Dicionario 3

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Communication Compassion

Communication is the process by which one can transmit information from one Compassion is the fundamental ethical principle of one's relationships with other
entity to another. Communication processes are sign-mediated interactions people and all living things, even with no bumps. This is the main aspect of love
between at least two agents who share the same repertoire of signs and have a on earth and the first criterion by which God decides: allow a person to approach
common semiotic rules. Him or not.

The partnership is essential. Fellowship means "a common life together." In a
sense, this sums up the other functions that we have spoken. The partnership
Understanding is a mental creation process whereby, based on certain data from a
involves being together, love and fellowship each other. Involves listening to
sender, the receiver of the message creates an image that you want to convey. It is
someone who has a concern, pray with someone who has a need to visit someone
therefore necessary to give meaning to the data we receive. When we use the term
in the hospital, sitting in a classroom or in a Bible study or even sing a song with
"data" we mean any information that can be used to help understand a message.
someone who has not seen before. The fellowship also involve participating in
Data can be of different types: words, concepts, relationships, implications,
prayer requests.
formats, structures can be linguistic, cultural, social, etc
Detachment Empathy
Landslides or slumps are a type of movement of instability caused by lack of Empathy is a basic skill of interpersonal communication, it allows a solid
support, encompassing a limited amount of land. They tend to be rocks falling understanding between two people, therefore, empathy is essential to fully
down a slope, due to loss of support that sustained them. understand the message of the other and establish a dialogue. This ability to infer
the thoughts and feelings of others, generate feelings of sympathy, understanding
and tenderness

The responsibility comes from the Latin word 'cock chuleca'responsum, which is a Fidelity
way to be considered subject to a debt or obligation (example: "Drivers of motor Fidelity is a notion which in its most abstract level implies a real connection to a
vehicles are responsible for damages caused by their machines.") source or sources. Its original meaning is linked to loyalty (of a person with a lord
• As a responsible commitment or obligation (example: "My responsibility as or a king) and attention to duty. The word "loyalty" from the word fidelitas
president will lead our country to prosperity.") (Latin), and its meaning is to serve a god
• As a synonym for cause (eg, "a stone was responsible for fracturing his skull.")
Friendship Goodness
Friendship (from Latin amicus, friend, that comes from love, to love) is an Perfect goodness because the person can give and give without fear of being
affectionate relationship between two or more people. Friendship is one of the disappointed, conveying encouragement and enthusiasm to those around him.
most common relationships that most people have in the friendship vida.La occurs Kindness is a natural inclination to do good, with a deep understanding of people
in different stages of life and different degrees of importance and significance. and their needs, always patient and balanced mood. This value, therefore,
The friendship is born when people find common concerns. There are friendships develops in each person's willingness to please and indulge in fair measure to all
that are born within a few minutes to relate to and others take years to do so. True people at all times
friendship lasts a lifetime.

Generosity It is the virtue by which a person recognizes, inside and out, gifts received and
The generosity of human beings is the habit of giving and understand others. match is something for which he received. Essentially, gratitude is an interior
Often compared to the charity as a virtue, generosity is widely accepted in society disposition, a grateful heart, but when it is genuine, somehow, to express in words
as a desirable habit. In times of natural disasters, relief efforts are often provided and in deeds. Consequently, includes three elements: recognition that a gift has
voluntarily by individuals or groups acting unilaterally in its delivery of time, been received; appreciation expressed gratitude, and as soon as possible,
resources, goods, money, etc. Generosity is a trait of altruism and philanthropy, as otherwise return what is given free without any obligation on the giver.
shown in the anonymous people who serve on a nonprofit organization.
Happiness Joy
Happiness is a state of mind that occurs when the person believed to have reached  One of the basic human emotions, along with fear, anger, disgust, sadness and
a desired goal and good. This state promotes inner peace, a positive environmental surprise. According to Renny, writer and behavioral counselor, is a light and airy
approach, while encouraged to conquer new heights. Is defined as an internal interior state, generating well-being, energy levels and a strong willingness to act
condition of satisfaction and joy. constructively, which can be seen in every person, even though he experiences it,
the revealed in its appearance, language, decisions and actions. Sadness is the
emotion contrary

