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UP Fisheries Guild

College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences

University of the Philippines Visayas
5023 Miagao, Iloilo
After the parade which passed Iloilo
City’s main streets, the program was then
graced by an opening prayer. Dr. Minda J.
Formacion welcomed the different academic
organizations and gave her Christmas mes-
AY 2009 – 2010 sage.
The program was enjoyed by the audi-
ence as the participants showcased their tal-
ents and flairs. This was followed by a disco
Merlan Lanusga party which lasted until 2 o’clock in the
Grand Laestragones morning.
Xenia Geonanga “I think this year is one of the best years
Keeper of the Papyrus for the Fisheries since we’ve been winning
Gaily Jubie Hontiveros 2009 Lantern Parade different awards since the last Sport fest. I
would like to thank the CFOS Faculty and
Keeper of the Nautilus CFOS seized major awards Staffs and most especially to Dr. Carlos C.
Jessane Anne Awitan Baylon for their unselfish support to the dif-
Lady of Steads Winning is a habit! ferent activities we have joined. This would
Luvic Marie Ledesma With the highest attendance, the College of be the start of a new and more extreme FISH.
Academic Committee Chairperson Fisheries and Ocean Sciences students garnered This will impose a big challenge for the new
the award as the most number of participants Student Council Officers and to the lower
Jesse John Gayo
and the best handheld lantern during the re- years and I know that they will live up with
Advertising Committee Chairperson cently held 2009 PASKUA celebration at UPV that expectation” Governor Claire Samantha
Annie Joy Guilaran City Campus last December 17, 2009. Juanico said.
Special Actions Committee Chairperson This is an annual celebration of the UPV On the other hand, GOLDIES of the
Geraldine Mayo Community in accordance with the celebration U.P. High School won the DAIGON Compe-
Service Committee Chairperson of Christmas. Fisheries, SoTech, Redbolts, tition and SCIONS of the College of Man-
Blare Padayhag Elektrons, Clovers, Skimmers, Tycoons, Mag- agement bagged the best Mascot.
Publications Committee Chairperson nates, Scions, and the Goldies were the aca- ■thePAPYRUS
demic organizations that participated on the ______________________________________________
Jella Marice Salarda said event.
The college expects more enrollees for
school year 2010-2011 considering that there
Enrollees increases by 200% are 56 UPCAT takers who qualified for BS
Fisheries program. ■thePAPYRUS
UPFG Adviser Bachelor of Fisheries enrollees increased
by 200% from 16 to 48, this academic year
The Papyrus is the official publication of UP Fisheries Guild. No portion of Scholarship grants like that of the Depart-
this publication may be copied or reproduced in books, pamphlets, outlines, ment of Science and Technology Science
or notes, whether printed or mimeographed, typewritten, photocopied, or in Education Institute (DOST-SEI), Bureau of
any other form, for distribution or sale, without the written permission of the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), other
UP Fisheries Guild. private scholarships and awaiting job opportu-
nities attracted these freshmen to enroll in this
EDITORIAL BOARD: Editor-in-chief Omar Adrianne Alaman; Associate Editor Dominique Increase in CFOS population has provided
Mediodia; Lay-out Editor Karissa Paula Feliza; Feature Editor Essa Kathleen Yanson; a reserved man-power and participants for
Managing Editor Jella Marice Salarda; News Editor Lovella Mae Magluyan; WRITERS: Gaily university and college activities.
Jubie Hontiveros, Gardel Xyza Libunao, Nicole Niña Chavez, Bea Segura, Angela Marie Daayata, However, there may be difficulties in
Merlan Lanusga, Farisal Ungkakay-Bagsit, ; Cartoonist Jessie John Gayo; Contributors: Mr. Mel Fig 1. BS Fisheries enrollees for four academic years
making class schedules to fit for this number of
Cichon, Prof. Valeriano Corre
CFOS Student Council Proposes IA stands new edifice
Amended Constitution Research and Education, Committee on Ways and
Nicole Niña Chavez Means, Committee on Audit and Property, and
the Committee on Public Relations. Committee To give additional working area for the
head appointed by the Council spearheads the project staffs on College of Fisheries and Ocean
The College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Institute of Aquaculture (CFOS-IA), a
Sciences Student Council (CFOS-SC) has series of readings and discussions dated December
new edifice was stood up located in front of the
