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International Journal of Engineering Science 154 (2020) 103318

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Development of Android based Learning Media for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
the Study Program of Mechanical Engineering Education, Yogyakarta State University
A. Ramadhan a,
Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: This study aims to: (1) produce based Android learning media as an
Androi based alternative learning source of learning occupational safety and health
Learning media (OSH) using android studio software, (2) determine the appropriateness
of developed learning media, and (3) determine the user's response to
developed learning media. This research and development useds the
ADDIE model. In accordance with the development procedure, there
weare several steps, namely: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, 4)
implementation, and 5) evaluation. Product trials consist of limited trials
and field trials. Trial data were collected by means of a questionnaire,
observation and documentation. The instrument used in this study
consisted of learning media in the form of applications, questionnaires
which were then analyzed and produced descriptive quantitative data.
Subjects in this study were divided into 2, namely limited trials
consisting of 2 validator lecturers and field testing, namely 1 lecturer and
38 students. This study produces an (1) Android based learning media as
an alternative learning source for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
using android studio software. (2) The learning media has satisfied the
eligibility criteria based on the assessment from material experts and
media experts. The percentage obtained from material experts was 93%,
included in the "Very Good" category and the percentage of media
experts was 96%, included in the "Very Good" category. (3) The
lecturer’s response to the developed learning media showeds a
percentage of 84%, included in the "Very Good" category, while
student’s response showed a percentage of 89%, included in the "Very
Good" category.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier
Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license. (

1. Introduction

Education can be interpreted as an experiment that is never finished at any time and will always
develop as long as there is human life in this world. This can happen because education is part of the
civilization of human life culture that continues to develop and is in line with the essence of a human
being who certainly has creative and innovative potential for various fields in his life. Education intends
to help students to grow and develop their potential and abilities (Tirtarahardja & Sulo, 2016: 1). Through
a level of education, abilities can be obtained and developed through a systematic and structured learning
process. According to the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003, systematic and structured
learning can be obtained through education levels, one of which is through college. Gagne, in Huda
(2014: 3) learning is a process of modifying human abilities and capacities that can be maintained to
increase their level. A learning can be said to be successful if the process and results are good and
satisfying. To create good learning, support is needed, one of which is learning media.
Learning media is indispensable in learning activities as a tool and conveying information. (Daryanto,
2018: 1) explains that learning media is a learning aid and serves as a messenger in the form of
information from educators to students as a communication tool needed in the learning process. Good
media is able to maximize the learning process to be more effective so that students can master the
material being taught easily because media is the conveyor of information in the learning process.
As a media tool for delivering information, learning media is required to be straightforward, clear and
renewable. Moreover, Indonesia has entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 with all the advances
in technology and information, which requires schools and teachers to play an active role in advancing
learning concepts, models and programs. As with the President's appeal saying that human resources in
Indonesia are equipped to face and take advantage of opportunities from world changes and technological
shifts that are changing so fast (Kemenristekdikti, press release No.2 / HM / BKKP / I / 2019). The
development of technology is very rapid, one of which is the development in the field of communication
technology is the cellular phone, previously cellular phones could only send short messages and make
calls, but now cellular pnnkhones have switched functions like a personal computer in hand, where we
can send messages, pictures, even videos, create documents, access social media, study, browse and so
A cellular phone that has an operating system or software that underlies the work of an application in
it, which handles input commands or input from the user which is then executed or processed by a
microprocessor of the device is called a smartphone. There are lots of operating systems on smartphones,
one of which is Android.  Android is the most popular operating system currently used by millions of
Seeing this phenomenon, the researchers had the idea of developing Android-based learning media
using Android Studio software to make it easier for students to access the material. The occupational
safety and health and environment (K3LH) course has a very important role as a guide for students who
will carry out practical activities in the workshop. As a preventive effort to prevent occupational diseases
and accidents with various risks that endanger students such as the danger of air pollution, dust and
electricity. According to BPJS data in 2018 there were 114,148 work-related accidents and in 2019 there
were 77,295 cases. 
Related to this, the researchers invited students to use their smartphones not only for entertainment
purposes but as a source of learning to increase the absorption of K3 material effectively. Then to meet
the student's need for the desired media because the old media has not fully fulfilled their wishes and
provides alternative learning media used to increase the absorption of the material provided, besides that
Android-based learning media has advantages, namely flexible, practical, attractive, attractive, and
according to student life.
Based on preliminary observations of Mechanical Engineering Education Students of YSU, the
majority of their daily lives cannot be separated from using smartphones with the Android operating
system, so that every time students can access learning material anywhere, anytime, easily and pleasantly.

