Introduction 1

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Meaning of Guidance
In order to understand the meaning of guidance, it is to be accepted that the focal
point of guidance is ‘an individual, not his problem’. From this point of view, before
starting guidance, the potentialities and abilities of the individual are studied.

Then that individual is made capable of solving his problems. This is known as an act
of guidance. In this way, guidance is a process of all-round development.

Hence, we can say that the guidance is that process which makes an individual aware
of those methods for knowing his natural powers.

“Guidance is a continuous process of helping the individual to develop to the

maximum of his capacity in the direction, most beneficial to himself and to society.”
Guidance is not a direction. It is also not imposition of one’s ideas on others.
Guidance is not making decision for others. Decision should be made by an
individual himself.

To carry over the burden of an individual is also not guidance. In such situations, to
what we can call guidance? Keeping in view these ideas, the definition suggested by
Crow and Crow bears very comprehensive meaning:

“Guidance is assistance made available by competent counselor to an individual of

any age to help him direct his life, develop his own point of view, make his own
decisions and carry his own burden.”

In the context of dynamic interpersonal relationships, Carter V. Good has said in

Dictionary of Education (1959), while defining guidance, “Guidance is a process of
dynamic interpersonal relationships designed to influence the attitudes and
subsequent behaviour of person.”

We familiarize ourselves with the following characteristics after analyzing the various
definitions of guidance. This analysis also throws light on the nature of guidance.

(1) As a Process:
Guidance does not occupy independent place. The chief aim of this process is to
assist in the development of an individual keeping in view the social needs.

(2) A Continuous Process:

Guidance is a process. Here, it is important to point out that the process of guidance
never ceases. It remains dynamic. In this process, an individual understands himself,
learns to use maximum his own capacities, interests and other abilities.

He continues his struggle for adjustment in different situations. He develops his

capacity of decision-making. Hence, we see that it is a non-stop process.

(3) Related with Life:

The process of guidance is related to life. This guidance contributes formally or
informally to life because life experiences both formal and informal occasions.
A person gets informal guidance from his friends and relatives while formal guidance
is sought from organised school guidance services and other organised guidance

(4) Development of Capacities:
During the process of guidance the individual is assisted in such a way that he makes
himself enabled to develop his capacities maximum from all angles.

Hence, guidance stresses the complete development of possibilities present in an

individual. An individual becomes familiar with his real image. Hence, guidance is
helpful in self-realization.

(5) Individual Assistance:
Guidance is accepted as individualized help. Through guidance an individual’s
personal development is provided a direction and not to a group. Hence, it is process
of individualized assistance.

(6) Task of Trained Persons:

Providing guidance is not the function of all persons because various techniques and
skills are to be used in it. Everybody does not possess the knowledge of the same. For
this task, trained persons psychologists and counselors are required. Hence,
guidance is a skill-involved process.

(7) Wide Scope of Guidance:

The scope of guidance is too wide. Any needy person can be guided. This can include
the persons of different age, different interests, various characteristics and persons of
different nature. Hence, we cannot draw boundaries around the process of guidance.

(8) Helpful in Adjustment:
Guidance helps the person in his adjustment in different situations. This process
allows learning to adjust with different types of problems. In this way, the main
characteristic of the nature of the guidance is to provide new energy to the
demoralized person by adjusting himself in the problematic situation through the
process of guidance.

(9) Helpful in Developing the Ability of Self-Guidance:

The nature of guidance also includes the characteristic of developing self- guidance
in a person with the help of guidance process. This enables him in achieving self-
dependence by searching out the solution of problems of life.
(10) No Imposition of One’s View Point:
It is also the main characteristic of guidance not to impose one’s view-point on
others. It depends upon the wish of an individual how he acquires benefit by
accepting the decision of the guidance worker.

If he wishes, he may deny accepting such decisions of the guidance workers. Hence,
it is not a process of imposing the decisions.

(11) Helpful in Preparing for Future:

The process of guidance is helpful in preparing a person for his future. Hence, a
person can succeed in preparing himself for future activities. In this way, guidance is
a well-wisher of an individual’s future

Imp0rtance of Guidance:
Guidance is a continuous process and it helps every individual to help himself,
to recognise and use his inner resources, to set goals, to make plans, to work
out his own problems of development. It is needed at all stages of life.

1. It help individual to understand and accept the positive and negative aspects
of his personality, interests, aptitudes, attitudes etc.
2. Provide a wide choice and opportunities •
Help make adjustment in the new life situation.

3. Help in facing the challenges of life and manage tensions by realizing and
accepting the facts. • Help in solving social and personal problems and be
able to adjust with oneself and the environment.
4. It helps in exploring self, Determining Values • Setting Goals • Improving
Efficiency • Building Relationship • Accepting Responsibility for the Future

5. It enable the individual or person to be matured, socially responsible,

economically self-sufficient and ultimately to be self-directing citizen, for that
necessary programmes are undertaken for his best development. • It enables
the individual/person to take right decision in each and every stage of his life
by overcoming the necessities and incorporating the necessities.

6. “Guidance is a personal help that is designed to assist a person to go

somewhere and do something”.