proposed to amend the CFOS-SC Consti- to January. The committee is composed by all the
Institute of Aquaculture Wet Laboratory.
tution this Second Semester (AY 2009- Batch Representatives including two other stu-
dents from each year levels. The said structure shall be called the insti-
2010) which are conclusively crucial tute’s Activity Hall. Construction of the said
amendments of the Constitution on the building was funded by the college together Currently, another building has been
Student Council’s name, mandate, and to Constitutional amendments redefine the so- constructed. This is the main building annex
called majority, according to which majority refers with its stakeholders and also the funds gener-
legally institute the current five commit- ated by the ongoing research projects in the situated at the college’s vicinity. This is in-
tees of the councilors. to fifty percent plus one present during a particular tended for the gene bank laboratory for the
general assembly. institute. This will impose its importance on the
The vote will be attended by the different activities of the institute especially in different culture species.
assembly which includes all the bona fide perking up with the different techniques used in A proposal has also been passed for the
students of the CFOS. The councilors’ The amendment, concerning the CFOS-SC offi- renovation of the brood stock area which is
cers mandates that the officers’ terms of office aquaculture. The building will also be a site of
committees are the following: Committee activities for the staffs of research projects like intended for the improvement of the shed,
on Student Affairs, Committee on start from summer of the current academic year up tanks and flooring on the said area. This will
to second semester of the next school year. the biodiesel project and a multipurpose hall for
everyone. assure that the facilities can still be occupied
■thePAPYRUS with optimum quality by the fisheries students
and the faculties. Diwal project pledged to
TRV Sardinella Vessel 35M Diwata Shore Project to rise in donate monetary assistance worth an amount
Auction Sale UPV of Php 55,000.00 for the said renovation. The
Bea Segura This July 2010, a fusion of academic, said refurbishment will start anytime this April
cultural, sports and social interests of UPV will 2010.■thePAPYRUS
enter the shoreline of Miagao, Iloilo. A You can download this file at http://
TRV Sardinella, a training and
multi-function complex, to be called, DIWATA w w w. 4 s h a r e d . c o m / d o c u m e n t / R D 1 r Vj 8 x /
research vessel of UPV was subject for
SHORE, will become a new and bigger PAPYRUS.html
landmark for UPV. It will be composed of four
Last December 9, 2009, the Univer-
components: Diwata Aquascape, Water Garden, and an area for interactive learning about
sity of the Philippines Visayas, through
UPV Aquasport and One UPV Hostel open to aquatic and environmental sciences.. Water
the Appraisal and Disposal Committee,
the general public for academic and social inter- Garden, a reception, function, and leisure
held the first auction sale for TRV Sar-
actions. facility, UPV Aquasports, a swimming facility
dinella. General requirement for the
This Php 35 million project funded in support to the academic requirement of the
auction are; the vessel should be for the bidding documents for the auction was for sale.
through the effort of BANAT Party list Physical Education Program of UPV and all
legal purpose of training, fishing or But this auction was postponed.
Representative Salvador Britannico, funds from swimming enthusiasts in the area and one
cargo vessel, the bidders should present Vice-chancellor for Administration, Prof.
other government agencies and annual budget UPV Hostel that will offer more than a home
legalities of ownership of a certain com- Louise Annette Escoton postponed the second
from UPV, is envisioned to be the pioneer away from home – it will also offer an educa-
pany and the bidders should also submit auction sale until January 31, 2010 for further
education- tourism destination in Region VI, tional experience by featuring the achieve-
valid fishing and shipping notice to op- dissemination and more time of advertising the
specifically as the premier visitors’ bureau in ments of UPV in instruction, research and
erate. The first auction sale became a auction sale of TRV Sardinella.
Southern Iloilo, particularly the municipality extension work.
failure because the bidders failed to Target bidders are maritime schools (John
