Psalm 30 - I Will Praise You Lord

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Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time • B

Prayer of Preparation Psalm Reflection

O Great Inventor Over its three-year cycle, the Lectionary uses Psalm
and Champion of my life, 30 four times. Every time it appears, the readings deal
every creature bears the imprint of your goodness, with our need to be delivered from death. God “did
and every gracious act of your Christ not make death” (first reading), yet death surrounds us
bears the mark of your liberating love. in many guises. We are caught in the cosmic struggle
Let me dance and sing between the force of life and the force of death. The
with confidence and conviction, good news is that Christ holds the ultimate power in
this day and always, this struggle (gospel). In these verses from Psalm 30,
of the saving power of your name. you express the confidence of the entire community of
believers that Christ saves from death. Even with the
Amen. whole world groaning under its threat, you proclaim
that death with its contingent weeping and mourning
is not the end of the story—life is. How can your faith
be a witness of hope for all those who, this very day,
face death?

13th Sun OT Ps 30 / B
Psalm 30:2 and 4, 5–6, 11 and 12a and 13b
30 Grail Psalms KH
With rhythmic energy, but not too fast q. = 54
( Dmaj 7/F # )
F #m7 Emaj 7/G # C #m F #m7
Capo 2: ( D) (Em7 ) ( A) ( Bm ) (Em7 ) (A 7 ) ( D)

#### 6 j
E B B7 E

& 8 œ. œ œ œ. œœ œœ œœ ..
œ. œ œœ œœ œœ œ œ œœ ..
I will praise, praise you, Lord, for you have res - cued me.
œœ œœ j
? # # # # 68 œ . œ œ œ. œ œœ œ œ œœ œ ..
J J J œ

#### 6 œœ ..
& 8 œœ .. œ œ œœ ... .
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? # # # # 68 œœ .. œ. œ œ
œ œœ ..
œ œ œ œ.
œœ œ ..
œ. œ
( F #m/A)
C #m/E G #m/B B/F #
(Bm/D) (Gmaj 7) ( D) (A/E )
Amaj 7 E

& v œ œ v œ œ
The English translation of the Psalm Response, the Alleluia, and Gospel
( ) ( )
Verse, from the Lectionary for Mass
© 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. ( )
Psalm Verses Copyright © 2010, Conception Abbey/The Grail, admin. by GIA Publications, Inc.
1. I will extol you, LORD
Prayer , for you have
of Preparation, Psalmraised
Reflection, up, Prayerand
me Universal haveof the
(Prayer not let my and
Faithful), enemies
Music rejoice ov - er me. O
2. Sing psalms to opyri
the LhtORD, you, his y Pu faithful
lications, ones;
nc , Mason ve , hica
give o, to his ho
thanks - ly name. His
iamusic com ll Ri hts Reserved Printed in U
3. Hear, O LORD, and have mercy on me;publisher is a violation
be my of the U.S. Code of Law O LORD.
Reproduction of this publication without permission of the

for which the responsible individual or institution is subject to criminal prosecution. No one is exempt.

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œ. œ .
? # # # # 68 œœ .. œ. œ œ
œ œœ ..
œ œ œ œ.
œœ œ ..
œ. œ
( F #m/A)
C #m/E G #m/B B/F #
(Bm/D) (Gmaj 7) ( D) (A/E )
Amaj 7 E

& v ( œ ) (œ ) v œ ( œ)
1. I will extol you, LORD, for you have raised me up, and have not let my enemies rejoice ov - er me. O
2. Sing psalms to the LORD, you his faithful ones; give thanks to his ho - ly name. His
3. Hear, O LORD, and have mercy on me; be my helper, O LORD.
#### vv j
& vv œ
œ v œœ œœ
? #### v œ v œ
œ v J

F #m A ADD9/C # C #m7
( Em ) (Gmaj 7) ( A) ( G ADD9/B) (Bm7 )

Amaj 7 B

& v œ œ v œ
1. LORD, you have lifted up my soul from the grave, re - stored me to life from those who sink into the
2. anger lasts a moment; his favor all through life. At night come tears, but dawn brings
3. You have changed my mourning in - to dancing. O LORD my God, I will thank you for -
#### j j 6
& vv œœ œœ .. vv œ
œ 8
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v œœ œ. v œ 68
J v œ

1. 2.–3.

#### 6
(A 7SUS4) (A 7 ) (A 7SUS4) (A 7 )

B 7SUS4 B7 D.C. B
7SUS4 B7 D.C.
& 8 œ. œ. œ œ

#### 6 j
ev - er.

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œ œ œ.
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œ œ œ œ.

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