Of To Of: Education, GUWAHATI-19

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No. DHE/CElMisc /25 /2021/ 7 Dated Kahilipara, the 10-03-2021

From:- Smtl. Gitimoni Phukan, A.C5.

Director of Hlgher Education, Assam
Kahilipara, Guwahati-19.
The Principal (All),

Sub Regarding Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav- Celebration of 75th lndependence Day

Ref Govt. letter No.AHE.61./2020/ L3, dated 08-03-2021.

ln inviting a reference to the subject cited above, lwould like to forward herewith

Govt. letter No. AHE.61/2020/13, dated 08-03-2021 along with enclosures in connection with
celebration of lndia's 75 years of lndependence- Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav which is self
explanatory and to request you to do the needful as per direction of Ministry of Higher

Education, Govt. of lndia with an intimation to this Directorate for taking further course of action.

The matter may be treated as Most Urgent.

Yours faithfully

Director of Higher Educbtion, Assam
Kahilipara, G uwahati-19.
Memo No. DHE/cE/Misc/25 / 2027/7 - A Dated Kahilipara, the 10-03-2021
Copy to:-
1) The Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Higher Education Department,
Dispur, Guwahati-6.

Director of Higher Education, Assam

Kahilipara, Guwahati-19.
(;( )\ LR).I\,IENT OI. ASS,\hI
R FDt.i(.{l l{-)N r)[PARTN'!ENT
Most Ur glr -

t)ISPL:R : (jUwAH ql l-6.

\o \ HF. r,l .l0.lil"l ] Dared Dispur. the 8'r' lla

f ;ont: Snui, T.rr.rli f)is, A(-5
Depurl secretarr lr) Ihe (iovl' ol Assam
Higher l.:tltrr ition l)eLlll llilrnt

lr l'1.r. ll i errn; ol l lr,lher I r]tri ,rt ior't, Assam bv ,)

q b
h ah tlilrar a. (iur+:rhatr- 19

Suh : Ar,irtli li.t,\nrntt ltl elrtltr.rr'-t e lehr at ion of 75 ' lndependerrce Day'


\$ilh relPrenc{' ro the suhierl citerl ah'ove l am directed lo forward l'

ro tl: rl
copv r.rt letter ntr l t0ltt,6l0l l-L8b8, 05"03"'l0Jl re(PiUed fmnl S€cretdry

lrnlia. lr{imrLrl ol E(luta(ion an(l fequest Ynu lo tssue necessdr'v instructit'lr' '

Serninar'r Slmlltr'' tt"

Iin!\.Frtties & Colleges (ri lhr \tdlc ao otErrnise lhour Ctlnferencei
Inrha s iteetlom stntggle on I l"' March' lO2l
and esqav compe(idon in lJnirer-'i:it
proprr'"rl l;
(-r-rlleip\ ;rt state level. l-urther Iorr nlc rerlue5ted to furnish a concrete
on tllne in t'\'igil 'tt'f" r'
lvlcrch,lt)il t)rr lhe atlLl\e sufrie(l .tlld Jlso appl'v lur permissiun
\tii:1Pr :ll,r' he lrr''llt'l1 '1s t\lrFlllclv llfi{en(
will tr
t.rrali Da-<. ACS, DeJnrrr Serretarr' Higher Education Depanment
,,r llh \ uil :Lir the atxrrt pttr}rirt'

Yours tairhfullr'

[]tprrtr' Ser
to lh€ Govl u! '\sr'tt'
iCttut Educetion Dpflartmenl
Dated Dispur' the 8' l\!arch' :'
Ntcnrr; \o: Allf,6l l0J0 Ii-A
(;ofi ot '\ssl'rtn' Higher
(.ilpr' l,l l. ['5 lt, (.unurl itsitt:lcr & Sr'crPI'1r] to the
t.dr tl .rl lt'fl LlrlrJi I llcIl lt'l i\l l]11 ln
I l(ll lt)At lDtr'
Li:tal i!t[{it r]l,rltnll

Il| ortlet erc

f)eputv Se'cretarl' to lhe Covr' o[ Assatlt
HIghet I'ducation f)ePartnn'nt

rIE6 tr{+]r
Gor€mmrnt ol ltdls
sfq6 5! 'rr{ Br ,\t* ftIIr trrr'{q
TJi'.Id ta p ( ffilitty ol E cetq!
ft{ lt{'I
AMn KHA' E' trY
Sc{{":rr I
na .(ti d "qm

E {ndt
0 tr-at5rG45l.
0fi.tt3!5lD' "!912"'--
M rroraf 6 f ?ott-€6sB D*d: 056 Marttr.
E t

