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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Santa Rosa Campus

College of Engineering

ECE Department


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering


Aguila, Michelle May V.

Aldama, Rio C.

Valenzuela, Precious T.

Vicente, Princess Gie H.

Victoria, Marjan Patrick Q.


In earlier days the army cops always used to go on the site to tackle

the terrorists or go on other side to tackle enemies. This involves a great risk

of soldier’s life. Man power is of an extreme importance in wars. To save

lives, many experiments were conducted. Out of all of them the successful

was the robot. Machines don't get tired. They don't close their eyes. They

don't hide under trees when it rains and they don't talk to their buddies. A

human's attention to detail on guard duty drops dramatically in the first 30

minutes. Machines know no fear.

Military robots are autonomous robots or remote-controlled devices

designed for military applications. The use of robots in warfare is being

researched as a possible future means of fighting wars. Already several

military robots have been developed by various armies. Some believe the

future of modern warfare will be fought by automated weapons systems. The

U.S. Military is investing heavily in research and development towards

testing and deploying increasingly automated systems.

Therefore the objective of this project is to design a robot that will

protect soldiers. The robot will be sent in the battlefield instead of sending a

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soldier therefore it will lessen the rate of injuries when a combat occurs. An

automatic gun will be integrated to the robot as its primary weapon. By using

a data transceiver, it becomes very easy for the soldier to give commands to

the robot and vice versa.


Everyone knows that being a soldier is a dangerous job. The

main problem is how we can replace the human soldiers in an

increasing range of dangerous missions and life-risking warfare. What

if we could send robots to do these missions instead of humans? Then,

if something went wrong, we’d only lose the money it cost to build the

robot instead of human life. The use of this kind of robot will lessen

soldiers returning home in flag-draped caskets to heartbroken families.


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The framework in the previous page is the concept comprises the

proposed robot where the different variables will be tackled and observed

upon the building of the remote controlled robogun. The “HUMAN BATTLE” is

what we can refer to as the fighting of the military to the terrorist; or of the

police to the criminal. In this concept, the disadvantage of the human battle

would be studied.


comprises of the study on how the robot will be controlled and function using

a wireless device. This will focus on the concept of wireless transmission of

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signals to purposely control, guide and lead the robot into the desired area

where the enemies are present. The controller consists of a data transceiver

to control the robot and also, the robot can send data back to the controller.

The controller uses joystick to control the movement of the gun and the

robot itself.

Next, the “ROBOTIC GUN’S DESIGN AND FUNCTION” which will mainly

focus on the robots design; how the robot will be able to travel and trigger

the gun. It also comprises the circuit that will be used, special battery, the

gun that will be integrated to the robot, and other hardware used to build the



REPLACE HUMAN IN THE BATTLEFIELD” will focus on the advantages of the

robot in shooting enemies. Soldiers attacking enemies will be replaced by

the proposed robot. The information given would be compared to relate the

advantages and/or disadvantages of the remote controlled robogun in

human fighting.



To be able to design a robot that will protect soldiers during

hazardous missions to lessen injuries and human loss.

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Objectives are dealt accordingly with the following:

 To design a robot that will be able to help in military operations.

 To design a robot that will use the desired gun to shoot the

target accurately.

 To provide the most appropriate devices necessary for the robot

to travel effectively.


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The results of the research and development of this proposed

project will not only benefit us but also companies and/or people who

will acknowledge the need for this robot.


We all know that being a soldier is a noble yet dangerous job.

Human life is at stake when these soldiers are sent to battle leaving

their families behind; they are not even sure if they could return

home alive. The result of this proposed project will help lessen if not

totally eliminate the loss of human life in military operations.


Army cops always used to go on the site to tackle the terrorists.

Instead of sending a soldier and risking his life it is always better to

send a robot on the field. Man power is of an extreme importance in


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1.6.1 Scope

• The proposed robot will use microcontrollers to provide


• The proposed robot will use a UHF Data transceiver to send and

receive digital data. The said UHF Data transceiver has a range

of 100-150m line of sight.

• The study is focused on using a remote controller to direct the

gun and the robot itself.

• A wireless camera is integrated to the robot while the controller

has an LCD screen to provide a visual confirmation of the target.

1.6.2 Delimitation

• The proposed robot does not cover the concept of bomb


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• The proposed robot is remote controlled and the accuracy and

precision shooting depends upon the person that controls it.

• The robot does not assure full protection of the one who controls


• The study is limited to the control of the project on land and does

not cover the use in water and air.


