And S4: He Taidt

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AND S4 fit .d!

HE tAiDt

"Here is the patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14 : 12.

Rom. 5 : 21. It teaches us in the strongest can we now say, " We are saved," if we love ens hearts and calms souls in indifference
gfe Tlyttivto possible manner that we should overcome sin
and live righteously. Titus 2 :11-14. In-
sin, and sin voluntarily or willfully I and sin. It is a cry of peace and safety,
4. " He that committeth sin is of the which, in many cases, serves as an excuse to
IS ISSUED WEEKLY BY devil." 1 John 3 : 8. cover sin, and will bring on many a fatal
deed, having removed our guilt from us, as
we have repented and exercised faith in
Seventh-Bay Adventist Publishing Association. Ans. A strong charge against Christians slumber, from which they will awake only to
-,- Christ for justification and pardon, its power who believe in progressive sanctification ! meet a terrible retribution. If God sanctified
ELDER JAMES WHITE, President. and efficacy are displayed in helping us to Yet this is the use made of this text by ad- and saved us independently of our efforts,
M. J. CHAPMAN, Secretary, H. W. KELLOGG, Treasurer.
conquer the remains of sin in us, and to live vocates of the opposite doctrine. The apos- he would, being no respecter of persons,
Air• TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or One Dol- in obedience to the holy law of God. tle is speaking of the children of the devil, sanctify and save all mankind.
lar a Volume of 25 numbers.
There are duties and conditions for us to or sinners in the common acceptation of that As to whether God will finish his work in
Address, Review & Herald, Battle Creek, Mich. term, and the children of God, those who us, that will depend on the use we make of
perform, in order to be cleansed and saved
from our past sins by the grace of God, and are born of God, or converted. Verses 9, the means and strength he gives us, that we
OVER AND OVER AGAIN. may submit to him and do his will. God
in performing these duties, we co-operate with 10. Therefore the expression, " He that
OVER and over again will never bend our wills. We can brace
God in the sanctifying process, and work out committeth sin is of the devil," is equiv-
The river seaward goes, ourselves against the will of God and harden
our own salvation. Christ and the apostles alent to, " The sinner, who, not having re-
Over and over again our hearts by sin (Heb. 3 : 7-13), or we can,
The stream from the mountain, flows;
never met the question, " What must I do to pented of his sins and believed in Christ,
be saved I" with the answer, Do nothing at sins habitually, loving sin, is of the devil." by grace, submit our wills to the will of God.
Once flowing will net suffice,
But, fed by the gentle rain, all." The nature of our characters is deter- Those who are converted, and are the chil- If we do this, improving upon the grace he
It blesses the verdant, flowery banks mined by our works, and according to our dren of God, do not thus sin ; yet they some- gives us, nothing will separate us from the
Over and over again. works shall we be judged. times sin through weakness unintentionally, love of God, and we shall, be more than con-
3. Sanctification, as well as salvation, is and while trying to overcome ; as, for in- querors through Him who bath loved us.
Over and over again "Gather yourselves together [examine your-
The duties of life will come, often spoken of in the Bible as a thing accom- stance, through impatience; and they heart-
Over and over again ily repent as soon as they have done wrong. selves, French translation], yea, gather to-
plished, as in the expressions, " Ye are clean
I take them up one by one;
through the word which I have spoken unto To such the same apostle says : " My little gether, 0 nation not desired; before the de-
Sunshine and storms must'both children, these things write I unto you, that cree bring forth, before the day pass as the
Ripen the golden grain, you " (John 15 : 3) ; " To them that are
So the storms of life I bravely bear sanctified in Christ Jesus" (1 Cor. 1 : 2) ; ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord
Over and over again. advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the come upon you, before the day of the Lord's
" They who are sanctified " (Heb. 2 :11) ; anger come upon you. Seek ye the Lord, all
" By the which will we are sanctified." righteous." 1 John 2 : 1. What use have
Over and over again those who boast of having lived years with- ye meek of the earth, which have wrought
To forgive the trespassing one,- Chap. 10 :10. his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meek-
Ans. Sanctification, as well as salvation, is out sinning for this petition of the Lord's
Over and over again, ness ; it may be ye shall be hid in the day of
Till the journey of life is done; prayer, " Forgive us our debts, as we for-
spoken of in the Bible in regard to individu-
For the Saviour forgiveth me, give our debtors " ? the Lord's anger." Zeph. 2: 1-3.
als, apostolic churches, etc., as past, present,
And lightens my sorrow and pain, anal future, referring to what is or has been 5. " It is God which worketh in you both
So I'll pardon the wayward and trespassing to will and to do of his good pleasure." Phil.
one done, what is being done, and what is to be SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES.
done. Now this mention of the subject can- 2 : 13.
