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1. If a1, a2, a3,...., an,..... are in A.P. such that a4– a7+ a10= m, then the sum of first 13terms of this
A.P., is : [JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
(A) 15 m (B) 10 m (C) 12 m (D) 13 m

a1  a 2  .....  a p p3 a
2. Let a1, a2, a3, ... be an A.P. such that = 3 ; p  q. Then 6 is equal to :
a1  a 2  a 3  .....a q q a 21
[JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
121 11 121 41
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1861 41 1681 11

3. Given sum of the first n terms of an A. P. is 2n + 3n2. Another A. P. is formed with the same
first term and double of the common difference, the sum of n terms of the new A. P. is :-
[JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
2 2 2
(A) n + 4n (B) n + 4n (C) 3n + 2n (D) 6n2– n

4. If a, b, c are in AP, then (a – c)2equals

(A) 4 (b2–ac) (B) 4 (b2+ac) (C) 4b2– ac (D) b2– 4ac

5. If the sum of n terms of an AP is Pn + Qn2, where P, Q are constants, then its common
difference is
(A) 2Q (B) P + Q (C) 2P (D) P – Q

6. Given a sequence of 4 numbers, first three of which are in G.P. and the last three are in A.P.
with common difference six. If first and last terms of this sequence are equal, then the last term
is : [JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
(A) 8 (B) 16 (C) 2 (D) 4
7. The first term of an infinite G.P. is 1 and every term is equal to the sum of the successive terms,
then its fourth term will be-
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 8 4 16
1 1
8. If G be the GM between x and y, then the value of + 2 is equal to
G x
2 2
G  y2
2 
(A) G2 (B) (C) (D) 3G2
G2 G2

9. 2 + 4 + 7 + 11 + 16 + ........... to n terms =
1 n 2 1 2 n 2
(A) (n2+ 3n + 8) (B) (n + 3n + 8) (C) (n – 3n + 8) (D) (n – 3n + 8)
6 6 6 6

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10. If a, b, c are in HP, then is equal to
a b a c
(A) (B) (C) (D)
b a c b

11. The value of 12 + 32 + 52 + ...........+ 252 is : [JEE-MAINS Online 2013]

(A) 1728 (B) 1456 (C) 2925 (D) 1469

1 1
12. The sum of the series : 1+ + +.... up to 10 terms, is: [JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
1 2 1 2  3
22 18 20 16
(A) (B) (C) (D)
13 11 11 9

  

 xn , b =  yn , c =   xy 
13. If a = where |x|, |y| < 1; then-
n 0 n 0 n 0

(A) abc = a + b + c (B) ab + bc = ac + b (C) ac + bc = ab + c (D) ab + ac = bc + a

a a b b c c
14. If r > 1 and x = a + + 2 + ...... to  , y = b – + 2 –... to  and z = c + 2  4 ,
r r r r r r
then =
ab ac bc
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
c b a

15. In a GP, first term is 1. If 4T2+ 5T3is minimum, then its common ratio is
 2 3 3
(A) (B)  (C) (D) 
5 5 5 5

3 5 7
16. The sum + 2 + 2 +...... upto 11-terms is :- [JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
1 2 2
1  22  32
11 60 7 11
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 11 2 2

17. The sum of the series : (2)2+ 2(4)2+ 3(6)2+... upto 10 terms is : [JEE-MAINS Online 2013]
(A) 11300 (B) 12100 (C) 12300 (D) 11200

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1. (i) The sum of n terms of two arithmetic series are in the ratio of (7n + 1) : (4n + 27). Find
the ratio of their nth term.

(ii) In an AP of which 'a' is the Ist term, if the sum of the Ist p terms is equal to zero, show
 aq  p  q  
that the sum of the next q terms is –  
 p 1 

2. The interior angles of a convex polygon form an arithmetic progression with a common
difference of 4°. Determine the number of sides of the polygon if its largest interior angle is

3. There are n AM's between 1 & 31 such that 7th mean : (n – 1)th mean = 5 : 9, then find the
value of n.
4. Find the value of the sum  k.cos k .
k 0

5. The first term of an arithmetic progression is 1 and the sum of the first nine terms equal to 369.
The first and the ninth term of a geometric progression coincide with the first and the ninth
term of the arithmetic progression. Find the seventh term of the geometric progression.

6. The sequence a1, a2, a3, ....... a98 satisfies the relation an+1 = an + 1 for n = 1, 2, 3, .........97 and
has the sum equal to 4949. Evaluate a
k 1
2k .

