Magna Carta For Disabled Persons Summary - Suladay

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Nathaniel John R.



NCM 117j

Magna Carta of Disabled Persons

The Magna Carta of Disabled Persons contain the rights and available provisions for

disabled persons in the Philippines.

The first part of the Magna Carta is the general provisions. This part talks about the title

(The Magna Carta for Disabled Persons), the declaration of policy, its coverage and the

definition of terms. After this, the rights and privileges of disabled persons are discussed. For

this part, there are 7 chapters and these are the following:

Chapter I – Employment

This section talks about the opportunities provided for people with disabilities. No

disabled person shall be denied access to opportunities for suitable employment. They are also

provided a sheltered employment and programs to improve their skills.

Chapter II – Education

This section talks about the provisions given to disabled persons regarding education.

They are given access to quality education and are given training programs to enhance or

acquire skills that they can potentially use for work. This section also talks about the assistance

given to the disabled persons both by the government and the state universities. In this section,
special education is also discussed which talks about a system of education intended for

individuals with disabilities.

Chapter III – Health

This section talks about the provisions given to disabled individuals regarding health.

Disabled people will be under the national health program which seeks to prevent disabilities,

diagnose disabilities earlier and to rehabilitate disabilities. This section also speaks about the

health services given to people with disabilities and their rights.

Chapter IV – Auxiliary social services

This section speaks about how the state will ensure that these individuals will be

provided with the necessary auxiliary services to help restore their social functioning and

participation in community affairs.

Chapter V – Telecommunications

This section speaks of the provisions given to disabled persons when it comes to

telecommunications. Examples of this would be the provision of sign language insets or

subtitles for these individuals and special telephone devices. This also talks about free postal

charges for the disabled people.

Chapter VI – Accessibility

This section talks about the provision given to disabled people regarding accessibility.

This means that disabled people are not going to be hindered to go to public or private

buildings or establishments. The state also likes to promote mobility for these individuals
provided that they are subjected to the rules and regulations there is that is provided by the


Chapter VII – Political and Civil Rights

This section speaks of three things, the right to vote, assemble and organize. These

disabled individuals are given the right to vote for the person they deem fit to run for the

government. They are also given the right to participate in parades, processions, rallies and etc.

Lastly, these disabled individuals are also given the opportunity to be able to form organizations

that will exist to promote their welfare.

After these provisions, they proceed to talk about the prohibition on discrimination

against disabled persons. This section aims to provide the disabled individuals the protection

that they need against discrimination on employment, transportation, and use of public

accommodations and services.

The last part of the magna carta is the final provisions which speaks of the additional

provisions given by the state to these individuals. This includes the housing program, the role of

national agencies and LGUs in the promotion of the welfare of these individuals, support from

nongovernment organizations and tax incentives. Additional details regarding the declaration

and effectivity of the magna carta for disabled persons are also discussed in this section.

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