Over and over again. JOHN 5:39.
not be accounted for on the theory of com- Ans. This text is preceded by these words,
Over and over again " Work out your own salvation with fear To search is to " look over or through for
plete instantaneous sanctification. To those
Treading the way to God, and trembling," showing that our personal the purpose of finding something; to search
Over and over again who adopt that theory, there must be contra-
dictions on the subject. How could sanctifi- efforts are of importance. Here the duty of out, to seek till found, or to find by seeking ;
Kissing the chastening rod ; working is enjoined by a command; but it as, to search out truth." From this defini-
Soon shall I reach my home, cation, with the same individuals or churches,
Never to suffer pain, is evident that we must depend on God for tion it will be seen that to search the Script-
be complete and entire this moment, and yet
Ancli'llsing to His praise-who has bidden me remain to be effected But with the idea of the ability to do his will. How does God work ures implies very much more. than a, careless,
progressive sanctification, all is plain and har- in us to will and to do of his good pleasure I thoughtless reading. The words of the wise
Over and over again. He first enlightens our minds by his word man (Prov. 2 : 3, 4), " Yea, if thou criest
$tar Valley, Kansas. L. D. SANTEE. monious.
and Spirit, and he then places before us mo- after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for
Take, as an illustration, the above texts. tives that are calculated to lead us to choose understanding ; if thou seekest her as silver,
1. The very ones to whom Christ says in the way of life. He invites us by his love and searchest for her as for hid treasures,"
Our Ounirittufur. John 15 :3, " Ye are clean through the word
which I have spoken unto you," he prays
and his Spirit, and as we yield our wills to very forcibly illustrate what is meant by the
his, he strengthens them for the right. As word search. He says first, " If thou criest
for in chap. 17 :17, saying, " Sanctify them we improve upon the light and strength he after knowledge," and again to make it still
REFUTATION OF THE DOCTRINE OF through thy truth." 2. Those whom Paul gives us, he continues to work in us in giv- stronger, " If thou seekest her as silver," and
INSTANTANEOUS SANCTIFICATION. pronounces sanctified in 1 Cor. 1 : 2, he speaks ing us further strength. But at each step, yet more emphatic, " And searchest for her
of in the next clause as "called to be saints," from the commencement of the work of God as for hid treasures." How earnestly, care-
and then to " perfect holiness," or sanctifi- in us to the close of that work, we can, by fully, and perseveringly men search for gold
BY ELD. D. T. BOURDEAU. cation. 2 Cor. 7 : 1. Although Paul says rebelling against God, deprive ourselves of in the mines, or for hid treasures. How
1. " THE blood of Jesus Christ his Son to the Hebrews, " We are sanctified," etc., the grace of God, and stop the work that he much more thoroughly and deeply should
cleanseth us [now, present tense] from all (placing himself with them), yet he exhorts has begun for us (Heb. 12 :15) ; not that we they search for the truths of God's word.
sin." 1 John 1 : 7. them by saying, " Let us go on unto perfec- are mightier than God, but God cannot save Perhaps the reader will better understand
Answer. The whole verse reads : " But if tion." Chap. 6:1. Such proofs could be us against our wills. what is meant by searching the Scriptures, if
we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we multiplied to a great extent. Let us see if this is not the truth. When he thinks what searching them does not con-
have fellowship one with another, and the Salvation is conditional, and relates to our God enlightens us, is it not possible for us sist in. 1. It does not consist in letting your
blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us past sins. The work of salvation will be to choose darkness rather than light (John Bible lie upon the shelf till the dust accumu-
from all sin." Here is something else in the completed at the coming of Christ. At con- 3 : 19), and turn away from the truth R Did lates so that you can write your name upon it.
