a license. In case he
refuses to grant a License, the License fee and the security deposit shall be
refunded to the applicant.
6. The security deposit amount shall ordinarily be refunded to the licensee by the
Executive authority on the cancellation of a License; but if he is satisfied that loss
has been occasioned to the Municipal Council by anything done or omitted to be
done by the license

7. A licensed surveyor whose License has been cancelled by the Executive

Authority shall return his License to the Executive authority within twenty-four
hours of the time of the delivery of the order canceling the same, failing which the
Executive authority may withhold, refund of the security deposit until the License
is returned; and if the License is not returned within three days from such date the
security deposit shall be deemed to be forfeited to the Municipal Council.

8. Every application for the renewal of License shall be submitted to the Executive
authority together with a renewal fee for the year in which the renewal is required.
The application shall be accompanied by the License in respect of which the
renewal is required.

9. A register of licensed surveyors shall be maintained by the Executive Authority

and an up-to-date list of such surveyors showing their addresses and the period for
which their License holds good, shall be kept for inspection at the Municipal
office hours. A copy of the same may be sent to any owner or other person on
application to the Executive authority accompanied by an addressed and stamped

10. Every Licensed granted under these by-laws shall be in the form specified in the
Appendix, shall be signed by the Executive authority and shall also specify the
period for which its granted and the conditions which shall be complied with by
the licensed surveyor. The Executive authority may vary, from time to time, the
conditions specified in the form of license.

11. A licensed surveyor may also be engaged by any owner or other person to
supervise any construction of streets, buildings or other works which have been
duly licensed by the Municipality, on such conditions and terms as may be
specified by the council from time to time, but he shall not undertake the
supervision of any construction or work not authorized or licensed by the
Municipal council or its Executive authority.
12. Every Licensed Surveyor shall, in preparing the plans, comply with all the
provisions and requirements of the Act and rules, by-laws and regulations made
there under and force for the time being in the Municipality and furnish all
necessary measurements and particulars, In respect of such plans, in accordance
with the said provisions and requirements.

13. Every Licensed surveyor, shall forth with report to the Executive authority if he
finds any work, commenced being proceeded with or completed either
unauthorisedly or without proper permission or license or in contravention of any
of the provisions or requirements of the Act and rules, by-laws and regulations
made there under and in force for the time being in the Municipality.

14. Every Licensed surveyor shall be entitled to charge from the owner or other
persons who employs or engages him, for the preparation of plans on which he is
engaged, a reasonable fees not exceeding the rate prescribed by the Municipality.
A copy of the schedule of rates of license fees payable by parties may be obtained
by a Licensed surveyor or owner or other person from the Municipal Office on
payment of the cost fixed therein or may be inspected free of cost at the
Municipal Office during hours.

15. Any Licensed surveyor, who contravenes any of these by-laws, or any of the
conditions of the license granted to him, shall be punishable with fine.

16. Notwithstanding any thing contained in these by-laws, the Executive authority
may permit any owner or other person to have any plan which is required to be
submitted in accordance with by-law 1 prepared through the Municipal Town
Planning and Building Inspector, Draughtsman, surveyor or tracer, on payment to
the Municipality of such fees as may be prescribed by the Executive authority.
gotk; tpiy +. 10/-
Cost of application Rs. 10/-

1/- ePjpkd;w Kj;jpiu

tpy;iy xl;Lf
Affix Rs. 1/- court fee stamp

nfhak;g[j;J}h; khefuhl;rp
chpkk; bgw;w fl;ol msitauhf chpkk; bgw tpz;zg;g gotk;
Coimbatore Corporation

tpz;zg;gjhuupd; nghl;nlh mtUila ifbahg;gKld;

,';F xl;lg;gl ntz;Lk;. (chpkj;jpy; xl;Ltjw;F
kw;bwhU nghl;nlh ,izf;fg;gl ntz;Lk;).
Affix Photo
A passport size photo of the applicant duly signed by him
to be affixed here. (Another copy of photo to be
enclosed so as to affix the same in the licensed order.)


Mizahsh; mth;fs;/ nfhak;g[j;J]h; khefuhl;rp.