60,5-3 p g 5 llltrl?81

Chtel Scr*Eics of rll SdUTr

ldrftrn'rc' - Ad'l Ni Ai
$b&d Cdrb"ti!' od bdl'' ?5 Frr ol

Llco, M"l'-/5,
As )ou $e &'ir''c.dE
Kr Amur Mr}.rgrf
t*ld ;l
qlT-:.'';;-il;; ffi'Hi'.ffi;i#
*'"tit''' I{m'hr! Pdn'c

ffiffi ;;;*"*T : ry1|ffiJrmffiJ;a1,t'r'a'i'o
2ml (ooOY alclocld) h6s col
sctiv iticgGv Gflt3-
0* edrceionrt
t \$ould .qrElr
2. tn rhc righr Df rboy.,
',*il,J*,.il* r*' '":.'.ryd]L:*
ioir hour ccnlsrcr*allse'YiLil. zml,*d
-o *so ffi* -
.. . ._. _
lrdir's frccdom suott T,tj. 'T"ri.#",, UrtwrritiEr L
collcsos !r
lbl An EsdI L-oclEu$o'l
'l*''i o'*'"*t* ':*ai''rnd lcwts
ue $rrcd oo thB mcial
mtg m or8,,liaod
L q,suld rp?r€cirtc
if tlo Stiurpse* ot eT
3 -
"#' \trr -

I il
q I


, rEdbb
Nr.p. t tolrayit(fr-pRE
Go,ermnrl ol lnctia
lifri8lry d lrfsmrrbn .nd Brdd6dne

Sh8fi Str.ul.n
A Vyrlg,
Rsiinde Pra65d Roeq
Nsw I).Ai- rt0 001.

Msrcfi 3, 2m1
SuSect: CeLbr.tlar oa lndlr.s ,g yrD.rt o, Lr.hp.m!mc. _ lrxt||OTG

Ttrs rs to rrt 6rm ttEt !]a cslebratEn ot Z5 y+ffs o, tndiE,r

l.xhgr.dcnc€ _
'Azurl k
,6 Arnrut lio/trsr,, yodd.c rnrcr ZS irc€E-pEfi oift
\V.mn End wi tddeprrdau O"y Z[ZC. it
oa.€o..om wl[ ba 3 2t drJ.r!fll
'.ptorrtng txr 12.3.21trli (rnrnrcrrrrv dthc Ur" a
launch o(
urldr Marfi) aad qtduEb on 5ir Apd 2021 (concf/tim o, Drr6 fareh).
?. Th6 Hon'bae prin. Hmiilar w l hrrrh the opcfthg cefGmoiry
on dE fzo sf
Marctl hom GqttrEt. io( lrE rnsugur h[ sryenl cvinf h8t E b-n pfrffiad
rnuudrE UE tolowrng

{i) 75 ptr.* of hicbcat Benrficrru (2 or 3 per Srnrr'UD lo b. d€cijed

Uy the Sfrtrs to? celetrr{on oa tt€ eve (Crrltf Sairufrrrrr ot df
(i) ln t'lec 75 phc.a ot r,irtcirt Blgnlfrcarr, FrtclFtlrr by yil0r
Ctrt6. NyK NSS/r,lSo/ilCC rloturtccrs (Oarrt;riil oi yqrfi
(ili) OrEErrr.u6n of Ct* RafB it difftrent drG8 (DGO.rEnrrl oa yo.rtr
(rvl 1 tErrr Corllir.Els.nrtnar/Syrpchm by Sdtoil. OotbgE. qnl
Univ€r5.tieson trdb'r trc+dom str.pgd m 1f U!ni. &1
(Ocp.rtndrl ol Scfiool Educrdon & Ut.ltcy end uGClL
(v) LsJrlch ol Easet Co.npe$'lon rt SciruTrlEirDirttdr&afa, Nslbnd
ltrElB (DGpdruo.l o{ Sctpol Eduo. t L[.ecrt
(vr) hurt of Ersry Corrpeatton fur Uraeraif* C, Cofrgc (lrcOffff)
lvii) Erhartaru to bG o.gsnr€d b? the Strtc Goyemmcrts tn o@Jdnallofl
wllh aoc-
[r] HrtUU6 dl llCr.urr c!fffit SErf piil e Nrtsl to
h o{Oarir€d by EOC !t rr8rixll bcdHa oftrffy d l&B) id

(o,rn fs, lu +lto @
anrail 1? ',^, C,** LC.1 c4 Jist r e
r'r/ gJ .V
o,u{u Amrut tlah tcrv- cdebradon of 75th Indpcndence Day-regarding-

