Felix, Aprille Gay - BSA2B - Economics

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How has the COVID pandemic affected your own economic life, your family and
community’s economic condition?

The impact of COVID-19 varies per household condition, economic status, government policies,
and the ability to eradicate it's widespread capacity. This is no joke as it detriments not just one
but the global market. As a student, the only expense that concerns me since day one (1) is
buying load to to download the module, watching videos, and working the tasks that provided
by our instructors. It have a little impact on my part since I save money before the virus
escalated to numbers and not relying to what my Mother can give. But, the money that was
destined for something important was slowly been used. It took place perfectly because it
happened during vacation and crops harvesting season which benefitted both students and
families. The real deal is, how long will it take to continually supply the needs of every
household most especially the lower and middle class of our society. And how willing the
government to provide.

At first, the impact of COVID have not been felt because we stocked a lot of foods to sustain our
necessities and we utilized the time to bond and know more each other not until it was
extended, and then extended again. We cut the unneccessary expenses and we expensed in
buying rice and viands for the meantime. Only expenses are circulating and no income coming
in, tendency we exhausted our savings that was intended for something in the future. These
short-term economic impacts can translate into reductions in long-term growth. The question
is, what if the future will come? What will we spend? As the GCQ established, primary
establishment are open thus bills are due and demandle therefore another expenses are added
to the lists.

As quantity demanded for basic necessities are higher than supply as limited manufacturers are
allowed to operate thus prices increased big time. In this crisis like this, opportunists are
imminent and increasing its numbers. Instead of helping one another, they tend to robbed
indirectly to their faithful customer by means of increasing prices that rich people can only
afford even they have multiple inventory stocks before the pandemic arose, just like what's
happening in our community. Since the crisis started, we only received two (2) sets of relief
goods which I think is not fair and my family is not qualified to be one of the beneficiaries of the
Social Amelioration Program (SAP) of the government for a mere reason that we have one of
our family is in a foreign country. How unreasonable it is, since they are also affected and
unable to go to work and relying only upon her thus there is really no money coming in. There
are hundreds of billions released just to support the needy, how come that selected families are
being helped.

B. What is the adverse economic impact of the disease?

This crisis took longer than we expect. The main area that was greatly affected are the
marginalised sector of our society, which is labeled as "isang kahid, isang tuka". There are
approximately 70% of the population represents the inferior and vulnerable sector of our
society. About 5,000,000 in numbers are unemployed temporarily due to the crisis which is
reported by the DILG. Business closures—whether through government bans or business
decisions—result in lost wages for workers in many cases, especially in the informal economy
where there is no paid leave. However, there are various establishments open even malls are
opening one by one which is prone to contamination of disease. This means, that, the spread of
the virus is not as serious as other countries experiencing like Europe and USA which is
currently under total locked down.

Demand for food, medical assistance and other essential items are becoming higher and
bigger , but this would mean for lower demand for non-essential goods such as apparel,
equiments and various non-essential services. For Philippines, with large numbers of overseas
workers, remittances would slow down due to layoffs and delayed salary payments. On the
supply side, there are most likely disruptions since resources are limited and shortage of raw
materials and spare parts thus unable to supply the needs of all. As popularly trend necessities
which presumed to be a big help to combat the virus is the first to be out in the market like
alcohol and egg.

There are still violators on our area most especially in buying alcoholic beverages and not
properly following the protocols set by the national government like social distancing and
wearing face masks. Each violator are required to pay 1000 as a first offense and I'm wondering
where will they put all the money they collected to those fines.

We, in the middle class somewhat happy on the first month of quarantine but is struggling on
the succeeding month, how much more to those labeled as poorest of the poor most especially
if the local government pay no attention when it comes to their needs. Thus, there are still
violators which means the rapid spread of disease is evident. This is the time that I've realised
how unlucky we are from the lowest sector of our society. We are labeled as, irresponsible and
lazy and that's the reason why we are on our position as of the moment. But, never did they
know that we struggle day by day just to make money to at least serve the table. As Roque says,
we in the province has more of capacity to sustain our needs since we do have space to plant
and food is everywhere. Indeed, somewhat true, but how long will it take to sustain our hungry
stomach since we consume on a daily basis. How much would cost a seed and seedlings,still, it
incorporates money.
Although there are still many uncertainties about how the pandemic will develop, it is clear that
small, medium and large manufacturers, enterprises, wholesalers, retailers of non-essential
products and services are prone to suffer losses due to demand is lower or equal to zero at
some point. Many establishments are still closed in our area like hotels, computer shops,
furniture shops and other non-essential services.

B. Are there economic opportunities?

A highly competitive market are still apparent and keep on surviving as it patronise by many for
survival. Upon browsing the Facebook, multiple of food packing and food delivery services are
everywhere in a different and various area. Online selling business is on their peak of hauling
money. Truly, the business that don't die is the one that caters one's needs to sustain one from
dying. Still, even at crisis like this, businesses are still seeking opportunities to earn and
maximize their profit. And opprtunist are unavoidable. The business structure that suffered the
most are the oligopolies like airlines and monopolistic competition like tailoring shops as this is
not necessary for survival.

C. Rate the Policy Directions of the Government on Controlling the Pandemic

The conclusive measures that the Government imposed to, depends upon how and how much
the virus has spread around the jurisdiction. Taking into consideration the less availability of
test kits and laboratory in determining the number of people positively affected would make
the conclusive measures inconsisitent. The emergency measures that the government provided
are not as effective as it is ,since the number escalated from 100 up to thousands and continue
to grow in numbers as the range of tests imposed.

