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Discuss the following:

Art is universal because it is popular.

Art is good because it is universal.

Contrary to the first sentence that states “Art is universal because it is popular”. Indeed, art is universal,
but not because of the reason that it is popular, it’s because art knows no boundaries nor barriers, art is
for everyone. Art is everywhere, from our culture to different establishment it is present. In my
perspective, the elements of design in art go beyond culture and language. Art serves as a means of
human communication of emotions, another form to express yourself, and a masterpiece that holds the
untold stories. What makes it more captivating is, art represents reality. Experiences mold us, so as art
that we will always treasure and never be forgotten.

Some artists paint because that makes them happy, some artists create an art because that’s their
passion. However, other artist used it as way to release the stress and ease the pain. Van Gogh used an
art to release his despaired emotions. That is why I totally agree to the statement that states “Art is
good because it is universal”, because it is not only a universal way of expression, but also another way
to comfort ourselves which everyone can do if we are capable of.


Why does art demand involvement?

Most artists create a beautiful art, a painting. Some artists create a breathtaking art, a masterpiece. We
will know difference between the two, not base on its beauty but base on the details and story behind
on that work of art. For me, art demands involvement in order to make the audience stop and
appreciate the work because a one glance is not enough if you are facing a passionate creation, it will
never be enough. Creating art is a communication, which is by necessity involvement in some part or all,
a unity with all of reality, consciousness, and a creation in its ultimate and purest form.


Who is considered an artist? What does it mean to be an artist?

Life is the art of living. Artists have the ability to express that. Anyone who attempts to express the art of
living is an artist. An individual with the ability and expertise to conceptualize and create artistic works is
considered an artist. Artists are people who find a way to communicate or express their feelings and
thoughts through a certain medium. What it means to be an artist is to take advantage of what skills you
have and to use that to express those feelings and thoughts onto other people so they can understand.

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