present tense,-a condition to be complied version we obtain a great deliverance. We not the fallen angels do this l and have not 2. In never reading it through. 3. In going to
with on our part ; we are to walk in the light are then released from our past sins, and a the majority of men done the same since the Bible-class without looking at your lesson. 4.
as God is in the light. This is net' sitting mighty blow is struck at sin in our natures fall of Adam 'I When God invites us by his If when you are asked how many chapters
down and sleeping, waiting for God to do it and practices, and should we die at that time Spirit, is it not possible for us to despise his the book of " Janayrah" contains, you say
all. The condition embraces all the duties of. we should be saved at the coming of Christ. invitations and grieve his Spirit? If this is you cannot tell, it is good evidence that you
the Christian. As we perform these, the Read 1 Pet. 1 : 5 •' Isa. 25 : 9 ; Heb. 9 : 28 ; not true, why does he say to the wicked, have not read your Bible. 5. If, after hear-
blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin. 1 Cor. 15 : 23, 51-58. "Because I have called, and ye refused; I ing a sermon, you are asked where the text is
2. Your views of sanctification /make sal- We are saved " by hope,"" and it is those have stretched out my hand, and no man re- found, and you answer, " In Probables," as an
vation depend too much on works, on obedi- who persevere unto the end who shall finally garded." Prov. 1 :24-33. And why does old lady once answered me, the probability is
ence to the law. Paul says : " By grace are be saved. We need to be saved from sins God exhort us not to quench the Spirit l 1 that you have not searched the Scriptures.
ye saved through faith, and that not of 'your- committed after our conversion as much as Thess. 5 : 9. When God presents to our con- We might extend this list, but will only
selves ; it is the gift of God; not of works, we do from those previously committed, and sideration motives to lead us to choose him add one more specification. When a Bible-
lest any man should boast." Eph. 2 :8, 9. repentance and faith precede the assurance as our portion, is it not for us to decide class gets to the 11th chapter of Revelation,
Ans. We never teach that salvation de- of salvation in our probationary state. We whether we will or will not let those motives where the command is given to " rise, and
pends on our works in the sense that our should work out our salvation, not only by have their desired influence on our hearts I measure the temple of God, and the altar,
works merit for us salvation. We are saved retaining the victory obtained at conversion, Josh. 24 : 15. When God gives us the abil- and them that worship therein; and they re-
from sin, the transgression of the law "(1 John but also by advancing in the work of sancti- ity to decide for the right and walk accord- quest the teacher to put them into some ea-
3:4); but the law of God, that we have trans- fication. It is not sufficient to be able to say ing to his will, is it not for us, to say whether sier book, it is a sign that the class has not
gressed, being perfect, our best acts of Obedil that we were saved at conversion; we must we will use that ability, or whether we will searched very much. In "Thoughts on Reve-
ence can no more than meet its present de- also be able to say, that we know we are reject the counsel of God respecting us by lation," page 188, first edition, it is said :
mands, so that it is impossible to perform saved by grace now ; for we improve upon placing our wills as an obstacle in the way of " To measure any object requires that we
works of supererogation with which to meet the grace of God in working out our salva- his performing his work in usl Luke 7 : 30. give especial attention to that object. So,
its demands in the past and cancel our for
mer tion. We have the same hatred for sin that The work of God in his children is seen in doubtless, the call to rise and measure the
transgressions. We cannot by our works we had at conversion. We exercise the their conduct. How different are the teach- temple of God is a prophetic command to the
merit salvation from our past sins, not even same living faith that we then exercised. ings of the apostle in the passage under con- church to give the subject of the temple, or
by the mental act ofifaith. It is what our We have the same disposition to grow in sideration from the theory that represents sanctuary, a special examination." The ful-
faith takes hold of, it is Jesus who saves us. grace, in the knowledge of the truth, and in that God works in us to will and to do inde- fillment of this prophetic command proves
Salvation is by grace, the unmerited favor of sanctification, that we then had. If it was pendently of our efforts, and that we must that we are now in the time of which Daniel
God through Jesus Christ. But the grace of necessary to hate and forsake our sins at the wait, wait, wait, for God to do for us what speaks (Dan. 12:4) : " Many shall run to
I God that brings salvation does not work and time of conversion to be able to say, "We he has already, by his grace, given us the and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."
