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Game of Thrones Overhaul

Season I
1) Illyrio Mopatis is changed as a character, and his motivations are more
defined. He is a rich merchant from Pentos sitting in the ruling council that
makes the decisions called The Thirteen. His trade consists of silk and spices
but the bulk of his income is made from slaves. He has multiple slaves that
he does not consider people. Illyrio supports Viserys and wants to install
him on the Iron throne. With his reign, Illyrio wants Viserys to institute
slavery to Westeros, thus making Mopatis the monopolist in an immense
emerging market for buying and selling slaves. This might potentially make
him the richest man in the world. Illyrio is somewhat fond of Viserys and
considers him a wilful ruler. Daenerys and Viserys had had the support of
Illyrio for years, before moving into his mansion about a year ago. His plan
consists of using Dothraki and the Golden Company to invade Westeros,
with Daenerys winning over Dothraki by her marriage with Khal Drogo and
Viserys winning the support of the Golden Company, after their contract
with Myr expires next year. After Daenerys is married off, Illyrio wants
Viserys to return with him to Pentos, but Viserys upsets his plan by leaving
with the Dothraki. This change continues to affect the story in later seasons.


1) The Others are more ethereal in nature, and look more like spectres rather
than zombies.
2) Gared, the experienced ranger, is the one who escapes, revealing later that
he used the same door to flee south as Bran and Sam use in subsequent
3) Mark Addy is framed to look taller than the rest of people.
4) Loras and Renly are both recast, to be stronger and more believable to be
5) Stannis is mentioned to have departed for Dragonstone multiple times.
6) Cersei does not have any children with Roberts and does not console
7) Daenerys and Khal Drogo share a relatively consensual marriage, where he
does not force himself on her, and is rather gentle. She does not learn any
sexual tricks to pleasure him.
8) Viserys molests Dany more forcefully.
9) Walder Frey is a bit younger and has fewer children ( 12 sons as opposed to
10) Olyvar Frey is set to squire for Robb, and is seen with him during the
capture of Jaime Lannister.
11) Stevron Frey and his son Ryman Frey are among the people capturing
Jaime Lannister.
12) High Septon is the one who conducts the execution of Eddard Stark instead
of Pycelle.
13) Catelyn and Rodrik take a ship from White Harbour, not travel by horses.
14) Tourney of the Hand offers 1000 golden dragons, instead of 40 000, The
Crown is mentioned to be 2 million dragons in debt, to the Lannisters, Iron
Bank and the Faith.
15) Daenerys's hair is completely burned off, leaving her bald.
Season 1 Episode breakdown
Episode 1

Beyond the Wall

Rangers of the Night's Watch Will, Gared and their Commander Waymar Royce scout
wildling movements beyond the Wall, the massive ice barrier to the north, and discover
demonic White Walkers and wildlings turned to undead wights. Gared, the sole surviving
ranger, flees South. Will watches as Waymar is decapitated by Ghostly White walkers.

In King's Landing
Watching as the corpse of Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, is tended to, Jaime Lannister
assures his twin sister, Queen Cersei Lannister, that if Arryn had spoken to anyone about
them, they would already have been executed.

In Pentos
Exiled prince Viserys Targaryen plots to reclaim his father's throne from King Robert
Baratheon. A wealthy merchant, and a slave trader Illyrio Mopatis brokers a marriage
between princes’ sister Daenerys and Dothraki warlord Khal Drogo.
Viserys and Illyrio discuss the changes the new Targaryen rule would bring including
introducing slavery. Illyrio tells Viserys to go to Volantis to recruit the Golden Company after
the wedding. Viserys later molests Daenerys, telling her about letting a horde rape her, if it
lets him be the king.

In the North
The Starks of Winterfell are introduced: Lord Eddard "Ned" Stark, his wife Lady Catelyn,
their children – heir Robb, elder daughter Sansa, younger daughter Arya, ten-year-old son
Bran, youngest son, Rickon, Ned's bastard son Jon Snow and ward Theon Greyjoy.
After the bow shooting practice, Ned takes his sons to witness Gared's execution for
desertion. Ignoring Gared's warning of the White Walkers, Ned beheads him, insisting
Walkers are long extinct. The Starks find a dead stag, sigil of House Baratheon, and a dead
direwolf, sigil of the Starks, whose pups are taken in by the children.

