IG Paper1 - Mock

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10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT theory p1

1) There are a number of different types of computer. [4]

Write down the type of computer that best fits the following descriptions.

(a) A computer that is difficult to move and has a separate monitor and keyboard...............................

(b) A portable computer that includes a physical keyboard....................................................................

(c) A thin portable computer that has a touch screen and a battery in a single unit, not normally

used to make phone calls .......................................................................................

(d) A mobile phone that can be used as a computer.........................................................

2) The use of computers has led to some employees changing their working patterns. [4]
Complete the following sentences.
(a) Two or more employees doing the same job but working at different times ..................................

(b) When a person is employed to work fewer hours than the normal working week ..........................

(c) When employees work the full normal hours in a week but work at times which suit them and

the employer ......................................................................................................

(d) When an employee works the full normal hours in a week but works fewer days..........................

3) Different devices connected to the computer have a number of different characteristics. [4]

(a) Name the type of printer that is best suited to operate in harsh conditions...................................

(b) Name a type of monitor that can reduce the effects of eye strain.................................................

(c) Name the type of printer that produces a solid object....................................................................

(d) Name the type of monitor that is an input device on which output can be seen and is found in a

public information system........................................................................

4) There are a number of different network devices associated with computers. [4]
Give the most appropriate type of communication device that fits the following descriptions.

(a) This device connects a LAN to the internet..............................................................

(b) This device transmits data to specific computers in a network.....................................................

(c) This device broadcasts data to all computers in a network....................................................

(d) This device connects one LAN to another LAN that uses the same protocol...................................

10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT theory p1
5) Data can be input to a computer using direct data entry methods. [4]
Write down the most appropriate device to input the following:

(a) information from the chip in an electronic passport..................................................................

(b) text from an id card ...................................................................................

(c) account details from the front of a credit card at an EFTPOS terminal.........................................

(d) account details from the back of a credit card at an EFTPOS terminal ............................................

6) A developer has created a plan for a new database. [4]

For each named field, give an appropriate validation check the developer should use.

Field Name Validation Check





7) a)A report is generated from the results. The report contains headers and footers. [2]
Explain, using examples, why headers and footers are used.




b)Explain how a SUMIF function works, using the example of SUMIF(A1:A6, ">29", B1:B6) [2]



10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT theory p1
c)Tick whether the following statements are true or false, when word processing a document. [4]

8) A manager of a computer store has created a relational database to keep track of its orders. She has
created two tables that are linked together.
Table A stores the products.
Table B stores the order details.
The following data shows some records from the database.

(a) Name the most suitable primary key in the products table......................................... [1]

(b) Name a suitable foreign key in the order details table....................................... [1]

(c) On the data shown in the tables above, the following search is to be carried out:
Write down the Order_ID resulting from this search....................................................... [1]
(d) On the data shown in the tables at the start of question 11, the following search is to be carried
out: (Product_ID>2000) AND (Quantity<20)
Write down the Order_ID(s) resulting from this search.
(e) The store has created a report with a new field called total_price to be calculated at run time.
This field will contain the number of units ordered multiplied by the price of each unit. Write an [2]
expression to produce this result

9) a) Describe how RFID technology reads the details from the chip. [2]



10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT theory p1
9) b)Explain, using examples, the difference between a function and a formula in a spreadsheet. [2]




10) A new system has been developed and documentation has been produced. There are two types of [2]
documentation; user and technical.
Explain what technical documentation is used for.



Write down two features of technical documents [2]





11) a) Cookies are sometimes seen as a security threat when in reality they are only a nuisance. [2]
Explain, using an example, what cookies are and why they are important to the organization.





b) Differentiate blog and wiki [4]






10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT theory p1
12) Observe the following markup language extract:

Write down your evaluation and an improvement which you would have suggested to it. [2]





13) How is .txt different from .rtf file. [4]







How is HTTP different from HTTPS [2]




10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT theory p1
14) A school is considering an educational trip to Iceland. There has been a meeting of parents and the school
now requires that you set up a web page for inclusion on the school website.
Use the following data provided by the parents’ committee to design a suitable web page for use by
parents. Display the features that you would like to include to make it more interesting.
Customize the page as if you are on a web authoring software. [6]

Students depart from the school at 7:30 am on Saturday 15 November 2016.

The hotel is the Excelsior Hotel in Reykjavik.
A trip to watch whales off Greenland has been arranged.
Students will return to the school on Saturday 22 November 2016.
If you have any concerns contact the school.

10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT theory p1
15) A floor turtle can use the following instructions:
A student has written the following set of instructions to make the floor turtle draw the above
shape. The turtle is facing up the page and the pen is up.

2. LEFT 90
4. RIGHT 90
7. RIGHT 90
10. RIGHT 35
11. FORWARD 20

Although the first four instructions are correct, this set of instructions would not draw the shape
exactly as shown. One instruction has been missed out and four are incorrect.

(a) Write down the missing instruction and indicate where it should be positioned in the list of [2]
instructions provided.


(b) Identify the four incorrect instructions and state the correct instructions to be used. [4]
(show your answer with correct statement number)





10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT theory p1
16) A headteacher wishes to store details of her students in a computer database. She has been
given an example of one student record by the school secretary:
Strauss, Johann, SR132516, 83, 01/09/2011
This corresponds to family_name, first_name, Student_Id, Maths_test_score, joined_the_school.
The file is currently stored in the form of plain text with each record separated by a line break.

(a) Give a file extension which is appropriate for this file............................................................ [1]

(b) For each field identify the most appropriate data type. The Maths_test_score is used in [4]

(c) Identify the two fields for which a format check would be the most appropriate validation [4]
check. In each case describe how the format check would work.







17) How is video conferencing in an organization different from VOIP conference? [4]






10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT theory p1
18) How is verification different from validation? [4]







19) Describe the contents available in the three web development layers. [6]










20) An office has a microprocessor controlled central heating system. Name and describe, in detail, the [4]
use of two input devices in such a system.

Name 1 .....................................................................................................................................


Use 1 ........................................................................................................................................


Name 2 .....................................................................................................................................


Use 2 ........................................................................................................................................

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