reign through sin, but through righteousness. are saved by faith and by the grace of God," power to do for ourselves ! This theory hard- Knowledge of the Scriptures has wonderfully
178 THE EVIEW AND HE LD. [VoL. 54, No. 23.

increased within a few years, or within a these cups direct the eyes of the spectator their robes of character and made them white ex-Catholic German neighbor, smoking a
quarter of a century. But how has this from the Lord, to whom I wished to direct in the blood of the Lamb, and those who are meerschaum, and the writer, being present.
knowledge been gained Not by skimming the attention of the observer." He took up not thus prepared will he treated as false Between the clinks of the anvil, while the
over the surface of the Scriptures, but by a his brush and blotted them from the canvas, guests, bound hand and foot and cast into iron was heating, I elicited the following
deep, prayerful searching, or, as said above, that the strength and vigor of the chief object outer darkness. Matt. 22 :11-13. statements and facts(?) in broken English,
by a "special examination." Might be prominently seen and observed. Again, Jesus says "Be ye therefore ready to which the smoker responded by nods or
If a student would become proficient in Whatsoever hinders us from beholding Christ also ; for the Son of man cometh at an hour satisfactory puffs, while the strokes of the
mathematics or in any intricate science, he in his glory should be removed. when ye think not." Luke 12 : 40. And hammer rang out on the Sunday air : Christ
must study it thoroughly. So it is with the Peter, in speaking about the day of the Lord, disregarded the old Bible Sabbath, going
Bible; it must be studied with an earnest de- which will come on some as a thief in the through the cornfields on that day with his
THE SERAPH'S TOUCH. night, says : " Wherefore, beloved, seeing that disciples and plucking the ears of corn ; he
termination to be successful in understanding
it. And doubtless if we had the same earnest
"Then flew one of the seraphim unto me, having a live coal
it his baud, which he had taken with the tongs from off the ye look for such things, be diligent that ye had to give his followers another day for rest
desire that Daniel had, " skill and understand-
altar; and he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this bath may be found of him in peace, without spot, and worship, as the Jews would not permit
touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy them to worship on the seventh day ; and
ing" would be given to us as well as to him. fin purged." Isa. 6: 6, 7. and blameless." 2 Pet. 3 :14.
:‘ The act was symbolical of expiation. The sacrifices on the the day he gave them as the Sabbath was
Prayer alone will not make one wise in the altar typified the sacrifice of Christ, which gave significance to John presents the same thought when he
word of God; it must be united with work. this symbolic act." — Bliss. says : "But we know that when he shall ap- Sunday.
The student should, if possible, study the BEVORE the great white throne on high, pear we shall be like him; for we shall see Verily, there's nothing like example for
original ; that is, he should be able to read Their faces covered, Tailed their feet, him as he is. And every man that hath this clinching an argument. A. SMITH.
They stood, who on Love's errand fly hope in him purifieth himself even as he is
Hebrew and Greek; he should consult com- With swift precision, strong and fleet,
mentaries, Bible anti theological dictionaries, In light to make the noonday dim, pure." And when John saw the hundred
These golden ranks of seraphim. and forty-four thousand who were redeemed SOME FACTS ABOUT MORMONISM.
and the Concordance, in short, everything that
will increase his knowledge of the Scriptures. from among men at the coming of the Lord, THE prevalent feeling in regard to this in-
Than theirs, a glory greater far those who had passed through the last conflict iquitous system, until very recently, has been
Again, we should avail ourselves of the O'erhung the wide and stately place;
knowledge which is given us, as a people, and had gotten the victory over the beast and one of contemptuous indifference. It was
As the sun vails the brightest star,
through the spirit of prophecy. This is cer- Before the Lord they wailed the face, his image, he says of them : "In their mouth with such a feeling that I entered Salt Lake
tainly a very important aid in the investiga- And waited, fair, serene, and still, was found no guile; for they are without City on the third day of last July ; but I
tion of the Scriptures. We are commanded Till came the time*to do his will. fault before the throne of God." left it with a feeling of deep anxiety for the
to " prove all things," and to " despise not Now, if any think that this faultless con- future influence of Mormonism upon the
And ever bursts of music sweet dition is not obtainable in this life, let them
prophesyings." With sudden triumph swayed the bands, welfare of our country. The facts which
The following are excellent rules for the When thrice they would the name repeat read the following texts : 2 Cor. 4 :10, 11 ; caused this change in my own feelings, I
study of the Bible : 1. Let the Bible be its Of Him who ruleth sea and lands, Gal. 2 : 20. We see that the standard of narrate, hoping that they may cause the
own interpreter; 2. Take the literal meaning, And " Holy, holy, holy," cry, character is high, and Christ directs us to be same change in the minds of those who read
" Art Thou, the Bing, the Lord Most High!" ready to meet him at any time. If he comes them.