7. For an increasing G.P. a1,a2,a3........., an, if a6 = 4a4, a9 – a7 = 192, then the value of a
i 1

8. In a set of four numbers, the first three are in GP & the last three are in A.P. with common
difference 6. If the first number is the same as the fourth, find the four numbers.

9. Find three numbers a, b, c between 2 & 18 such that ;

(i) their sum is 25
(ii) the numbers 2,a,b are consecutive terms of an AP &
(iii) the numbers b,c,18 are consecutive terms of a G.P.

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10. If the 10th term of an HP is 21 and 21stterm of the same HP is 10, then find the 210th term.

11. The pth term Tp of H.P. is q(p + q) and qth term Tq is p(p + q) when p > 2, q > 2. Prove that
(a) Tp+q = pq; (b) Tpq = p + q; (c) Tp+q > Tpq

12. (a) The harmonic mean of two numbers is 4. The arithmetic mean A & the geometric mean
G satisfy the relation 2A + G2 = 27. Find the two numbers.
(b) The AM of two numbers exceeds their GM by 15 & HM by 27. Find the numbers.

13. If A1, A2, A3,........A51are arithmetic means inserted between the numbers a and b, then find the
 b  A51   A1  a 
value of  – .
 b  A51   A1  a 

14. If number of coins earned in nth game is n2n+2 – 2n and total number of coins earned in first 10
games is 10(B.210 + 1), where B N, then the value of B is

15. Find the nth term and the sum to n terms of the sequence :
(i) 1 + 5 + 13 + 29 + 61 +...... (ii) 6 + 13 + 22 + 33 +........

16. Sum the following series to n terms and to infinity :

1 1 1
(i) +
1.4.7 4.7.10
+ ....... (ii) 
r 1
r(r + 1)(r + 2)(r + 3)

(iii)  4r
r 1
17. Prove that : tan  + 2 tan 2 + 4 tan 4 + 8 cot 8  = cot .

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a1  a 2  ....  a p p2 a6
1. Let a1, a2, a3,....... be terms of an A.P. If = 2 , p  q then equals-
a1  a 2  .....  a q q a 21
2 11 41 7
(1) (2) (3) (4) [AIEEE-2006]
7 41 11 2

2. If a1, a2,....., an are in H.P., then the expression a1a2 + a2a3 + .......+ an–1an is equal to-
(1) na1an (2) (n – 1)a1an (3) n(a1– an) (4) (n – 1)(a1– an)

3. In a geometric progression consisting of positive terms, each term equals the sum of the next
two terms. Then the common ratio of this progression equals- [AIEEE-2007]
5 (2) 5 (3)
5 1  1
(4) 1  5
  
4. The first two terms of a geometric progression add up to 12. The sum of the third and the fourth
terms is 48. If the terms of the geometric progression are alternately positive and negative, then
the first term is [AIEEE 2008]
(1) – 4 (2) –12 (3) 12 (4) 4

2 6 10 14
5. The sum to infinity of the series 1 +    +...... is :- [AIEEE-2009]
3 32 33 34
(1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 2 (4) 3

6. A person is to count 4500 currency notes. Let an denote the number of notes he counts in the nth
minute. If a1 = a2 = ... = a10 = 150 and a10, a11, .... are in an AP with common difference –2, then
the time taken by him to count all notes is :- [AIEEE-2010]
(1) 24 minutes (2) 34 minutes (3) 125 minutes (4) 135 minutes

7. A man saves Rs. 200 in each of the first three months of his service. In each of the subsequent
months his saving increases by Rs. 40 more than the saving of immediately previous month.
His total saving from the start of service will be Rs. 11040 after :- [AIEEE-2011]
(1) 20 months (2) 21 months (3) 18 months (4) 19 months

100 100
8. Let an be the nth term of an A.P. If a
r 1
2r =  and a
r 1
2r 1 = , then the common difference of

the A.P. is : [AIEEE-2011]

   
(1) (2)  –  (3) (4) – 
200 100

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9. Statement–1 : The sum of the series
1 + (1 + 2 + 4) + (4 + 6 + 9) + (9 + 12 + 16) + ....... + (361 + 380 + 400) is 8000.

Statement–2 :   k 3  (k  1)3  = n3, for any natural number n.

k 1

(1) Statement–1 is true, Statement–2 is false.

