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Pilot : BOA. TWR, HS-FFA on BOA. apron VFR. training flight area [1,2] [in pattern] Pilot : BOA. TWR. HS-FFA over area 1 mission complete ALT. [1500,2000]
ALT. [1500,2000] FT. request taxi instruction. request landing instruction.
BOA TWR : HS-FFA taxi to holding point RWY. [16,34] via TWY [B,C] . BOA TWR : HS-FFA CLR. VFR entry via T-point RWY. 16 maintain [1500,2000]
Pilot : taxi to holding point RWY [16,34] via TWY [B,C] HS-FFA. report over T-point.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pilot : CLR. VFR entry via T-point RWY16 maintain [1500,2000] report over T-point
Pilot : BOA. TWR. HS-FFA ready for departure.
BOA TWR : HS-FFA clear line up RWY. [16,34]. HS-FFA
Pilot : line up RWY. [16,34] HS-FFA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOA TWR : HS- FFA after departure left turn report C-point, RWY. 16 CLR. Pilot : BOA. TWR. HS-FFA over T-point.
for takeoff. BOA TWR : HS-FFA join left downwind RWY 16 HS-FFA.
Pilot : after departure left turn report C-point, RWY. 16 CLR. for takeoff HS-FFA. Pilot : join left downwind RWY16 HS-FFA.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pilot : BOA. TWR. HS-FFA over C-point. Pilot : HS-FFA on left downwind REQ. [touch and go/full stop].
BOA TWR : HS-FFA report over area [1,2] BOA TWR : HS-FFA report final.
Pilot : report over area [1,2] HS-FFA. Pilot : report final HS-FFA.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pilot : BOA. TWR. HS-FFA over area [1,2] operation normal. Pilot : HS-FFA on final.
BOA TWR : HS-FFA report complete mission. BOA TWR : RWY 16 CLR [to land / touch and go].
Pilot : report complete mission HS-FFA Pilot : CLR [to land / touch and go] HS-FFA.
BOA TWR : HS-FFA back track on RWY vacated on TWY. [B,C].
ALT. : Altitude REQ. : Request Pilot : back track on RWY vacated on TWY [B,C] HS-FFA.
BOA. : Best Ocean Airpark RWY. : Runway
Pilot : BOA. TWR. HS-FFA RWY. vacated on TWY. [B,C].
CLR. : Clear TWR. : Tower
BOA TWR : HS-FFA taxi to BOA. apron.
FT. : Feet TWY. : Taxi way Pilot : taxi to BOA apron HS-FFA.

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