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Q2. Estimate the number of pharmacy shops in Delhi.

1. Assumption- Not considering online pharmacies

2. Area of Delhi- 1600 sq kms
3. Population of Delhi = 25 million
4. Let’s assume 50 people live in 1 locality.
5. 2 regions- hospitals, non-hospitals
6. Number of localities = 25 million/50 = 500,000 localities
7. Each locality has one pharmacy at least, hence 500,000 pharmacies.
8. Let’s assume all the hospitals in Delhi constitute up to 25% of the total
9. So, area covered by all hospitals is 400 sq kms.
10.Each hospital has area of 2.787 sq kms (approx. to 2.5 sq kms)
11.So, no. of hospitals in Delhi is 400/2.5 = 160
12.Hospitals have 1 pharmacy each at least, so 160 more pharmacies.
13.Hence, total number of pharmacies = 500,160.

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