(2) Statement–1 is false, Statement–2 is true.
(3) Statement–1 is true, Statement–2 is true ; Statement–2 is a correct explanation for
(4) Statement–1 is true, Statement–2 is true ; Statement–2 is not a correct explanation for

10. If 100 times the 100th term of an A.P. with non-zero common difference equals the 50 times its
50th term, then the 150th term of this A.P. is : [AIEEE-2012]
(1) zero (2) –150
(3) 150 times its 50 term (4) 150

11. The sum of first 20 terms of the sequence 0.7, 0.77, 0.777, ......, is : [JEE(Main)-2013]
7 7
(1) (179 – 10–20) (2) (99 – 10–20 )
81 9
7 7
(3) (179 + 10–20) (4) (99 – 10–20)
81 9

1 1
12. Let and be the roots of equation px2 + qx + r = 0 , p 0. If p, q, r are in A.P. and  = 4,
 
then the value of | – | is: [JEE(Main)-2014]
61 2 17 34 2 13
(1) (2) (3) (4)
9 9 9 9

13. Three positive numbers form an increasing G.P. If the middle term in this G.P. is doubled, the
new numbers are in A.P. Then the common ratio of the G.P. is : [JEE(Main)-2014]
(1) 2 + 3 (2) 3 + 2 (3) 2 – 3 (4) 2 + 3

14. If (10)9+ 2(11)1(10)8+ 3(11)2(10)7+ ......+ 10 (11)9= k (10)9, then k is equal to :

121 441
(1) (2) (3) 100 (4) 110
10 100
15. If m is the A.M. of two distinct real numbers and n(, n > 1) and G1, G2 and G3 are three
geometric means between and n, then G14 + 2 G 42 + G 34 equals- [JEE(Main)-2015]
(1) 4 mn2 (2) 4 2m2n2 (3) 4 2mn (4) 4 m2n

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16. If the 2nd, 5th and 9th terms of a non-constant A.P. are in G.P., then the common ratio of this
G.P. is:- [JEE(Main)-2016]
7 8 4
(1) (2) (3) (4) 1
4 5 3

2 2 2 2
 3  2  1  4
17. If the sum of the first ten terms of the series 1  +  2  +  3  + 42 +  4  +....., is
 5  5  5  5
m, then m is equal to :- [JEE(Main)-2016]
(1) 99 (2) 102 (3) 101 (4) 100

18. If, for a positive integer n, the quadratic equation, [JEE (Main)2017]
x (x + 1) + (x + 1) (x + 2) + ....... + (x + n –1 ) (x + n) = 10 n
has two consecutive integral solutions, then n is equal to :
(1) 11 (2) 12 (3) 9 (4) 10

19. For any three positive real numbers a, b and c, 9(25a2 + b2) + 25(c2 – 3ac) = 15b(3a + c). Then :
(1) a, b and c are in G.P. (2) b, c and a are in G.P. [JEE (Main)2017]
(3) b, c and a are in A.P. (4) a, b and c are in A.P.

20. Let a, b, c  R. If f(x) = ax2 + bx + c is such that a + b + c = 3 and f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) + xy,  x,
y R, then  f (n)
n 1
is equal to : [JEE (Main)2017]

(1) 255 (2) 330 (3) 165 (4) 190

21. The sum of all natural numbers 'n' such that 100 < n < 200 and H.C.F. (91, n) > 1 is
(1) 3121 (2) 3303 (3) 3203 (4) 3221

22. The sum k 2
k 1
is equal to : [JEE-MAIN-2019]

3 11 11 21
(1) 2 – (2) 1 – (3) 2 – (4) 2 –
217 2 20 219 2 20

23. If three distinct numbers a, b, c are in G.P. and the equations ax2 + 2bx + c = 0 and
dx2 + 2ex + f = 0 have a common root, then which one of the following statements is correct?
d e f
(1) d, e, f are in A.P. (2) , , are in G.P.
a b c
d e f
(3) , , are in A.P. (4) d, e, f are in G.P.
a b c

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n(n  7)
24. Let the sum of the first n terms of a non-constant A.P., a1, a2, a3....... be 50n  A , where
A is constant. If d is the common difference of this A.P., then the ordered pair (d, a50) is equal
to : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
(1) (A, 50 + 45A) (2) (50, 50 + 46A) (3) (A, 50 + 46A) (4) (50, 50 + 45A)

25. The sum of the series 1 + 2 × 3 + 3 × 5 + 4 × 7+.... upto 11th term is : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
(1) 916 (2) 945 (3) 915 (4) 946

26. If the sum and product of the first three terms in an A.P. are 33 and 1155, respectively, then a
value of its 11th terms is: [JEE-MAIN-2019]
(1) –36 (2) 25 (3) –35 (4) –25