News arrives of the death of Lord Arryn, Eddard's friend and Catelyn's brother-in-law.
Winterfell receives the royal court, including King Robert, his wife Queen Cersei, their
children – heir Prince Joffrey, Princess Myrcella, and Prince Tommen – as well as Jaime, a
member of the Kingsguard, and his and Cersei's younger brother Tyrion Lannister, a dwarf
known as "The Imp". Robert pays respects to Lyanna Stark, his late fiancée and Ned's sister,
appoints Ned the new Hand of the King, and suggests Sansa be betrothed to Joffrey. Catelyn
receives a message from her sister Lysa, Arryn's widow, who suspects her husband was
murdered by the Lannisters. Ned reluctantly accepts the position of Hand of the King trying
to protect his old friend.

Bran climbs an abandoned tower and stumbles upon Cersei and Jaime having sex. To keep
the incestuous relationship a secret, Jaime shoves Bran out of the window.
Episode 2

In the North

Bran Stark has been in a coma for over a month. After slapping his nephew Joffrey
Baratheon for refusing to give his condolences to the Starks, Tyrion Lannister informs his
siblings that Bran will survive. Cersei does not console Catelyn

Ned Stark and his daughters prepare to journey to the capital with King Robert Baratheon,
while Jon Snow leaves to join his uncle Benjen in the Night's Watch, accompanied by Tyrion.
Jon gives Arya Stark a sword, and Catelyn Stark chastises Ned for leaving her. Ned promises
to tell Jon about his mother when they meet again. As they embark for King's Landing,
Robert tells Ned of Daenerys Targaryen's marriage to Khal Drogo and the possibility of
Viserys raising a Dothraki army to overthrow him.

A fire breaks out at Winterfell as an assassin tries to kill Bran, but is held off by Catelyn and
killed by Bran's direwolf. A strand of blonde hair in the tower where Bran fell convinces
Catelyn that the Lannisters are involved. Confiding with her son Robb, Maester Luwin,
Master-at-Arms Ser Rodrik Cassel, and the Starks' ward Theon Greyjoy, Catelyn decides to
go to King's Landing to warn Ned.

At the Wall

Reaching the Wall, Tyrion disabuses Jon of his romantic notions of the once-noble Night's
Watch, now a place for criminals, prisoners, and bastards.

At the Inn at the Crossroads

The king's entourage stops at an inn, where Joffrey's cruelty to Arya's commoner friend
Mycah results in Joffrey being bitten by Arya's direwolf Nymeria, whom he accuses of
attacking him. Sansa, newly betrothed to Joffrey, claims to remember nothing, and King
Robert gives in to Cersei Lannister's demand that the direwolf be killed. With Nymeria
having fled, Sansa's direwolf Lady is to be killed instead, which Ned takes responsibility for
himself. He encounters Joffrey's bodyguard, Sandor "The Hound" Clegane, who has killed
Mycah for the prince.

Ned kills Lady, while in the North, Bran suddenly awakens from his coma.

In Pentos

As weddings starts, Daenerys is given books of the Seven Kingdoms from Ser Jorah
Mormont, an exiled knight loyal to the Targaryens, and three petrified dragon eggs from
Magister Illyrio Mopatis, who helped arrange the marriage.

During the conversation with Illyrio and Jorah, Viserys learn of wild nature of the Dothraki,
and assumes that they need to be kept in check.

Daenerys is terrified of Khal Drogo, however, he takes her to a small lake, where they share
a rather consensual relationship.
As the wedding wraps up, Illyrio prepares to take Viserys back to Pentos, but is horrified to
find that Viserys has decided to stick with the Dothraki to make sure that the promise of the
army is delivered.

Episode 2

In the Dothraki Sea

En route to Vaes Dothrak with Khal Drogo's khalasar, Jorah Mormont reveals to Viserys
Targaryen that he was exiled for selling poachers into slavery. Viserys is impatient for
control of Drogo's army.