7. It helps the teacher to understand the individual differences and determine

btheir needs more accuretly.
8. Through these services it becomes easier to define individual responsibilities
and carrying out the functions in simplified way.

9. It makes it easier to attain objectives more readily and carries the promise of
success and motivation.


1.Educational Guidance
It refers to that guidance that a child or students need during his school life. Also, it
helps them to solve the problem that they face in school. In addition, it gives all the
required details that children need related to the school they find most suitable. Most
noteworthy, education is the process that guides and directs children for her/his
proper development.

Every aspect of school education is strongly related to educational guidance.

Moreover, it includes the aim, objectives, discipline, syllabus, the role of teachers,
methods of teaching, and co-curricular activity.

In addition, these guidelines help in the adjustment of the course of study according
to the ability and skill of the student. This process helps a student to make wise
choices in relation to his education life ahead. Most noteworthy, this process assists a
person to plan her/his education plan and carry it forward without any problem.

Education guidance concerns every related aspect of student education. Also, it

provides assistance to students to choose the school, course, study habit, and several
others. Besides, it helps in the growth and development of children.

2. Vocational Guidance
It refers to that type of guidance in which ordinary information is provided regarding
choosing the occupation. Also, it prepares them for the occupation and helps in
entering and progressing. Besides, it is also known as vocational development. Most
noteworthy, in modern education it’s perspective is much wider.

This type of guidance helps a person to know her/his strength and weaknesses.
Moreover, it helps them to choose a vocation for better adjustment with every
situation. In other words, vocational guidance helps a person choose his career and
other aspects related to it.
It is an assistance that helps students and children to know the world of vocation by
getting in the school. Most noteworthy, it is an early exposure to students about the
variety of job choices they would have later in life. It is a motivation for hard work in
school or college studies.

Vocational Guidance help children to know what they are capable of and what they
can become in life. And this ultimately depends on what they are capable to do in
their school life. In addition, they need to be on the right track to prepare them for

In short, we can say that it is a universally accepted process that assists an individual
to know her/himself better.

3. Personal Guidance
It refers to that type of guidance where a person or individual overcome their
problem on their own. Also, it is the assistance that is provided to an individual to
solve their social, mental, morals, health, and ethical problems. Besides, it helps in
solving those problems, which we cannot solve with just vocational and educational

Personal assistance is of two types written and oral. They help to make an
adjustment in our life. Moreover, it is the guidance they let us know what we are now
and what we can become later in life. Besides, it helps children and student to help
them and look at them from the right point of view.

In the case of personal guidance, we observe that it is not an easy task. And the total
development of an individual’s personality depends on the development of personal
habits and attitudes. That’s why most of the individual face this problem in life.

Difference Between Guidance And Counselling:

The Difference between Guidance and Counseling is important to appreciate or
comprehend. The Difference between Guidance and Counseling can be broken
down to get a better grasp. The difference between guidance and Counselling is
important to understand and can be listed as:

Categor Counseling
It helps the individual in selecting the best It inclines to alter the viewpoint, to
substitute. herself.

It inclines to alter the viewpoint, to aid him to a

Approach Complete and Demonstrative
resolution by himself or herself.
Approach Complete and Demonstrative It inclines to alter the viewpoint, to aid him to a

Privacy Exposed and less secluded. Intimate

Course Defensive Healing

Any individual with experience An individual who is highly skilled and has
Or skilled person
Specialized traning.

The Difference between Guidance and Counseling is important to understand.

Guidance is defensive, while Counselling inclines to be remedial, healing, or
corrective. The guidance supports the individual in selecting the best substitute.

Nevertheless, Counselling inclines to alternate the viewpoint, to aid him/her get the
answer by looking into oneself. Guidance is an inclusive procedure which usually
has an exterior tactic. Conversely, counseling emphases on the inner-depth besides
inward investigation of the problematic situation, until the customer comprehends as
well as overcome it totally.

The Difference between Guidance and Counseling is very acute and complex, as
well. Information or a pertinent piece of data given by a senior official of the
respective zone, to decide over a problematic issue or to resolve some form of
trouble, is identified as guidance. Counseling denotes to specialized information
specified by a therapist to a person to aid him/her in resolving private or emotional

School Guidance Programme:

The organization of guidance programme at the schools requires cooperative effort of
various personnel present both within and outside the school. The programme must be
planned with the assistance of various personnel like the school principal, the staff,
counsellor, career master and the parents. Before planning a guidance programme, it is
essential to understand the purpose and aims of guidance.

Planning of a Guidance Programme :

The following steps are necessary to be undertaken to plan the guidance programme:
1. First make a survey of the available guidance services existing in the school or institution.

