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Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:13

Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:13
Mr. McConnell and Mr. Musk does not wish to be contacted, and is fine with the
verdict of whatever you put out.
They have also contacted me saying that they will draw out impeachment articles
against you.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:14
Alright. I'm merely doing my job. I will work according to law.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:14
Idk why, but thats that.
May we begin CE.
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:14
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:14
you have the floor
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:15
I would like the Plaintiff to go first. As you guys have filed suit first.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:15
I see.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:15
Shall be so. You guys may continue.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:16
Ms. Greene, you state that the UK has withheld from every event; however, you
realize that your inaction led to many deaths?
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:18
We understand. The United Kingdom as a whole understands. The strict liability is
up to the countries that were promptly involved. If I'm not wrong, nations have to
right refuse military assistance no matter what the consequences may hold.
I believe that as a nation we made the choice to not act. Which strict liability
falls on other persons.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:19
So you openly deny of UK involvement in some deaths.
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:19
I do not openly deny it. As I've said before the UK Supreme Court has never
officially forced the UK to not act. It was merely the choice of the Government.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:20
And you understand that a person has the right to live, and because of your
country’s inaction; that right was stripped away.
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:21
That right to live is by decision of their own will. No message of a formal request
was sent to the His Majesty's Government.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:22
So you now are claiming that the right to live was openly denied?
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:24
Human Rights Law in the UK and Europe strictly says "Everyone has the right to
life, liberty and security of person.". The group or person who took away the right
to life is the person who has committed such crimes.
If I may ask, where exactly did the incident happen? The one of which where the
right life was taken.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:25
On the month of March.
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:25
The location/country?
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:25
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:26
Do you recall a specific date?
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:26
I do not remember that. Actually, hold on here.
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:26
Okay, sir.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:27
May 7th, sorry, date was mixed up.
So now, what I am wondering is if we do not have proof that your national roleplay
laws exist, your country has to abide by the supreme laws.
You can’t just say something unrealistic
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:29
We were forming a treaty with the French Government at the time. So we agreed to
follow that treaty regardless of what happens in France.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:29
Why are you avoiding the topic?
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:29
The strict liability would be on the Parliament that of Occupation.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:30
I see. And you realize the UK has had past in incidents of roleplay misconduct.
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:30
I'm simply trying to finish one topic before we switch to another.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:31
Are there any more questions
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:31
Yes, I'm aware. They have been taken seriously by UK Supreme Court. I neither admit
nor deny that there was any misconduct.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:31
I am pretty much done. I have no more questions.
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:32
I do have a question.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:32
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:33
The first sentence in Amendment XXII states: "There shall be no event that
threatens the idea of realism and fairness of
the roleplay."
I believe to have such a claim that realism and fairness would have to be
threatened on an International scale.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:34
Your roleplay has disrupted many occasions. You refuse to have a realistic economy.
You refuse to have a realistic GDP, or realistic problems.
You refuse to have a realistic sanction space.
You realize all nations in real life DEPEND HEAVILY on trade.
Even the most closed off country, North Korea, 90% of their economy depends on
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:36
Realistic economic standards, Realistic GDP (Quite hard when you literally have
economy merged with other independent countries under the Crown.), Realistic
problems (these are reported by news companies, it is their job to keep whatever
roleplay happening in the UK and reported it to the general public).
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:37
Most of the UKs trade is within the Commonwealth and Europe.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:38
Yet when France, (Well false alert but still) placed sanctions on you, it took only
2.4% deficit?
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:38
Shouldn't that be realistic enough?
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:38
Without problems? No.
All nations have problems. You refuse to have a realistic pandemic!
Don’t make me have to point this out. UK invented the vaccine first, UK had the
lowest cases.
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:39
HM Treasury determines what that number actually means. I would like evidence on
this one please?
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:39
Of course, please do wait here.
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:39
What incident was this exactly?
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:40
“HM Treasury: We confirm that sanctions from France will have only minor effect on
the United Kingdom. We confirm it will effect at a percentage of 4% to 6% economic
deficit. We will not see any major changes in the economy.”
The deficit is cut in half if you count out the trade sanction.
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 13:40
Interesting. I wonder if that was an error?
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:41
I believe the judges have seen enough.
These acts were untouched. It is time for action.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:42
Wait, I still liked to know the date or year of which the Defendant refused a
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:42
Hold on here please.
I am finding the tweet.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:43
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:43
“MCOV virus surges all over while the British Commonwealth remains unaffected of
MCOV. While simultaneously providing a cure to an all members of the Commonwealth.”
March 12,2020
“Remains unaffected”
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:44
I will check this to confirm the evidence.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:44
Here is the picture.

Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:47

Evidence has been proven factual.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:47
Mr. Windsor, I now motion for a summary of the court.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:47
I would like to know the date of which the Roleplay Constitution was established?
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:48
I believe November 19th.
Or December.
Actually, Roleplay convention took place in 2019.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:48
November 19th, 2021.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:48
It was in 2019.
I need to find the tweet.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:49
International Archives are telling me otherwise.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:49
Feburary of 2020, the Roleplay Standards code was established!

Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:50

The MS Code. Alright. Does the MS Code detail the Realism Clause?
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:50
Yes it does sir.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:50
Please present it to the Court.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:51
I am on a phone sir.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:51
Alright. I'll check the library myself.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:51
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:53
According to the International Archives the Constitution was passed on 19/11/2020
in US dates that's 11/19/2020.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:53
The roleplay standards code was passed in Feburary of 2020
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:53
The Constitution has supremacy over the MS Code.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:53
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:53
So when the Constitution passed the MS Code or Roleplay Code lost its supremacy
rights and became under the Constitution.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:54
Yes, however, the nations must still have followed it before then.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:54
I still can't find any Realism Clause in the MS Code.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:54
Which the UK did not. They have made the pandemic more unrealistic in terms.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:54
You were the one who wrote the Roleplay Standards code sir.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:54
Please present it to the Court if you can find it.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:55
There are a lot of laws sir. I can't remember them all.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:55
the RSC is different from the MS Code
I am on a phone sir.
Do not make this frustrating for me.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:55
Roleplay Code and the MS Code are one in the same.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:56
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:56
MS Code/RP Code aids the Constitutions.
So Realism laws we have to look to are in the Constitution.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:57
Before then, nations had to look at the RP CODE.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:57
Alright I believe I've reached a decision.
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 13:57
I see.
I will be offline, please do release the verdict.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 13:57
I will retire to my Judicial corridors.
Court is In Temporary Recess
Slams Gavel
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 15:07
@Chief Justice Windsor I motion for the floor to reconvene on the statute of the
time of 12:07 PM, of July eight 2021.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 15:07
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 15:07
Which is right now.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 15:08
Motion accepted!
Mr. Joseph R. Biden — Today at 15:09
I motion for the floor to subjugate the verdict of such trials in attendance of the
@Plaintiff Party and the @Defendant Party !
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 15:10
slams gavel
In the case of United States of America & General Public v. United Kingdom of Great
Britain, 1 ICJ 7 (2021);
The Courts judgement is that the United Kingdom of Great Britain shall abide by the
laws of realism and fairness according to the justification of the Constitution. As
well as to keep in mind that all states/nations have the right to self-governance.
This may not be abridged by any body or institution. The United Kingdom will be
order by this Court to pay a fine of 2.3 Million GBP, or 3,166,272.00 USD to the
family of Defence Secretary Micheal Lee on the behalf of the East Turkish
Occupation government, as they hold absolute liability for not dispatching
occupation forces when in need. More to this court judgement will be published by
the Hague Reporter.
Majority Opinion
@Plaintiff Party and @Defendant Party Are there in any closing statements in
response to the Courts judgement?
Mr. Elon Musk — Today at 15:19
No sir.
The plaintiff has told me he wishes to remain quiet.
Ms. Scarlet Greene — Today at 15:21
Chief Justice, this case has shed a light on what is right and wrong for the United
Kingdom. I hope to read the full reasoning behind the Courts judgement when the
Hague Reporter publishes it.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 15:24
By Decree of this Court, this case is hereby closed, upon case of United States v.
United Kingdom (2021); The full case document shall be released before 9th of July
Mr. Elon Musk — Today at 15:27
I hope some of you feel remorse in the terrible pain you have caused to the Lee
family. Your absentation of cooperation will never be forgotten.
Just because one of you has gotten a slap on the wrist, does not mean you are
innocent. You are, and always will suffer under the toil in which the Lee family
still faces.
Thank you. Mr. Chief Justice Windsor.
Chief Justice Windsor — Today at 15:30
Court Adjourned

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