Daenerys Targaryen struggles with her new marriage and the nomadic Dothraki lifestyle,
taking comfort in her dragon eggs. Later, she is able to have sex with Drogo while facing
him, leading the relationship to become more intimate. She does not learn sexual tricks

In Winterfell

With Bran now awake, Robb tells him that he will never walk again. Bran, saying he is
unable to remember anything about his fall, wishes he was dead. He says he dreamt of

At the Wall

Jon easily beats his fellow recruits in combat. Master-at-arms Ser Alliser berates them all for
their poor performance, even Jon, nicknaming him "Lord Snow" to mock his bastard
heritage. Jon asks Benjen to take him north of the Wall, but he tells Jon that he must earn it.

Jon makes amends by giving his fellow recruits proper sword training. Tyrion is asked to
provide more men from Cersei and Jaime for the outnumbered Night's Watch. Though
skeptical, Tyrion agrees to do so; he departs the Wall and says goodbye to Jon, who finally
accepts Tyrion as a friend.

In King's Landing

On his way to a meeting of the king's Small Council, Ned encounters Jaime Lannister. It is
revealed that Jaime killed the Mad King Aerys Targaryen, father of Daenerys and Viserys.
Ned remains dissatisfied that Jaime broke his oath as knight of the Kingsguard.

Ned joins the Small Council, consisting of Robert's brother Lord Renly, Lord Varys, Grand
Maester Pycelle, and Lord Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish. Stannis, the master of ships, is
mentioned to have departed to Dragonstone shortly after Robert left. Renly announces
Robert's plans for a great tourney in honor of Ned's appointment as the Hand of the King.
Ned learns that the crown is heavily indebted.

Upon arriving in King's Landing, Catelyn is taken to a brothel owned by Littlefinger who,
along with Varys and Ser Rodrik, discuss the attempt on Bran's life. Littlefinger admits that
the assassin's dagger was once his but he lost it to Tyrion. Ned agrees to ally with
Littlefinger to find who is responsible for Bran's attempted murder.

Ned returns to his keep to find Sansa and Arya arguing, with Arya angry at Sansa for lying
for Joffrey. Ned reminds her that Sansa and Joffrey will be married one day. Learning that
Arya aspires to be a swordsman and has a sword of her own, Ned hires Syrio Forel to teach
her the art of swordsmanship.

En route to Vaes Dothrak with Khal Drogo's khalasar, Jorah Mormont reveals to Viserys
Targaryen that he was exiled for selling poachers into slavery. Viserys is impatient for
control of Drogo's army.

Daenerys Targaryen struggles with her new marriage and the nomadic Dothraki lifestyle,
taking comfort in her dragon eggs. Distressed by sex with the Khal, she asks her
handmaiden Doreah how to please her husband. Later, she is able to have sex with Drogo
while facing him, leading the relationship to become more intimate.

Daenerys gains confidence and earns the respect of Ser Jorah Mormont. After assaulting
her, Viserys is nearly killed by one of Danerys's bloodriders. Irri notices that Daenerys is
pregnant and Jorah, upon being told, departs for Qohor for supplies. Later, Daenerys
reveals to Drogo that their child is a boy.