2. Identify the student needs (or) areas where assistance is required.

3. Obtain the opinion of the staff members and ascertain the extent of assistance possible
from them.

4. Statement of explicit objective for the guidance programme on the basis of the student

5. Specification of the various functions of each guidance service.

6. Assignment and defining of duties to each personnel, who are the members of the
guidance committee.

For the smooth functioning of guidance service, a well-planned guidance programme is

necessary. It facilitates co-ordination of activities among the personnel in an integrated

Role of Counsellor in School:

The school counselor conducts various activities for the elementary, secondary and higher
secondary students. They are:

• Individual Counselling

• Organising and conducting counseling groups

• Classroom and other group guidance activities

• Standardised test administration and interpretation

• Nonstandardised assessment (i.e. case studies, observation, information gathering

interviews, questionnaires)

• Needs assessment (to determine the priority needs of the target population)

• Consultation activities

• Providing career guidance and information

• Providing educational guidance and information (including scholarships, college

placement, student scheduling)

• Prevention planning and implementation activities

• Developmental activities

• Administrative activities

The mandate, however, was passed by CBSE to ensure that counsellors provided the
following for students:

1. Academic Guidance: In helping students understand their learning needs and blocks,
such as equipping them with study skills, doing semi-formal assessments for Learning
Disabilities and Difficulties. Academic guidance is often necessary for children that
are unable to get it at home, or have a paucity of resources to equip them with specific
knowledge otherwise.
2. Career and Vocational Guidance: While career guidance exists as a field in itself,
school counsellors are generally required to keep abreast with career options as well
as things such as entrance examinations, college requirements etc. More pertinent in
Ma School counsellors can help by providing information on the various career and
vocational options available. ii. School counsellors can guide the students in choosing
the right career based on suitable aptitude tests.
3. Issues with Peers: Issues such as bullying, clique formation, estrangement and
infighting, are all issues that we worked with in our fieldwork setting. Within this, we
saw how the teachers, administration and parents interacted to either mediate or
exacerbate the situation as well as how it was developmentally crucial to resolve these
4. Psychosocial Problems: A school counsellor helps in early identification of problem
behaviours and takes suitable steps to prevent the onset of psychosocial problems. In
case of psychosocial problems detected after their onset, the school counsellor works
towards finding suitable solutions, or due to the time constraints in school, looks at
referring the child to a more suitable setting if the child’s home environment allows
for it.
5. Working with Parents: To enable holistic support and to ensure that the child’s
home environment is secure and nurturing for her, as well as to keep the parents in the
loop about the work done in counselling, and how to ensure that the results are
maintained at home.
6. Working with Teachers: Teacher meetings are extremely crucial in order to ensure
two basic things 1) to keep the teacher in the loop about the work being done, and
how to modify his/her behaviour accordingly, as well as for inputs about the
conditions of the classroom 2) help the teacher manage his own workload, by
providing them with skills such as coping skills or problem solving strategies or
emotional unburdening.

7. Working with School Administration

 Screening:
Screening is a formal interviewing and/or testing process that identifies
areas of a client's life that might need further examination. It evaluates for
the possible presence of a problem, but does not diagnose or determine
the severity of a disorder.
A process in which someone's previous jobs,  activities, etc.
are examined in order to find out if they are suitable or able to do a particular job.

 Identification:
Identificationof student competency to be developed among students in
terms of knowledge, attitude, or skills that are observable and can be
transferred from learning situation to a real life situation.
Identification of a particular person or thing is his/her ability to name them
because you know them or recognize them.

 Assessment:
Assessment is used as a basis for identifying problems, planning
interventions, evaluating and/or diagnosing clients, and informing clients
and stakeholders. Many novice counsellor may make the mistake of
identifying assessment as a means to an end, such as providing a label or
diagnosis to a client.
A assessment is a collaborative process and by developing an
understanding of students difficulties, the counsellor is able to assess the
needs. and determine whether guidance service is able to provide the
psychological support students need.

 Individual Counselling:
1.It provide an opportunity tp every students to reflwct on his/her personal growth and

2.Guidance worker develops ongoing activities to hep students.

3. Individual student counseling is a skill that has proven to be highly effective in

schools. Counselors employ their expertise by identifying student problems as well
as resolving these problems using established counseling methods.

 Group Counselling:
Group counselling  is an efficient and effective way to meet students'
academic, career and social/emotional needs. ... The school
counsellor’s training in group process benefits students, families, school staff
and administration. Group counselling has a positive effect on academic
achievement and personal growth.

Along with allowing members to observe one another for emotional

growth,counsellors also will model healthy behaviors to develop more
effective problem-solving skills. Most group meet for around one to two hours
once a week for a predetermined number of weeks with the same members
for optimal consistency.

 Peer counselling:
Peer counseling is a helping process that involves one-on-one interaction or
interaction between members of a group, who have several things in common. In
an academic setting, it usually refers to students helping their fellow students. It is
a way of relating, responding and helping people, aimed at exploring thoughts,
feelings, issues and concerns, with the hope of reaching a clear understanding and
make informed decisions.

