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ubspot summarized the five things (categories) you can track with UTM codes as follows:

1. Campaign: Groups all of the content from one campaign in your analytics.
 Ex: utm_campaign=20percentpromocode
2. Source: Which website is sending you traffic.
 Ex: utm_source=Facebook
3. Medium: The type of marketing medium that the link is featured in.
 Ex: utm_medium=socialmedia
4. Content: Used to track the different types of content that point to the same URL from
the same campaign, source, and medium codes. Often used in PPC or with two identical
links on the same page.
 Ex: utm_content=sidebarlink or utm_content=headerlink
5. Term: Used to identify the keywords you've paid for in a PPC ad.
 Ex: utm_term=marketing+software
The best part about UTM parameters is that you can make any combination you like of
these code -- use the bare minimum (campaign, source, and medium) to track all of your
links, or use all of them to get super specific about your tracking.

Let’s take a look at this example.
After clicking on a Facebook campaign for Betabrand, users land on this page.
The URL of this page reads:

The highlighted part is the UTM code. The page is not changed by anything in this part of
the URL. Notice that you still see the same landing page. However, the UTM code lets
Betabrand know how many visitors are coming to this page as a result of this Facebook
campaign. It gives Betabrand the following information:

For anyone who sees this page with this link attached:

The source= Facebook  so, they came from Facebook

The medium= men-pants-25  so, they came from the ‘men-pants-25 ad’
The campaign= MiscPromotedPosts  so, they came through a ‘promoted post’
Note that Betabrand used its own labels for each of the categories. You can use a
categorization that makes sense for you. Often people will stick to the definitions of these
categories used by Google (in their categorization, medium is typically used for the type of
marketing medium, which in this case would be social media).
Remember that you don’t have to use all the categories. Choose which categorization make
the most sense for you. While source, medium, and campaign are the most used
parameters, many marketers also use ‘content’. The ‘content’ parameter tells you what
content was used. For instance, you could use it to indicate whether it was a video, blog,
Here is another example, this time from HubSpot itself:

As you can see, they use the content parameter. They assigned their content a number
which aligns with their internal legend that allows them to understand exactly to which
content the link referred. That is another possible use of the content parameter.


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