of Miagao. The Diwat Shore, approximately 3 Construction of the building will start this
comply the bidding requirements. B Lacson Maritime University, West Visayas
hectares, will rise adjacent to the UPV College July and is expected to be self – sustaining
And due to the failure of the first State University), MHRINA, fishing and
of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Wet and Dry within 2 – 3 years of operation. The Diwata
auction sale, UPV Appraisal and shipping companies.
laboratories. Shore complex is deemed to spur economic
Disposal Committee, scheduled the TRV Sardinella is a training and research
The main spectacle of the complex is the opportunities for the municipality of Miagao
second auction of the vessel last vessel of UPV. It was brought in the University
Diwata Aquascape which is the aquaria of tropi- and its people through employment and local
December 23, 2009. This time the at the year 1989 from Japan. ■thePAPYRUS cal and marine living species, marine museum enterprise developments. ■thePAPYRUS
3 4
In a letter addresses to the University of In one way or another, they must
the Philippines Visayas Chancellor Minda J. serve the industry as what they have stud-
Formacion dated last July 1, 2009, the Com- ied in their bachelor. As graduates, they
mission on Higher Education categorized UPV should work in the industry because they
as one of the Higher Educational Institutions are needed by the industry. Noticeably,
in the country with a good quality of fishery this is an undeniable truth.
education. Moreover, UPV was hailed as the In one of the points mentioned by
National University for College of Fisheries former CFOS Dean Dr. Rogelio Juliano, he
(NUCF) for Region VI, under the National Agri- noted the phrase that “youth of today
culture and Fisheries Education System. This should have a purpose”. Carrying out a
is based on Republic Act No. 8435, otherwise purpose in one’s career will lead to what
known as the Agriculture and Fisheries Mod- you really want in life. If you chose to take
ernization Act of 1997. up Bachelor of Science in Fisheries, then
This appellation can be considered as you must uphold to what you have decided
one of the most prestigious titles a College of to take up. After all it is not that hard to
Fisheries could have. Not only that the college imagine what careers you will be in after
has gained such title, it also gained the re- finishing BS Fisheries.
spect and trust of other institutions that UPV As students of the national university
College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences is for fisheries, students especially those who
one of the best institutions in the country. are making their thesis and special prob-
But then, however, has the UPV – CFOS lems should pose an impact and signifi-
proved its worth as the National University for cance to the fishing industry, if not, to the
College of Fisheries? Maybe, but let’s take fishing community. Instead, what is hap-
some points little by little. pening is that students conceptualize their
The CFOS, being a national college, must thesis for the sake of compliance. This is
produce graduates equipped with skills and the reason why numerous papers and
knowledge as future leaders in the industry. If thesis in CFOS were just like a run
not, the graduates must land a job related to through of past literatures already estab-
fishery profession to uphold the mission of lished in the past.
the college. Well, some graduates can be The facilities should also be improved
noted of their procurement to the fishery in- in CFOS since we are now the national
dustry. Others have landed a job related to or college. It is expected from us that we will
on a sector of the government connected to have good quality facilities in fisheries.
fisheries like the Bureau of Fisheries and Upon observation, it seems that these
Aquatic Resources (BFAR), Southeast Asian facilities lack care and management.
Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), Worse, some facilities are now unusable.
and the like. However, many fisheries gradu- We must stand to the name that was
ates are now employed as call center agents, given to us. Given as the National Univer-
others are unemployed, while some took jobs sity for College of Fisheries, we must as-
not related to fisheries. As graduates of the sert to ourselves that this given trademark
NUCF, they are expected to be the future should be taken care of, and that this is
leaders of the industry. not just a lame acquisition. ■thePAPYRUS
5 6
Message from the adviser

