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“Design and Fabrication of Wheel Changing Kit.

Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment

For the award of the

Degree of Bachelor of technology

In Department of Mechanical Engineering

(Academic Session 2013-17)

Project Guide Submitted By

Mr. Sudhanshu Chhajed Hitesh Sharma

Project Coordinators: Anshul Bhardwaj

Mr. Amit Bansal Ayush Mathur

Mr. Ankit Agarwal Mohit Jain

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan.

Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and


This is to certify that the project entitled “Design and Fabrication of Wheel Changing kit”
has been submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand
Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan (Rajasthan Technical University,
Kota) for the fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in “Mechanical Engineering” by following student of final year B.Tech.
(Mechanical Engineering).

Student Name (with Roll no.)

13ESKME036 Hitesh Sharma (Leader)

13ESKME010 Anshul Bhardwaj
13ESKME016 Ayush Mathur
13ESKME060 Mohit Jain

Mr. Sudhanshu Chhajed Mr. N.K. Banthiya

(Project Guide) (Head of Department)


We, hereby declare that the discussion entitled “Design and Fabrication of Wheel Changing
Kit” being submitted by us towards the partial fulfillment of the degree of bachelor of
Technology, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering is a project work carried by us
under the supervision of Mr. Sudhanshu Chhajed, and have not been submitted anywhere

We will be solely responsible if any kind of plagiarism is found.


Hitesh Sharma Anshul Bhardwaj

(13ESKME036) (13ESKME010)

Ayush Mathur Mohit Jain

(13ESKME016) (13ESKME060)


We like to share our sincere gratitude to all those who help us in completion of this project.
During the work we faced many challenges due to our lack of knowledge and experience
but these people help us to get over from all the difficulties and in final compilation of our
idea to a shaped sculpture.

We would like to thank Mr. Sudhanshu Chhajed sir for his governance and guidance,
because of which our whole team was able to learn the minute aspects of a project work.

We would also like to show our gratitude to our Project Coordinators Mr. Amit Bansal and
Mr. Ankit Agarwal for their continuous help and monitoring during the project work.

In the last we would like to thank the management of Swami Keshvanand Institute of
Technology, Management and Gramothan for providing us such an opportunity to learn
from these experiences.

All of our team is thankful to Mr. Narendra K. Banthiya Sir, Mr. Alok Mathur Sir, Mr.
Dheeraj Joshi sir and all the Faculties and Staff of Department of Mechanical Engineering,
SKIT, for their help and support towards this project and our team.

We are also thankful to our whole class and most of all to our parents who have inspired us
to face all the challenges and win all the hurdles in life.

Thank you All.

13ESKME036 Hitesh Sharma

13ESKME010 Anshul Bhardwaj
13ESKME016 Ayush Mathur
13ESKME060 Mohit Jain


The efforts required in achieving the desired output can be effectively and economically be
decreased by the implementation of better designs. Power screws are used to convert rotary
motion into translator motion. A screw jack is an example of a power screw in which a
small force applied in a horizontal plane is used to raise or lower a large load. The principle
on which it works is similar to that of an inclined plane. The mechanical advantage of a
screw jack is the ratio of the load applied to the effort applied. The screw jack is operated
by turning a lead screw. The height of the jack is adjusted by turning a lead screw and this
adjustment can be done either manually or by integrating an electric motor.

Screw jack plays an important role in changing the wheel of an automobile, also a huge
amount of force is required in opening and tightening the nuts to fix the wheel. By the help
of this project we want to reduce both of these manual jobs, to a less complicated – more
efficient motor driven and Semi-Automatic Job.

The significance and purpose of this work is to provide a user friendly support for the
existing car jack in order to make the operation easier, safer and more reliable in order to
reduce health risks. The designed kit will also save time and requires less human energy to


CERTIFICATE ................................................................................................................ i

DECLARATION ............................................................................................................ ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................ iii

ABSTRACT................................................................................................................... iv

Chapter: 1........................................................................................................................ 1

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Background of Project ....................................................................................... 1

1.2. About the Screw Jack ........................................................................................ 1

1.3. About impact wrench ........................................................................................ 2

1.4. Statement of the problem................................................................................... 3

1.5. Aims and objectives of the study ....................................................................... 3

1.6. Scope of study ................................................................................................... 4

1.7. Organization of Chapters ................................................................................... 4

Chapter: 2........................................................................................................................ 5

Literature Review ............................................................................................................ 5

Chapter 3......................................................................................................................... 8

Design Procedure ............................................................................................................ 8

3.1. Materials ........................................................................................................... 8

