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Summary 1

British industrial revolution


Is a structure that converts wind power into rational energy by means of vanes called sails or
blades , specifically to mill grain , but the term is also extended to wndpumps , wind turbines
and other applications. Windmills were used throughout the high medieval and early modem
periods. The horizontal or ponemone windmill first.
Steam ergine
Steam power originally developed slowly over a period of several hundred years, progressing
through expensive and fairly limited devices in the early 17th century, until it reached to
actually practical applications at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The steam engine
was one of the most important technologies of the Industrial Revolution. It was a simple device
that used boiling water to create mechanical motion to be utilized in useful work.
The steam engine was used in many industrial settings, especially mining, where the first
engines pumped water from deep workings. Early mills had run successfully with water power,
but by using a steam engine a factory could be located anywhere, not just near water. Water
power varied with the seasons, and was not available at times due to freezing, floods and dry
Power technology
New inventions and technologies played an important role in the Industrial Revolution. They
changed the way things were powered, how goods were manufactured, how people
communicated, and the way goods were transported. These new developments allowed the
industrial revolution to grow rapidly and spread throughout Europe and the United States.
n the early part of the Industrial Revolution natural power sources such as water and wind were
used as power. Later, new power technologies such as a steam power and electricity played a
major role in allowing the Industrial Revolution to grow.

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