My Dear FGians,

It has been quite a while since we had an edition of the Papyrus,

the UPFG official magazine. Thus, it is with great pleasure
Prof. Cindy Jimenez
that I laud those who made this edition possible. Thank you for UPFG ADVISER
the gift of your time, energy and persistence to see this edition
come to fruition. I am sure you are all setting good examples to all the FGians so that our publi-
cation will become a regular one.

To my fellow FGians, let us continue to tend the flame of our commitment not only to the
UPFG but also to our official publication, the Papyrus. Share your news/information, articles,
scientific papers or literary pieces. Be involved and let us keep the fire burning.


Message from the GN


It has been a very fruitful year for the College of Fisheries and
Ocean Sciences and as a celebration the U.P Fisheries Guild Merlan Lanusga
brings you this year’s edition of The Papyrus, the UPFG UPFG Grand Neptune

official magazine. Reviving the publication posed many challenges for

the organization but it is an honor for us to bring you our personal views and points regarding
varied subjects of interests. For many years, The Papyrus has been an effective channel of
communication in the College and I hope you will enjoy this year’s magazine. May the Papyrus
be something you annually look forward to as the U.P. Fisheries Guild exist to serve the
studentry, the College, and the University. With this, we continue our promise with our spirit
shouting “never be dying embers, forever our hearts aflame, ANIMO FG!!”

7 8
9 10
13 14
Cabanilla, Charmaine Arni C. Cao, Quin
Ferriols tops Fisheries Licensure Exam, Y. Clarito, Jo Annie D. Corvera, Leah
UPV garners honor May P. Dominguez, Lusminda C.
Pacheco, and Harry R. Pedroso success-
The College of Fisheries and Ocean Sci- fully passed the board exam.As this year’s
ences (CFOS) of University of the Philippines top performing school, UPV had a 92%
in the Visayas once again proved its worth as passing rate. This was eventually fol-
the flagship of the university when UPV was lowed by Central Luzon State University
hailed as the Top Performing School in the with a 36% passing rate.
recently held Fisheries Licensure Examination The Professional Regulation Com-
last October 21 – 22, 2009. mission (PRC) conducted the said licen-
Victor Marco Emmanuel N. Ferriols, a BS sure examination through the Board of
Fisheries graduate of UPV last school year and Fisheries cited in Manila, Iloilo, and Le-
a present MS Aquaculture student, outsmarted gazpi. The board of directors were com-
the rest of the takers as he took the top spot with posed by Dr. Rogelio O. Juliano as the
a rating of 89.00. Ferriols finished his Bache- Chairman, with Dr. Cesario R. Pagdilao
lor’s Degree with an honor of magna cum laude and Dr. Catalino B. dela Cruz as the
and as the Class Valedictorian. members. Oathtaking Ceremony of the
Several spots on the top ten were also occu- successful board passers was held last
pied by UPV graduates. Jose Marie F. Nasalga, November 30, 2009 at the Manila Hotel,
with a rating of 82.00, ranked third. Anna Mer- Rizal Park, Manila. ■thePAPYRUS
linna T. Fontanilla managed to be in fifth place
with a rating of 81.25. Geselle Frances P. Zeta Fish Soiree achieves its purpose
grabbed the sixth spot with a rating of 80.75.
Meanwhile, Jarramay Arco, Maria Irene C. Female Swan Princess and Male Frog
Prince, was some of the awards given dur-
CHED Recognizes CFOS as Center ing the College of Fisheries and Ocean
of Excellence Sciences FISH Soiree last December 26,
2010 at Residence Hotel, Iloilo City.
In a letter dated July 1, 2009 addressed to This culminating activity was part of the
UPV Chancellor Minda J. Formacion, the Fisheries Week that promotes camaraderie
CHED has identified UPV as one of the Higher among the students and unites the CFOS
Education Institutions that will serve as Na- student council officers. The induction of
tional University / College of Fisheries (NUCF) the new set of CFOS Council officers was
for Region VI under the National Agriculture also part of the program
and Fisheries Education System. This is based Ms. Claire Samantha Juanico gave her
on Republic Act (RA) No. 8435, otherwise last message as CFOS chairperson. She
known as the Agriculture and Fisheries Mod- stressed that the fisheries students are the
ernization Act of 1997. The act includes an most crafted individuals and if everyone
annual one million pesos fund for the improve- will cooperate for sure the next years will
ment of the college’s facilities. be glorious.
In the same letter, CFOS Dean Dr. Furthermore, first year students garnered
Carlos P. Baylon was invited to attend a work- the major award for the MMP competition
as best in production. Ms. Essa Kathleen
shop in UP Diliman on July 7, 2009 for a pro-
Yanson was awarded MS. FISH 2010 and
gram orientation and formulation of work and Mr. Peter Palma as MR. FISH 2010, both
financial plans. The deans are tasked to spear- coming from the first year.Prof. Gerald
head the implementation. ■thePAPYRUS Quinitio also received a plaque of recogni-
tion as the most supportive staff for
a c a d e mi c ye a r 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 0 .
15 ■thePAPYRUS 16
As part of the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences’ As part of the annual activities of the organization, the
week-long activities, the University of the Philippines Fisheries University of the Philippines Fisheries Guild (UPFG) con-
Guild conducted a street painting contest last February 24, 2010 ducted the 22nd Inter High School Quiz Show last February
at the pathway near the vicinity of the college. 17,2010 at UPV Pidlaoan Hall.