The Commissioner, Coimbatore Corporation.


ehd; nfhak;g[j;J}h; khefuhl;rpapd; chpkk; bgw;w fl;ol msitahuhf gzpahw;w

tpUk;g[fpnwd;. ehd; murpdh;/ khefuhl;rp kw;Wk; ,ju mjpfhuk; bgw;w mjpfhhpfspdhy;
mt;tg;nghJ mwptpf;fg;gLk; rl;;l jpl;l';fSf;F cl;gl;L bray;gLntd; vd cWjp
TWfpnwd;. ehd; ,j;Jld; chpa mDkjpf; fl;lzKk; cj;jputhj itg;g[j; bjhifa[k;
brYj;jptpLfpnwd; nkYk; fPnH Fwpg;gpl;l njitahd tpgu';fisa[k; rkh;g;gpj;Js;nsd;.


I desire to serve as a Licensed Building Surveyor in the City Municipal Corporation of

Coimbatore. I assure that I will abide to all the rules and regulations etc., issued by the
Government Corporation or any other Competent Authority from time to time. I remit
herewith the necessary License fees and security deposit/I also herewith the necessary
particulars, as follows:

1. tpz;zg;gjhuhpd; bgah; Name of the Applicant :

2. jfg;gdh; / fzth; bgah; Name lf the Father / Husband :
3. gpwe;j njjp (rhd;Wld;) Date of Birth (with Proof) :
4. jw;nghija Kfthp (jghy; mDg;g ntz;oa Kfthp
Present Address (to which communications are to be sent) :

5. epue;jpu Kfthp Permunent Adress (Residetial) :

6. bgw;w bjhHpy; El;g fy;tp tpgu';fs; chpa rhd;Wld; :
Technical qualification acquired (with proof there of)

t.vz; njh;r;rp bgw;w njh;t[ njh;t[ ele;j khjk; kw;Wk; rhd;wpjH; vz; kw;Wk; rhd;wpjH; tH';fpa
s. No. Name of Exam/ tUlk; ehs; mjpfhhp
Passed. Month & year of the Certificate No & date. Authority by whom the
Examination held. certificate was issued.

7. jw;nghija cj;nahfk; muRj; Jiwah

my;yJ brhe;jkhdjh? :
Present occupation, if any whether in Government
or Private?

8. Ke;ija mDgt';fs; (chpa rhd;WfSld;) :

Previous Experience if any (with proof thereof)

9. ,ju cs;shl;rp epWtd';fsp; chpkk; :

bgw;wpUe;jhy; mjd; tpgu';fs;
Details of license obtained
if any in other local bodies

10. Kd;g[ VnjDk; chpkk; bgwg;gl;L ,ilapy; :

Whether obtained license previously
and discontinued (if so the reason for
such discontinuation such as non - renewal,
disqualification, debarment or cancellation etc.
to be explained)

ehs; : tpz;zg;gjhuh; ifbahg;gk;

,lk; : Signature of the Applicant
gotk; tpiy +. 10/-
Cost of application Rs. 10/-

+.1/- ePjpkd;w Kj;jpiu

tpy;iy xl;Lf
Affix Rs. 1/- court fee stamp

nfhak;g[j;J}h; khefuhl;rp
chpkk; bgw;w fl;ol msitau; chpkj;jpid g[Jgpf;f tpz;zg;g gotk;



Mizahsh; mth;fs;/ nfhak;g[j;J}h; khefuhl;rp.


The Commissioner, Coimbatore Corporation.

Iah/ sir,

ehd; nfhak;g[j;J}h; khefuhl;rpapd; chpkk; bgw;w fl;ol msitauhf chpkk; bgw;Ws;nsd;

,jid nkw;bfhz;L xU tUlj;jpw;F g[Jg;gpf;f tpUk;g[fpnwd;. ehd; ,j;Jld; njitahd
chpkf; fl;lzk; kw;wk; TLjy; itg;g[j; bjhifapid brYj;jpa[s;nsd;. nkYk; fPnH
fz;Ls;sthW njitahd tpgu';fis bjhptpf;fpnwd;.

I have obtained license as Licensed Building Surveyor in the City Municipal Corporation
of Coimbatore, I desire to renew the same for another one year, I remit herewith
necessary renewal fees and balance security deposit. I also furnish herewith necessary
particulars as follows.