. Materials and methods

The development of this Android-based learning media uses the Research and Development (R&D)
method, which develops a software model and is then integrated with a design instructional development
model and design concepts. Sugiyono (2019: 30) argues that this research and development is a scientific
way of conducting research, designing, producing and testing the validity of products that have been
developed. Gay (2012: 17) argues that development research is not for theory making or theory testing
but research to meet consumer needs and product development to meet the needs needed. Richey & Kelin
(2010) states that development planning and research is a structured view of the design of a product, both
in its development and in producing the design, evaluating the performance of the product to obtain
empirical data so that it can be used as a basis for product development and development. In this study,
researchers tried to make or develop a product in the form of an Android-based learning media
application as a tool for students in understanding learning material. To meet the needs of the learning
process, learning media product development will be validated and tested first. Learning design
development in the form of content / content from the material to be displayed in the application using the
ADDIE model.

. Result and Discussion

The implementation of this trial was carried out after going through the validation stages of material
experts and media experts. Then the researchers made product improvements according to suggestions
and input so that the product was ready to be tested. This test has research subjects, there are lecturers and

3.1 Lecture Response

This test aims to determine the response of the lecturer as a lecturer in Occupational Health and Safety
and the Environment (K3LH) course. This test was carried out by Mr. Riswan Dwi Jatmiko, M.Pd. as
Lecturer Pengampu. Then this testing phase is carried out by providing the K3LH application product,
RPS and a previously made assessment questionnaire. The assessment carried out by the Pengampu
Lecturer includes several aspects, namely: 1) ease of use and navigation, 2) relevance of the material,
and 3) aesthetics. Data from the results of the Pengampu Lecturer response can be seen in Table 1:

Tabel 1
N Assessment
Frequency of Xt Yt % Category
o Aspects
    4 3 2 1
Ease of Use 9
1 5 2     7 26 28 Very Good
& Navigation 3
Relevance of 8
2 3 13     16 51 64 Very Good
Material 0
3 Aesthetic 1 6     7 22 28 Very Good
Jumlah 30 99 120 Very Good

Percentage of product eligibility =


= = 84 %

a) Statement items 1-7 represent ease of use & navigation aspects
b) Statement items 8-23 are aspects of the relevance of the material
c) Statement items 24-30 represent aesthetic aspects
d) Xt: Score obtained
e) Yt: The desired score
f) %: Percentage eligibility

Picture 1 Lecturer Response Grafic

The data on Lecturer response to the product in picture 1 described as follow:

a. Lecturer response to the aspects of ease of use and navigation obtained a percentage of 93%. According to
the scale, the percentage of values that can be included in the very good category.
b. The lecturer response to the aspect of material relevance obtained a percentage of 80%. According to the
scale, the percentage of values that can be included in the very good category.
c. The lecturer response to the aesthetic aspect obtained a percentage of 79%. According to the scale, the
percentage of values that can be included in the very good category.

After the quantitative data, the lecturer adds qualitative data, which is in the form of suggestions and
input on the product being developed, including the following:
a. Add explanation to K3 regulations.
b. How to deal with risks should be deepened. The conclusion from the lecturer assessment is that the
product developed can be used with improvements according to suggestions and input.