Honesty is a quality of human quality that is to behave and speak with consistency Justice
and honesty (telling the truth), according to the values of truth and justice. It is to Justice (Latin Iustitia) is the conception that every time and civilization has on the
live according to how you think and feel. In its most obvious sense, honesty can meaning of legal rules. Is a value determined by society. Arose from the need to
be understood as the simple respect for the truth about the world, the facts and maintain harmony among its members. Is the set of rules and regulations
persons, in other ways, honesty also involves the relationship between subject and establishing a framework for relations between individuals and institutions,
others, and the subject with same. authorizing, prohibiting and allowing specific actions in the interaction of
individuals and institutions.
Love Magnanimity
Love is a universal concept on the affinity between people, defined in various Magnanimity or greatness of soul, as its name implies, applies only to great
ways according to different ideologies and viewpoints (scientific, philosophical, things, but know, first of all, what things are these. Moreover, we study the very
religious, artistic). Usually, and primarily in the West, is interpreted as a feeling quality regardless or the person who has it. The magnanimity seems to be the man
related to love and attachment, and resulting and producer of a range of emotions, who is worthy of the greatest things, and it is in effect, because he has this high
experiences and attitudes. In the philosophical context, love is a virtue that makes estimation of himself without merit is a fool, and a heart of virtue it is not
all the kindness, compassion and caring human being. Also be described as unreasonable or irrational .
actions directed toward others (or to yourself) and based on compassion, or as
actions directed toward others and based on affection.

Loyalty The term obedience (from Lat. Ob audire = the listener), as well as action to obey,
Loyalty is an obligation of loyalty to a subject or citizen owes his state, monarch says the process leading from attentive listening to the action, which may be
or himself. Loyalty is a virtue consists in the fulfillment of honor and gratitude the purely passive or abroad or, conversely, can cause a deep inner attitude of
loyalty is more attached to the relationship in group response.
Optimism Patience.
Optimism is the value that helps us face the difficulties with great courage and Patience is not passive in suffering, not to react or simply hold it: it is strength to
perseverance, are discovering the positive people and circumstances, relying on accept with serenity the pain and tests that life puts at our disposal for the
our capacities and with the help we can get. continuous inner progress.

Overcoming Peace
The improvement is a process of transformation and development, through which Is usually defined in a positive sense, as a social status or personal level, which
a person tries to adopt new ways of thinking and acquire a number of qualities that are in equilibrium and stable parts of a unit, and in the opposite direction as the
will improve the quality of your life. absence of unrest, violence or war
Perseverance Punctuality
Perseverance is the attitude of being firm in achieving an objective at a time when Punctuality is an attitude that is acquired from the first years of life by forming
one intends to reach a definite end to it, is that antelogro in underpinning the man habits in the family, where the rules and customs established schedules for each of
to be part of a life of perseverance in the same question, is wanting something one our activities. It is also a reflection of respect for others' time as school and social
autopropone, thus motivating this virtue called perseverance and taking it to a life, being on time is a sign of good education
satisfaction or something already achieved.