Soldier – A soldier is a member of the land component of national armed

forces; whereas a soldier hired for service in a foreign army would be termed

a mercenary. In most languages, "soldier" includes commissioned and non-

commissioned officers in national land forces.

Robot - A robot is an automatically guided machine which is able to do tasks

on its own, almost always due to electronically-programmed instructions.

MCU (Microcontroller) – A microcontroller is a small computer on a single

integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable

input/output peripherals. Microcontrollers are designed for embedded

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applications, in contrast to the microprocessors used in personal computers

or other general purpose applications.

Prototype - A prototype is an original type, form, or instance of something

serving as a typical example, basis, or standard for other things of the same


Transceiver - A transceiver is a device that has both a transmitter and a

receiver which is combined and share common circuitry or a single housing.

Robots have been with us for the past centuries. They are utilized in

many ways like in manufacturing industrial purposes, research, etc. They are

employed for jobs which are too dirty, dangerous or dull to be suitable for


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Now humans are developing new ways of using them, like in security

purposes. The military has grabbed this idea and tests robots for their ability

to replace human soldiers. “If you shoot the robot, we don’t care. We know

you’re there, you’re hostile, and we can keep our forces in reserve to move

tactically against the enemy. The robots will save our troops’ lives.” Said

Capt. Adolfo Meana Jr., chief of the concepts division for the Force Protection

Battlelab at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.2

"Robots that are programmed properly are less likely to make errors

and kill non-combatants, innocent people, because they're not emotional,

they won't be afraid, act irresponsibly in some situations," said Robert

Finkelstein. So, Bob Quinn, who works for the US subsidiary of the British

robot manufacturer QinetiQ, stresses the need to make sure that the

weaponised robots only operate under the control of the soldier and never


Military robots are autonomous robots or remote-controlled devices

designed for military applications.4 There are many advantages to robots as

compared to human soldiers — the most important one being their capability

to perform missions remotely in the field, without any actual danger to

human lives. Robots are generally sturdier and more capable of withstanding

damage than humans, hence giving them a higher chance of success in

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dangerous environments — and whenever a robot is shot down, the military

simply rolls out a new one.5

There are ethical considerations that arise in discussions about robotic

soldiers. Would a country with an armed robotic force be more likely to

invade another country, knowing the invasion would likely result in very few

casualties? By removing the human element from war, do we make it even

more inhumane? When a robot breaks down during a mission, do we risk

sending humans in to retrieve and repair it? Can we be sure that robots will

know when to stop attacking when an enemy surrenders? 6

Working Principles


A microcontroller is a computer-on-a-chip, or if you prefer, a single-chip

computer. Micro suggests that the device is small, and controller tells you

that the device might be useful to control objects, processes or events.

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Another term to describe a microcontroller is embedded controller, because

the microcontroller and its support circuits are often built into, or embedded

in, the devices they control.7

Microcontrollers are used in automatically controlled products and

devices, such as automobile engine control systems, implantable medical

devices, remote controls, office machines, appliances, power tools, and toys.

By reducing the size and cost compared to a design that uses a separate

microprocessor, memory, and input/output devices, microcontrollers make it

economical to digitally control even more devices and processes. Mixed

signal microcontrollers are common, integrating analog components needed

to control non-digital electronic systems.8

UHF Data Transceiver

Data transceiver is a general purpose wireless data module that can

send and receive digital data. With it, you can easily add a wireless remote

control function on your MCU based and robotics projects. 9

The Microcontroller Idea Book by Jan Alexson
Wireless Security Camera

Wireless security cameras are closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV)

that transmit a video and audio signal to a wireless receiver through a radio

band. Many wireless security cameras require at least one cable or wire for

power; "wireless" refers to the transmission of video/audio. However, some

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wireless security cameras are battery-powered, making the cameras truly

wireless from top to bottom.

Wireless cameras are proving very popular among modern security

consumers due to their low installation costs (there is no need to run

expensive video extension cables) and flexible mounting options; wireless

cameras can be mounted/installed in locations previously unavailable to

standard wired cameras. 10

AEG Electric M82 Assault Rifle FPS-200, Scope, Tactical Light,

Silencer Airsoft Gun

The proposed robot should have a weapon to use. Since it is only for

prototype purposes, the researchers used an Airsoft gun to ensure safety.

Electric Airsoft Rifles use batteries as their power source, they're

usually fully automatic, and they shoot very fast. If you are looking for

continuous fire fun, this is the type of Airsoft Gun for you - just hold down the

trigger and watch those BBs stream out, one after the other, in a straight,

swift line - which means fun and entertainment, plain and simple. This

Electric Airsoft Rifle doesn't require any pumping just simply point and shoot.



