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2.6 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: Deci and Ryan (1985) outline two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. There are different
motivators or goals that bring people to action in each type. In intrinsic motivation action is defined by inherent interest or enjoy, while in
extrinsic motivation separable outcomes lead to it. 2.6.1 Intrinsic motivation and Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Ryan and Deci (2000) define
intrinsic motivation as an activity of inherent satisfaction (enjoyable) rather than of separable outcomes (rewards, pressures, etc.). Intrinsic
motivation exists both among individuals, because just some people may be motivated for chosen activities and in relationship between
individuals and activities, because not every person can be motivated by the chosen task. Because of that difference there are two
dimensions of intrinsic motivation: interest to the task and satisfaction from the engagement in the activity. Intrinsic motivation is linked to
different psychological “rewards” as feeling of achievement, responsibility, and challenge, sense of accomplishment, receiving appreciation,
opportunity to use one’s ability, etc. (Mullins, 1996). 2.6.2 Extrinsic motivation and Organismic Integration Theory: Despite of the fact that
intrinsic motivation is important, there are many types of activities in which people are not intrinsically motivated. In that case extrinsic
motivation (which refers to doing activities for their instrumental value) can be used. Extrinsic motivation is linked to tangible rewards as
promotions, job security, wages, health insurance, benefits, work environment, etc. (Mullins, 1996). In “Organismic Integration Theory”
(which is second sub-theory of “Self-Determination Theory”) Ryan and Deci (1985) determined various forms of extrinsic motivation as well
as factors that influence the behavior Adapted from “Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: Classic Definitions and New Directions,” by R.M.
Ryan and E.L. Deci, 2000, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, p. 61. There were three forms: demotivation, intrinsic motivation, and
extrinsic motivation with its four sub-forms: external regulation, interjected regulation, identified regulation, and integrated regulation.
Demotivation can be defined as the lack of willingness to act or perform. It may be caused by many reasons. Thus, Deci (1975) claims that
the motive for demotivation is absence of feeling of competence, while Seligman (1995) asserts that it is the lack of believe that activity was
lead to desired consequences. External regulation can be defined as most controlled form of extrinsic motivation. Employees’ behavior on
this level is mostly directed by the satisfaction of external demand through rewards obtaining. In this case employees have the strong
feeling of control. Interjected regulation, in its turn, still has its portion of control over employees, but in opposition with external regulation
affects people by pressuring them in order to avoid concern and guiltiness, or to attain self-enhancement and self-esteem. Identified
regulation is a more self-determined form of intrinsic motivation. It is an employee’s personal choice to accept the regulations as they have
individual importance or may lead to benefits. Finally, integrated regulation can be described as extrinsic motivation that is entirely
assimilated to the self. In this case employees run the self-examination and as a result add the new regulations to their values and beliefs.
This form of motivation has many similarities with intrinsic motivation (as being autonomous and not conflicted), but at the same time it still
has an instrumental value. It is necessary to point out that the higher level of motivation autonomy (the closer it is to intrinsic motivation) the
bigger the consequences. Thus, according to Connell and Wellborn (1990) more autonomous extrinsic motivation results in greater
engagement; Miserandino (1996) claims that it leads to better performance, while Sheldon and Kasser (1995) showed the increasing of
psychological well-being. Consequently, employees’ performance depends on their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation which eventually
results in the satisfaction level of their needs. In other words, employees’ job performance can be evaluated through intrinsic (the level of
autonomy, feeling of competencies, interest towards the job, etc.) or extrinsic (promotions, pay raise, etc.) rewards. Thus, these rewards
can be added to integrative model of motivation2.7 Empirical Evidence Drawing from studies conducted by other researchers, several
motivational factors are suggested that motivation has a positive significant on the employee performance. Various studies have examined
the effect of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on employee performance. Some are listed here: • A research conducted by
Alemnehademasu), on The effect of performance appraisal system on employee motivation at Commercial Bank of Ethiopia in Addis
Abeba. The research design used in the study was descriptive study and explanatory research design the population for the study was
9699 and a sample size of 384 respondents was selected. Questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect primary data for this study
and out of 384 questionnaires distributed 366 of the respondents were retrieving from the respondents. Conclusion the study showed that
the relationship between employees participation in the PAS and employees motivation was insignificant. Again, it was conclude that the
level of employee’s motivation regarding to the current performance appraisal system was low. The study recommends that the
performance appraisal system is an important factor for employee motivation. Performance appraisal system helps to improve employee job
performance and motivation at work. There are a few elements of the current performance appraisal system that are limiting the
effectiveness of the appraisal to enhance motivation in organization.In the conclusion the study showed that employee motivation and
performances were uncorrelated, this means motivation doesn’t affect employee performance. • A research conducted by Solomon Markus,
on the Effect of performance appraisal system on employee motivation at Moha Soft Drinks Industry S.C, Ethiopia Data was collected
through self-administered questionnaire distributed to a sample of 200 employees. The researcher used Stratified simple random sampling
technique has been employed to select the respondents. Statistical analysis such as descriptive, Pearson product moment correlation
coefficient and simple regression analysis were employed to analyze the data. The study found that there is Positive and significant
relationship between PAS and employee motivation
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Consequently, employees performance depends on their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation which eventually results in the satisfaction
level of their needs. In other ...

2% Plagiarised

yet, what intrinsic motivation may mean computationally, and how it may differ from extrinsic[28]-=- one possibility, which has a long
history in psychology, is that extrinsic and intrinsic motivationsecond, by interpreting these approaches in a computational
reinforcement learning framework, we...

5% Plagiarised

Identified regulation is a more self-determined form of intrinsic motivation. It is an employee's personal choice to accept the
regulations as they have individual ...

2% Plagiarised

...process on employee motivation the study recommends that the performance appraisal system is an important factor for employee
motivation. performance appraisal system helps improve employee job performance and motivation at work. there should be regular
assessment of...

2% Plagiarised

again, it was conclude that the level of employee?s motivation regarding to the current performance appraisal system was low. the
study recommends that the performance appraisal system is an important factor for employee motivation.

5% Plagiarised

Performance appraisal system helps to improve employee job performance and motivation at work. There are a few elements of the
current performance appraisal system that are limiting the effectiveness of the appraisal to enhance motivation in organization.

2% Plagiarised

The general objectives of the study were, to determine the effect of factors of customer's attitude on customer's attitude at fast food
restaurants in Addis Ababa.

2% Plagiarised

The manager's ability to address the skills gaps can have a significant impact on the employee's motivation. The study recommends
that the performance appraisal system is an important factor for employee motivation. Performance appraisal system helps improve
employee job performance and motivation at work.

2% Plagiarised

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