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Product Risk Analysis Template

A. Basic Information
1 Product Name :
Wallet – NFC POSA
2. Product description/characteristics: Consult BDS
3. Product Objectives :
-Increase market share
- Increase revenue
-Meeting costumers needs and expectations.
B. Risk Review
Inherent and Possible YES NO Observation Action Plan
Product conception:  - Product was conceived to meet the needs of the banked and
unbanked population, clients and non-clients of NFC Bank. An
opportunity to increase our customer base.
- Flexibility and simple to exploit as far as movement of cash from the
same or different wallet banking is concern.
- Possible to satisfy users in and out of Cameroon
- Same application as in online banking to avoid operational risk as a
result of having many applications with the risk of having many
- Product name is simple and saleable
Cost benefit analysis: x - No scientific costs and benefits have been done. At the moment we - there is need for a detail
cannot say for sure at what point the bank will break-even and start costs and benefits analysis
making profit. to be done.
- Taking certain management decisions becomes very difficult

Market penetration:  - Market penetration is possible considering that only SGC operates
wallet banking in the Cameroon Banking Industry, MTN and Orange
amongst Telecommunication Companies.
- Going by our clientele base, we have more than 20,000 clients with
more than five thousands subscribers to the online banking
application who are equally potential subscribers to the wallet
banking application.
- More than 10 million Cameroonian owns an iPhone, an Android
phone, and gargets that could be operated with an Internet. We can
therefore say that there is a ready market.
Compliant  - GIMAC manages the aspects of interoperation ability hence handles
all regulatory aspects. This therefore takes care of all compliance
issues under GIMAC’s control.
- Banks are however responsible to ensure full compliance on
transactions within the same wallet banking application. This is the
aspect which will require proper study and application within
regulatory norms.
Product functionality:  x - To make use of the application depends on the availability of
internet and the reliability. Clients are at the mercy of Tele-
communication Companies to enjoy better quality service. A large
number of Cameroonians do not have either an iPhone or android
phone. A foot for thought
- On the side of the bank, this product will increase the volume of We should therefore make
transaction in our system and would require more saver space. provision to increase saver
- It would require increase in human capacity followed by training, space
putting in place policies and procedures, etc.
Product rollover: x - Product rollover not possible as at today as the bank is yet to create
the product in the system, create GLs, and test its functionality.
- No proper marketing and communication strategies have been
defined to guarantee a successful launch
- No existing sales point for NFC POSA. This could be an obstacle for a
smooth go life and easy penetration of the market.
TAT: x - Most if not all the sales points sells MTN or ORANGE or both Mobile
money banking product be it for cash deposits or withdrawal. For a
start, TAT will be a challenge due to a timid takeoff.
- Network problems in general have not improved nationwide for
technical or other reasons. This will equally have a negative impact on
- As far as settlement of bills is concern, the bank still needs the
services of intermediaries like maviance. This certainly increases TAT
in one way or the other.
Competitive in terms of - Les prix pratiqués pour les opérations de retrait doivent être
pricing, quality, accessibles par rapport à ceux de la concurrence (YUP)
simplicity, etc - Des partenariats devraient être conclus afin de vulgariser
l’usage du portemonnaie électronique dans tous les domaines.
Going concern of the


Probability of Occurrence

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