Frgm : Establishment Section < soestt-culture@gov.in> Sat, i4ar 06, 20' t'
subject : Azadi ka Arnrut Mahotsav- celebrafion of 75th
lndpenderrce Day-regnrrting..-'-l
To i secy-iptac20 I 9@gmail.crrm, secy-trsm@ap.gw. in
r,Ifl at4

Cc : Chief s€rrEt8ry Andarnans <€s€nGman@nic.i n>

AP <cs@ap.gror.in>, Jlshnu Barua IAS <cs-
assam@nk.in>, Chtef Secretary CS, Ptidudterry t'
( .s.pon@nic.in>, cs P<rdicfrerry '
< cs.pondldrerry@fl lc.ln>, cs'ori@nic.in, cs.tnanlpur
< cs-manipur@ntc.in >, cs-mizoram <cs-
mizo, am@rric.il>

:hs rs in reference lo D.O- Leller No.11017i28P02GPPC dated 03'03'2021 ft' r

.-rricretary, ha/O tnfcrmaton & Erosdcasttng on th6 sutljecl mentionsd above whe
oirections hSve been issuBd for plannlng of sever8l EvGnts all over the cou ntry :

State/Union Tenitory level.

.. th,s regatd, several tBlphonic anempts lrrere made by the luo CyHf (C".'
lo 6re O/o Chi"f S.cr"taries for getting updates on the matler after wtticfi it has n. t
the notice that Blther no sush communlcation was rEcelved or ths metlBr ls being
sonre other dBpartrnent of state.
pfovia r '
3 Accordingly. th€ concenrd o/o chiaf sec.€tariss are requested tp klndly
icrion pian ii"t"if= of sv€nts) snd updeles 1or th€ al6ressid ewnt. Also, the conl;'q:
o",r-ifrlf Departmont achralli dealing tho riattef may be prwlded fror further cot t,l"

Thanking you !
llinistry of C.ulture gK Ltr v
Si.Jstr! Biarvan, New Delhi ,/

Azadi tc Amrut l4ahotrav.Pdf

- 215 KE
(b) Efiblthn+ on ,trdf,n Qhterc rnd unlum hlro s b be
orparied ry tF SfB Gsr€flmerts (Chlrf SocrrHr d d
3 For clf*llvr ricrrflrr'ton End comrwr*:tlbn of dl ltt arqll! and E
crc(drn8troc witn the Stsle Go\enmafilr, Itt ,olotJrE AdEn Plan n- b3€ar
d<ir6rt upon irhrohrhg vatious UediS Units,-

(rl Prrer lnform.0ofl Bur.al

a) Ptg irrould mordirate yiro Stste OIPR fq plJoli)tylel/tdB

b) Pr.ac rdrEls irciud.E rn bcd lrngtraF of ttlB 12n Meh Grfit and
ot 3ubr.qEnl d G
c) TiEeting end retncsting thr ylrhiJr 618rl! wtti,rt rfa o.lenE d rl lh.
ndorEl b,E{ ard U: rEbIEl h€lr lncludng SaH Udl
p43taitEb d fbn'bls PU, Udon }In[Eru, l{fitb GorE rErr. Ctdcf
l,tniEbfr. d€r if,nasletr sld difilrri:c
d) FadltllirE thc p.Itlhauofl ol An dB ln locd lelrgEeF ty stet.
dbrn 16 d firlt lrtfforffi3radinlcaJbalmco pitdrn6l
(,,) Ooordrrth$ .Jd AIR

.l Lly6 cojtrrgr ot f[ cvelrr bf DD Jd AIR hcrrillo Hhrc+l il

rErE bl]laErs. :9cld Fogltn r rtd FinEtillf dtgEaairq oo '
tndtsA75. hrltdng e oeuone epcr* of d 116 evdtE h dtc
evenirp d r2D lbrdl. 2021

b) O(XAIR to tlto cD.rtr l,! variJus a,Ents ot!5it d by th€ Sbte

Gor,gnmsnts olr thi occaao,l

(l|l) g@blfledb
a) Socbl M.da crrsdgn bt ut* Xos l,hd. VYlng PlB, D6- Na: md
AIR Nso hau<tlqi tlw .ironrlrg 6il tr Grgtt ' rlsl cF,bler d tha
gu6l! c [E bunct\ d.diIE Helhtsgs rd lftgtrpfib lrd T#
by in ucncee

1 It ir th.t nac..sy rdiil qt tho tborc b hltan

Joinl (P8A)


'1. All Chfot EerffirE*rsterv IH4, ttHRDr8eararry (Yodr Alfllly

S.c'ttt,./ {gcrtool Ed]rcdloo & Llirr.r' UHRD}'Ch.lImt\ t'Gtl6hdrmrn'
2. Poo (AA!f,DO (ArR xsDEfDG ltloG,;DG (OO xx,r)*oo Nrn')


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