L3 inANutshell

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L1 closes 90% of the cases they get themselves

L2 (resource) closes 50% of the rest

So we get reachouts on ~ 5 %
Example: https://ssl.salesforce.com/50000000006FFGw

SFDC access
TFS access
IDCPROD access for clone (day old data copy), script tool? (live data)
Our MyWay L3 page
Saas config page tells us what server a SAAS client is on
Securelink access

L3 responsibilities:
 We monitor the queue in U.S. ~8am – at least 5 pm
 We try to respond to criticals in <= 15 min (May want to add email alert)
 We try to respond to other severity in <= 2 hours
 We try to resolve all severities in <= 12 hours

What to do when we get a reachout:

 Add a comment as soon as you read it. (popup ~Response time > yes)
 Is it really a reachout? (not a parent case)
 Is there enough info included? (we require a template1 be filled out)
 Does it need to be escalated to management?(rare)
 Set User Priority field > your initials (optional)
 Keep adding comments so others can know status
 Search for previous cases, reachout with similar problem.
 Determine: Is it an L3 Issue
o Is it a new issue that needs to be written up? If so, create new L3 Issue2 ,
see if there is a workaround3 Then close the reachout.
o If not new, then see if there is a workaround3, if any info you can add to
existing issue to expedite / enlighten, then close the reachout.
o (Specific to Vulcan Migration) Is it a Pro Issue? (need process defined
for this4)

1. L3Myway template
2. Example L3 Issue.
a. Very often start by copying reachout info.
b. Add more info e.g. “Judy reproduced locally”,
c. Add any workaround / specific impact to client and whether it just started
at certain time, e.g. Impact to the Customer: One page summary is pulling
incorrect patient's information. It started since the update which happened
two days ago.
d. Please remember to add attachments from case.
e. Add clear reproduce steps.
f. If possible suggest fix or general area of code, any breadcrumbs for
developer, QA, etc. e.g. NOTE - this needs to be thoroughly tested in OPS
and RPN with multiple patients with same visit times.
3. If workaround involves changing data on client MyWay system, must get
permission first. – confirm process for Vulcan - Ray?
4. need process defined for this4) Ray?

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