Season II
1) Daenerys’ storyline in Qarth is drastically reduced and changed, along with
the history behind it. Essentially, the only aspect of Qarth that will be the
focus of the season is warlocks that want to empower themselves by taking
Qarth, once a great city state that rivalled the Valyrian Freehold, was
reduced to ashes by the dragons who also burned the surrounding lands
until any flora or fauna were destroyed, turning it into a wasteland.
Qartheeans tried to rebuild, but were promptly sacked by the Dothraki,
during the century of blood. After that, Qarth remained desolate for years,
barely a trading outpost, while the Red Waster grew larger over the years.
Warlocks, without any actual power, remained in the area, restrained to
the House of the Undying.
In season two Daenerys finds Qarth a shadow of its former glory. She is
invited into the city by Pyat Pree while the Qartheeans are terrified of her
and the Dothraki. Some merchants and captains come to bow to her, but
none want to outright support her. Daenerys feels powerless, despite being
the mother of dragons. She does not know here to get the army or
resources to return to Westeros. She is seduced by the warlocks promises,
to empower her dragons, and is lured into the house of the undying. There
she sees the visions and meets the Undying themselves, who all look like
noble kings and queens, and reside in a lavish hall. They seem powerful and
inviting until she rejects their offer to stay in the house. They attempt to
grab her, and “feed” her to the Purple Heart, the source of the shade of the
evening, but Drogon burns the heart and the undying transform into what
they are – spectres and ghosts. Daenerys sees the remains and bones of
many people sacrificed inside the house.
Warlocks attempt to kill the Khalasar but they fight back, and capture the
dock. There they are aided by Barristan Selmy, who arrives on behalf of
Illyrio Mopatis with three ships and some mercenaries to help Daenerys get
back to Pentos. He finds Daenerys in Qarth because of the information
from the Sailor in Astapor.
2) Robb and Catelyn are separated for most of the season, with Robb’s stress
during campaign in Westerlands and Catelyn isolation in Riverlands
influencing their choices of breaking the betrothal and releasing Jaime
Lannister respectively.
Robb first attacks Stafford Lannister, in this battle Stevron Frey dies. He
retreats to Castle Crag. His war council consists of Roose Bolton, Rickard
Karstark, Greatjon Umber and Ryman Frey. Robb takes the castle, and
captures a lot of prisoners. He treats the men fairly, and is even consoled
by Jeyne Westerling, a daughter of the Lord of the Crag.
During his campaign he and decides to entrap Tywin, by luring him to
Westerlands. He sends Roose Bolton and Merret Frey, back to the Riverland
with the command to take Harrenhal as soon as Tywin’s forces leave for
His romance with Jeyne develops, to the growing resentment from his
bannermen. After hearing of Bran and Rickon’s deaths, he sleeps with her
and decides to abandon his betrothal to an unspecified daughter of Walder
Catelyn on the other hand, faces the death of her sons alone, and shortly
after that, the death of her father. She releases Jaime the night her brother
Edmure leaves with his forces to block Tywin from crossing the river.
3) Shae is revealed to be employed by Varys, and has been one of his little
1) It is reaffirmed that Cersei ordered the bastards of Roberts Baratheon to
be killed, not Joffrey.
2) One of Daenerys' bloodriders returns with good news from the city of
Qarth. She is invited to the city by Pyat Pree, warlock.
3) In Qarth, some merchants and travellers come to seek audience with
Daenerys. Among them, an eccentric captain, that offers to take her to
Westeros. Learning that he has only one ship, and might be a pirate, she
refuses. This Sailor is later revealed to have been Euron Greyjoy.
4) Tyrion uses a secret trapdoor in the Tower of the Hand to sneak Shae in.
5) Ryman Frey is accompanied by his two sons; Edwyn Frey and a bastard
son "Black" Walder Frey.
6) Shadow assassin, used by Melisandre has a tremendous effect on
Stannis, as he is paralysed for days after the event, forcing Davos to take
temporary control over the army. Stannis is subsequently unable to lead
the siege of King's Landing due to his condition. It is the reason why
Melisandre is unable to produce more shadow assassins, and need to
find another source of King's blood.
7) Loras believes Brianne and Catelyn to be behinds Renly’s assassination.
8) During the riot of King's Landing, one of the Kingsguard is killed, and one
noble woman, Lollys Stokeworth is raped by rioters.
9) Littlefinger does not arrive to Harrenhal.
10) Jaime Lannister is kept in Riverrun.
11) Alton Lannister tries to rescue Jaime, and is killed in the process.
Jaime is recaptured but not before he kills Torrhen Karstark.
12) Catelyn stays in Riverrun with her dying father.
13) Loras Tyrell asks to be appointed to be a Kingsguard in addition to
Margery marrying Joffrey.
14) Willas and Garlan are mentioned as other Tyrell sons, with Willas
being the youngest.
15) Littlefinger does not offer Sansa his help.
16) Shae is made Sansa's handmaiden only at the end of the season.
17) Jaime and Brianne are not shown traveling until season 3.
18) There's a scene with Alliser Thorne in King's Landing, talking to

