Timesheet: Excel To Book Your Worked Hours

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Timesheet This Excel is free of charge, but if you want to make a small donation, my PayPal-account is: eigersoftware@hotmail.

Excel to book your worked hours By: eigersoftware@hotmail.com
Version 2 http://worktimesheet2014.blogspot.com.es/ 
Date 1/12/2015

* created with Excel 2013-Spanish, for translation formulas (to English), see:
http://www.xperimentos.com/2007/03/03/tabla-de-traduccion-de-formulas-excel-en-espanol-a-ingles/ source pic: http://www.wpclipart.com/medical/cartoons/doctor_off_the_clock.png
* to update pivot-tables in sheet Estadisticas, click menu "Analizar > Actualizar Todo" o "Datos > Actualizar" (Analyze > Refresh), after inserting your hours in sheet 'Tabla'. For more info about pivot-tables, see:

SHEET "Tabla" (Table) Timesheet - Input worked hours per day
NB color:
white fixed
green input NB: * : optional field (can be left blank)
yellow calculated

fecha1/Date1 date, format: weekday, day, month. NB: Weekdays: L=Mo, M=Tu,X=We,J=Th,V=Fr,S=Sa,D=Su
fecha2/Date2 date, format: day, month, year
dia/Day day
dia2/Weekday weekday, see column A (Date1)
semana/Week week
mes/Month month
EsLaborable/IsWorkingDay is working day (0=No,1=Yes). NB: set for holidays in Spain/Madrid
Tini/Tstart start-time work day (format: hh:mm)
Tfin/Tend end-time work day (format: hh:mm). NB: without overtime
Textra * overtime work (requested by boss),in minutes
P1ini/Break1 * start-time break1 (format: hh:mm)
P1fin * end-time break1 (format: hh:mm)
P2ini/Break2 * start-time break2 (format: hh:mm)
P2fin * end-time break2 (format: hh:mm)
Diff * difference time booked vs time punch in/out clock (0=No,1=Yes)
Code Code, values: N=day worked, V=day not worked (details in Code2)
Code2 * Code2, values: VA=vacations, AP=personal day, BA=time off sick (details in Code3)
Code3 * Code3, values: VA0=vacations last year, VA1=vacations actual year
Observacion/Note *
TabHora/Input-Table Input-table, with office-hours, 3 variants: 40 hr (standard) / 37 hr (summer) / 35 hr (short), see column AH
Proj * Project
Tdiff difference time-worked vs time-contract (should be >= 0), in minutes

SHEET "Estadisticas" (Statistics) Timesheet - Statistics

main stats T1-T6
stats month: S1-S11 NB: sheet is almost 100% calculated, except for some green cells like e.g.N97-98: total days vacations (contract)
stats year: Y1-Y14