As a student, you may have several stressors stressors in their lives. These may
include, but not be limited to, academic stress, pressure to choose your careers,
peer pressure, relationship problems, body image issues, substance abuse and
addiction. It may not be possible for everyone to approach a professional
counselor with ease, due to various reasons including unavailability, and the
stigma associated with asking for help. In such cases, a peer counselor can help
you or your friends with several issues such as:

1. Conflict resolution

2. Building confidence and self-esteem,

3. Academic difficulties, exam stress

4. Adjustment issues with teachers, other students

5. Issues adjusting to hostel life

6. Ragging, bullying and many more.

 Life Skill Training:

To grow into well-functioning adults, it is critical that youth learn key life
skills. Life skills include critical and creative thinking, decision-making,
effective communication, as well as skills for developing healthy
relationships and a positive self-concepts. Life skills help people make
responsible and informed choices and can promote healthy lifestyles as
well as career skills. According to WHO, life skills may be defined as
“abilities for adaptive and positive behavior, that enable individuals to deal
effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life… Every
school should enable children and adolescents at all levels to learn critical
health and life skills.”

Unfortunately, however, many children do not have access to education

that provides such life skills training. World Education works with partners
—including ministries of education, schools, and NGOs, to develop life
skills curricula and training approaches—to assist programs to more
effectively integrate and teach life skills to students in both formal schools
and non-formal settings.
 Refferal:
1. Referral of an individual student by the guidance counsellor to
other Professionals outside of the school.
2. Refferal of an individual student to the guidance and counsellor by
teachers, Board of Management, and parents. The voluntary
participation in counselling of the reffered student must be
respected by all concerned.

 Parent counselling:
Programs to assist and support parents/guardians in the parenting process are in
important part of a school’s comprehensive developmental guidance and
counselling program.

In addition to conducting PTA/PTO presentations and sending communications

home, schools can take an active role in this process by offering parent-
education opportunities.

Parent counselling  is a type of service that aims to provide the necessary
knowledge, tools, guidance, and most especially support
to parents without bias or judgment. This way, they become more fully
equipped to take care of their children.

 Career counselling:
Career counselling can be defined as a process that helps an individual
to gain an understanding of oneself and the various interests to make a
firm decision about the career choice and further education plans. It
helps in managing a variety of problems such as managing time, help in
increasing the concentration levels, resolving various conflicts between
parents and children in a family regarding what profession should a child

Career counselling is required by everyone at one point in time as it

helps in gaining an insight and hence illuminates us regarding our career
opportunities and various improvements that a person can make.

Career counseling refers to the process of guiding you through the

process of understanding careers and how they fit into your traits. The
process always begins by identifying your interests, background,
personality, and values. Once these have been identified, the counsellor
will help you come up with a list of careers that could be a good fit for you.
The initial list might be lengthy because it is solely made considering the
interests and passions identified. To narrow it down, the counsellor helps
you in researching each. Since they have professional experience, and
they can understand the psychological approach you are likely to take, the
counsellor could also provide recommendations on careers they think you
should focus on. They do this up to the point where you land your career.
However, this is not the end of career counselling. It is as essential to
receive career counselling after landing your dream job as it was before
identifying it. Upon employment, the career counsellor will help you
advance and grow your career by guiding you on steps you can take to
realize professional development.

A career counsellor could be a therapist, life coach, or a volunteer from the

business world but will generally be trained to provide career information
resources, discuss career development, and administer and interpret aptitude
and ability assessments. Students might see a guidance counsellor in high
school before applying to college and then again in college before choosing or
changing majors, but career counselling can help anyone who wishes to change
careers, leave work altogether, or explore ways to be more satisfied with a
current career.

Choosing a career is an important task, but it may also be a difficult one. It may
not be easy to decide what type of job will be the best fit, and since career
counseling helps people assess their skills, needs, and desires in order to find a
career that works for them, this type of counseling is considered to be an
important step to take before deciding on a permanent career. Researching a
wide variety of potential careers may be overwhelming, and information on the
skill sets and education needed for a particular position may be contradictory or
difficult to find. A career counselor will often be able to provide valuable
information in these areas and others.

Some of the following questions may be helpful for narrowing one's focus when
considering a career change:

 What do I enjoy doing?

 What kinds of activities are fun and fulfilling for me?

 What am I good at?

 What is my skill set?

 What qualifications do I have, such as a degree or experience?

 How much money do I need to make to feel satisfied?

 What jobs are available in the place(s) I’d like to live?

 Do I want to travel?

 What are my values ?

 Is it important to me to be of service to others?

Therefore, career counselling is not just a matter of good communication but a lot
more than that. It involves a variety of skills and knowledge to deal with people’s

 Intervention for CWSN:

The term intervention , refers to services given to very young children with
special needs, with the purpose of lessening the effects of the condition. Services
may include speech, physical or occupational therapy, and can be provided in the
home or at an office.

The hope is that these services, provided early, will help any delays in
development so that the child will not need therapy later on. If, however, when
the child reaches a school going age and still needs therapy, there are remedial
schools catering for a variety of special needs.

At many of these schools, therapies are worked into the child’s day as part of the
remedial curriculum.


There are three main reasons why early interventionn is so important and needs
to begin as early as possible; It helps to promote the child’s development, it is a
support system not only forthe child, but also for the family, and finally it gives
the child the abilities to become a function member of society.

The intervention process will include the following team activities:

• design an intervention plan

• consultation and partnership with parents.