The Bayanihan to Act as One is a good idea as it gives assurance to the people as a support that
everyone in need covers the said program. I am also in favor of ECQ as the virus keeps on
spreading, and according to microbiologist experts that the virus would diminish if there's no
carrier thus we are all required to stay at home. Even locality that is not ready to embrace GCQ
are on the discretion to switch upon due to its economic impact. But, the battle is not just for
the National Government but also to its local branches. Even how effective the protocols it
would be if each municipality wants to dominate and there is no clear end goal, it would be
useless still. How come that Pasig City under the supervision of Vico Sotto and under the
administration of Isko Moreno is effective in gauging the impact of the virus in accordance with
the protocols and supporting the needs of their fellow men at the same time thus everyone
would not suffer. With this, it has something that need to be done by the local government. The
decision of every municipality should be properly scrutinise and assess in terms of decision
making that can help to eradicate the spread of the said disease. At some point, the followers
are also in blame because still, many are performing illegal acrivities and social gatherings that
violate social distancing which causes the rapid spread of the said disease. If I were to rate the
effectiveness on how the National Government deals the crisis, out of 5 it would be 3 as I
mentioned from the above factors. Meanwhile, for the effectiveness of our Local Municipality,
out of 5 it would be 2 as they don't respond properly to the complaint of their people.

C. How the Government Ensure a decent standard of life for all?

The standard that was practiced over the past years are not feasible yet as new normal way of
living is being set by the government due to the adverse effects of the virus. The new normal
hinder us from passing along and avoid assembling people together that sometimes caused
spreading of fake news and conflicts. As i browse to social media and listen to news, related
criminal cases are not as before. There's a sudden change of behavior, the new normal as I
believed makes more people responsible. The new normal will likely see people keeping their
face masks in public places even at workforce when exposed to different coworkers, the mode
of transportation is limited and confined in volume, and letting us be more hygienic for us to
avoid the said disease.

As how much we want to eradicate the disease, if the leader and follower do not support each
other, surely, it will not succeed. This can only be done with ensuring the participation of the
people and can only be done by being open, transparent and always in consultation with them.
If and only if the government would support all the needs of the needy, there's no problem
with regards to violators. It is not enough imposing certain protocols that would benefit the
majority, it must be all. Just like what is happening today, the portion that was neglected are
voicing out because a hungry stomach can make someone do everything just to satisfy it.

D. If you would have been given the power to decide policy prescriptions, what new policies
would you have introduced or how policies prescribed would you have changed?

Scientists do not have yet a clear understanding of the virus behavior, transmission rate, and
the full extent of contagion; uncertainty will be part of the backdrop for the foreseeable future.
Just like what our President declared, if there is no vaccine created and distributed to the
people, the numbers of infected keeps to escalate.

I believed that China failed to inform the media how destructive the virus is that's why many
countries let others to enter and travel still. They stated that they are on total locked down,
how come that there are many who passed through the check point therefore the disease was
pass from one to another country. Almost all countries are still not persuaded to travel ban in
order not to let anyone enter the country to at least avoid the transmission of the disease. But,
we can't blame no one as this is new and recent disease and economic activities are vital to
one's country. Just like the appeal by many to travel ban, the government still allowed other
countries most especially the Chinese to enter the region. Travel ban would be the best
precautionary measure in order not to transmit and spread the virus even more. If only they
took serious response as per the first case, and isolate not just the person but the municipality
involved, I think there is a big difference up to now.

Even at this time, no one should be allowed to enter most especially into different provinces
coming from the cities that are highly infected. They should quarantine all people on that city
and provide their needs in order for them not to go out. With that, the provinces with zero
cases can still proceed with normal dealings to at least manufacture and produce the
commodities needed by the people inside and outside the province.

Yes, mass promotion is still not feasible as of the moment as testing kits are many but
laboratories and experts are limited. For about three months, they should disperse the kits and
experts around the country, and make temporary laboratories to every area in order to
examine the people, that can provide a true picture of the problem.
The national government must assign strictly every leaders of local government to make
mechanisms on how they will properly allocate the money and foods to their people. The
national government must focus on how they will make more money and other important
aspects and not the implimentation of the allocation and distribution of such. This is the perfect
time to move every leader even at lowest level that they make a fair share. Every municipality
must be transparent enough to cater the people and to avoid the speculation flowing out.

By some means, it's a matter of priorities. To those with underlying illness and moderate
symptoms should be sent to training facilities and spaces provided by public institutions, where
they get basic medical support and observation provided by every region. Those who recover
and test negative twice are released. A local monitoring team calls twice daily to make sure the
quarantined stay put and to ask about symptoms. It should be done per barangay to maintain
it's pace.

One thing that hinders us from moving is that the information provided by the DHO, DILG and
other sectors are a bit confusing and messy as it was doubled due to changed residency thus
contact tracing is somewhat ineffective. Further, how come that there are beneficiaries who
handover money as they were doubled in the distribution of SAP. That only means that there
are other cases with the same scenario.

No one should be above the law. What is stipulated should be done even that's the powerful
man on earth. A justice for all and not just for the high people.

If all of these measures are impose and administer, I would agree to "shoot to kill" for those
violators even he is pertaining to the NPA or red people. Everyone must be responsible to
follow the protocols set by the leaders and the government must be accountabe in providing
the needs and controlling the transmission of the virus. Indeed, we can go outside earlier than

Aprille Gay U. Felix, BSACC2B

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