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A compound die will be used to blank and punch a large washer out of 6061-T6

aluminum alloy and clearance is 6% of the stock thickness. The stock thickness is
3.50 mm. The outside diameter of the washer is 50 mm and the inside diameter is
15 mm. Determine (a) the punch and die sizes for the blanking operation, and (b)
the punch and die sizes for the punching operation (c) force required (d) energy
t = stock thickness = 3.5 mm
c = clearance per side = 0.06 x 3.5 = 0.21 mm
τ s = 210 N/mm2 (UTS = 310 N/mm2 and yield strength = 275 N/mm2)
(i) Punching operation
Punch diameter = desired hole diameter = Ø 15 mm
Die bore = Punch diameter + 2 x clearance = 15 + 2 x 0.21 = Ø 15.42 mm
(ii) Blanking operation
Die bore = desired blank size = Ø 50 mm
Punch diameter = Punch diameter - 2 x clearance = 50 - 2 x 0.21 = Ø 49.58 mm
(iii) Cutting force requirement
Since both operations are carried out simultaneously, the total load will be sum of the
loads at individual station.
Cutting perimeter (p) = π(50 +15) = 204.2 mm. Taking shear strength of aluminium as
210 N/mm2 = 0.21 kN/mm2
F= p ×t × τ s =¿204.2 x 3.5 x 0.21 = 150 kN
A suitable press will have margin of 30% tonnage and hence have a tonnage rating of
= 1.3 x 150 = 195 kN = 20T
The energy required for the cutting operation:
E = cutting force x distance travelled
Distance travelled = penetration = Coefficient of penetration x stock thickness = k.t

The energy requirement for washer is:
E=F × k × t k =coefficient of penetration = 0.6 for annealed soft steel
= 150 x 0.6 x 3.5 = 315 kN mm = 315 Nm
= 315 J
A hole Ø100 mm diameter is to be punched in a steel plate of 6 mm thick. The
material is cold rolled C40 steel for which the maximum shear strength can be
taken as 550 MPa. With normal clearance on the tools, cutting is complete at
40% penetration of the punch. Give suitable diameters for the punch and die,
and shear angle on the punch in order to bring the work within the capacity of a
200 kN press available in the shop.
Given: Punching operation
τ s= shear strength in N/mm² = 550 N/mm2

Clearance per side c ¿ 0.0032 ×t × √ τ s where τ s=shear strength in N/mm² and t = stock
c = 0 .0032× 6 × √ 550=¿0.45 mm
Punch diameter for the punching is same as the desired hole diameter = Ø 100 mm.
The die hole or bore diameter is greater by amount of diametrical clearance
Die hole diameter ¿ 100+2 ×0.45=100.9 mm
Without any shear, the maximum punching load is given by
F m=550 × π ×100 ×6=1036.725 kN
The energy required for the punching without shear
E=Fm × p=Fm × k ×t = 1036.725 x 0.4 x 6 = 2488.14 kN mm =2488.14 J
Let I be the shear provided on the punch and hence cutting is completed when punch travel is
( I +k ×t) . The energy requirement will remain same. Let F 1 is maximum force available on
the given press and is 200kN. Hence,
E=F1 ×(I +k × t)
2488.5 = 200 ×( I +0.4 ×6)
I = 10 mm

Assuming a balanced shear on the punch, we get the shear angle as θ=tan −1 [ ]
=11.3 °

While arriving at the shear angle, it was assumed that he maximum load is uniformly
distributed over the entire punching stroke. This however is not true. The load curve shows
other way as seen from fig. and may be assumed triangular. It will halve the energy
requirement from 2488 J to 1244 J. In this case, the shear will be as follows. Moreover, the
shear on the punch being very large, of the order of twice the sheet thickness and it is
desirable to go for a higher capacity press. Solution with more realistic load curve, assuming
triangular one as shown in the Fig.
1 1
Total work done= × F max ×(t × p)= ×1036 ×(6 ×0.4) =1244 J
2 2
Work done with shear and 200kN maximum load

1244=200(0.4 ×6+ I )
I = 3.9 mm.
Assuming a balanced shear on the punch, we get shear angle as
tan−1 [ ]
= 4.46 °

Bend allowance
The bend allowance is the length of the arc of the neutral line between the tangent points of a
bend in any material.
V-dies- the most common type of die. The bottom dies can be made with different-sized die
openings to handle a variety of materials and bend angles. 90 degree dies—largely used
for bottoming operations. The die opening dimension depends on material thickness.