• create and/or locate appropriate media,

• create and/or locate appropriate material (both commercial and “locally”

• create and/or locate other appropriate Assistive Technology (e.g., switch toys)

• implement the plan on a daily basis for a minimum of 4-weeks

• evaluate the student learning outcomes, and

• propose “next steps” for Assistive Technology supports

Interventions may be school-based interventions or home-based interventions

that are integrated with a system for positive behavioral support intended to
enable children’s success in school. The long-term outcome of this program will
be an array of tools and strategies (e.g., assessments tools, preschool curricula)
that have been documented to be effective for improving the cognitive,
linguistic, social, and emotional needs of young children with disabilities or at
high risk for specific learning disabilities from pre-kindergarten through

The learning requirements for each child differ individually according to their
impairment, and abilities. Individual Education Plan can be used. The activities
should be simple to complex. The teacher plays a very important rolee in
planning the curriculum for each child. Observation is the only way she can plan
a perfect curriculum based on the needs of the child.

 Planning of Guidance Programme for


A school guidance programme constitutes a cluster of activities which

enable the students to overcome their educational, vocational, personal
or social problems that they face during the different phases of
development. It forms an integral part of school education and is non-
instructional in nature. A guidance programme constitutes various

Guidance Goals:
1.Guidance Goals

2.Individual Development

3.Career Maturity

4.Educational Growth
5.Psychosocial Development

6.Social Developmet

7.Good Citizenship

8.Educational Growth

9.Psychosocial Development

10.Social Development

11.Good Citizenship

12.Good family life

Principles of Guidance
• All children are unique and should be treated with respect and dignity.

• Every student can succeed.

• Learning is a lifelong process.

• Fostering a positive self-image is the collaborative effort of the school, home, and

• The diverse needs of all students must be addressed at all eeducational levels through the
guidance and counseling program.

• Every student needs appropriate personal and social skills to achieve optimum benefits
from the educational program.

School Guidance Programme

• It should aim at total development of the child.

• Combined involvement of students, parents, teachers and school administrators to meet

needs of individual and institution.

It should have inputs related to all guidance services.

• Collaborative effort of teachers, guidance workers, medical practioner, psychologist etc.

Planning for Guidance programme
• For making guidance programme systematic and effective, it requires planning.

• To make guidance programme effective and acceptable, it has to be aimed at benefiting

every student.

• The goal of the programme should be in line with philosophy of the school, and facilitate
academic achievement, career planning and personal-social development.

Principles of Guidance plan

• Be accessible

• Recognise that guidance is a specialist area within education

• Recognise that guidance is a whole school concern

• Be impartial

• Be student centered

• Be transparent

• Be balanced

• Be inclusive

• Be responsive

• Respect confidentiality in n counselling and assessment activities

• Empower participants to take responsibility for their own development

• Promote equal opportunities

• Deploy and make full use of available resources

• Be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Planning Guidance Programme-steps

• Need assessment: can be done by using direct observation, consultation with students,
teachers, parents, focused group discussion, psychological test.
• The DEPFE, NCERT has developed a problem checklist for identifying students problems.

Creating a School Guidance Committee

• Consist of representative of people you serve. Students, parents, teaching and non-
teaching staff, counsellor, principal etc. The principal will be the Chairperson and Counsellor
will be the Convener

. • Main task is to set programme goals, provide support, offer advice, review activities and
advocate for the counselling programme within the community.

Resources Required for Guidance Programme

• Personnel: Identify people who will be involved on basis of qualification, interest and
understanding of students as well as community.

• Finance: Prepare budget for one academic session basing on different activities and
benefits for learners.

• Facilities:

• Room should be neatly maintained and furnished with comfortable furniture to create
pleasant ambience.

• Table, chairs, almirahs, display board/ racks to display materials, posters and charts.

• Counselling Handbooks.

.. Psychological test

Role of principal in managing guidance programme

• Coordination: It involves regulation or monitoring different activities planed so that there
is a proper linkage and integration.
• Cooperation: All personnel involved in guidance programme should work as team.

• Effective communication: Care must be taken that the personal touch is not lost and feed
back is obtained.

• Evaluation: Every guidance activities should be evaluated.

Models of Guiddance Programme

• Specialist Model: Guidance offered by full time professionals who are certified/ trained in
school counselling. This model followed in developed countries: US, UK etc.

• Career Teacher Model: Teachers with shortterm training (2-6 weeks) offer guidance
services in school.

• Teacher Counseller Model: Teachers receive full-time training and do both guidance and
teaching work complementary to each other.

• Teachers can be trained to perform guidance functions along with their teaching work.

• Because they have better understanding in students need and problems, any deviant
behaviour due to close contact with students in classrooms, library, laboratory etc.

• It establish a relationship with each student based on mutual trust and respect.

Role of Teacher
• The students are likely to approach their teachers to discuss their personal problems.

• Source of student referrals: Psychologist/doctor/physiotherapist)

• Discovering students potential: Special abilities in dance/singing/acting/ drawing.

• Career planning: Career options in concerned subjects.