3.1.1. D.C. motor : Description of D.C. motor...................................................... 8

3.1.2. Screw Jack ................................................................................................. 8

3.1.3. Switches..................................................................................................... 9

3.1.4. Control cables ............................................................................................ 9

3.1.5. D.C. Adapter .............................................................................................. 9

3.1.6. Nut opening Socket .................................................................................. 10

3.3. Design Calculations for the Project: ................................................................ 14

3.2.1 Design of Screw ....................................................................................... 14

3.3.2. Design of nut............................................................................................ 16

3.3.3. Design of pins in nuts ............................................................................... 17

3.3.4. Design of links ........................................................................................ 17

3.4. Coefficient of Friction ..................................................................................... 19

3.5. Loads and Stresses in Screw ............................................................................ 19

Chapter 4....................................................................................................................... 20

Fabrication and Testing ................................................................................................. 20

4.1. Fabrication of Various components: ................................................................ 20

4.2. Testing of the project....................................................................................... 26

Types of Tests performed on the project ................................................................. 27

Chapter 5....................................................................................................................... 29

Result and Discussion ................................................................................................ 29

5.1. Results: ........................................................................................................... 29

5.2. Discussion:...................................................................................................... 29

5.3. Bill of Material ................................................................................................ 30

5.4. Safety Instructions........................................................................................... 30

5.5. Trouble Analysis : Cause and Measures .......................................................... 30

5.6. Maintenance .................................................................................................... 31

5.7. Gantt Chart...................................................................................................... 31

References..................................................................................................................... 33

List of Figures

Figure 1. A Screw Jack Model used in Automobile Sector [7] ......................................... 8

Figure 2. A Toggle Switch Connection Setup [9] ............................................................. 9
Figure 3. A set of Socket [10] ........................................................................................ 11
Figure 4. Nominal Diameters vs. Torque Requirement for tightening Bolts [12] ............ 14
Figure 5. Cotter Joint design for linking section (Alternative) ........................................ 20
Figure 6. Fabrication process for the linking mechanism ............................................... 20
Figure 7. Fabrication Process: Drilling of holes in the Linkage mechanism (Drilling
Machine) ....................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 8. Fabricated Model of Linking Mechanism ...................................................... 21
Figure 9. Design of Nut Opening and Tightening Socket .............................................. 22
Figure 10. Fabrication process for the nut opener .......................................................... 22
Figure 11. Fabrication Process: Grinding of a Pipe Socket for creating a base to weld the
socket (Grinding Machine) ............................................................................................ 22
Figure 12. Motor arrangement for manual use ............................................................... 23
Figure 13. Fabrication Process for the motor arrangement ............................................. 23
Figure 14. Fabrication Process: Extending the dimensions of the hole to attach the switch
in the handle (Horizontal Milling Machine) ................................................................... 24
Figure 15. Fabricated model for motor arrangement ...................................................... 24
Figure 16. Fabrication of Impact wrench's Frame .......................................................... 25
Figure 17. Fabricated model for Impact Wrench ............................................................ 25
Figure 18. Screw Jack design with Eye holes to support the C-Section .......................... 26
Figure 19. Modified model for the screw jack................................................................ 26
Figure 20. Testing of the project .................................................................................... 27
Figure 21. Process Flow of the Wheel Changing Kit ...................................................... 28
Figure 22. Gantt chart .................................................................................................... 32

List of Tables

Table 1. Description of Motor ......................................................................................... 8

Table 2. Description of Screw Jack.................................................................................. 9
Table 3. Description of D.C. Adapter ............................................................................ 10
Table 4 Tightening Torque Metric Bolts (AS 1110, AS 1111) [11] ................................ 11
Table 5. Tightening Torque – Metric Bolts (AS1110) [11] ............................................ 12
Table 6. Tightening Torque Metric Bolts (AS 1110, AS 1252) [11] ............................... 13
Table 7. Bill of Material for the C-section ..................................................................... 21
Table 8. Bill of Material for the Nut opening socket ...................................................... 23
Table 9. Bill of Material for the Motor arrangement ...................................................... 24
Table 10. Working Limits of projects (Screw Jack) ...................................................... 27
Table 11. Working Limits of Impact Wrench................................................................. 27
Table 12. Various cars on which jack is tested ............................................................... 29
Table 13. Bill of Material for the project including coast analysis .................................. 30
Table 14. Trouble analysis for Wheel Changing Kit ...................................................... 30
Table 15. Maintenance Plan for Project ......................................................................... 31

Chapter: 1


1.1. Background of Project

Wheel changing is a tedious process that requires a lot of manual force to change the wheel,
when it get flat. In various scenarios it has been seen that people found themselves
physically incapable of doing such kind of job when it comes to one. Also, especially
women and people with senile disorders feel uncomfortable to do a job which requires a
lot of manual force.

Medical researches has shown that whenever a person is exposed in any scenario where
he/she has to show extensive muscle movements to meet external force/stress, then there is
a lot of chance that the muscles might get damaged or may be a serious injury can be
prevailed because of the process.

As an Engineer it is our duty to provide new technology to the society for the betterment
of them, but also it is our concerns too to seek the need of reduction of human efforts in the
places where health of a human is exposed to certain risks.