3 13 5  (13  23 ) 7  (13  23  33 )

27. The sum  2 2  2 2 2  .... upto 10th term, is : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
12 1 2 1 2 3
(1) 680 (2) 660 (3) 600 (4) 620

28. If a1, a2, a3,....,an are in A.P. and a1 + a4 + a7 + ...... + a16 = 114, then a1 + a6 + a11 + a16 is equal
to : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
(1) 76 (2) 98 (3) 64 (4) 38

29. Let a1, a2, a3, ….. be an A.P. with a6 = 2. Then the common difference of this A.P, which
maximises the product a1a4a5, is : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
3 8 2 6
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 5 3 5

30. Let a, b and c be in G.P. with common ratio r, where a  0 and 0 < r  . If 3a, 7b and 15c are
the first three terms of an A.P., then the 4th term of this A.P. is : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
 7
(1) a (2) a (3) a (4) 5a
3 3

13  23 13  23  33 13  23  33  ...  153 1
31. The sum 1    ...   (1  2  3  ...  15) is equal to :
1 2 1 2  3 1  2  3  ...  15 2
(1) 620 (2) 1240 (3) 1860 (4) 660

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n n
32. If  and  are the roots of the equation 375x2 – 25x – 2 = 0 then lim  r  lim r is equal
n  n 
r 1 r 1

to [JEE-MAIN-2019]
21 1 29 7
(1) (2) (3) (4)
346 12 358 116

33. Let Sn denote the sum of the first n terms of an A.P. If S4 = 16 and S6 = –48, then S10 is equal to
(1) –280 (2) –260 (3) –320 (4) –410

34. If a1, a2, a3, ….. are in A.P. such that a1 + a7 + a16 = 40, then the sum of the first 15 terms of this
A.P. is : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
(1) 150 (2) 200 (3) 120 (4) 280

35. If a, b, and c be three distinct real numbers in G.P. and a + b + c = xb, then x cannot be :
(1) 4 (2) –3 (3) –2 (4) 2

30 15
36. Let a1, a2,......., a30 be an A.P., S =  a i and T =
i 1
i 1
(2i 1) . If a5 = 27 and S – 2T = 75, then a10

is equal to : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
(1) 57 (2) 47 (3) 42 (4) 52

37. Let a,b and c be the 7th, 11th and 13th terms respectively of a non–constant A.P. If these are also
the three consecutive terms of a G.P., then is equal to : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
7 1
(1) (2) 4 (3) 2 (4)
13 2

38. The sum of the following series

9 12  22  32  12 12  22  32  42  15 12  22  .......  52 
1 6   +  ..... up to 15 terms is :
7 9 11
(1) 7820 (2) 7510 (3) 7520 (4) 7830

39. The sum of all two digit positive numbers which when divided by 7 yield 2 or 5 as remainder
is: [JEE-MAIN-2019]
(1) 1365 (2) 1356 (3) 1256 (4) 1465

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a3 a
40. Let a1, a2 …… a10 be a G.P. If = 25. Then 9 equals : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
a1 a5
(1) 53 (2) 2(52) (3) 4(52) (4) 54

41. The sum of an infinite geometric series with positive terms is 3 and the sum of the cubes of its
terms is . Then the common ratio of this series is : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
1 2 4 2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 9 9 3

42. Let and  be the roots of the quadratic equation x2 sin – x (sin cos + 1) + cos = 0 (0 <  < 45º),

 n (1) n 
and  < . Then    n
n 0  
 is equal to: [JEE-MAIN-2019]

1 1 1 1
(1)  (2) 
1  cos  1  sin  1  cos  1  sin 
1 1 1 1
(3)  (4) 
1  cos  1  sin  1  cos  1  sin 

43. If 19th term of a non-zero A.P. is zero, then its (49th term) : (29th term) is:
(1) 2 : 1 (2) 3 : 1 (3) 4 : 1 (4) 1 : 3

1  2  3  .....  k 5
44. Let Sk = . If S12 + S22 + …….. + S102 = A , then A is equal to :
k 12
(1) 303 (2) 156 (3) 283 (4) 301

45. The product of three consecutive terms of a G.P. is 512. If 4 is added to each of the first and the
second of these terms, the three terms now form an A.P. Then the sum of the original three
terms of the given G.P. is : [JEE-MAIN-2019]
(1) 36 (2) 32 (3) 24 (4) 28
4 3 3 3
 3  1  1  3
46. If the sum of the first 15 terms of the series     1    2   33   3   .... is equal to
4  2  4  4
225 k, then k is equal to: [JEE-MAIN-2019]
(1) 108 (2) 27 (3) 9 (4) 54

