CCE+102+Computational+Exercise+6 +2020

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Computational Exercise 6

Due Friday February 21 at midnight via TEACH. Late submissions not accepted.

Part 1. Guided Activity

In this lab we will obtain more practice using Excel for data analysis and engineering calculations.

Create a worksheet called “Grading” and copy in the Rubric for this exercise:

Grading (20 points possible)

Worksheet Maximum points
Two-way interpolation 5
Smoothing data 5
Working with pivot tables 5
On Your Own 5

Points will be deducted for incomplete or incorrect work and for incorrect calculations and formatting.

Times New Roman 12 point font for all cells in worksheet
Bold font for column headings
Numbers and labels in columns centered
No excessive significant figures
Chart axis numbers = Times New Roman bold 16
Chart title and axis titles = Times New Roman bold 18
Use proper notation: greek letters, superscripts and subscripts

1. Two-way interpolation
Create a new Excel worksheet called “Two-way interpolation”. The properties of steam are used to design
heating operations for large buildings. The following table shows data for steam density () as a function of
pressure (P) and temperature (T):

P (kPa) T (oC) kg/m3

1200 300 4.686
1200 350 4.264
1400 300 5.485
1400 350 4.993
Copy this table into your worksheet. Use your linear interpolation tool to answer the following questions. Use
separate copies of your calculator to answer each question.

(a) What is the density of steam for P = 1220 kPa and T = 320 oC ?
(b) What is the density of steam for T = 300 oC and P = 1320 kPa ?
(c) What is the density of steam for T = 310 oC and P = 1370 kPa ?
(d) What is the density of steam for T = 340 oC and P = 1250 kPa ?
2. Smoothing data

Create a new Excel worksheet called “Smoothing data”. Copy the data from the Excel file “Willamette River
data” posted on canvas into this worksheet.

a. Use a filter to remove the blank rows from the flowrate data

b. Prepare a scatter chart with Date on the horizontal axis and flowrate on the vertical axis. Use solid black
circle markers and no lines. As usual, format using 16 pt Times New Roman bold font for axis numbers,
18 pt Times New Roman bold font for axis titles, and black axes, gridlines, and borders.

c. Make three additional columns. Label these as “hourly running average”, “daily running average”, and
“weekly running average”.

d. Compute the “hourly running average” flowrate by averaging 4 flow measurements.

e. Compute the ”daily running average” by averaging 4*24 flow measurements.

f. Compute the “weekly running average” by averaging 7*4*24 flow measurements.

g. Add your computed “running averages’ to your scatter chart as three additional data series. Format as
different line styles but no markers and be sure to use a legend to identify each line with the running

3. Working with Pivot Tables

Create a new Excel worksheet called “Working with pivot tables”. Copy the data from the Excel file
“Willamette River data” posted on canvas into this worksheet. Use Excel commands to create separate columns
for Year, Month, Day, Hour, and Minute. Use pivot tables to prepare the following charts:

(a) A column chart with Average flow rate (cfs) on the vertical axis and Month on the horizontal axis.
Format your chart in the usual way (fonts, font sizes, etc.)

(b) A scatter chart with Average flow rate (cfs) on the vertical axis and Hour on the horizontal axis. Show
two data series; one for January and one for September on the same chart. Use solid black circles and
no lines for the January data and open black circles and no lines for the September data.

(c) A scatter chart with Average flow rate (cfs) on the vertical axis and Hour on the horizontal axis for
August 13 and for November 25. Use solid black circles and no lines for the August 13 data and open
black circles and no lines for the November 25 data.
4. On Your Own

Create a new worksheet called “On Your Own”. The flow of water in an open channel (river, storm
sewer, gutter) can be computed using Manning’s Equation:
Q= A R2 /3 S 1/ 2
Where Q is the flowrate in ft3/s, A is the area through which water flows in ft2, n is a roughness
coefficient, R is the hydraulic radius in ft, and S is the slope of the pipe (dimensionless). For a
trapezoidal channel flowing partially full we can calculate the geometric properties A, R and T (the top
width) using the formulas shown in Table 14.2 on the next page (from Mott, Applied Fluid Mechanics,
6th Edition).

Build a calculator that can compute the geometric properties T, A, Wetted perimeter, and R, and the
flow rate Q for depths y that range from 0 to 10 ft for a trapezoidal channel.

To test your calculator input these values:

b = 10 ft
S = 0.001
z = 3 (side slopes are 1Vertical:3Horizontal)
n = 0.02

Your finished calculator should look similar to this:

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