3.2 Student Response

After testing to the Lecturer, the product is ready to be tested on students. This test aims to see student
responses as product users that have been developed. This test was carried out on 38 students of Mechanical
Engineering Education, Yogyakarta State University. Then this testing phase is carried out by providing the
K3 application product and an assessment questionnaire that has been previously made. The stages of
assessment carried out by students include several aspects, namely: 1) ease of use and navigation, 2)
relevance of the material, and 3) aesthetics. Data from the results of student responses can be seen in Table 2

Tabel 2 Student Response

No Frequency Total Xt Yt % Category
    4 3 2 1 Question
Ease of Use
1 & 146 111 8 1 266 934 1064 88
Relevance of Very Very
2 360 238 10 608 2174 2432 89
Material Good Good
Very Very
3 Aesthetics 153 103 10 266 941 1064 88
Good Good
Total 1140 4049 4560 89

Percentage of product eligibility =

= 89 %
a. Statement items 1-7 represent ease of use & navigation aspects
b. Statement items 8-23 are aspects of the relevance of the material
c. Statement items 24-30 represent aesthetic aspects
d. Xt: Score obtained
e. Yt: The desired score
f. %: Percentage eligibility

Picture 2

Data on the results of student responses to products in Figure 18 can be described as follows:
a. Student responses to the aspects of ease of use and navigation obtained a percentage of 88%. According to
the scale, the percentage of values that can be included in the very good category.
b. Student responses to the aspect of material relevance obtained a percentage of 89%. According to the
scale, the percentage of values that can be included in the very good category.
c. Student response to the aesthetic aspect obtained a percentage of 88%. Based on the scale, the percentage
of achievement is in the very good category.

After quantitative data, students also add qualitative data in the form of suggestions and input on the
products being developed, including the following:
a. Maybe you can add a custom backsound
b. Maybe it would be easier if downloaded via Playstore
c. Please always be developed. 
The conclusion of the student assessment is that the product developed can be used with improvements
according to suggestions and input.

3.3 Final Product Assement

The product in this study is an application as an-based learning media Android as an alternative source of
learning in the Occupational Safety and Health and Environment (K3LH) course. This product is made with
software Android Studio Computer-operated. This product development refers to the ADDIE development
procedure, there are 5 stages in this procedure, namely: 1) analysis, 2) design, 3) development, 4)
implementation, and 5) evaluation.
This product development process stage includes several experts, namely material and media experts, as
well as lecturers and students. Product testing is divided into 2 stages, namely internal which includes expert
validation lecturers and lecturers validating media and external, namely lecturers and students. Based on the
analysis of product development data for experts and users, it is known that "Feasible" for use in learning.
The assessment of material experts obtained a percentage of 93%, media experts 96%, lecturers 84% and
students 89%. The results of the overall analysis can be seen in picture 3 below:

Picture 3 Result

Material Expert Media Expert

93% 96%

Lecturer Student
84% 89%

. Conclusion
The conclusions of this study are: Design of learning media for occupational safety and health and the
environment (K3LH) based on android using software android studio has been made according storyboard to
the agreedby applying the ADDIE development model, namely: (1) analysis, (2) design, (development), 4)
implementation, and (5) evaluation. Material expert assessment of the application of learning media
applications for occupational safety and health and the environment (K3LH) based on android using software
android studio has met the eligibility criteria by obtaining a percentage of 93% which is "very feasible.
The media expert's assessment of learning media products for occupational safety and health and
environment (K3LH) based on android using software android studio has met the eligibility criteria by
obtaining a percentage of 96%, namely the category "very feasible". User response to the application of
learning media for occupational safety and health and the environment (K3LH) based on android using
software android studio in this case is Pengampu Lecturer with a percentage of 84%, namely the category
"very good". User response to the application of learning media for occupational safety and health and the
environment (K3LH) based on android using software android studio in this case is a student with a
percentage of 89%, namely the category "very good".


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