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47. The greatest positive integer k, for which 49k + 1 is a factor of the sum
49125 + 49124 + …. + 492 + 49 + 1, is : [JEE-MAIN-2020]
(1) 32 (2) 63 (3) 60 (4) 65

48. Five numbers are in A.P., whose sum is 25 and product in 2520. If one of these five numbers is
 , then the greatest number amongst them is : [JEE-MAIN-2020]
(1) 27 (2) 7 (3) (4) 16

49. Let a1, a2, a3 .... be a G.P. such that a1 < 0, a1 + a2 = 4 and a3 + a4 = 16. If  a  4 , then  is
t 1

equal to : [JEE-MAIN-2020]
(1) –171 (2) (3) –513 (4) 171

50. If the sum of the first 40 terms of the series 3 + 4 + 8 + 9 + 13 + 14 + 18 + 19 + ..... is (102)m,
then m is equal to : [JEE-MAIN-2020]
(1) 5 (2) 10 (3) 20 (4) 25

51. Let ƒ : R  R be such that for all x  R (21+x + 21–x), ƒ(x) and (3x + 3–x) are in A.P., then the
minimum value of ƒ(x) is : [JEE-MAIN-2020]
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 0 (4) 4

1 1
52. If the 10th term of an A.P. is and its 20th term is then the sum of its first 200 terms is
20 10
1 1
(1) 100 (2) 100 (3) 50 (4) 50 [JEE-MAIN-2020]
2 4

1 1 1 1
53. The product 2  4  8 .16
4 16 48 128
………to  is equal to : [JEE-MAIN-2020]
1 1
(1) 2 (2) 2 2
(3) 2 4
(4) 1

 

54. If x   (1)n tan 2n  and y   cos 2n  , for 0 <  < , then : [JEE-MAIN-2020]
n 0 n 0 4
(1) x(1 + y) = 1 (2) x(1 – y) = 1 (3) y(1 – x) = 1 (4) y(1 + x) = 1

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100 100 200
55. th
Let an be the n term of a G.P. of positive terms. If a
n 1
2n 1  200 and a
n 1
2n  100 then a
n 1

is equal to [JEE-MAIN-2020]
(1) 150 (2) 300 (3) 225 (4) 175

n(n  1)(2n  1)
56. The sum 
n 1 4
is equal to [JEE-MAIN-2020]

57. The sum  (1  2  3  .....  k) is ________.
k 1

58. The number of terms common to the two A.P.'s 3, 7, 11, ……, 407 and 2, 9, 16, …….., 709
is______. [JEE-MAIN-2020]

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2 3 n
3 3 3 3
1. For n = 1, 2, 3, ........, let An =   –   +   + ....... + (–1)n–1   and Bn = 1 – An. Find
4 4 4 4
the smallest natural number n0such that Bn > An for all n  n0. [JEE 2006, 6]

Comprehension (3 questions)
Let Vr denote the sum of the first 'r' terms of an arithmetic progression (A.P.) whose first term is
'r' and the common difference is (2r – 1). Let Tr = Vr+1 – Vr – 2 and Qr = Tr+1 – Tr for r = 1, 2, .....

2. The sum V1 + V2 + ...... + Vn is

1 1
(A) n(n + 1)(3n2– n + 1) (B) n(n + 1)(3n2 + n + 2)
12 12
1 1
(C) n(2n2 – n + 1) (D) (2n3 – 2n + 3) [JEE 2007, 4]
2 3

3. Tr is always
(A) an odd number (B) an even number
(C) a prime number (D) a composite number [JEE 2007, 4]

4. Which one of the following is a correct statement?

(A) Q1, Q2, Q3, ....... are in A.P. with common difference 5.
(B) Q1, Q2, Q3, ....... are in A.P. with common difference 6.
(C) Q1, Q2, Q3, ....... are in A.P. with common difference 11.
(D) Q1 = Q2 = Q3 = ....... [JEE 2007, 4]
Assertion & Reason :
5. Suppose four distinct positive numbers a1, a2, a3, a4 are in G.P.
Let b1 = a1, b2 = b1 + a2, b3 = b2 + a3 and b4 = b3 + a4.
Statement-1 : The numbers b1, b2, b3, b4 are neither in A.P. nor in G.P.
Statement-2 : The numbers b1, b2, b3, b4 are in H.P.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; statement-2 is a correct explanation for statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True [JEE 2008, 3 (–1)]