Episode breakdown

Season III
This season does not have major changes to the structure or the plot
elements. The biggest ones however:
1) Ros is implied to have been killed off screen by Petyr after he finds out she is
spying for Varys.
2)Shae is implied to be working closely with Varys than she was letting on,
additionally revealing that she might have been one of his "Little birds" as she
is able to recognize them.
2) Littlefinger does not interact with Sansa at all, and never offers her to leave
the city with him. Dantos Hollard, however, promises Sansa to help her
escape, when the time is right. All of the dialogue devoted to characters
discussing Petyr Baelish's interest in Sansa is removed.
1) Roose Bolton and Merret Frey take Harrenhal and discover Qyburn. The
news of Robb's marriage to Jeyne Westerling reach them.
2) Mance Rayder reveals to Jon that he was in fact, the bard playing during
King Robert's visit to Winterfell.
3) Jaime and Brianne travels are moved one episode forward.
4) Tyrion gets further before stopping himself from sleeping with Sansa, he
undresses before changing his mind.
5) Jaime shaves his head and grows a beard.
6) Sam kills the White Walker during the attack of the other on the Fist of the
first men. White Walker does not fall to pieces, but rather experiences wounds
akin to extensive burns. It falls on the ground dead, while Sam keeps fleeing.
7) Balon Greyjoy receives a box containing Theon's genitalia, walks out into the
storm in despair, while it is revealed that the man who brought him the box
looks exactly the same as the man Jaqen Hagar changed into before he left
Arya. The man follows Balon to the bridge.
8) Robb hears at the wedding feast that Balon Greyjoy fell of a bridge during a
storm. And that Ironborn have been driven out of Torren’s Square.
Additionally, Howland Reed, has been wearing down the Ironborn in Moat
Caillin and soon it might fall. This inspires him.
9) Arya witnesses as Olyvar Frey tries to open the cage with Grey Wind, Before
being hit with crossbow bolts.
10) Tywin mentions that Emmon Frey will be granted Riverrun, and his
youngest son, Cleos Frey will marry Mia Lannister, granddaughter of Stafford
11) Davos does not receive the letter from the Night's watch yet. He convinces
Stannis not to burn Gendry yet, since only 2 of the kings died and not 3.
12)Tywin mentions that Jeyne Westerling and Catelyn Stark were both to be
13)John Bradley should start losing weight as should his character Sam.
14) Tyrion finds multiple inconsistencies in Littlefinger's accounting and begins
investigating his spending.
15) Fearing the spies and his father, Tyrion sends Shae away to Pentos.

Episode breakdown

Season IV
1) Wildling attack at the wall occurs much sooner, in episode 7, with Stannis
forces arriving in episode 8. Mance Rayder is burned in the Season's finale.
He reveals that he was the one who hired the catspaw to kill Bran, as he both
sought to seed conflict between houses and create war, and considered it a
pity to put Bran out of his misery.
2) Euron Greyjoy arrives, as Yara Greyjoy attempts to investigate Balon's
Death. He is revealed to be the same sailor, that appeared briefly in Qarth in
season 2, and the same Sailor who told Barristan where to find Daenerys. He
acts cocky and quickly gains support from the Ironborn, and demands
kingsmoot. Aeron Damphair, Yara's uncle refuses to give support to Yara,
instead supporting Victarion Greyjoy, Cousin of Balon. (He is not a major
Character, like in the books, just one of multiple candidates in kignsmoot, and
later dies while raiding The Reach)
3) Jaime's story follows a different trajectory. He arrives with Brianne just in
time to see his son choke to death, and Tyrion being taken away. During his
time in kings landing he understands that Tywin does not believe Tyrion is
guilty but intends to convict him nonetheless, Cersei is less welcoming of his
change in character.
Shae is brought back for trial and testifies against Tyrion. By the time Jaime
pieces together who she is, Tywin already orders her execution.
Jaime reveals to Tyrion that Shae did not betray him, and neither did Tysha all
those years ago. Jaime and Tywin set her up and deceived Tyrion, the same
way they are setting him up right now. This causes Tyrion to tell Jaime about
Cersei cheating with Lancel and interrupt his own escape to kill Tywin.
4) Bran, Hodor Meera and Jojen pass through an ancient door and meet Sam
and Gilly. After that Bran and the company travel north, led by Bran's dreams.
They are beset by wildlings, and hide from them as they march to the wall.
Bran's dire wolf kills some of them. Eventually, they meet undead Benjen, who
leads them to the cave. Jojen does not die.