Implementing Guidance programme

• A comprehensive guidance programme should have four components

• Guidance curriculum

• Individual student planning

• Responsive service

• System support

• It should aim at learning to live, learning to learn and learning to work

Nursery And Early Childhood students:

Early childhood, defined as the period from birth to eight years old, is a time of remarkable
growth with brain development at its peak. During this stage, children are highly influenced
by the environment and the people that surround them.

A preschool, also known as nursery school, pre-primary school, or play school, is

an educational establishment or learning space offering early childhood education to
children before they begin compulsory education at primary school.

Here we will discuss 2 guidance activities for students:

Activity no.1—
Control of fingers and Hands:
Pick up objects using thumb, index and middle finger while keeping
other fingers tucked into the palm. Play-doh activities that involve rolling
with hands or a rolling pin, hiding objects such as coins in the play-doh or just
creative construction. Kneading dough. Squeezing sponges or water toys in the bath.

Activities can help in hand control:

 Scrunching and tearing paper.
 Using tweezers to pick up small items (e.g. marbles).
 Pick up objects using thumb, index and middle finger while keeping
other fingers tucked into the palm.
 Play-doh activities that involve rolling with hands or a rolling pin,
hiding objects such as coins in the play-doh or just creative construction.
 Kneading dough.
 Squeezing sponges or water toys in the bath.
 Threading beads onto a string.
 Every day activities that require strength such as opening containers and
 Scissor projects that involve cutting out geometric shapes to then paste
them together to make pictures such as robots, trains or houses.

Activity no.2—
Guidance on Personal Hygiene skill:
Teacher will guide the child to wash hands after sneezing, coughing or blowing noses,
before touching food, after toileting, after being in public places, and after being near sick
people. Regular baths or showers keep your child clean and healthy.

1. Food Hygiene for Kids

When teaching your child about food hygiene, start with the basics and tell him/her
about the germs and bacteria that cause diseases. Let your child understand how
these germs can infect their bodies, and spread from their hands to their food. Also,
stress upon the habits that can help him/her prevent diseases. Here’s what you can
follow and teach your child.

1.1 cooking food

1.2 food storage
1.3 washing hands

2. Hand Hygiene for Kids

Washing hands frequently can reduce the chances of contracting diseases such as
diarrhoea. The simplest way to practise hand hygiene is by teaching your child how
to wash hands thoroughly. Show your child a step-by-step demonstration on how to
wash hands and ensure he/she get all the steps right.

 Wet your hands with water.

 Apply soap to your hands and rub to form a lather.
 Make sure that your child cleans even in between the fingers and under the
 Wash the soap away entirely with clean water.
3.Oral Hygiene
It is also important that you take care of your child’s mouth and teeth. Without proper
care, your child can develop cavities, bad bathing and other oral diseases. Although
baby teeth fall out eventually, they help your child chew food and also assist in
speech development. Here are some ways you can keep your child’s teeth healthy:

 Make sure that your child brushes his/her teeth at least two times a day.
 Always use a child’s toothbrush as they’re smaller and also soft on the
developing gums.
 Move the brush back and forth gently

 4.Hair Care
Poor hair hygiene in your child can cause problems like dandruff, lice, and infections
of the scalp. Your child can get these when playing with his/her friends or other kids
in his/her surroundings. To avoid this, your child should be taught to take care of
his/her hair and scalp.

 Wash your child’s hair at least two times in a week to keep the hair free from
grease and dirt.
 When your child is old enough to wash his/her hair, supervise or assist
him/her in applying the shampoo and rinsing with water.

5. Nail Hygiene
Children’s nails accumulate a lot of dirt and microbes as they often play outside and
in the sand, mud or simply dirty grounds. Children and adults alike use their limbs
extensively, which causes nails to get injured or contaminated. Use the following tips
to inculcate nail hygiene in your child:

 Cut your child’s nails frequently.

 Teach your child to scrub and wash under his/her nails thoroughly to ensure
that they are clean at all times.
 Help your child to wash his/her hands every time they pet an animal, play
outside, cough or sneeze, and before and after eating.
 Also, pay attention to your child’s toenails and cut them regularly.

6. Bathing Hygiene
The best way to keep your child clean and healthy at all times is by giving him/her a
bath regularly. Some bath hygiene habits include:

 Teaching your child to bathe twice in a day – before they go to school and
after they come back.
 Encourage him/her to gently scrub the armpits, groin, legs, and feet.
 Ensure that they apply soap every time they take a shower.
 Keep an eye to see that your child takes extra care when cleaning his/her face
as the facial skin is more delicate.

7. Foot Hygiene
When bacteria acts along with sweat on your child’s feet, they can get smelly. This
happens if your child wears shoes all day, especially without socks. This causes a lot
of dirt and bacteria to get accumulated on your child’s feet. Some personal hygiene
habits for kids can help keep these smelly feet away:

 Ensure that your child washes his/her feet every time while taking a bath.
 Keep the feet clean by scrubbing them properly with soap and rinsing them
with clean water.
 Always clean in between the toes, on the underside of the foot, and under the
toenails to keep microbes away.
 Teach your child to keep his/her footwear clean to avoid contracting germs.
 Use a moisturiser to keep the feet soft at all times.