6. If the sum of first n terms of an A.P. is cn2, then the sum of squares of these n terms is
n(4 n 2  1) c2 n(4 n 2  1) c2 n(4 n 2  1) c2 n(4 n 2  1) c2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 3 3 6
[JEE 2009, 3 (–1)]

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 6
 (m  1)   m 
7. For 0 < <
, the solution(s) of  cos ec   
m 1 4
 cosec   
 
  4 2 is (are) -
4 
[JEE 2009, 4]
   5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 6 12 12
8. Let a1, a2, a3..........a11 be real numbers satisfying a1 = 15, 27 – 2a2 > 0 and ak = 2ak–1 – ak–2
a 2  a 22  ......  a11
a  a  ......  a11
for k = 3,4.........11. If 1 = 90, then the value of 1 2 is equal to
11 11
[JEE 2010,3+3]
9. Let a1, a2, a3,........., a100 be an arithmetic progression with a1 = 3 and Sp = a
i 1
i ,1 p 100.
For any integer n with 1  n  20, let m = 5n. If does not depend on n, then a2 is
[JEE 2011, 4]
10. Let a1, a2, a3, ..... be in harmonic progression with a1 = 5 and a20 = 25. The least positive integer
n for which an< 0 is [JEE 2012, 3 (–1)]
(A) 22 (B) 23 (C) 24 (D) 25
k(k 1)

 (1)
11. Let Sn = k 2 . Then Sn can take value(s) [JEE-Advanced 2013, 4, (–1)]
k 1
(A) 1056 (B) 1088 (C) 1120 (D) 1332

12. A pack contains n cards numbered from 1 to n. Two consecutive numbered cards are removed
from the pack and the sum of the numbers on the remaining cards is 1224. If the smaller to the
numbers on the removed cards is k, then k – 20 = [JEE-Advanced 2013, 4, (–1)]

13. Let a, b, c be positive integers such that is an integer. If a, b, c are in geometric progression
a 2  a  14
and the arithmetic mean of a, b, c is b + 2, then the value of is
a 1
[JEE(Advanced)-2014, 3]

14. Suppose that all the terms of an arithmetic progression (A.P.) are natural numbers. If the ratio
of the sum of the first seven terms to the sum of the first eleven terms is 6 : 11 and the seventh
term lies in between 130 and 140, then the common difference of this A.P. is
[JEE 2015, 4M, –0M]

15. The sides of a right angled triangle are in arithmetic progression. If the triangle has area 24,
then what is the length of its smallest side ? [JEE 2017, 3M, -0M]

16. Let AP (a ; d) denote the set of all the terms of an infinite arithmetic progression with first term
a and common difference d > 0. If
AP (1; 3)  AP(2; 5)  AP (3; 7) = AP(a; d)
then a + d equals___ [JEE(Advanced)-2019]

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  
1. If x =  an , y =
n 0
 bn , z =
n 0
n 0
where a, b, c are in A.P. and |a| < 1, |b| < 1, |c| < 1, then x, y,

z are in- [AIEEE 2005]

(A) HP (B) Arithmetic - Geometric Progression
(C) AP (D) GP
ba bc
2. If a, b, c are distinct positive real in H.P., then the value of the expression, + is
ba bc
equal to
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

3. Along a road lies an odd number of stones placed at intervals of 10 m. These stones have to be
assembled around the middle stone. A person can carry only one stone at a time. A man carried
out the job starting with the stone in the middle, carrying stones in succession, thereby covering
a distance of 4.8 km. Then the number of stones is
(A) 15 (B) 29 (C) 31 (D) 35

4. If S = 12 + 32 + 52 + ....... + (99)2then the value of the sum 22+ 42+ 62+ ....... + (100)2is
(A) S + 2550 (B) 2S (C) 4S (D) S + 5050

5. In an A.P. with first term 'a' and the common difference d (a, d 0), the ratio '' of the sum of
the first n terms to sum of n terms succeeding them does not depend on n. Then the ratio and
the ratio '', respectively are
1 1 1 1 1 1
(A) , (B) 2, (C) , (D) ,2
2 4 3 2 3 2
6. The arithmetic mean of the nine numbers in the given set {9, 99, 999, .......999999999} is a 9
digit number N, all whose digits are distinct. The number N does not contain the digit
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 9