Bend allowance= ×2 π ( r +k t)
Θ = bend angle in degree
r = bend radius
The bending force
Formula for calculating the bending force
k L St2
F b=
k is constant and it depends on loading
Bending Wiping bend U bending V- bending W = V- bending W = 16t
type 8t
k 0.33 0.67 1.33 1.2

W = die opening = distance between contact points = unsupported length

L = length of the bent part
t = stock thickness
Estimate the bending force for a 900 bending of St 50 steel of thickness 2 mm in a
V-die. The die opening can be taken as eight times the thickness. Length of the
bent part is 1 m.

k L St2
F b=
t = stock thickness = 2 mm
W = die opening = 8 t = 8 x 2 = 16 mm
k = 1.33 for W = 8 t
L = length of the bent part = 1 m = 1000 mm
The UTS of the St 50 steel can be taken as 500 N/mm2
S= UTS = 0.5 kN/mm2
k L S t 2 1.33× 1000× 0.5 ×22
F b= =
W 16
= 166.25 kN
Calculate the bending force required for a C50 steel 1.5 mm thick sheet of width
1 m to be bend in a wiping die. The die radius is 3 mm.
t = stock thickness = 1.5 mm
k = 0.33 for the wiping die
L = length of the bent part = 1 m = 1000 mm
The UTS of the St 50 steel can be taken as 800 N/mm2
S= UTS = 0.8 kN/mm2
W = unsupported length = = r p +c +r d
c=¿Clearance which is equal to or greater than t
Punch radius (r p ¿ and die radius (r d ) can be in the range of 3 - 8 times t
Taking r d =r p =¿ 3 mm (given)
∴ W =¿3 + 1.5 + 3 =7.5 mm
k L S t 2 0.33× 1000 ×0.8 ×1.52
F b= =
W 7.5
= 79.2 kN
Determine the blank size and tonnage required to obtain following component
made of mild steel having UTS of 350 N/mm2.

L = Bend length =2 m = 2000 mm
t = stock thickness = 3 mm
Material: MS, UTS = 350 N/mm2 = 0.35 kN/mm2
Determination of bend length
L1=100−( 3+5 )=92mm
L2=Bend allowance= ×2 π ×(r + kt )
Where, r = Internal bend radius = 5 mm
Since r < 2t in this case, the value of k = 0.33
∴ L2 = ×2 π × (5+ 0.33 ×3 )=9.41mm
L3=200−2× ( 5+3 ) =184 mm
L4 =L2=9.41 mm
∴ L=L1+ L2+ L3 + L4 + L5 =386.42mm
Developed blank will have following dimensions:

Bending force
k LS t2
k = constant = 0.33 for edge bending
t = Stock thickness = 3 mm (given)
W = Width of bend = unsupported length = = r p +c +r d
c=¿Clearance which is equal to or greater than t
Punch and Die radius is in the range of 3 - 8 times t
Taking r d =r p =5 t=15 mm
∴ w=r p +c +r d =15+3+15=33 mm
K L S t 2 0.67 ×2000 ×350 ×(3)
F= =
W 33
¿ 127910 N =12791 kgf
≈ 13 Ton.

Find the dimensions of carbide draw ring and housing for drawing a cup having
diameter of Ø100mm. The draw edge radius can be taken as 11 mm.
As carbide is costly and therefore it is economical to fit small cross sectional ring in a sound
housing hardened to Rc 40. The draw rings are made shrink fit in the housing. The OD of
housing is approximately 2 to 2.5 times the OD of die ring insert. The ring should have at
least 5mm flat surface beyond the draw edge radius.
Insert ID = Ø100 mm

OD of draw edge bell mouth = 100+2 r d =100+2 ×11=¿ Ø 122 mm

Adding 5 mm wide annular ring flat beyond bell mouth all around; hence
OD of draw ring = 122+ 2× 5 = Ø 132 mm
OD of steel housing = 2 ×OD of draw ring=¿Ø 264 mm
A cup is to be drawn in a deep drawing operation. The height of the cup is 75 mm
and its inside diameter = Ø100 mm. The sheet metal thickness = 2 mm. If the
blank diameter = Ø225 mm, determine (a) drawing ratio, (b) reduction, and (c)
thickness-to-diameter ratio. (d) Does the operation seem feasible?
d 0 = blank diameter = Ø225 mm
d 1 = cup diameter = Ø100 mm
t = stock thickness = 2 mm
d 0 225
(i) Drawing ratio = =
d 1 100

d1 100
(ii) ( ) (
Reduction = r = 1−
= 1−
225 )
= 0.556 or 55.6%

t 2
(iii) thickness-to-diameter ratio = d = 225 = 0.89 %

(iv) The operation of drawing the cup in one draw is not possible from the following
empirical indicators:
 Drawing ratio is large viz. more than 2

 Reduction is higher, more than 50% to obtain the cup in one draw
 ( )
thickness-to-diameter ratio ¿ d is too small and less than 1%

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