8. Toilet Hygiene
The bathroom or the toilet is one of the places in the house that contain the
maximum germs. As long as you keep the bathroom clean and teach your child the
right toilet hygiene, you can avoid all the diseases likely to spread by using an
unclean bathroom.
 Teach your child to wipe or wash after passing stool.
 Teach them how to flush on their own.
 Remind them to wash their hands every time they use the bathroom.
 A good way to help them learn is by staying with them and guiding them
through the whole process. Also, have your child look at the wipe every time they
wipe after potty.

9. Coughing and Sneezing Hygiene

You can’t always protect your child, and a few illnesses here and there can actually
help improve immunity; so there is an upside to illnesses too. Sometimes your child
can get infected with a common cough or a cold. Here’s what you can do to help
him/her heal faster and prevent the disease from transmitting to others.

 Prevent your child from spreading infections by teaching him/her how to

sneeze or cough by covering the mouth and nose.
 Also, instead of using their hands, encourage your kids to use a handkerchief.
If they do not have a handkerchief, teach them to use their sleeve or elbow
instead. This avoids the spreading of the germs from their hands.
 Whenever they do use their sleeve, praise them subtly like “I saw that you
used your sleeve. Thank you for doing that”. This will let them remember to do
this again in the future.

10. Home Hygiene

Apart from all types of hygiene mentioned above, your child should also follow some
hygiene at home as this can also build up as your child’s etiquette.

 Teach your child to wear clean clothes every day. If your child likes a
particular dress, teach him/her to wear it only when it is clean.
 Inculcate the habit of cleanliness.
 Teach your child to pick up their dish after eating, put it in the sink and also
wash his/her hands.
 If your child spills something in the house, teach him/her to clean it. If your
child is too young to do so, help him/her clean it.
Guidance for Primary Students:

A primary school (in Ireland, the UK & Australia), junior school (in Australia), elementary

school or grade school (in the US & Canada) is a school for primary education of children
who are four to eleven years of age (and sometimes up to thirteen years of age)

The Indian government lays emphasis on primary education (Class I-VIII) also referred
to as elementary education, to children aged 6 to 14 years old. ... Education has also been
made free for children for 6 to 14 years of age or up to class VIII under the Right of Children
to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009.

Here are 2 guidance activities at Primary Level:

Activity no.1—
1.Small group workshops:
Small group workshops can also be used in Elementary Guidance Curriculum.

One way to change the pace in your classroom is to do a small group activity. But
what type of small group should you use? It depends on the size of your class, the
length of time you have available, the physical features of the classroom, and the
nature of the group task. Here are several options you could try. Consult the Centre
for Teaching Excellence teaching tip “Group Work in the Classroom: Small-Group
Tasks” for task ideas.

Assigning tasks to small groups during class can have many benefits, such as
involving students in their own learning, making course topics come to life,
deepening students’ knowledge, and developing particular skills. Groups thrive most
when their task is challenging and closely related to the course content, course
objectives, and students’ experiences and interests. 

Inputs are required from parents, teachers, the administration and the students for
deciding what type of group are needed. Some examples of small group workshops

1.1 Stress reduction techniques and test taking stratagies for students with test

1.2 Friendship Groups : The purpose of this small group is to provide activities
that reinforce positive relationships and teach interpersonal skills.

1.3 Coping with Divorce/separation of parents: small group counselling for

children whose parents are separated or divorced.

1.4 Stop and Think ; Impulse control stratagies and reinforcement.

1.5 Coping with Deployment :Helping children whose parents are serving in the

Activity n0.2—
Think-Pair-Share :
How well do your students communicate in class? If they tend to be shy participants,
there's a learning tool you can use to help them think independently, pair up and
discuss with a classmate or in small groups, and share their knowledge with the class.
Developed by Frank Lyman, a professor at the University of Maryland, in 1981, it's
simply called Think-Pair-Share. I'm a big fan of this collaborative discussion strategy,
especially with my primary students.

2.1 How It Works

The teacher asks an open-ended question and students think quietly about it for a
minute or two. Then every student pairs up with a partner and they discuss the
question for two to five minutes. Finally, the whole class engages in a discussion
where students raise their hands and share all the thoughts and ideas they've gathered.

With young children, it's best if the teacher models the technique with a volunteer so
the class knows what to do. Just make sure to emphasize the rules of this exercise with
your students. They must use their inside voices, take turns, and avoid interrupting
their partner. Some teachers even pass out work sheets so students can write down the
questions and their thoughts.

2.2 The Benefits

Some students feel safer and more relaxed when talking in small groups, rather than
having to speak in front of the entire class. The Think-Pair-Share activity gives them
the opportunity to feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts. In addition to
fostering social skills, this strategy also improves students' speaking and listening
skills. When pairs brainstorm together, each student learns from their partner. This can
help students expand their vocabulary as they learn new words from their peers and
build on their prior knowledge.