SHEET "DiaHours" (HoursPerDay) Timesheet - Input worked hours per day+hour per project
Timesheet - Input worked hours per day Hint: If you forgot one day to register your start/end-time:
today: 7/9/2021 18:12 month: 7 week: 28 When you block your PC at end of day and unblock it at start new day, you can find these times in Windows Event Log (eventid´s 4800 and 4624), run ' eventvwr', see: OFFICE HOURS
DEMO: filter: Month=12 http://www.howtogeek.com/124313/how-to-see-who-logged-into-a-computer-and-when/
Date1 Date2 Day WeekdayWeek Month IsWorking Tstart Tend Textra Break1 Break2 Diff Code Code2 Code3 Note Input-Table Project Tdiff STANDARD Weekday Hours Break Start End
fecha1 fecha2 dia dia2 semana mes EsLaborablTini Tfin Textra P1ini P1fin P2ini P2fin Diff Code Code2 Code3 Observacion TabHora Proj Tdiff TabHora 1 Dia Semana Hours Pausa (min.) Ini Fin
M 1-12 1-12-2015 1M 49 12 1 V BA sick 1 0
X 2-12 2-12-2015 2X 49 12 1 V AP personal day 1 0
J 3-12 3-12-2015 3J 49 12 1 8:30 19:00 13:00 14:00 N 1 Analysis 60
V 4-12 4-12-2015 4V 49 12 1 8:30 15:30 N 1 Analysis 60
S 5-12 5-12-2015 5S 49 12 0 1 0
D 6-12 6-12-2015 6D 49 12 0 1 0
L 7-12 7-12-2015 7L 50 12 1 8:30 18:30 13:00 14:00 N 1 Design 30
M 8-12 8-12-2015 8M 50 12 0 holidays (Día de la Inmaculada Concepción 1 0
X 9-12 9-12-2015 9X 50 12 1 8:30 20:00 13:00 14:00 N 1 Design 120
J 10-12 10-12-2015 10 J 50 12 1 8:30 18:00 10:00 10:15 13:00 14:00 N break1 15 min. 1 Design -15
V 11-12 11-12-2015 11 V 50 12 1 8:30 13:30 N left 1hr early for apoint.doctor 1 Design -60
S 12-12 12-12-2015 12 S 50 12 0 1 0
D 13-12 13-12-2015 13 D 50 12 0 1 0
L 14-12 14-12-2015 14 L 51 12 1 8:30 18:00 13:00 14:00 N 1 Design 0
M 15-12 15-12-2015 15 M 51 12 1 8:30 18:00 13:00 14:00 N 1 Coding 0
X 16-12 16-12-2015 16 X 51 12 1 8:30 18:00 13:00 14:00 N 1 Coding 0
J 17-12 17-12-2015 17 J 51 12 1 8:30 18:00 120 13:00 14:00 1N overtime 2 hr (18:00-20:00) 1 Coding 0
V 18-12 18-12-2015 18 V 51 12 1 8:30 14:30 60 1N overtime 1 hr (14:30:00-15:30) 1 Coding 0
S 19-12 19-12-2015 19 S 51 12 0 1 0
D 20-12 20-12-2015 20 D 51 12 0 1 0
L 21-12 21-12-2015 21 L 52 12 1 8:30 18:00 13:15 14:00 N shorter break 1 Coding 15
M 22-12 22-12-2015 22 M 52 12 1 8:30 18:00 13:00 14:00 1N Tend 17:00, but 1 hr work home 1 Testing 0
X 23-12 23-12-2015 23 X 52 12 1 8:30 18:00 13:00 14:00 1N Tend 15:00 (3 hrs compens.for overtime 17 1 Deploy 0
J 24-12 24-12-2015 24 J 52 12 1 V VA VA1 vacations 1 0
V 25-12 25-12-2015 25 V 52 12 0 holidays (Xmas) 1 0
S 26-12 26-12-2015 26 S 52 12 0 1 0
D 27-12 27-12-2015 27 D 52 12 0 1 0
L 28-12 28-12-2015 28 L 53 12 1 V VA VA1 vacations 1 0
M 29-12 29-12-2015 29 M 53 12 1 V VA VA1 1 0
X 30-12 30-12-2015 30 X 53 12 1 V VA VA1 1 0
J 31-12 31-12-2015 31 J 53 12 1 V VA VA1 1 0

eigersoftware@hotmail.com - http://worktimesheet2014.blogspot.com.es/ 
month: 7

*T2: month per week

EsLaborable - all -
mes 12

Data Hr/Min worked

week semana Sum - Ttotal3 Sum - Tdiff 16 30
49 990 120 32 45
50 1965 75 40 0
51 2400 0 25 45
52 1545 15 0 0
53 0 0
Total Result 6900 210
Hr/Min worked 115 0
Hr/Min Diff 3 30

T2: Time worked in month M per week (in minutes) and diff. with time contract (in red)


1500 Column I



semana 49 50 51 52 53

*S1: Working days *S2: No Working days

EsLaborable 1 EsLaborable 0
mes 12 mes 12
dia2 - multiple -
Count - dia2
21 Count - dia2

*S3: Days not worked: Vacations

Code V
Code2 VA
mes 12

Count - fecha2

*S4: Days not worked: Sick

Code V
Code2 BA
mes 12

Count - fecha2

*S5: Days not worked: Personal day *S6:Days not worked: Total
Code V
Code2 AP Code V
mes 12 mes 12

Count - fecha2 Count - fecha2

1 7

*S7: Days worked NB: Filtro: Code<>V *S8: Working days worked
Code N mes 12
mes 12 Jornada 1

Count - fecha2 Count - dia2

14 14

*S9: Hrs/days Total 154 21


*S10: Over time

mes 12

Sum - Textra
180 0

*S11: Hours Total (incl. Over time)


eigersoftware@hotmail.com - http://worktimesheet2014.blogspot.com.es/ 
week 28

*T3: week per day

semana 50

Data Hr/Min worked

fecha2 Sum - TtotSum - Tdiff #VALUE! #VALUE!
7-12-2015 540 30 9 0
8-12-2015 0 0 0 0
9-12-2015 630 120 10 30
10-12-2015 495 -15 8 15
11-12-2015 300 -60 5 0
12-12-2015 0 0 0 0
13-12-2015 0 0
Total Result 1965 75
Hr/Min worked 32 45
Hr/Min Diff 1 15

