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10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT practical p3

1 Open project.csv and save as a spread sheet

Format all currency values to be dollar with 2 decimal places
Make sure all spreadsheet tasks are saved for reference
2 On the left in the header add the text My Mock [1]
On the right in the header add the text Last edited by followed by your name. [1]
3 On the left in the footer add your Centre number and candidate number. [1]
On the centre in the footer automated file name and path [1]
On the right in the footer add the text Last edited on followed by today’s date, the text at and [4]
the time.
4 Merge cells A1 to E1 so they become a single cell. [1]
Format the text in this cell so it is a black 24 point sans-serif font. Format this cell so that it has [5]
a light grey background colour. Centre align the contents of this cell.
5 Calculate number of orders and total earnings collected for each of the countries. [8]
6 calculate profit: [6]
10% profit given to the office if their total earning is more than 40,000
15% profit given to the office if their total earning is more than 100,000
20% profit given to the office if their total earning is more than 200,000
5% profit given to the office if their total earning is less than or equal to 40,000
(you may use IF or lookup function)
7 Create a bar graph to display Number of orders to total earning by each country. [7]
Display suitable title, category axis and value axis.
Copy the chart in the evidence (Move the chart into a new sheet)
8 Show formula, select only A1:D11. Make sure the formula is displayed on a single page only
landscape orientation. Show gridlines and row column headings. [1]
9 Select only projects for January month. [1]
10 Sort the data in descending order of amount [1]
Make sure all numeric values are set appropriately. [1]
11 Print the sheet in portrait orientation fitting to one page only. [1]

You work for Hothouse Design and will produce materials for the Tawara Wildlife Conservation
12 Create a web page called homepage.htm [6]
This web page must work in all browsers and will have a table structure as shown below. The
table is centred and each cell is identified with a letter and all dimensions are in pixels:

10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT practical p3

The letters shown in the table must not appear on your final web page.

13 In cell A, enter the text Tawara Wildlife Conservation Trust, Set this as style h1. [2]
In cell K, enter the text Edited by followed by your name, Centre number
and candidate number. Set this as style h3.
14 In cell L, enter the text Click here for top of page, Set this as style h3. [1]
15 Place an anchor begin before the table. [2]
Make only the text Click here a hyperlink to this anchor.
16 In cell: [2]
• C enter the text Dolphins
• E enter the text Elephants
• G enter the text Flamingos
• I enter the text Gorillas
Set all this text as style h2.
17 In cell B, place the image alligator.jpg [1]
18 Using the most appropriate image from 1.jpg to 8.jpg, place in cell: [2]
• D the image of a dolphin
• F the image of an elephant
• H the image of flamingos
• J the image of a gorilla.
19 Make sure each of the images placed in step 18 is 194 pixels wide by 124 pixels high. [2]
20 Use the image of a gorilla placed in step 18 and the text Gorillas to create hyperlinks [3]
to the page gorilla.htm which will open in a new window called _primates
21 Make sure each image has an appropriate alternate text attribute [2]
22 Attach the stylesheet style.css to your web page. Save your web page. [1]
Display the web page in your browser. Place an evidence of this page . [1]
Place a copy of the html code

10 Br Mock Exam Feb 2017 ICT practical p3
23 A trainee has created a stylesheet style2.css which contains errors.
(All colour codes are in hexadecimal). The stylesheet must contain no html tags.

The stylesheet should define the following styles:

body Use the image file bg.jpg for the background [1]

h1 Colour: Red 00, Green 33, Blue 33

Font: Myriad Pro Semibold, or if not available Impact, or if not available the browser’s [2]
default sans-serif font , 36 pixels high , Aligned centre

h2 Colour: Blue 00, Red 00, Green 42

Font: Myriad Pro Semibold, or if not available Impact, or if not available the browser’s [2]
default sans-serif font, 20 pixels high, Centre aligned

h3 Colour: Green 0, Blue 42, Red 0 [2]

Font: The browser’s default serif font, 18 pixels high, Left aligned

Table No table border or gridlines. [2]

Write your name at the top of the stylesheet as a comment [1]

Save this stylesheet, Use the file name sty followed by your candidate number
24 Attach the stylesheet to your web page so that it overrides, but does not replace, the first [1]
stylesheet. Save your web page.
Display the web page in your browser. Display the evidence of the page and a copy of the html. [1]
At the end of the examination highlight the portions of the code where :
 Table size is set
 External stylesheet attached
 Picture size resized
 Anchors, hyperlinks set
25 Evaluate the behavior of the your page not more than 100 words in your evidence document [3]

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