Guidance programme for Secondary ans senior

secondary students:
1. SECONDARY EDUCATION: A secondary education is considered the
education to be imparted after the elementary education (Class VIII). The
classes IX and X is considered as Secondary Education. The Students
studying in Class IX shall be termed as ‘Primers’ while those at class X shall
be termed as ‘sophomores’

2. Secondary education covers children aged 12 to 18, a group comprising 8.85

crore children according to the 2001 Census of India. • The final two years of
secondary is often called Higher Secondary (HS), Senior Secondary, or
simply the "+2" stage. • The two halves of secondary education are each an
important stage for which a pass certificate is needed, and thus are affiliated
by central boards of education under HRD ministry, before one can pursue
higher education, including college or professional courses

Role of guidance workers:

1. promoting student advocacy,

2. developing higher educational and career aspirations in students,
3. eradicating educational practices such as student tracking that inadvertently
maintain inequities among disadvantaged student groups and stratify opportunities
4. using data to identify educational practices that may help or hinder student progress.
5. Enhance students inner self.

Activity No.1—
At Secondary and senior secondary Level This stage which includes students of class
IX and X, requires guidance activities to be focussed on the needs of three group of
students. They include those who intend to:

a) Continue in higher education (graduation).

b) Take up vocational or professional courses (polytechnics; professional education

like medicine, etc.)

c) Enter a job

Services and their activities for secondary school students Service Activities

i) organize school visits, talks by the other school staff.

ii) Arrange parent-teacher meetings to orient the parents.
iii) Organize career exhibitions and career conferences. Information
iv) Arrange field trips.
v) Arrange career talks.
vi) Orient the parents regarding various courses after class X.
vii) Prepare activities showing self-employed persons.
viii) Conduct programme to interact with self-employed persons.

Activity No. 2--

Educational Trips:
The world this full of interesting things to discover and no countries are alike. You
are always astounded by differences ranging from languages, cultures, customs,
history, civilizations, lifestyle, people, and natural beauties that provoke us to pack
our luggage and go to find out. Every single country in this world is a magical place
for everyone to experience and learn, especially for students who are super eager to
set their foot in appealing destinations. School tours have become an important part
of the extra curriculum of each school.

Educational School Trip is a reputable travel agency with educational experts

building up the best school trips for international students traveling to discover every
corner around the world. Taking school trips abroad, students have incredible
opportunities to equip themselves with valuable knowledge and strengthen personal
skills. Besides obtaining educational knowledge through traveling, students also
have chances to meet new friends, exchange culture with local people, and explore
their fascinating ways of life.

School trips are amazing occasions for students to actively participate in various
interactive activities and sightseeing field trips, company visits, and do some
community helps. Definitely, our customized educational tours will broaden students’
minds and their points of view towards the world outside!

Guidance programme for Teachers and Non-

Teaching staff:
A school guidance programme for teaching and non-teaching staff constitutes a
cluster of activities which enable the staff to overcome their educational, personal or
social problems that they face during the different phases of development. It forms
an integral part of school education and is non-instructional in nature.

Our teachers also face issues like depression, stress, taunting and cyber bullying, gender
based violence of various degree at home or in the community.

Details and Value of the Program for Teaching and Non Teaching Staff

A. Life Skills for Student Development :

● Self-awareness and Self-esteem:

● Managing Emotions

● Communication and empathy

Students pick up life skills by watching others - especially how teachers interact with them
and other students. Hence it is important for teachers to keep this in mind in their day to
day interactions including casual remarks. These can impact students’ sense of self esteem.
Students often face emotionally challenging situations while at school. In such situations
students need an empathetic and skilled teachers who can help them communicate and
manage their emotions without causing harm to self or to others.

B. Classroom Management :
● Positive Disciplining and Motivation

● Anger Management

● Studying Without Stress

Teachers often face the most challenging situations in the classroom - maintaining discipline,
handling anger outbursts and motivating students to bring out their best in academic and non-
academic performance. Age old method has been based on reward and punishment - both of
which are not designed to inculcate self -discipline or self motivation. Learning what works
best in such situations would help teachers enormously in their onerous task.

Upon completion of program Teachers and Non teaching staff will be:

● More empathetic towards students. They would be handle their questions about the body
and self-image, gender and sexuality appropriately and with greater ease. This is likely to
encourage children to approach their teachers more freely and increase reportage

● Teachers will be able to enumerate Personal Safety Rules that need to be taught to children
from a young age.

● Teachers and non-teaching staff will understand their roles and responsibilities.

Prerequisite for Guidance Programme in School:

Some of the preliminary tasks needed to be undertaken to organize a guidance programme
a) Formation of a guidance committee, which comprises of at least seven to eight members.
The committee would be constituted of various personnel such as at least two parents, two
teachers, a counsellor and a career master. The principal could bethe chairperson of the

b) Decisions and arrangements must be made regarding the allotment of budget for
conducting the various services. The expenses could be determined also keeping in view the
payment of honorarium for guest lectures, conveyance to specialists or professionals such as
educationists, doctors, etc.

c) Suitable arrangements need to be made to acquire minimum infrastructural and physical

facilities such as a guidance cell or room, tables, chairs various psychological tests and other
required literature.

d) Support from the parents and community could be obtained by orienting them to the
significance of a guidance programme.

e) The school staff and students also need to be briefed about the purpose and importance of
the guidance programme and encouraged to participate.

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