T3: Time worked in week W per day (in minutes) and diff. with time contract (in

400 Data
300 Column P
-100 a2 15 01
5 15 15 15 15
ch 20 2 2 20 20 20 20
fe 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2-
1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1
7- 8- 9- 10 11 12 13

eigersoftware@hotmail.com - http://worktimesheet2014.blogspot.com.es/ 
Year 2021

*T5: Months
Data Hr/Min worked Hr/Min Diff Hr/Week
month mes Sum - TtotSum - Tdiff 121 #VALUE! 1 0 30.25
1 7260 60 121 0 1 0 40
2 9600 0 160 0 0 0 40
3 10110 0 168 30 0 0 42.125
4 9750 0 162 30 0 0 40.625
5 9240 0 154 0 0 0 38.5
6 10110 0 168 30 0 0 42.125
7 10260 0 171 0 0 0 42.75
8 4440 0 74 0 0 0 18.5
9 8730 0 145 30 0 0 36.375
10 9960 0 166 0 0 0 41.5
11 8730 0 145 30 0 0 36.375
12 6900 210 1751 -98160 3 30
Total Result 105090 270
Avg. Spain: 141 hr/month Diff.contract -14 *Y14: Check Contract vs Input-table
Sum - Tnorm2
*T6: Projects 104820 1747 0
Proj Sum - TtotHr/Min worked Diff.norm. contract -18
(empty) 98190 1636 30
Analysis 990 16 30
Design 2475 41 15
Coding 2415 40 15
Testing 510 8 30
Deploy 510 8 30
T5: Time worked in week W per day (in minutes) and diff. with time contract (in red)
Total Result 105090 1751 30
T6: Tiempo per project ( in min.)
Coding Data
Testing Column P
Total Result

Hours/year Contract 1765 por seman: 36.7708333
mes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
*Y1: Days not worked: Vacations last yr
Code V
Code2 VA
Code3 VA0 *Y7: Days not worked: Sick
Code V *Y9: Working days
Count - fecha2 Code2 BA EsLaborable 1
Count - fecha2 Count - fecha1
*Y2: Days not worked: Vacations this yr 3 249
Code V
Code2 VA *Y8: Days not worked: Personal day *Y10: Days worked
Code3 VA1 Code V EsLaborable 1
Code2 AP Code N
Count - fecha2
23 Count - fecha2 Count - fecha1
1 220
*Y3: Days vacations last yr
total 2 *Y11: Days worked/Working days %
not used 0 88%
*Y12: Diff booked vs punched in/out
*Y4: Days vacations this yr Diff 1
total 24
not used 1 Count - dia2

*Y5: Vacat.total used 25

*Y13: Check: time no-working days (=0)
*Y6: Vacat total left 1 dia2 - multiple -
EsLaborable 0

Sum - Ttotal3

eigersoftware@hotmail.com - http://worktimesheet2014.blogspot.com.es/ 
Timesheet - Input worked hours per day+hour per project

today: 7/9/2021 18:12 month: 7 week: 28

Date1 Date2 Day WeekdayWeek Month IsWorkingDay Office hours

fecha1 fecha2 dia dia2 semana mes EsLaborable 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
M 1-12 1-12-2015 1M 49 12 1
X 2-12 2-12-2015 2X 49 12 1
J 3-12 3-12-2015 3J 49 12 1 Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
V 4-12 4-12-2015 4V 49 12 1 Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
L 7-12 7-12-2015 7L 50 12 1 Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design
X 9-12 9-12-2015 9X 50 12 1 Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design
J 10-12 10-12-2015 10 J 50 12 1 Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design
V 11-12 11-12-2015 11 V 50 12 1 Design Design Design Design Design Design Design
L 14-12 14-12-2015 14 L 51 12 1 Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design Design
M 15-12 15-12-2015 15 M 51 12 1 Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding
X 16-12 16-12-2015 16 X 51 12 1 Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding
J 17-12 17-12-2015 17 J 51 12 1 Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding
V 18-12 18-12-2015 18 V 51 12 1 Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding
L 21-12 21-12-2015 21 L 52 12 1 Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding Coding
M 22-12 22-12-2015 22 M 52 12 1 Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing
X 23-12 23-12-2015 23 X 52 12 1 Deploy Deploy Deploy Deploy Deploy Deploy Deploy
J 24-12 24-12-2015 24 J 52 12 1
L 28-12 28-12-2015 28 L 53 12 1
M 29-12 29-12-2015 29 M 53 12 1
X 30-12 30-12-2015 30 X 53 12 1
J 31-12 31-12-2015 31 J 53 12 1

eigersoftware@hotmail.com - http://worktimesheet2014.blogspot.com.es/ 

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