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Unit one No place like home

Test your grammar

1- Which time expressions from the box can be used with the
sentences below?
1. My parents met in the Paris.
2. They travel abroad.
3. They were working in Canada.
4. I was born in Montreal.
5. My grandparents have lived in Ireland.
6. I wrote to my grandmother.
7. I'm going to work in the US.
8. My brother's flying to Abu Dhabi on business.
9. He's been learning Arabic.
10. I'll see you.

when I was born, never, in the 1970s, tonight, frequently, for ages,
ages ago, the other day, in a fortnights time, recently, during snow
storms, for a year, since I was a child, later, sometimes
1. My parents met in the Paris when I was born.

My parents met in the Paris never

My parents met in the Paris in the 1970s

My parents met in the Paris tonight

My parents met in the Paris frequently

My parents met in the Paris for ages

My parents met in the Paris ages ago

My parents met in the Paris the other day

My parents met in the Paris in a fortnights time

My parents met in the Paris recently

My parents met in the Paris during snow storms

My parents met in the Paris for a year

My parents met in the Paris since I was a child

My parents met in the Paris later

My parents met in the Paris sometimes

2. They travel abroad when I was born.

They never travel abroad.

They travel abroad in the 1970s.

They travel abroad tonight.

They frequently travel abroad.

They travel abroad for ages.

They travel abroad ages ago.

They travel abroad the other day.

They travel abroad in a fortnights time.

They travel abroad recently.

They travel abroad during snow storms.

They travel abroad for a year.

They travel abroad since I was a child

They travel abroad later

They sometimes travel abroad

3. They were working in Canada when I was born.

They were working in Canada never

They were working in Canada in the 1970s

They were working in Canada tonight

They were working in Canada frequently

They were working in Canada for ages

They were working in Canada ages ago

They were working in Canada the other day

They were working in Canada in a fortnights time

They were working in Canada recently

They were working in Canada during snow storms

They were working in Canada for a year

They were working in Canada since I was a child

They were working in Canada later

They were working in Canada sometimes

4. I was born in Montreal in the 1970s.
I was born in Montreal ages ago.
I was born in Montreal during snowstorm.

5. My grandparents have never lived in Ireland.

My grandparents have recently lived in Ireland
My grandparents have lived in Ireland for ages
My grandparents have lived in Ireland for a year
My grandparents have lived in Ireland since I was a child

6. I never wrote to my grandmother.

I frequently wrote to my grandmother
I recently wrote to my grandmother
I sometimes wrote to my grandmother
I wrote to my grandmother ages ago.
7. I'm going to work in the US in a fortnight's time.
I'm going to work in the US for a year
I'm going to work in the US later
8. My brother's frequently flying to Abu Dhabi on business.
My brother's flying to Abu Dhabi on business tonight
My brother's flying to Abu Dhabi on business later
My brother's flying to Abu Dhabi on business in a fortnight's time
9. He's recently been learning Arabic.
He's been learning Arabic for ages
He's been learning Arabic for a year
He's been learning Arabic since I was child
10. I'll see you tonight
I'll see you in a fortnight's time
I'll see you later
I'll see you frequently

2- Talk to a partner about yourself and your family using some of

the time expressions.

Tense revision and informal language

1- Read the letter. Who is writing? Who to? Where is he? What is
he complaining about? How old do you think the writer is?
- The writing is Max.
- To his parents.
- He's in Grove Hill summer camp
- He's complaining about feeling bored and homesick, and not
having enough money and cell phone
- He's probably between 10 and 15
2- Complete the questions. Then ask and answer them with a
1. How long has Max been at summer camp?
Just two days.
2. Is he having a good time?
No, not really. He is feeling very homesick.
3. Is this his first time at summer camp?
No, it is not. He's been once before. Last year he went to pine
4. Did he like it at pine trees?
Oh, yes, he did, very much.
5. Why was that?
Because they things like archery and mountain biking.
6. What is he doing tomorrow?
He's making pancakes.
7. Why does he want his cell phone?
Because all the others have theirs.

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