Components used in Wheel changing process:

 Screw Jack/Scissor Jack

 Spanner / Torque Wrench / Impact Wrench

1.2. About the Screw Jack

Screw Jack are the mechanical device that are used to lift or lower the weight with minimum
power requirement. A screw jack works on the principal of inclined plane motion of an
object where heavy amount of load can be moved from one location to another with
introduction of correct amount of torque and inclined angle.

In modern jacks, a lead screw is used to produce relative motion between two ends of a
closed linkage, in which one link is fixed while the other can move freely. This movement

of the mechanism is been controlled with proper tuning of the threads in clockwise and
anti-clockwise motion.

In today’s world a screw jack is been used in all parts of the industry but the most common
application of a jack is found in automobile where it is been used in changing the wheel is
required. By the help of the screw jack a person can lift his car and change the wheel well
efficiently. Also it is a major point that the

Car jacks usually use toggle advantage to allow a human to lift a vehicle by manual force
alone. More powerful jacks use hydraulic power to provide more lift over greater

 Toggle jacks are usually rated for maximum lifting capacity.

 There is a one screw in the toggle jack which is rotating.
 There are two nuts which is fixed.
 There are four links connected to both nuts and eight pins to fix all links.
 There are two rings at both ends of the screw.
 There is a one platform which is connected to the upper two links for put load.

Working of toggle jack

 The jack can be raised and lowered with a metal bar that is inserted into the jack.
 The operator turns the bar with his hands in a clockwise direction for makes it go
 When the screw lifts the load on the platform which placed above will also be raised.
 The bar is turned until the jack is raised to the level needed.
 To lower the jack the bar is turned in the opposite direction.

1.3. About impact wrench

Torque multipliers are handheld, air driven, non-impacting torque delivery tools intended
to tighten and loosen nuts, bolts and threaded fasteners. The pressure is controlled using an
external air pressure regulator. Whilst in operation the reaction arm on a torque multiplier
rotates in the opposite direction to the output square drive and must be allowed to rest
squarely against a solid object or surface adjacent to the bolt to be tightened or loosened.

This reaction allows the torque to be applied. Once the required torque is achieved the tool
stalls and no further tightening is possible.

Known torque-responsive power screw drivers which are driven by electric motors or
pneumatically have a relatively high speed of rotation in order to obtain a short screwing
in time. Since the maximum moment of tension for the screw to be screwed requires a
determined torque, the driving power of the screw driver must likewise be made high in
accordance with the relatively high speed of rotation, although a high torque is required for
only a short time during the tightening of the screw, unless some shock action is utilized
for the purpose of producing this peak degree. The limitation of the degree of tightening of
the screw is usually effected by means of ratchet couplings or striking mechanism. When
screwing in expansion screws, this degree of tightening must be kept constant within very
narrow, since these screws, are stressed almost to their yield point during screwing in.
Torque-responsive screwing drivers having a shock effects are useless for this purpose. The
degree of

tightening achieved is greatly dependent on the number of blows applied, which however
cannot be kept constant because of the rapid succession of blows, while in addition the
power of the individual blow is variable within wide limits because of the indeterminable
reaction of work piece, screw and screwing tool on the striking operation. In addition, the
shock effect causes rapid wear on the striking surface, which results in a considerable
variation of the face of the blows and a relatively short life of the screwdriver. Torque-
responsive screwdrivers having striking mechanisms are impractical where accurate
tensioning of a screw is necessary. It has moreover been found that, at the high speeds used,
ratchet couplings also apply a powerful shock action and are therefore likewise unsuitable
for tightening expansion screws

1.4. Statement of the problem

During the study for the project, we got acknowledged to various scenarios, where, because
of manual wheel changing system a lot of people have been injured. Also, it is a
recognizable factor that people found themselves helpless when they are exposed to such
conditions. So, by this project we are aimed to reduce the human efforts in changing a

1.5. Aims and objectives of the study

The main objective of this project is to design a motorized screw jack. Other specific
objectives are-

 To fabricate a cost effective Kit to operate Screw Jack available in the car (provided
by manufacturer), without any additional add-on to the jack.

 To fabricate a nut opening and tightening mechanism.

 To utilize power source present in the car to run the kit.

