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Statistics is the discipline concerned with developing and studying methods

for collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting empirical data. The
earliest writings on probability and statistics date back to Arab
mathematicians and cryptographers, during the Islamic Golden Age between
the 8th and 13th centuries. 

Al-Khalil (717–786) wrote the Book of Cryptographic

Messages, which contains the first use of permutations
and combinations, to list all possible Arabic words with
and without vowels.

 Ibn Adlan (1187–1268) later made an important role,

on the use of sample size in frequency analysis.

Al-Kindi (801–873) also made the earliest known use

of statistical inference, while he and later Arab
cryptographers developed the early statistical methods
for decoding encrypted messages.

Types of charts

A histogram is an approximate
representation of the distribution of
numerical data. It was first introduced by
Karl Pearson. They have many benefits,
but there is a weakness. Histogram can
present data that is misleading which can
ruin the overall presentation. 

M. Omer Khan 10 Br

A box and whisker plot, is a

way to show the
spread and centers of a data
set. Measures of spread include
the interquartile range and
measures of center include the
mean (average) and median.

A scatter-plot is a type
of plot or mathematical
diagram using Cartesian
coordinates to display values for
typically two variables for a set of
data. can suggest various kinds of
correlations between variables with
a certain confidence interval. For
example, weight and height, weight
would be on y axis and height
would be on the x axis.
Correlations may be positive
(rising), negative (falling), or null

M. Omer Khan 10 Br

Example Question

a) Which one of them spent the most time reading?

Ans)  Lucy because of bigger sector area

b) How many minutes did Zac spend doing his homework?


c) How many more minutes did Zac spend watching TV than Lucy?

M. Omer Khan 10 Br

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