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rqm k|;fb 9'+ufgf

 Automated System for customs Data

 UNCTAD n] ljsf; u/sf] software
 eG;f/ k|zf;gnfO{ c6f]d]zgdf n}hfg] k|0ffnL
 Nepal Customs Automation System (NECAS)
 ljsf;lzn b]zsf] eG;f/ k|zf;gnfO{ ;'bl[ 9s/0f ug]{ cGt/fli6||o
 UNCTAD n] ljsf; u/]sf] Single Administrative
Document nfO{ k|lji6 ug]{ sDKo'6/ ;km\6j]o/ xf] .
 !(*! df of] ;km\6j]o/sf] lgdf{0f ul/Psf] .
 g]kfndf cfl;s'8fsf] klxnf] k|of; !((! df eof] .
 Pl;ofnL ljsf; a}+saf6 Industrial Sector Project
Loan cGtu{t cfl;s'8f cWoogsf] sfo{ yfngL eof] .
 g]kfn ;/sf/ / Pl;ofnL ljsf; a}+s ljr k|fljlws
;xfotf ;DaGwL !((% df ePsf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd of]
k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; ul/of] .
 !((^ -@)%% ;fndf_ df of] k|0ffnLsf] z'?jft eof] .
 xfn ljZjsf () d'n'sdf nfu' ePsf] .
 k|yd km]hM !((^ b]lv !((* ;Dd eG;f/ ljefu / lqe'jg cGt/fli6||o
ljdfg:yn eG;f/ sfof{nodf Pl;ofnL ljsf; a}s + sf] ;xof]udf
 bf];|f] km]hM !((* b]lv @))! lj/u+h, lj/f6gu/,e}/xjf eG;f/df ljZj
+ sf] ;xfotf
 t];|f] km]hM @))& b]lv @)!) ;Dd Pl;ofnL ljsf; a}s + sf] ;xfotfdf
WAN, Broker Module, Selectivity Module nfu' ul/of] .
k|d'v eG;f/x?df .
 rf}yf] km]hM @)!! b]lv @)!% ;Dd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ljQLo >f]tdf . !*
j6f d"Vo eG;f/df . / @ 5f]6L eG;f/df .
 kfrf} r/0fM cfl;s'8f jN8{, @)!% km/j/L b]lv z'?jft . UNCTAD /
eG;f/ ljefun] nfu' u/]sf]
 sDKo'6/ d'lb|t k|1fkgkqsf] z'?jftM @))( b]vL .
 Web based
 ADB and WB ;xfotfdf
 2016 January 26 b]lv nfu' . d]rL eG;f/ sfof{noaf6 z'?jft .
 xfn ;Dd @$ d"n eG;f/ sfof{nodf nfu'
 g]kfn /fi6|| a}s
+ af6 ljlgdo b/, cfGtl/s /fh:j ljefuaf6 kfg g+= eG;f/
ljefusf] PlShd sf]8 :jtM l;h{gf x'g]
 cg'udgsf nflu WAN sf] k|of]u ul/Psf]
 s]lGb|o ;e{/ eG;f/ ljefudf /x]sf] .
 k|yd e;{gM ASYCUDA 2.7.1(1981)
 bf];|f] e;{gM Local Area ASYCUDA
 t];|f] eh{gM ASYCUDA++ (1992)
 ASYCUDA World (web based)
 ljs]lGb|t k|0ffnL
 u]6 sGb||f]n k|0ffnLsf] cefj
 ;a} df]8\o'nsf] k|of]u ug{ g;lsg]
 k'/fgf] k|ljlwM Solaris, Informix
 j]edf cfwfl/t gx'g', 8]:s6kdf cfwfl/t
 cGo k|0ffnL;Fu Plss[t gePsf]
 tYof+s ;+sng / k|Zf]wg Ifdtfsf] sdL
 sfuhftx? ;+nUg ug{ k|0ffnL gx'g'
 k|0ffnL s:6dfO{hz] g ug{ ;lsg]
 cfw'lgs sDKo'6/ k|ljlw (JAVA, Oracle )
 Web based
 Mobile, PCS, laptops tablet etc
 s]lGb|s[t k|0ffnL
 tYof+s k|zf]wg, ljZn]if0f tyf ljt/0fdf ;lhnf]
 cGo lgsfo;Fu 8f6f cfbfg k|bfg ug{ ;lsg]
 ;'b[9 ;'/Iff Joj:yf
 100% Java technology.
 Operating system, relational database & hardware
 Highly scalable N-tier architecture & modular design.
 Fully compatible with all forms of data exchange
with any external software.
 Highly secure – including asymmetrical encryption,
biometrics, e-signature, 2-factor authentication etc.
 E-government ready
 An open platform to build a Customs-centric
electronic Single Window
 8s'd]G6 / kmf]6f] cknf]8 ug{ ;lsg]
 tf]lsPsf] a}+ssf] h'g;'s} zfvfaf6 e'QmfgL ug{ ;lsg]
 ljB'lto x:tfIf/sf] k|of]u
 k|1fkgkqdf jf/sf]8sf] Joj:yf
 k|0ffnLsf] n]vf k/LIf0f ;DaGwL Joj:yfx?
 ASYCUDA portal sf] Joj:yf
 Online Tariff
 Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
 dx;'n u0fgf k|0ffnL
 eljZodf ;dofg's'n ;'wf/ ug{ ;lsg]
1. Goods Clearance Module
2. Bank Payment Module
3. Selectivity Module
4. Broker Module
5. Barcode Reader Module
6. Cash Deposit Management Module
7. Deposit/Seizure Management Module
8. Revenue collection management module
9. Gate Entry Module
10. Exit Note Module
11. Bank Guarantee Module
12. Valuation Module
13. Arrears Management Module
14. Manifest Module
 hfFrkf;df df]jfO{n PK;sf] k|of]uMM @)&^ df3 !@
 Goods Clearance module xfn ;Dd @$ d"n eG;f/df nfu'
 gate entry module nfu'MM * j6f eG;f/df
 dflgkm]i6 df]8\o'nMM lqe'jg ljdfg:yn eG;f/ sfof{nodf
 ;]nS] 6Lle6L df]8\o'nMM !# j6f eG;f/df
 Deposit seizure module: lqe'jg ljedg:yn eG;f/ sfof{nodf
 a}+s Uof/]G6L df]8\o'n MM @$ j6f eG;f/df
 Valuation Process Automation module @! eG;f/df
 df]jfO{n PK;af6 hfrkf;MM lj/u+h eG;f/df

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