1.6. Scope of study

This project includes Design and Fabrication of Wheel Changing Kit and

 Study of all the possible categories (Based on load of vehicle) to lay an outline on the
modification of current kit for those cars.
 Creating a safer mechanism to reduce human efforts in wheel changing.
1.7. Organization of Chapters

The report is consists of the following chapters:

 Chapter 1 – Introduction
 Chapter 2 – Literature Review
 Chapter 3 – Design Procedure
 Chapter 4 – Fabrication and Testing
 Chapter 5 – Result and Discussion

Chapter: 2

Literature Review

1.1. Literature Review based on various research paper

Rout ET. Al. [1] during the research found that mostly some difficult methods were
adopted in lifting the vehicles for reconditioning, repair and maintenance. Fabricated model
has mainly concentrated on this difficulty, and hence a suitable device must be designed,
such that the vehicle and heavy objects can be lifted from floor land without the application
of impact force. Such a jack should be light enough and be compact enough so that it can
be stored in an automobile trunk, can be lifted up and carried by most adults to its position
of use, and yet be capable of lifting a wheel of a 4000-5000 pound vehicle off the ground.
Further, it should be stable and easily controllable by a switch so that jacking can be done
from a position of safety. It should be easily movable either to a position underneath the
axle of the vehicle or some other reinforced support surface designed to be engaged by a
jack. Thus, the product has been developed considering all the above requirements. This
particular design of motorized automated object lifting jack has resulted to prove to be
beneficial in lifting and lowering of heavy loads.

Pawar ET. Al. [2] during the research found that Available car jacks are typically manually
operated and therefore require more physical effort on the part of the user. Such jacks
creates difficulties for the elderly, handicapped, and women’s. Disadvantageous in bad
weather conditions. The low degree of safety leads to the cause of accident or sudden failure
in the jacks. The researchers proposed the design to be automated to reduce human effort
while operating jack. The design proposed include control system so that jacking can be
done from a position of safety. It was easily movable and other support surface is not
required. Thus, the design has been developed considering all the above requirements. This
is the beneficial in lifting and lowering of loads.

Yadav ET. AL. [3] stated that most of the present day resources of energy are limited and
irreplaceable and next generation will face acute energy crisis if alternate resources of
energy are not developed concurrently. They found that in today’s developing world, the
extent of automation is obviously the foremost focus of engineers. Screw jack is a device
which is used to lift and support a heavy load in automotive vehicles, such as a car. The

research successfully developed a solar operated push button type Screw Jack. During
Research they putted automated toggle screw jack is put under various force analysis so
that its performance criterion will not fail in operation. The result of the research are: A
mathematical model was framed to estimate the power requirement at various loading
conditions & the model worked effectively in wide range of loading conditions to estimate
the power requirement and experimentally validated.

Maniamramasamy ET. AL. [4]during the research pointed that the recent decades
maintenance in automobile engineering become a challenging task among the engineers,
so it is found that, saving economy has become the task of highest priority in our generation.
Design modification of existing product allows the work as much as easier than the
previous model. In their work, they fabricated a model of motorized screw jack to reduce
the power consumptions and to decrease the human effort. Result of the research was they
found that motorized power jack can be widely used in low cost automation in
manufacturing industries. By their model weight lifting is quick and effortless, which
reduces the physical fatigue (tiredness) felt by the worker.

Akinwonmi ET. AL. [5] designed a power screw by considering the problems associated
with Ergonomics - which is a fundamental concept of design process. The main advantages
of the modified design over the existing design are that the modified designed motorized
jack will save time, be faster and easier to operate and requires less human energy and
additional work to operate. There by effectively curb the problems associated with
Ergonomics - which is a fundamental concept of design process. The result after the project
was very effective and problems related to human body posture and health issues are

Lucia et. al. [6] during their design of an impact wrench acknowledged the fact that the
wrench mechanism is a complex system and it requires a lot of manual power to tighten or
open the bolt. They in their model of the electronic impact wrench introduced an improved
design to reduce the manual heath and work risks and also to overcome the problem of
automation in the working.

1.2. Suggestions based on Literature Review

On the basis of following we have inferred that the existing designs of designs of
automation in Screw Jack are requires to have alignment issues in transporting power form

motor to the lead screw and also we have acknowledge the fact that these designs contains
permanent fixtures of motor and screw jack arrangements. So for the design of our project
“Design and Fabrication of Wheel Changing Kit” we have noticed some issues that must
be answered for better mechanism.

 Removable fixture for motor and lead screw arrangement

 Design of a removable linkage model so that the jack can be used both manually and
by the action of machine power
 Compatibility of the project with existing screw jacks available in the car
 Utilization of car battery and charging point power source
 Keeping the cost of production and supplies to be minimum

Chapter 3

Design Procedure

3.1. Materials

The main components of the Wheel Changing Kit are as follows:

3.1.1. D.C. motor : Description of D.C. motor

Table 1. Description of Motor

S.N. Property Rating

1. Power Source Requirement 12V DC- 2 Amps

2. Rated Torque 90 kg-cm

3. Speed 10 RPM

3.1.2. Screw Jack

The screw jack used in this project is a scissor jack. It mainly consists of the body, screw,
nut and thrust bearings. In this type of a jack, the nut remains stationary while the screw
rotates and helps in lifting or lowering of the load.

