Moo New October 2006

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Issue 3

October 2006

Welcome Fast Facts:

Seasonally adjusted
The question on everyone’s lips the unemployment
at the moment is ‘Will interest rate remained at
rates go up? Well nearly every
economist in the country 4.8% in September
believes so. Inflation data
released last week shows the
national economy is still strong
at 3.9% (4.4% annual rate in
Brisbane), and above the reserve The consumer price
banks goal of 2 to 3%. A
number of retail institutions, index increased
Harvey Norman for example are
also reporting strong sales 0.9% in the
growth and the unemployment September quarter
rate is at historic lows.
Another key indicator is building
2006 taking the
approvals and the recent release annual rate to 3.9%
showing building approvals
increased 0.5% in September enticing customers by holding rates.
supports any decision to
increase rates.
What does this all mean? As I have previously mentioned, if you
are sensitive to rate increase, then it maybe time for a free mortgage
Total dwelling
How have the banks reacted check before all lenders increase rates. To illustrate how you can save approvals increased
to the news? A couple of our in a rising interest rate market, consider a customer locking in a
larger lenders (CBA and ANZ) $300,000 three year fixed home loan in December 2005 at 6.44% will 0.5% in September
have already announced be $235 per month better off should the interest rate rise next month 2006 and the annual
increases in fixed rates. On the as anticipated.
flip side some of the smaller
The article below is provided as an opportunity to compare the
approval rate is
players are taking advantage of
these announcements and are
benefits of fixed and variable or combination of both. 6.1% higher
compared with one
Fixed Versus Variable year ago.
One of the key choices you may Fixed rate loan products provide repaying the loan early).
need to consider when deciding certainty in your monthly
And of course, the faster you are
on a loan that is right for you is payments, and in a time of rising
able to pay off your loan the
between a fixed and variable variable interest rates can
cheaper it will be. Variable loans Australia’s
interest rate. provide peace of mind. On the
other hand if interest rates go
can also offer features such as population reached
Certainly a good understanding redraw, offset, portability
of your financial position and
down, you could end up in a
situation where your fixed rate is
(transferring the mortgage from 20,552,000 people.
goals will help you make the one property to another) and
higher than the variable rate.
right choice between a fixed or split loan facilities.
variable product. Over the Fixed rated products generally
Split rate loans can offer a
different stages of the life of your have fewer features than variable
combination of the two options
mortgage you may find one or rated - however every product is
where one portion of the loan is
more of the below options different and must be considered
fixed and the other is at a
appropriate, influencing your on its merits. Fixed rated
variable rate. You will have
choice of product. products may also have penalties
certainty on repayments for the
for early payout or additional
Fixed rate products are for a set fixed portion while retaining
term, usually one to five years, flexibility on the rest. You are
although some lenders offer up Variable rate products are more normally able to make extra
to ten-year terms. The fixed rate suited to a borrower who is repayments, or pay off the
generally reverts to a variable prepared for the up-and-down portion of the variable, without
rate at the end of the fixed term fluctuations in interest rate incurring penalties.
or, depending on the terms of movements. Many variable rate
the loan, you may have scope to products also offer flexibility in
renegotiate a further fixed term repaying the loan (i.e. they don’t
at that point. penalise the borrower for
Issue 3

Legal Isn’t this Odd?

By Michael Hains, Hains Solicitors

When the Buyer is a three weeks ... yes THREE taking three weeks to look at a Pelicans held on suspicion
Trustee WEEKS ... to look at these document and decide that they
documents and decide that no don't want any money from it, is of being drunk
stamp duty is payable on them. quite ridiculous ! In the mean
Most banks have special Four pelicans suspected of being
time, agents can 'add value' to a
requirements where the transaction for both sellers and drunk on sea algae were being
Buyer of a property is a Trustee. In other words, when a Buyer is buyers, by warning them of this tested at a Southern California
It is usually the case that the going to purchase in the name of possible delay.
Trust Deed must be amended to wildlife centre Saturday after
a trust, either they need to be
satisfy a lender. alerted to this problem and get one of them crashed headlong
their lawyers to solve it To contact Michael, phone 07 into a car. Three of the
immediately ... or they will need 3290 0914 or e-mail California brown pelicans were
A good lawyer will amend the a lot longer than usual for a
Trust Deed within 24 hours (no settlement. found wandering dazed in the
problem !). However, most streets of Laguna Beach after
lenders require the amendment
to be 'stamped' - and the State another pelican struck a vehicle's
Eventually, of course, the
Government is currently taking Government will realise that windshield on a nearby coast

Real Estate It suffered internal injuries and a

BY Peter Campbell, Blackwood St Realty
long gash in its pouch and was
Selling an Investment For this reason, it is important the property and allow more
undergoing toxicology tests.
Property that is that your managing agent is frequent inspections, as there
always the first to be notified of will be a monetary reward for Officials at the Wildlife Care
Tenanted your intention to sell. The the tenant. Center said the seabirds may
If you are looking to sell your managing agent will have a
Being a tenant in an investment have been under the influence of
investment property, it is relationship with the tenant and
be able to negotiate inspections property that is on the market algae in the ocean that can
important to communicate with
and open houses on your behalf. for sale can be unsettling, as you
the tenants, as they can often produce domoic acid poisoning
can imagine. We like to think
feel like their privacy and quiet when eaten. The other pelicans
that we take the time to care for
enjoyment has been invaded.
the needs of our clients and were rounded up after assistant
If a tenant is being difficult with customers, as without both we
inspection times, you may want wildlife director Lisa Birkle
have no business!
If you get a tenant off side, it can to consider offering the tenant warned the public to be on the
cause unnecessary challenges and an incentive, such as a reward
lookout for birds acting "drunk,"
inhibit your ability to quickly sell $$value if the property is sold
To contact Peter, phone 0419 disoriented or being in an
the property. within a period of time. This
719 419 or e-mail
may motivate the tenant to take unusual place.
extra care in the presentation of

Shellfish tainted with domoic

Financial Planning acid was thought to be the
By Michael Goodwin, PIS Investment Services
culprit behind a 1961 attack of
Effective Salary Medicare levy) whilst has commenced. In other words,
seabirds on people and cars in
Sacrificing for superannuation contributions you can't salary sacrifice after
are taxed at a maximum rate the work has been done. the oceanside California town of
of 15%. The Australian Capitola that inspired Alfred
Taxation Office allows tax Salary sacrificing can be a very Hitchcock's horror movie "The
Salary sacrificing involves concessions where salary effective way of reducing the Birds."
foregoing part of our salary and sacrificing arrangements are amount of tax we pay whilst
having our employer make “effective”. building wealth for our
additional contributions into
retirement. There are some
superannuation on our behalf.
One of the hallmarks of an pitfalls but by following the ATO
This allows us to build up
effective salary sacrifice guidelines, these can be avoided.
additional savings for our
arrangement is that there
retirement whilst receiving an
must be an agreement in place To contact Michael, phone on
immediate tax benefit. This
between the employee and 5443 5577 or e-mail
occurs because income we
their employer. This
receive from wages or salary is
agreement must be put in
taxed at our marginal tax rate
place before the work to
(which may be up to 45%, plus
which salary sacrificing applies

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