7. If for an A.P. a1, a2, a3,...., an,...., a1 + a3 + a5 = – 12 and a1a2a3 = 8 then the value of a2 + a4 + a6
(A) – 12 (B) – 16 (C) – 18 (D) – 21

8. An H.M. is inserted between the number 1/3 and an unknown number. If we diminish the
reciprocal of the inserted number by 6, it is the G.M. of the reciprocal of 1/3 and that of the
unknown number. If all the terms of the respective H.P. are distinct then
(A) the unknown number is 27 (B) the unknown number is 1/27
(C) the H.M. is 15 (D) the G.M. is 21

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9. If x R, the numbers (51+x + 51–x), a/2, (25x + 25–x) form an A.P. then 'a' must lie in the interval
(A) [1, 5] (B) [2, 5] (C) [5, 12] (D) [12, )

10. If the sum of the first 11 terms of an arithmetic progression equals that of the first 19 terms,
then the sum of its first 30 terms, is
(A) equal to 0 (B) equal to – 1
(C) equal to 1 (D) non unique

11. Let s1, s2, s3....... and t1, t1, t3....... are two arithmetic sequences such that s1 = t1 0; s2 = 2t2 and
10 15
s 2  s1
 si =
i 1
i 1
i . Then the value of
t 2  t1

(A) 8/3 (B) 3/2 (C) 19/8 (D) 2

1  3  5  ....upto n terms 20
12. If =
4  7  10  ......upto n terms 7 log10 x
1 1 1
and n = log10 x + log10 x + log10 x + log10 x + ....... + , then x is equal to
2 4 8

(A) 103 (B) 105 (C) 106 (D) 107

13. Let an, n N is an A.P. with common difference 'd' and all whose terms are non-zero. If n
1 1 1
approaches infinity, then the sum + + .......+ will approach
a1a 2 a 2a 3 a n a n 1

1 2 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) a1d
a1d a1d 2a1d

14. The sum of the first three terms of an increasing G.P. is 21 and the sum of their squares is 189.
Then the sum of its first n terms is

 1   1 
(A) 3(2n – 1) (B) 12 1  n  (C) 6 1  n  (D) 6(2n – 1)
 2   2 

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15. If a 1 andn a2+ (n a2)2+ (n a2)3 + ....... = 3(n a + (n a)2 + (n a)3 + (n a)4 + .....). then 'a'
is equal to
(A) e1/5 (B) e (C) 3
e (D) 4

k 1

16. For which positive integers n is the ratio, n

an integer?
k 1

(A) odd n only

(B) even n only
(C) n = 1 + 6k only, where k 0 and k I
(D) n = 1 + 3k, integer k 0

17. Let a1, a2, a3....... and b1, b2, b3...... be arithmetic progressions such that a1 = 25,
b1 = 75 and a100 + b100 = 100. Then which of the following is true.
(A) the difference between successive terms in progression 'a' is opposite of the difference in
progression 'b'.
(B) an+ bn= 100 for any n.
(C) (a1 + b1), (a2 + b2), (a3 + b3), ....... are in A.P.
(D)  a
r 1
r  b r  = 10000

18. If sin(x – y), sin x and sin (x + y) are in H.P., then sin x.sec =
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) – 2 (D) – 2

2 4 8 2 4 8
19. If A = sin + sin + sin and B = cos + cos +cos then A 2  B2 is equal to
7 7 7 7 7 7
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 3

20. If m and n are positive integers satisfying

cos m sin n
1 + cos 2 + cos 4 + cos 6 + cos 8 + cos10 = then (m + n) is equal to
sin 
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 11 (D) 12

cos x  cos 2x  cos3x  cos 4x  cos5x  cos 6x  cos 7x

21. Let y = , then which of the following
sin x  sin 2x  sin 3x  sin 4x  sin 5x  sin 6x  sin 7x
hold good?
(A) The value of y when x = /8 is not defined.
(B) The value of y when x = /16 is 1.
(C) The value of y when x = /32 is 2 –1.
(D) The value of y when x = /48 is 2 + 3.
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1. If the first 3 consecutive terms of a geometrical progression are the real roots of the equation
2x3 – 19x2 + 57x – 54 = 0 find the sum to infinite number of terms of G.P.

1.3 3.5 5.7 7.9

2. Find the sum of the infinite series    + .......
2 22 23 24

3. Let S =  . Find [S]. Where [y] denotes largest integer less than or equal to y.
 25  5100
n 1

4. If 32sin2x–1, 14, 34–2sin2x form first three terms of an A.P., then find the sum
1 + sin2x + sin22x +....

    
5. If tan   x  , tan , tan   x  in order are three consecutive terms of a G.P. then sum of
 12  12  12 
all the solutions in [0, 314] is k. Find the value of k.