Figure 1. A Screw Jack Model used in Automobile Sector [7]

Table 2. Description of Screw Jack

S.N. Component Dimension

1. Lead Screw Diameter 14 mm
2. Lead Screw length 270 mm
3. Lead Screw length (Only Threads) 220 mm
4. Link Length (Rivet to Rivet) 120mm
5. Link Width 21.5mm
6. Link Thickness 3.5 mm
7. Upper Base Dimension 40x45 mm2
8. Lower Base Dimension 130x70 mm2
9. Minimum Height 75mm
10. Maximum Height 290mm

3.1.3. Switches

A switch is used in order to start or stop the entire operation of the screw jack. The type of
switch that is used is known as a toggle switch. A toggle switch is a class of electrical
switches that are manually actuated by a mechanical lever, handle, or rocking mechanism.

Figure 2. A Toggle Switch Connection Setup [9]

3.1.4. Control cables

Are used in order to connect the battery to the motor and the switch. A base for the entire
set-up has also been used. The motor is mounted on an inverted U shaped support frame.

3.1.5. D.C. Adapter

An AC adapter is a type of external power supply, often enclosed in a case similar to an AC
plug. Adapters for battery-powered equipment may be described as chargers or rechargers.
AC adapters are used with electrical devices that require power but do not contain internal
components to derive the required voltage and power from mains power. The internal
circuitry of an external power supply is very similar to the design that would be used for a
built-in or internal supply.

External power supplies are used both with equipment with no other source of power and
with battery-powered equipment, where the supply, when plugged in, can sometimes
charge the battery in addition to powering the equipment.

Table 3. Description of D.C. Adapter

S.N. Property Rating

1. Input Power 230V AC; 5A; 50Hz

2. Output Power 12V DC; 2A;

3.1.6. Nut opening Socket

Sockets are available in various depths or lengths, often divided by most manufacturers
into two categories of "standard" and "deep" according to the ANSI or DIN standard they
are made to and the tolerances allowed by those specifications for each length of socket.
Because the standards allow for some flexibility in tolerances, it is common to see two
manufacturers make deep sockets of the same size but with slightly different depths even
though both meet the same specification. Standard length, otherwise known as "shallow"
sockets, have a lower profile and allow a user to access nuts in narrow spaces. Deep sockets
are useful for turning nuts onto bolts when the bolt extends upwards into the socket (as in
the case of many bolted joints), a very typical example being exhaust clamp bolts on a car.

Figure 3. A set of Socket [10]

3.1.7. Impact Mechanism

The impact mechanism is a mechanical add-on device that is used in wrenches and other
mechanical machines where heavy toque is required to initiate the mechanism. The
mechanism consists of a device that triggers the rotational motion provided by a low torque
source to a higher impact based torque.
3.2. Torque requirement for opening and tightening of Nuts

Table 4 Tightening Torque Metric Bolts (AS 1110, AS 1111) [11]

Material: Grade 4.6 Strength

Tensile Strength= 400 MPa

Yield Strength = 240 MPa

Bolt Sizes Tightening Torque (Nm)

40% 65 %
80% Yield 95% Yield
Yield Yield
M 12
15 24 30 35

M 16 30 48 60 71

M 20 70 110 140 160

M 24 123 200 250 295

M 27 170 270 320 400

M 30 220 350 420 510

M 33 260 440 520 640

M 36 330 536 660 785

M 39 390 650 790 950

M 42 450 735 905 1080

M 45 510 850 1040 1250

M 48 590 970 1200 1420

Table 5. Tightening Torque – Metric Bolts (AS1110) [11]

Material: Grade 5.8 Strength

Tensile Strength = 500 MPa

Yield Strength = 440 MPa

Bolt Sizes Tightening Torque (Nm)

40% 65 % 80%
95% Yield
Yield Yield Yield
M 12
25 40 50 58

M 16 50 80 100 118

M 20 110 170 220 260

M 24 205 335 420 490

M 27 280 460 530 680

M 30 360 590 700 900

M 33 450 740 890 1080

M 36 550 895 1100 1310

M 39 640 1050 1280 1550

M 42 750 1225 1510 1800

M 45 860 1380 1760 2080

M 48 980 1620 2000 2370

Table 6. Tightening Torque Metric Bolts (AS 1110, AS 1252) [11]

Material: Grade 8.8 Strength

Tensile Strength = 800 MPa

Yield Strength = 640 MPa

Bolt Sizes Tightening Torque (Nm)

40% 65 %
80% Yield 95% Yield
Yield Yield
M 12
30 48 60 70

M 16 60 96 120 142

M 20 135 220 275 300

M 24 246 400 500 590

M 27 350 570 700 770

M 30 450 730 910 1000

M 33 560 920 1120 1270

M 36 660 1070 1320 1570

M 39 800 1300 1600 1860

M 42 900 1470 1810 2160

M 45 1040 1690 2100 2470

M 48 1180 1940 2400 2840

Figure 4. Nominal Diameters vs. Torque Requirement for tightening Bolts [12]

3.3. Design Calculations for the Project:

Given data:

 Load = 5KN
For Medium Carbon Steel (35 mm 75) (screw)
 σ = 100 MPa σ = 60 MPa
For phosphorus bronze (nut)
 σ = 50 MPa σ = 40 MPa
3.2.1 Design of Screw

The main load on the *screw is when the jack is in the bottom most part.