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To generate the complete program possible for this design project, a

number of different research methods were employed. These methods were

used to gather information about the proposed robot. These methods include

experimental method, observation and analytical tools.

3.1 Methods of Research Used

Methods of Research Used are the following:

3.1.1 Experimental Method

The researchers tested different components that are most

appropriate in the said project. Each component was observed on how

it interacted with the circuit along with the program.

3.2 Data Gathering Instrument

To obtain relevant information regarding the said project,

important tools such as observation, the internet were used.

3.2.1 Observation

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Observations were done by analyzing the most appropriate

design for the robot. This includes testing possible designs for the base

of the robot, which material to use and other factors to consider in

determining the robot’s structure. The researchers also visited school

libraries, took ideas from successful design solutions and studying how

they were formed. Observation will help the researchers collect

important data that can help develop robotic applications in military


3.2.2 Internet

The internet is one of the most useful tools in research. Many

people around the world have come up with designs for different

robots and ideas on military robots and their significance to the

present world. The researchers analyzed and compared results with

other data found to create the robot’s design and function.

3.2.3. Survey Questionnaires

Information gathered from respondents is very important. This

method will be employed to congregate opinion from other people.

Survey questionnaires will contain important questions that are related

to the study

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3.2.4 Statistical Treatment

The researchers made use of the frequency and percentage

distribution to determine the mean scores of the responses to the

present study.

The formula used was

Σ = mean

Σf = summation of frequency

n = number of respondents

3.2.3 Evaluation Form

To test the reliability, precision and accuracy of the robot, it must

be evaluated so that the researchers would make sure if the said robot

functions as it is supposed to.

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3.3 Analytical Tools

3.3.1 Hardware Block Diagram

It is an illustration of a system, in which the primary

parts are represented by blocks connected by arrows

showing the how the system works. It is typically used for a

less detailed description to help in understanding the

overall concepts. The researchers clearly exemplify their

idea with the use of this diagram. Schematic Diagram

A schematic diagram shows electrical symbols and

connections of a specific circuit. It is also used to trace the

circuit and functions without the need to show the actual

shape, size or location of the components or parts. This can

also be used for maintenance and to show connections if

ever a problem occurs. With this diagram, the actual

connections needed for the robot to function properly are


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3.3.2 Software Flowcharting

A flowchart represents the flow of data throughout

the robotic system, the operations performed and the

sequence in which they are done. The researchers used

flowcharts to encapsulate and show the main process of

the study.

3.4 Methods Used in Developing the Robot

3.4.1 Software Development Program Simulator

Proteus Design Suite was used in simulating the

program. It is possible to develop and test designs before a

physical prototype is constructed. Proteus VSM uses our proven

Schematic Capture software to provide the environment for

design entry and development. ISIS is a long established product

and combines ease of use with powerful editing tools. It is

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capable of supporting schematic capture for both simulation and

PCB design. ISIS also provides a very high degree of control over

the drawing appearance, in terms of line widths, fill styles, fonts,


At the heart of Proteus VSM is ProSPICE. This is an

established product that combines uses a SPICE3f5 analogue

simulator kernel with a fast event-driven digital simulator to

provide seamless mixed-mode simulation.

Proteus VSM includes a number of virtual

instruments including an Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer, Function

Generator, Pattern Generator, Counter Timer and Virtual

Terminal as well as simple voltmeters and ammeters. In addition,

it provides dedicated Master/Slave/Monitor mode protocol

analyzers for SPI and I2C - simply wire them onto the serial lines

and monitor or interact with the data live during simulation. It is

a truly invaluable and inexpensive way to get your

communication software right prior to hardware prototyping.

Proteus is equipped with comprehensive diagnostic

or trace messaging. This allows you to specify which components

or processor peripherals that is of interest at any given time and

receive detailed textual reporting of all activity and system

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interaction. This is invaluable as a debugging aid, allowing you to

locate and fix problems in both software and hardware much

faster than you could when working on a physical prototype. Flowcode Compiler for PIC Microcontrollers

Flowcode software allows you to create complex

programs for the PIC microcontroller. You create the flowchart for

the program you want. When you have finished the flowchart,

Flowcode can check how it behaves by running a simulation,

before the flowchart is translated and transferred to the PIC chip.