1. tpz;zg;gjhuhpd; bgah; kw;Wk; Kfthp :

Name of the Applicant with address
(with Block letter)

2. bgw;w bjhHpy; El;g fy;tp tpgu';fs; :

chpa rhd;Wld;
Technical qualification acquired
(with proof thereof)
t.vz; njh;r;rp bgw;w njh;t[ njh;t[ ele;j khjk; kw;Wk; rhd;wpjH; vz; kw;Wk; rhd;wpjH; tH';fpa
s. No. Name of Exam/ tUlk; ehs; mjpfhhp
Passed. Month & year of the Certificate No & date. Authority by whom the
Examination held. certificate was issued.

3. khefuhl;rpapy; tH';fg;gl;l mry; :

chpkj;jpd; vz; kw;Wk; tH';fg;gl;l ehs;
(efy; ,izf;fg;gl ntz;Lk;)
Number and date in which the original license
was issued by the Corporation,
(Xerox copy of License to be enclosed)

4. Ke;jpa chpkk; vJtiuapy; g[Jgpf;fg; gl;Ls;sJ :

(cj;jput[ vz; kw;wk; ehs; efy; ,izf;fg;gl
Date up to which the license was renewed
previously with order No, and date
(Xerox copy to be enclosed).

5. jw;nghJ vJtiu chpkk; g[Jg;gpf;fg;gl ntz;Lk; :

Period of renewal of License now requested.

ehs; : tpz;zg;gjhuh; ifbahg;gk;

,lk; : Signature of the Applicant

Under Bye-Law 8 and 10 of the Bye-Law made by Coimbatore Corporation

Council Under Section 432 (12) (c), Coimbatore Corporation Act 1981.

Under the bye-laws made by Coimbatore Corporation under section 432 (12) (c),
Coimbatore Corporation Act 1981 the Commissioner of Coimbatore City
Municipal Corporation hereby issue license to

Thiru :

Licensed Surveyor :

Grade :

Period :

L.B.S.No. :

This Licence is not transferable to any other person and should be produced by the
licencee whenever required to do by the Commissioner.

Application for Renewal should be before the end of February …. together

with the fees.

The Licencee shall be entitled to charge for the preparation of plans of other works
from the owner or other person who employ's or engages him, a reasonable fee or
fees not exceeding the rate or rates prescribed by the Commissioner, Coimbatore
Corporation from time to time under by-law 15.

The Licencee is bound to comply with all the conditions prescribed by the
Commissioner of Coimbatore Corporation from time to time, L.B.S. Number
should be noted in every plan along with the signature.

Any failure on the part of the licencee to abide by or comply with any of the
conditions will entail not only fine which along with any a loss occassioned to the
Corporation by any thing done or omitted to be done by him will be recovered
from his security deposit but also cancellation of his licencee and will further
involve him in all the necessary consequences of penal action, if any instituted
against him including any civil liabilities.
For Commissioner
Coimbatore Corporation.
Conditions of license

(1) It’s the duty of the Licensed Surveyor that in all matters where in he is
employed or engaged :
(a) to comply with any orders passed and communicated to him by the Executive
authority and
(b) to satisfy himself that the survey boundaries of the site or sites for building and the
streets with their dimensions are correctly marked in the site plans, or layout plans,
that no encroachments are made into any street or other municipal or Corporation

(2) In the case of every building plan prepared by him for the construction,
reconstruction, or alteration or addition to any building, he shall besides complying
with requirements of the Building rules and the Town Planning Scheme requirements,
if they are also applicable to such building furnish a report dealing with the existing
state of affair. (Accompanied by such plans as may be necessary to show the state of
existing building or buildings in the site with adequate details).

(3) The design of the floors or roofs, walls and other parts of the structure or building and
the nature of the soil and subsoil of the site and as to how the safety and stability of
the foundations were determined by him to be shown.

(4) It shall be incumbent on the Licensed Surveyor to co-operate with and assist the
Executive authority and municipal Town Planning and Building staff, in the carrying
out of, and in enforcing strictly, the provisions of the Coimbatore Corporation and the
rules, by-laws and regulations made there under and for the time being in force.

(5) The Licensed Surveyor shall not, while employed as such surveyor, do anything,
prejudicial to public interests and the objects for which he is licensed, or be a party to
any evasion of the provisions of the Act and the rules, by-laws and regulations made
there under and for the time being in force, and if he has reason to believe that the
owner or the Executive authority.

(6) Building plans should not be prepared for unapproved layouts.

(7) Solar Systems provision to be incorporated in the plan.

(8) Rainwater percolation pit details should be shown and to be enforced.


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