In this part Cos θ = (100 - 15 110 )

Θ = 39.4

 Pull in the screw

= 2

= 3.044 KN

 Total force in the screw due to nuts on both side

= 2 = 6.087
 For the screw to be safe in tension
= 12
 Now, let us assume pitch = 6mm
 Outside diameter of screw

= + ,


 Mean Diameter of screw

= ( + )= (12 + 18) = 15mm

 Helix Angle

α= ( ) =7.25°

 Angle of Friction

ϕ= = (0.2) = 11.310

 Effort required to rotate the screw

P= × tan(∝ +ϕ)

6.087×tan (7.25+11.31) = 2.043 kN

 Torque

T=P× = 2.043×10 × = 15.314 N-m

 Torsional shear stress in screw

= = 45.19

 Direct Tensile stress in screw

× . ×
σ = = = 53.82MPa
( )

 Minimum principle stress in screw

+ + + 4 = 52.6 MPa

3.3.2. Design of nut

 Let n = No of threads on nut
Designing the nut in in bearing of threads
 For the nut to be safe in tension = 12

Here Pitch p = 6

Outside diameter = 10+6 = 16

Mean diameter = [10 + 16] = 13

. ×
= = = 10.73
× × × × ×

 Height of nut h = np = 4(6) = 24mm

To prevent moment of nuts beyond 200 mm, rings of 8mm thickness are provided on the
screw on both sides and fixed by set screw.

 Length of screw = 200+h+2[thickness of rings+ 30 mm of spanner ]= 270mm

 Length of spanner = 270mm

Let the operator apply a force of 50N to the end of spanner 1mm long

L= = 365.6

3.3.3. Design of pins in nuts
 Pins are in double shear. If Is the diameter of pins then

√4 √4 × 3044
− = = = 6.96 ≈ 7
2 2 (40)

 Diameter of pin head = 1.5× = 1.5 × 6 = 9

 Thickness of pin head is taken is taken as 3mm
 Split pins are used to keep pins in position.
3.3.4. Design of links
 Load on each link

/2 = 1522

 Let = Width of Link = Thickness of link

Assuming =3
 Area of C-s of Link

= 3

 Moment of Inertia

= = 2.25
 Least radius of Gyration
= = = 0.75

For buckling of links in essential plane, the ends are considered hinged, therefore using

× ×
= = =
[ ] .

For Design load,

 F.O.S = 2

 = F.O.S × F

+ 2.15

=4 , = 12

The link is considered to be fixed ends for buckling in a plane perpendicular to the vertical

∴ = = 55

100 × 3
1 55
1+ [ ]
7500 0.75

100 × 3 × (4)
= 4643.9
1 55
7500 0.75(4)

Design of Connecting Section:

Knuckle pin
 Shear stress in pin : =
( )

= = 276.31
( × . )

 Crushing Failure of pin in fork

= = 13.021
2 × 4 × 24

(No bending failure because pin is tight in the fork)

 Nut Spanner :
Minimum torque required to remove nuts is approx. 140 Nm

= = 12 × 5 = 60
2 × 60
= ↔ =
60 2

60 × 60
= = 57.3
2 × × 10
= 7.5

= 12 × 7.5 = 90

= = 85.95
( )

Critical Load should be more than design load, so design is SAFE.

3.4. Coefficient of Friction

It has been found that the coefficient of friction (μ) at the thread surface depends upon the
workmanship in cutting the threads and on the type of the lubricant. It is practically
independent of the load, rubbing velocity or materials. An average of 0.15 can be taken for
the coefficient of friction, when the screw is lubricated with mineral oil.

3.5. Loads and Stresses in Screw

The load on the screw is the load which is to be lifted W, twisting moment M, between the
screw threads and force F at the handle to rotate the screw. The load W is compressive in
nature and induces the compressive stress in the screw. It may also lead the screw to buckle.
The load F produces bending and it is maximum, when the screw is at its maximum lift.
The screw also experiences twisting moment due to F. the shear stress is also induced in
the screw due to the twisting moment between the threads of screw and nut.

Chapter 4

Fabrication and Testing

4.1. Fabrication of Various components:

For the project following minor/major components are designed and fabricate specifically
to meet the project requirements

 Linking-Section to link motor shaft and screw Jack: This section is used to link the
shaft of the motor to the screw jack. The purpose of this jack is to remove any permanent
linkage between the motor and the jack to improve the effectiveness of the motor and
to use the motor for various other functions.