This often involves adding virtual components, such as switches

and LED's.Then Flowcode does all the hard work of converting

the flowchart into the machine code that the PIC understands.12

Flowcode is a powerful language that uses macros to

facilitate the control of complex devices like 7-segment displays,

motor controllers, and LCD displays. The use of macros allows

students to control highly complex electronic devices without

getting bogged down in understanding the programming

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involved. Flowcode is a powerful rapid development tool and is

also useful as a means of introducing the need for C and

assembly programming.13


3.2.2 Hardware Development Prototyping

The tested circuits on the simulator are now placed on the

breadboard for testing. Interfacing the circuits with the program

is also tested. Prototyping is done to exactly simulate the

characteristics of the intended design and function. PCB Creation

ARES (Advanced Routing and Editing Software) was used to

create the PCB Layout. This high performance netlist based PCB

design package perfectly complements our powerful ISIS

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schematic capture software and features both automatic

component placement and a truly world class shape based auto-

router. ARES features a state of the art layout database capable

of representing the most complex of PCB designs. Placement

resolution is 10 nanometers within a maximum board size of

20m. Components and other objects may be rotated in 0.1

degree increments whilst padstacks facilitate the achievement of

maximum routing area on inner layers.

3.5 Methods Used for Prototype Evaluation

Evaluation of the product means that the consumers verify the

reliability, accuracy and safety of the robot. This allows companies and

manufacturers to be more creative in designing products. There are three

feasibility studies that the project must guarantee; Technical, Operational

and Economic feasibility.

3.5.1 Technical Feasibility

A technical feasibility study is an excellent tool for

troubleshooting and long term planning. In some instances, it serves as

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a flow chart of how the robot evolves and moves throughout the study.

This evaluates the details of how the prototype will be constructed

(i.e., materials, labor, etc.). It is the logistical or tactical plan of how the

study will be constructed.

3.5.2 Operational Feasibility

It is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the

problem, and takes advantages of the opportunities identified during

scope definition and how it satisfies the requirements. The robots

operational feasibility is measured using an evaluation form. On rating

the robotic system, it must satisfy a range of eighty five to one

hundred percent or else the system fails.

Condition A

Condition A indicates that the start button has not been pressed

yet. The robot must satisfy the response and the output stated below.

Table 1(Condition A Expected Output)

Function Response Expected Output

Forward & Backward Inactive Inactive

Movement of the Gun Inactive Inactive

The Robot Points and Inactive Inactive

Wireless Camera/LCD Turned off Turned off


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Condition B

Condition B indicates that the start button has been pressed and

the robot is functioning. With this condition, no enemy has been seen

so the “shoot” button has not been pressed yet.

Table 2 (Condition B Expected Output)

Function Response Expected Output

Forward & Backward Active Active

Movement of the Gun Active Active

The Robot Points and Inactive Inactive

Wireless Camera/LCD Active Active


Condition C

Condition C indicates that the start button has been pressed and

the system is functioning. With this condition, an enemy has been seen

so the “shoot” button is pressed.

Table 3 (Condition C Expected Output)

Function Response Expected Output

Forward & Backward Active Active

Movement of the Gun Active Active

The Robot Points and Active Active


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Wireless Camera/LCD Active Active


3.5.3 Economic Feasibility

Businesses, governmental entities, and other organizations face

great uncertainty and risks when making decisions about major

investments in new manufacturing facilities, new products, new

markets, new technologies and new programs. Economic feasibility

studies provide the facts and analytical rigor to improve these types of

strategic decisions.14 If the expected benefits is equal or exceed the

expected cost, it can be said that the system is economically feasible.


4.1 Existing System and the Need to Develop a New System

In developing a robotic system, cost and reliability should be

prioritized. The proposed robot is intended to replace soldiers during battle.

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It has a wireless camera connected to a controller with a joystick and an LCD


There is an existing system that is somewhat similar to the proposed

system but it focuses on search and rescue operations that were used at the

World Trade Center Ground Zero. It was developed for the EOD Technology

Directorate of the Army’s Armament Research, Development and

Engineering Center at Picatinny Arsenal, NJ by the engineering and

technology development firm Foster-Miller. The said robot is called TALON

which is a lot bigger than the proposed robot. It has a length of 34 inches

and a width of 22 inches. The robot costs approximately $60,000 in its

standard form. Foster-Miller was subsequently bought out by QinetiQ, a

United Kingdom military developer. The robot is not easily accessible

especially to third-world countries that do not have enough funds for military

operations. So, the researchers suggested an alternative system, much

smaller and cheaper than the said existing robot.

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