1)Hound apparently dies after receiving wounds in the Bar fight, around
episode 5. Arya narrowly misses Brianne in a port town of Salt Pans in episode
8. She is shown arriving to Bravos in Episode 10. Or Maybe he does fight

2)Brianne is freed by the Lannisters, despite Tyrell's Objections. She convinces

Loras that she did not kill Renly. She follows the rumours about the Hound,
and later finds that it is Biter wearing his Helmet. He bites her cheek off, and
she is indisposed. Or Maybe she does fight the Hound, also in episode 7 or 6
3) Davos helps Gendry escape after the news of Joffrey's death reaches Dragon

Season V
Beyond the wall
Bran does not make an appearance this season.
Arya does not make an appearance this season.

The Wall
Jon Snow is facing the wrath of Janos Slynt and is dealing with the reveal that
Mance Rayder tried to kill his brother Bran. Stannis burns Mance at the stake,
however, it is turned into a conversion ritual by Melisandre, as only the
wildlings who formally reject the old golds may pass South.
One of the hostages that Stannis holds is Tormund’s daughter Val. Tormund
himself is imprisoned.

Stannis offers Jon Snow the North. Jon rejects the offer.

Mors Umber arrives with troops and suggest to strike Boltons in the
Dreadford, while they are gathering the bannermen at Winterfell for a
wedding, to Sansa Stark. Jon Regrets his decision, correctly assuming that
Sansa is probably being held against her will.

Jon Snow is elected Lord commander. Melisandre gains more and more
followers at the wall.

Jon makes an observation, that it took a lot of dedication for Mors Umber to
march his men, while thousands of wildlings that the Umbers hate, are
roaming free near their lands.

Stannis leaves with Army for Dreadford. Aemon is dying and Melisandre tries
to burn him for his King's blood. Jon Snow only allows it when he is dead.
Jon Snow sends Sam to Oldtown with Gilly. Jon Snow is facing severe food
shortages. Janos Slynt is executed for insubordination.

Jon snow organises an expedition to save the wilding from Hardhome, despite
huge objections and severe pushback from Aliser Thorne and the First builder
Orthel Yarwick. Thorne is sent ranging beyond the wall.
Jon Snow leaves for expedition.

The North

The Boltons discuss the death of Joffrey, and Ramsay implies that this could be
the perfect time for the Red Kings to return and rule the north. Roose
chastises Ramsey for being cruel and short-sighted.

Roose meets with Petyr Baelish, and they discuss a partnership. He offers
them Sansa. Roose agrees, despite the obvious treason to the Crown, by
marrying a person accused of regicide, as he believes this will give the Bolton
rule legitimacy.

Roose presents Ramsay with Sansa, whom Theon recognizes as Ros. He admits
it to Ramsey, almost causing him to skin her alive, but they eventually learn,
that she is able to play Sansa's role very convincingly.

They meet with the Northern forces, and head to Winterfel for the wedding.
They leave a secret force of Bolton men to crush Stannis, when Mors Umber
lures Stannis to Dreadfort.

The wedding between the fake Sansa and Ramsay takes place. Theon,
recognizing Ros and Theon are both deeply traumatized and ashamed of the
torture they have both endured.

The tension between the Freys and the Northerners is exacerbated when
multiple murders take place.