Figure 5. Cotter Joint design for linking section (Alternative)

Grinding of half the

Selection of material Turning of the job to
scetion of the job into
for the linkage make it in perfect
above shape as in
material diameter

Drilling of holes on Internal threading for

Drilling of a hole of
the opposite side of the the shaft support
the size of the shaft
section for the bolts mechanism

Figure 6. Fabrication process for the linking mechanism

Figure 7. Fabrication Process: Drilling of holes in the Linkage mechanism (Drilling Machine)

Table 7. Bill of Material for the C-section

Name of the
S.N. Material Form (Shape) Quantity
1 Metal sheet GI Sheet 5mm Sheet 10x4 mm2
10mm dia and
Shaft support Hollow
2 Mild Steel 20 mm length
section cylinder
thickness 3 mm
Low carbon
3 Bolt Screw 40 mm length

Figure 8. Fabricated Model of Linking Mechanism

 A nut opening socket system: the nut opening and tightening socket is specially
designed to improve the power transmission of the motor to the nut. This socket has an
open end to support different size of nut opening sockets and the opposite end to lock
this object to the shaft of the motor.

Figure 9. Design of Nut Opening and Tightening Socket

Selection of Welding of socket Welding of base

material for the nut to one end of the plate to the other
opener pipe end

Drilling of 10mm Attachment of a

hole in the base shaft support on the
plate hole

Figure 10. Fabrication process for the nut opener

Figure 11. Fabrication Process: Grinding of a Pipe Socket for creating a base to weld the socket (Grinding

Table 8. Bill of Material for the Nut opening socket

Name of the
S.N. Material Form (Shape) Quantity
High carbon
1 Socket Nut socket ½” dia
Hollow 1” dia and 3”
2 Pipe Mild Steel
cylinder length
1” dia and
3 Base plate Mild Steel Circular disc
5mm thickness
10mm dia and
4 Shaft support Mild Steel 20 mm length
thickness 3 mm

 A fixed motor arrangement: the objective of this arrangement is to make a user

friendly and efficient design handle to use the motor for both screw jack mechanism
and for not opening and tightening mechanism.

Figure 12. Motor arrangement for manual use

Take the “T” and Take the nipple and

Assemble the “T”
insert the motor drill the section for
and the nipple
arrangement in it button and wires

Attach the wiring Attach the battery

Glued the motor
mechanism and probes and polarity
with suitable
button to the switch to the
arrangement mechanism

Figure 13. Fabrication Process for the motor arrangement

Figure 14. Fabrication Process: Extending the dimensions of the hole to attach the switch in the handle
(Horizontal Milling Machine)

Table 9. Bill of Material for the Motor arrangement

Name of the
S.N. Material Form (Shape) Quantity
Hollow 1 ½” dia
1 T Mild Steel
Cylinder section
Hollow 1” dia and 9”
2 Pipe Mild Steel
cylinder length

Figure 15. Fabricated model for motor arrangement

 Impact Wrench: The impact wrench is used to remove and tight the nuts in the wheel.
In general automobile, the nuts in a wheel are tighten with a huge force, order of more

than 250N.m. that much of force can’t be obtained by the use of general motor shaft
arrangement. For the development of force we use impact force arrangement. That
means we strike the nuts with huge impact so that it gets loose or tight.

Figure 16. Fabrication of Impact wrench's Frame

Figure 17. Fabricated model for Impact Wrench

 Screw Jack and arrangement to support the C-Section: this type of arrangement is
very essential to support the C-Section for better transmission of power from the shaft
of motor to the screw threads of the jack.

Figure 18. Screw Jack design with Eye holes to support the C-Section

Figure 19. Modified model for the screw jack

4.2. Testing of the project

For the confirmation of the projects ability to sustain real life action, various type of tests
and experiments are designed and results are recorded to claim that the objectives of the
project works are achieved.

Figure 20. Testing of the project

Types of Tests performed on the project

 Calculation of working limits of the project.

 Calculation of effective load limits of the project.
 Ergonomical Design Testing: Work Sampling, Process Flow Chart, Man-Machine
Relationship Chart.
4.2.1. Working limits of project

Table 10. Working Limits of projects (Screw Jack)

S.N. Property Rating

1. Lower limit 75mm

2. Upper Limit 290mm

3. Load Limit 250kg

4. Screw pitch (Square threads) 2mm

Table 11. Working Limits of Impact Wrench

S.N. Property Rating

1. Voltage Rating 12V ± 1 V

2. Power Rating 100W

Maximum operational time (Safe

3. 5 min and then wait for 10 minutes

4.2.2. Effective load limit of the project

Torque Limits: 8.16 Nm
Available Toque by the motor: 9 Nm
Design: Safe
4.2.3. Ergonomical Design Testing
This testing include study of various set of performance vs. time consumption with
accordance to set of standards test. This testing include: Calculation of Standard
Time for process, Percentage variation than manual work, process flow analysis,
man-machine relationship, etc. Process flow of the Wheel Changing Statement

Lift the screw jack to a

Place the Screw Jack at
Plug the probes into suitable height and
the location of Flat
the battery then remove the

Connect the battery Attach the appropriate

power supply to the size of socket to the Remove the Nut
Impact Wrench nut

Connect the screw jack

Change the wheel Tighten the nut
to power supply

Remove the
Lower the screw jack

Figure 21. Process Flow of the Wheel Changing Kit

Chapter 5

Result and Discussion

5.1. Results:

The project “Design and Fabrication of Automatic Wheel changing kit” has been fabricated
and final testing has been done using real world scenarios. In the testing mode, we have
applied the actual load of a Maruti Suzuki Alto. The jack has successfully uplifted the
automobile without any problem.

