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Metabolic integration

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Metabolic integration
Presented to: Dr. Jorge Eduardo Caminos Pinzón
Sergio David Sanchez Villamarín
C.C 1000974719
11 de Septiembre de 2020

Universidad Nacional de Colombia 1

Metabolic integration

M etabolic integration refers to the pro-

cess of using nutrients for subsequent
use. In this case, here in the concept map, it
In the period immediately following the con-
sumption of glucose, it enters accompanied
by sodium to the enterocytes. This molecule
is shown in part the explanation of the pro- travels through the Portal System to the liver
cess in periods of fasting and feeding, where where it passes into the systemic circulation,
different types of tissue fuels are used for the since the liver does not fix glucose if it does
formation of either ATP or Glycogen (latent not have insulin. The beta cells in the pan-
fuel that will later be used to form ATP). creas stop the increase in blood glucose and
these generate the increase in insulin so that
The pre-prandial, or fasting process, is a sys- the process returns to normal.
tem where the consumption of carbohydra-
tes does not occur. By this fact the synthesis Glucose is a molecule capable of entering
of insulin is stopped. This process opens the any tissue if there is a sufficient amount of
way for other types of tissue fuels to act and insulin. This molecule can generate two pro-
generate glucose, mainly glycogen. cesses in different organs:

The glucose generated in the body can only An oxidative process in any tissue where it
enter the cells thanks to glucose transporters produces ATP and NADPH. The ATP, an es-
(GLUT). Organs such as the brain and eryth- sential molecule in the process of energy
rocyte can enter glucose since these trans- generation and other metabolic processes, is
porters do not need insulin as an activator to generated by glycolysis and the Krebs Cycle.
enter it and then, thanks to Hexokinase, they NADPH as an electron donor for the reduc-
fix the glucose for its use. Others, such as the tion process is very important for catabolic
muscles and adipocytes, cannot enter gluco- and anabolic processes.
se since they need insulin as a ligand. A very
important case to mention is that of the liver:
although it is an independent insulin, the A non-oxidative process that occurs in the
coupling of glucose does not occur very well muscles and in the liver to a greater extent.
since the kinase that generates this, Glucoki- This process instead of generating ATP from
nase, is in very low quantity due to lack of glucose, stores it in small capsules called
insulin, so glucose enters and leaves the liver glycogen for future use where food is not
without generating any change. available.

On the other hand, in the postprandial state, All these processes are very important for the
in the state generated after ingesting food, proper functioning of the human body and
the insulin is triggered at the same time that other living beings.
the exit of lipids, proteins and glucose by the
glycogen is closed.
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Metabolic integration

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