when no other interpretation will give the
true sense. It is best to take the first rule in There faltered on the outer verge in the second watch, or if he comes in the On the evening of the Sabbath following
a general sense, as aids outside of the Bible Of that rich throng a trembling soul, third watch, the servant must be all ready, our national holiday, I sat on the brow of the
are necessary. All our institutions, the Pub- From whom there broke, in weary dirge, if he would have the blessing. hill, above the grave in which the body of
lishing Association, the T. and M. society, A moan of bitter grief and dole: Now, let us notice carefully how the the great Mormon lies, buried beneath two
" Ah, woe is me, for I, unclean, "blessed" servant is always ready to meet
the College, the Sanitarium, the temperance The King, the Lord of Hosts, have seen ! " flat stones joined together by iron rods, with
organization, and especially the Sabbath- his Lord. Luke 12 : 37 : " Blegised are those no word to tell the passer-by of Brigham
school Association, are forwarding the work, A shining seraph heard his plaint, servants, whom the Lord when he cometh Young's place in the affections of his people.
of Bible education, and working out the The cry of shame and quivering dread ; shall find watching." The watching serv- Before me lay the beautiful valley of the
Beheld him shrinking, terror-faint, ants, then, are the blessed servants whom Salt Lake. I had already been twice to the
great problem of eternal life. And to the glowing altar sped,
In connection with the command to "search Thence bore a burning coal away, the Lord will come forth and serve. In Mormon Tabernacle, and listened to the de-
the Scriptures," our Saviour gives the reason : And touched him, where he abject lay. verses 42, 43, we find this " blessed " serv- fiant utterances of Pres. Taylor and others,
"For in them ye think ye have eternal life, ant faithfully discharging his duty by giving with regard to our government ; and now I
A sudden bolt of sternest pain to each of his fellow-servants their portion listened with eager interest, while Rev.
and they are they which testify of me." We Shot quickly through him like a dart,
here learn that the Old-Testament Scriptures of meat in due season. Then to be watching R. G. McNiece, pastor of the Presbyterian
And then, like softest \suromer rain,
should be searched, as they are evidently re- The seraph voice fell on his heart: is to be faithfully discharging those duties church, depicted for me the state of Mormon-
ferred to, and they do abundantly testify of " Lot this bath touched thy lips," he said, which our Master has given us to do, not do- ism.
Christ. Paul also referred to them when he " And sin and wrath from thee have fled." ing them at our own convenience, but in due Mormonism is not a dead institution. It
said to Timothy : " From a child thou hast season. And how could that be anything is a thing of the present, as well as of the
In rapt, ecstatic gratitude but present duty I " Blessed is that servant, past, and is stronger to-day than ever before.
known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to The man arose, by Love set free
make thee wise unto salvation." 2 Tim. 3 : 15. From servile fear, and straight he stood whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so There are 109,000 Mormons in Utah. Of
How well this language, " Wise unto salva- Where glittering throngs of seraphs be, doing." Not that he has done, or expects to these 33,000 are under eight years of age.
tion," accords with the words of Christ, " In To do their work his strong desire, do at some future convenience, but "when All above this age are members of the
Sealed unto God with sacred fire. he cometh shall find doing." So he says : " Church of Latter Day Saints." Of these
them ye think ye have eternal life." These
Scriptures are given by inspiration of God, " Send me," he cried, when spake the King " And if he shall come in the second watch, 76,000 members, 23,000 are officers ; so that
and are " profitable for doctrine, for reproof, For one to go with words divine. . . . and find them so, blessed are those serv- there are two officers out of every five men.
