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Radio Words & Music by Andrea Can, Caroline Corr, Sharon Garr & win Gar daz Bat as Eada there ace cou-ples sland-ing om the street shur-in* late at night and Tm — feel-ing dav, (Verse 2.s0e block Furic) Ot Se s = = Z sm oer kis-ses and sil — Oy FF Fe se —— —- SS SSS lass of wine With a full lass-and an emp-ty heart I scarch for some-thing to oc=cu-py my 20 FF Daa? = ing for-ev-er in my head, oe ie 7 ¢ * ———_ e re = z EEE — ——— a 7 Fe mei? b i byt ; 5 — is ie = [SS SS = > ee Po vee Pe vera? Be » Cia Bow 8 E fey 7 “= Ee Si faa eS e - = =S=s So I listen to the ra ~ di-o,— 21 = resmemeber where we oe ee used to go PY. . : Es A * = ee == 1 SSS a? and all the songs we used 10 know. 1 fis-ten to the Eats = SSF = === SS nS tS SS SS SS Ee re die re mem-her how we used ta go, Best a CAR fe — = *: ot 5 f =a Fm ey rim = mR fee= over ay = =F if v= = a ae a e — : swim - ming for-ev- er, oat —— 24 Verse 2: ‘Now it's moming fight aid it's cold outside Caughcup in adistenc dream ‘rum and think that you are by my side Soo leave my bed aid I trp to dress ‘Wandering why my mind plays tricks And fools mea to thinking you are there Bot you'se just in my head Swimming forever in my head ‘Not lying in my bed Jost swimming forever. So listen to the mado etc,

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