Ramsay organizes the murders of Freys and The northerners, provoking a

conflict since, he wants the contingent headed by Merret Frey , Fat Walda's
father , to be killed since they are loyal to Roose only. Roose asks to report
from Theon to him on everything Ramsay does. Theon tells Ramsay

Yara arrives to Deepwood Motte, and stays there. She is surprised attacked by
Stannis forces, who takes her prisoner and frees the Glovers.
Brianne arrive to winter town, and finds a way to sneak into Winterfell, as a
washerwoman. Donnel Locke spots her and recognizes her.


Brianne recovers, and is treated by Septon Meribald, a member of The

Sparrows movement. She experiences a breakdown, but decided to stick to
her vows and protect Sansa. After hearing about Lysa's death she decides not
pursue the lead, and continue searching for Sansa in the Riverlands.
"The broken men" segment, she witnesses the suffering of people in
Riverlands, sparrows, hungry people and bandits.

She travels, meets Blackfish and BwB and whiteness them killing Freys.

She meets Howland Reed in the Neck, he helps to bypass the Moat Cailyn, and
give her a contact of who to speak with in winter town.

King's Landing

After the death of Tywin, Cersei begins to devolve deeper into paranoia, as she
is afraid of Tyrell Influence. Margery does manipulate Tommen, and Cersie
begins to plan weakening the Tyrell power. Kevan Lannister resides, and
demands Cersei to stop interfering.
Her relationship with Jaime deteriorates. She grows more and more disgusted
by him.
She Commands Loras to attack Dragon Stone and for Mace Tyrell to prepare
the attack on Storm’s end, as they are both held by Stannis’s men.
Samwell's Tarly Farther, Randyll arrives to King's landing with Tyrell troops,
and leave only a small Frey Force besieging Riverrun.
In a meantime, she manipulates High Sparrow to Power and begins planting
the seeds for her plan.
Jaime is sent to Dorne, after news of a failed rebellion against Doran reaches
King's Landing.
Before leaving Jaime admits to having released Tyrion.

The Vale
Sansa as Alayne attends the wedding of rich merchnar§s daughter to Lyonel
Crbrey, one of the Lords Declarant. She work to seduce hary the Heir.
Lothar Brune, Littlefinger's main assistant
Bronze Yohn Royce, the only one who knows the sceret tries to convince Sansa
to get away froM bealish. She acts trapped and manipulates him into helping
him but slowly revealing information about her, that draws interest and
Petyr Bealish is lending money to Lords in the Vale. he keeps a close ward on
Robin arryn, with whom Layne develops trust.
Littlefinger sleeps with Sansa

Iron islands

Euron start and wins Kingsmoot ( Jon Parallel) Yara flees, Aeron is captured,
we catch aglimse of how evil Euron is, blood sacrifices, dark magic.

Tyrion escapes the whorehouse where he is being kept hostange and deduces
whom it belongs. He finds Illyrion and decues what was his plan and
encounters a fake Viserys. He convices Illyrio that Varys is not to be trusted,
and he should be given a ship to sail to Daenerys, to bring her to Westeros.
He is kidnapped by jorah. in Volantis

The reach
Garlan meets with Olenna Tyrell.


trystane and Myrcella attempt to usurp Doran, but it was all a ruse, both are
imprisonde and go through a crysis.

Slavers bay
One side - Hizadar, and Green graces - other Motador and refomed nobales.
Deanerys tries to balance but it leads to a slaver revolt, during which barristan
is woonded and she is almost killed in a rebellion by the slaves she freed.

episodes breakdown

Season VI
Beyond The Wall
Bran does not appear this season, except in the form of a raven
Jon Snow arrives with expedition to save the wildling. Thre's isnt enough ships
so he picks up a bunch of wildlings and then he returns to the wall
on his second trip battle for hardhome happens, and all of the ships are
he comes back and is let by alliser. He is assasinated later, when the wall gets
the message
Arya does not appear this season, except as in a form of different girl who kills
Merryn Trant in a brothel, run a "Sailor's Wife" (Who is actually Tysha)

Sansa and Littlefinger continue to develo their relationship. Lords Declarant
are either bought off or side with littlefinger. Littlefiner "prevents" the revolt
he was inciditng. Sansa starts investigating lineages the same way Eddard was
investigating, with the same knowledge except knowing that

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