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Whether you want to provide protection for your loved ones,
prepare for retirement, or just be ready for the unexpected,
life insurance can be a valuable addition to your financial plan.
However, navigating the world of life insurance and understanding
the lingo can sometimes be a challenging task. With the help of
your LifeAnswers insurance professional and this guide, you’ll be
speaking the language and making informed, confident decisions.

Common Terminology
Death Benefit - amount a policy will pay out in the event of the death of the insured person.
Underwriting - process through which an insurer decides whether it will provide you with
life insurance based on potential risks associated with your age, past medical history and
other factors.
Premium - periodic payments you make in return for your insurance coverage, which can
be in the form of annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly payments.
Beneficiary - the person who receives the death benefit, or payout, upon the death of the
Cash Value - a feature of some permanent life insurance policies that you could potentially
withdraw or borrow from. The cash value grows tax-deferred so you don’t pay taxes on the
Riders - benefits that you can add to your policy, usually for an additional premium.

Term versus Permanent

Term life policies are sometimes referred to as temporary life and offer life insurance
protection for a specific period of time, usually 10, 20, or 30 years. Term life can provide the
flexibility and affordability you need to protect what is important to you while meeting your
needs and budget. You may also have the option to convert to a permanent policy in the
Permanent life insurance, which includes whole life and universal life, is designed to
provide lifelong financial protection as long as the policy is in force. It also can build cash
value, tax-deferred, to provide funds for future needs such as paying off the mortgage,
education expenses, or medical costs.

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Types of Permanent Life Insurance

ff Offers protection for your ff Provides lifetime protection ff Same features as tradition-
entire life with premiums and cash value accumulation al universal life but with an
that never increase potential opportunity to earn interest
ff Provides guaranteed death ff Amount and frequency of your linked to the performance
benefit premium payments can be of an indexed account
ff Build cash value you can adjusted ff The policy’s cash value is
use while you are living to ff Can access money from the protected from market risk
help meet a wide range of policy via withdrawals and ff More cash value accumula-
your financial goals loans tion potential than other UL
ff Choice to add policy riders products
that can provide additional
living and death benefits

Benefits of Life Insurance Additionally with permanent

ff Guaranteed protection of your assets coverage:
ff Cover final expenses ff Tax-deferred growth of cash value
ff Leave an inheritance to your heirs ff Protection from market risk
ff Death benefit is generally income tax-free ff Source of tax-free supplemental income
ff Help pay off personal or business debt for retirement
ff Maintain quality of living in retirement
ff Provide living benefits like college fund-
ing, money for long-term care, and money
for unexpected events

To learn more about life insurance, contact:

This is not a complete list of terminology or features of life insurance as products and features differ with various policies. Always consult your
insurance agent and your policy for a complete list of features and benefits. Access to cash values through borrowing or partial surrenders will
reduce the policy’s cash value and death benefit, increase the chance the policy will lapse and may result in a tax liability if the policy terminates
before the death of the insured. Index life insurance products are not registered securities or stock market investments and do not directly partici-
pate in any stock or equity investments.
© Copyright LifeAnswers Financial Group. All rights reserved. This entire document is confidential and no pages can be presented individually.

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