Rapture was one of the annual activities conducted by the The quiz show was composed of three categories, namely,
organization to extend to the different organizations in the the individual category, wherein the schools are allowed to
university and year levels from the college. In this way, the have a maximum of two participants, the group category which
organization will not be secluded from the others, making it in is composed of three participants representing each school, and
common with others. This showcases the visual talents of the the poster making contest with the theme “ Brutal Political
participants to paint at their leisure a part of the pathway to Killings: The Massacre of the Masses”.
represent their respective organizations.
The contest was attended by the different participating
The event was participated by the different college-based schools throughout Iloilo. This category was opened for all
and university-based organizations existing in the university. bonafide high schools both in the city and province. At the end
Everybody had fun painting while socializing with their peers of the show, Roxzien Shaye Sobreña of Guimbal National
and other people from different organizations. High School beat all her opponents as she topped the
individual category, while Sta. Barbara National
Annie Joy Guilaran, the Advertising Committee Chairperson Comprehensive High School participants composed of Percy
of the organization, noted the success of the activity. “Although Mae Samaniego, Leira Ann Tanjusay and Darlyn Joy
some flaws had occurred along the activity, what matters most is Umadhay won the group category. On the other hand, the entry
that it was carried out successfully”, she added. ■thePAPYRUS of Kaunlaran Learning Center Foundation Inc. impressed the
judges with the harmonious contrast of colors on his craft
BLOODLETTING which made him bring home the first place. ■thePAPYRUS

“The need for blood is great. On any given day, more than
two thousand of blood units are transfused to needy patients in ADOPT A BARANGAY
our country. Some may need blood during surgery. Others depend
on it after an accident or because they have a disease that requires It was last December 19, 2009 when the UP Fisheries
blood components. Blood donations help save life.” Guild conducted an Adapt-a-barangay activity at Brgy.
Cabunotan, Miag ao, Iloilo. This outreach activity aims to help
This phrase was part of the message given by UPFG Special the needy and share the joys of Christmas. It was a half day
Actions Committee Chairperson, Geraldine Mayo, during the activity which includes giving of grocery items to ten
2009 Bloodletting campaign last July 28, 2009 at the CAS lobby. indigent families as identified by Brgy. Captain Dimson
The main goal of this annual activity of UPFG is to help the Fangonil, games for the residents with prizes like toys and
National Red Cross in its bloodletting campaign and in general; to household wares, and snacks.
help save life. To raise funds for the activity, FGians had a Christmas
serenade at barangay Bolho, Sapa, Baybay Sur, Baybay Norte,
Last year, the Phil. National Red Cross gave the UPFG a Ubos Ilaya and Uos Ilaoud while Miag ao mayor Julieta Flores
plaque of recognition for its continuous support in its bloodletting one sack of rice for the activity.
campaign. This only shows that the activity did a great job in Adopt-a-barangay is an annual activity of the organization
saving life. The 36 blood donors were students, faculty, staff and under the Special Actions Committee. ■thePAPYRUS
tricycle drivers from the UPV community. Medical assistants
from the UPV infirmary were also present during the said event.
The UP Fisheries Guild had been doing this for the past years,
and is inviting everyone to join and donate blood for the next
bloodletting activity coming this July 2010. ■thePAPYRUS
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