6. If the roots of 10x3– cx2– 54x – 27 = 0 are in harmonic progression, then find c and all the

7. In a GP the ratio of the sum of the first eleven terms to the sum of the last eleven terms is 1/8
and the ratio of the sum of all the terms without the first nine to the sum of all the terms without
the last nine is 2. Find the number of terms in the GP.

 
3  2 x2 +
x + C = 0 with ,as its roots
 
8. In the quadratic equation A
3 2

8 6 16
If A = (49 + 20 6 )1/4; B = sum of the infinite G.P. as 8 3 + + + ....
3 3

   log6 18  log6 72 ,

and | –  | = 6 6 where k = log610 – 2 log6 5 + log6

then find the value of C.

9. If a, b, c, d, e be 5 numbers such that a, b, c are in AP ; b, c, d are in GP & c, d, e are in HP then:

(i) Prove that a, c, e are in GP.
(ii) Prove that e = (2b – a)2 /a
(iii) If a = 2 & e = 18, find all possible values of b, c, d.

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10. Prove that the average of the numbers n sin n°, n = 2,4,6,........., 180, is cot 1°.

11. If one AM 'a' and two GM's p and q be inserted between any two given numbers then show that
p3 + q3 = 2apq.

1 2 3
12. Find the sum of the n terms of the sequence + + +.........
11 1
2 4
1 2  2
2 4
1  32  34
1 cos k
13. Let k = 1°, then prove that  cos nk.cos(n  1)k  sin
n 0

 (n  1)   n  
14. If f() =  cosec   
n 1 4 
 cosec   

 , where 0 << 2 , then find the minimum value
4 
of f().

r 5
r 1   
15. Let x1 =  cos 11 and x2=  cos 11 , then show that x1.x2 =
r 1 r 1

64 
cos ec 1  , where 
22 
denotes the continued product.

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1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B
8. C 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. A
15. B 16. D 17. B

1. (i) (14n – 6) /(8n + 23) 2. 12 3. n = 14 4. –180 5. 27
6. 2499 7. 2 8. (8, –4, 2, 8) 9. a = 5, b = 8, c = 12 10. 1
12. (a) 6,3 (b) 120, 30 13. 102 14. 7
15. (i) 2n+1– 3 ; 2n+2– 4 – 3n (ii) n2+ 4n + 1 ; (1/6) n ( n +1) ( 2n + 13) + n
16. (i) Sn= (1/24) – [ 1/ {6(3n + 1) ( 3n + 4)}] ; S= 1/24
(ii) (1/5) n (n +1) (n + 2) (n + 3) ( n + 4) (iii) n/ (2n +1)

1. 2 2. 2 3. 3 4. 2 5. 4 6. 2 7. 2
8. 3 9. 3 10. 1 11. 3 12. 4 13. 4 14. 3
15. 4 16. 3 17. 3 18. 1 19. 3 20. 2 21. 1
22. 3 23. 3 24. 3 25. 4 26. 4 27. 2 28. 1
29. 2 30. 3 31. 1 32. 2 33. 3 34. 2 35. 4
36. 4 37. 2 38. 1 39. 2 40. 4 41. 4 42. 3
43. 2 44. 1 45. 4 46. 2 47. 2 48. 4 49. 1
50. 3 51. 2 52. 2 53. 2 54. 3 55. 1
56. 504.00 57. 1540.00 58. 14.00

1. n0 = 6 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. C 7. C,D 8. 0 9. 9 or 3 10. D
11. A,D 12. 5 13. 4 14. 9 15. 6
16. 157.00

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1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C
6. A 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. A
11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. D
16. D 17. A,B,C,D 18. B 19. B 20. C
21. B,D

1. 2. 23 3. 49 4. 2 5. 4950
6. C = 9 ; (3, –3/2, – 3/5) 7. n = 38 8. 128
n(n  1)
9. (iii) b = 4, c = 6 , d = 9 or b = – 2 , c = –6, d = –18 12. 14. 2 2
2(n 2  n  1)

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100 Percentile 99.99 Percentile 99.98 Percentile 99.98 Percentile 99.97 Percentile 99.97 Percentile 99.96 Percentile 99.96 Percentile
2019 (*SDCCP) 2020 (DLP) 2020 (CCP) 2019 (CCP) 2020 (DLP) 2020 (CCP) 2019 (CCP) 2020 (DLP)

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