Table 12. Various cars on which jack is tested

Weight of
S.N. Automobile Name Uptime Lower Time

1. Maruti Suzuki 800 650 kg 420 Sec 360 sec

2. Maruti Suzuki Alto 750 kg 450 Sec 360 sec

3. Tata Nano 600 420 Sec 360 sec

5.2. Discussion:

The project “Design and Fabrication of Wheel Changing Kit” is an automation of available
car jacks provided by the manufacturers, without any manufacturing updation of the design
of the project. Also, it is found that the project can work proficiently with the working
capacities of the Car Jack (Toggle/Scissor Jack). The project is not producing any extra
amount of thrust on the user and is cost effective as only some components are going to be
add-on to the existing design (with comparison to other electronic screw jacks [13]
available in the market).

The other part of the project i.e., Nut tightening and opening socket is been fabricated on
the design of an impact wrench and the mechanism is working under the real world scenario
with sufficient supply of driving torque to both open and tight the nuts to case the wheel.

The project is working by extruding power of the available Car Batteries and haven’t shown
any significant power depletion in the car battery.

5.3. Bill of Material

Table 13. Bill of Material for the project including coast analysis

S.N. Type of Expenditure Rating/Specification Cost

1 Screw Jack Capacity 2 ton 3000
2 Outsource Machining various machining 2000
3 Impact Mechanism for torque of 250Nm 2000
4 DC Power Motor 12V DC 90kg-cm 10 RPM 1360
5 Wiring and Electrical Wires, Switches, probes, 500
components etc.
6 Tools Glue gun; Soldering rod; 500
screw driver; spanner
7 Socket - Nut Set of 4 nuts with a hub 500
8 Motor Handle arrangement Pipe + Socket + T 250
9 Machining 200
Total cost of the project 10310

5.4. Safety Instructions

 Please read the operational manual carefully before any operation
 Do not use the kit in override condition
 Make sure that the engine of the car is in working to reduce the load on battery
 Always keep the kit clean and dry
 Ensure proper power supply to the system
 Do not let the machine in the hand of children
 Do not use the kit while it is raining
5.5. Trouble Analysis : Cause and Measures

Table 14. Trouble analysis for Wheel Changing Kit

S.N. Trouble Cause Measures

Car weight is more Use jack in prescribed
than limit limit
The Jack is not lifting the
1. No Electricity is
vehicle Check electric supply

Fault in wire Repair the fault

The Impact wrench can’t No electricity

2. Check electricity supply
work available

5.6. Maintenance

Table 15. Maintenance Plan for Project

S.N. Application For Maintenance Steps Required

Proper lubrication of screws.
1. Screw Jack Tightening of bolts (if present)
Removal of dirt from the Jack
Checking of wire network and
2. Motor Arrangement connection
Alignment checking of shaft
Checking of wire network
3. Impact Wrench Proper running of impact wrench
Greasing of Gear box

5.7. Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart showing the status of work in the eight semester of the college.

Design and Febrication Of Wheel Changing Kit
02-08-2016 17-08-2016 01-09-2016 16-09-2016 01-10-2016 16-10-2016 31-10-2016 15-11-2016 30-11-2016 15-12-2016 30-12-2016 14-01-2017 29-01-2017 13-02-2017 28-02-2017 15-03-2017 30-03-2017 14-04-2017 29-04-2017

Design and Febrication of Wheel Changing Kit

Project Stage I
Group Formation
Meeting with Project Guide
Selection of Project Title
Submission of Project Title
Literature Review
Design Work
Design Submission to Project Guide
Design Modification
Presentation Draft
Report Draft
Project Stage I Report Submission`

Project Stage II
Group Meeting with Project Guide
Literature Review
Submission of Literature Review
Design and Project Modification
Submission of New Title
Market Survey
Market Survey based on Internet and Shopping Sites
Market Survey in Local Area (Jaipur)
Submission of Market Survey Report and Bill of Material
Group Meeting with Project Guide
Design Modification
Material Procurment Process
Project Febrication Process
Submission of All Material to College
Fabrication Process Initiated
Modification and Project Completion
Project Fabrication Completed and Submission of Working Model
Acceptance of advice from faculties about modification
Project Remodification
Submission of Draft Report

Figure 22. Gantt chart


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