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Dictatorship and Totalitarian Governments Handout

As you view the video clips, identify and explain examples of dictatorships and totalitarian governments.

Video Clip: Francisco Franco (2:51)

Video Clip: Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky (4:54)
Video Clip: Adolf Hitler (2:51)
Video Clip: Idi Amin (3:36)
Video Clip: Robert Mugabe (1:04)
Video Clip: Kim Jong Un (1:30)
Video Clip: Benito Mussolini (Personality) (1:46)
Video Clip: Benito Mussolini (Use of Power) (1:05)
Video Clip: Moammar Gadhafi (1:20)

Characteristics of Dictatorships Examples of characteristics from the clips

and Totalitarian Governments

Single leader with absolute power

Limited rights
Control of the press

Strong nationalism

Emphasis on military power

Government control

Limited or no elections

Conclusion: Use examples from the video clips to answer the following question.
What is the most common feature in authoritarian leaders?

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