The reason is a term that can be defined from various perspectives. Since the
Prudence arithmetic, the reason relates to that difference between two quantities, ie
Prudence is the virtue of acting fairly, properly and with caution, as defined by the subtraction. From geometry, the reason has to do with the operation of the
Scholastics agibilium recta ratio, to distinguish art factibilium recta ratio. It is also division, in this sense, it would be the number of times a number contains another.
understood as the power to communicate with others through a clear, literal, However, the reason mostly known as the term, corresponds to a concept of
cautious and appropriate, and act in accordance with the feelings, the lives and philosophy, and has been used to refer to this human ability to solve problems
freedoms of others. Today the meaning has been imposed to act with caution to with different levels of satisfaction. It's that "think" that allows us to elucidate the
avoid injury, although the old definition remains RAE best solutions to the problems of everyday life, and those who have greater
Sacrifice Sensitivity
A sacrifice is a religious act belonging to worship in which God gives some Sensitivity (Latin sensibilem, 'sensible'), faculty of a living being to perceive
material object belonging to the bidder - this offer is consumed in the ceremony, external and internal stimuli through the senses. In physiology, is the function of
in order to achieve, restore, maintain or enter into friendly relations with the deity. the nervous system that can detect via the sense organs to chemical or physical
A sacrifice is to express faith, repentance, and worship. The main purpose of changes that come from within the individual or external environment
sacrifice is to please the deity and to ensure their favor

is what makes a person can adapt to the prevailing situation and that is being
presented at that time, no need to feel superior or inferior to someone else, is
We define it as forming a character capable of dominating the comfort and
denoted by the ease with which each of us adapting to situations , without being
impulses of their own way of being to make life more pleasant for others. Is the
annoying to others, necessarily involves being aware of who is self and scope that
value that helps us control the impulses of our nature and the convenience trend
can reach also have to respect everyone, not only externally but internally and
by will. Encourages us to face setbacks with serenity and patience and
value people as it really is, even in spite of ourselves and sometimes may not be to
understanding in personal relationships.
our liking.
Sincerity Solidarity
Is a value that we should live to have friends, to be worthy of trust, Have you ever it is one of the ultimate human values, which is expected when a significant other
felt the disappointment of discovering the truth?, "The truth he uncovers a needs of our good intentions to succeed. In these terms, solidarity is defined as the
deception or a lie, surely if, the discomfort caused by the feeling disappointed is mutual cooperation in the people, and that feeling that keeps people together at all
an experience you never want to live again, and sometimes prevents us to trust in times, especially when they experience difficult experiences, which are not easily
people, even without being the cause of our disappointment come out.

Sociability pardon and forgive the words from the Latin prefix and Latin verb per donate,
Sociability appears to be that quality or attribute that has a sociable person, ie one meaning respectively, "pass, cross, go ahead and pass over" and "donate,
that naturally tends to live in society and also, that pre-eminently affable guy likes donation, gift, gift, give (if appropriate a word donum, and "to ensure compliance
to know other people. Human beings are naturally social animals, we are naturally with the time (charge)" (possibly a word donec), which implies the idea of the
inclined to social life is practically impossible for a human being to live for cancellation, remission, removal of a fault, offense, claim, penalty, indignation or
himself, somehow, everyone, even the most selfish, ever need the relationship anger, exempting the culprit of an obligation, discrepancy or error.
with the others.
Respect Valentia
Respect is accepted and understood as are others, accept and understand their Courage is a universal value that teaches us to defend what is worthwhile, to
thinking but not the same as ours, but according to us is wrong, but who can dominate our fears and overcome adversity. Without the courage, in difficult
secure that for us this are those who agree with us, but they are, we believe they times our lives can drift, but the inner strength led by a good conscience, can take
are wrong in their thinking, but who says that we are the bearers of truth, we must us further than we could imagine.
learn to respect and accept the way of being and thinking of others.

Wisdom is the skill developed through experience, the lighting, and reflection to
Tolerance. discern truth and exercise good sense. Is often conceptualized as an advanced
 We could define the tolerance and acceptance of diversity of opinion, social, development of common sense. Most psychologists and psychoanalysts refer to
ethnic, cultural and religious. It is the ability to listen and accept others, valuing wisdom as distinct cognitive abilities measured by intelligence tests. Nor wisdom
the different ways of understanding and position in life, provided they do not can be taught, but develops mainly through experience and practice is associated
violate the fundamental human rights ... with the virtue of prudence.




Merli Lara Members:

Emileidys Mendoza

Israel Garcia

Monrroy Maria

Patricia Gonzales

5to C

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