for correction, for instruction in righteous- 0 seraph watcher, haste, and bring ants." But if he does not come until the The Territory of Utah is divided into
ness, that the man of God may be perfect, To us the fiery, burning sign: third watch, and finds them so, blessed are about twenty " stakes," or districts, Salt
We, too, would feel the blessed pain, those servants. The servant who does his Lake City being the central stake. These
thoroughly furnished unto all good works." And lift our foreheads, pure of stain ;
2 'Tim. 3 :16, 17. We have another reason work timely and well is ready to meet his stakes are again divided into wards. There
for searching them in Paul's charge to Timo- We, too, would know the joyous thrill master at whatever stage of the work he are 231 wards in the Territory, twenty-one of
thy, where he says: " Study to show thyself Of consecration unreserved, may come. So the servant of God who lives which are in Salt Lake City. Over each
And, set apart to do His will, in the daily discharge of present duty, is al- ward is placed a bishop and two counselors,
approved unto God, a workman that needeth With hearts by nothing earthly swerved,
not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word ways ready to meet the Lord, should he and under them are deacons and teachers.
Would still, whate'er Love's message be,
of truth." 2 Tim. 2 : 15. Then study is re- Say, each, " 0 Lord of Life, send me! " come at any time. It is the duty of these deacons and teachers
quired, and for what purpose? that he might —Margaret E. Sangster. What, then, is present duty I This is a to visit those who live in their respective
be "approved unto God," a workman "rightly rf question which each one must answer for wards, the wards being portioned off in dis-
dividing the word of truth." himself. Answer it in the fear of God, with tricts for their convenience. Thus the con-
g'PREPARATIO1V FOR THE COMING OF the realities of the Judgment before you. trol of the Mormon hierarchy over every
Another reason for searching the Script- THE LORD.
urea is, that the Christian may be able to Giving to each his portion of meat in due member is complete. A telegraph runs from
give a reason of his hope, and here is the THE subject of the coming of the Lord is season, i. e., disseminating the light of pres- the endowment House, in Salt Lake City,
proof : " Be ready always to give an answer one in which Adventists are intensely inter- ent truth, thus helping to prepare a people through all the principal wards, passing
to every man that asketh you a reason of the; ested, and the evidences that that event is for the coming of the Lord, and teaching through the houses of the bishops, and oper-
hope that is in you with meekness and fear." near constitute a theme on which we dwell them how they may escape the unmingled ated by members of their families.
1 Peter 3 :15. Read the commendation in our meetings, in Sabbath-school, and in wrath of God, which will be poured out on The net proceeds of the tithing, for the
Which a class of early Christians received, our daily intercourse with one another, as those who worship the beast and his image, year ending April, 1879, were $493,000.
and follow their example : " These [the Be- well as in our private meditations. It is a is a work in which we can all have a part by Prof. J. M. Coyner, principal of the Salt
reams] were more noble than those in Thessa- theme which never grows old and irksome to distributing tracts and sending out our peri- Lake Collegiate Institute, in an interesting
lonica, in that they received the word with those who really love their Lord ; but as they odicals. We can also be diligent in meeting pamphlet entitled, " Letters on Mormonism,"
all readiness of mind, and searched the Script- see the prophecies fulfilling which herald his and Sabbath-school, in studying the Bible, states that the income of the church from
ures daily, whether those things were so." return, they respond as did John in the Rev- and in a godly walk and conversation, thus the tithing is about $ 1,000,000. All this
Acts 17 :11. We here have the example of a elation, "Amen. Even so come, Lord Jesus." doing all the good we can. Let the record money passes into the hands of the officers,
daily work, and so it should be. If we would It is only those who are earnestly prepar- of each day and hour be such as God will ap- and no report of it is ever rendered to the
gain knowledge, a constant, life-long work is ing for that event who will from the heart prove of, then we need have no fears but people.
before us. thus respond, and it is concerning that prepa- that if Christ should come to-day he would These facts are enough to show the power
We might quote many more texts which ration that I now wish to offer a thought. say to us, " Well done, good and faithful serv- and organization of the system. Now, one
have a bearing on this subject, but they I have frequently heard good people express ant; thou hast been faithful over a few word as to the danger from it. The des ign
would make this article too lengthy. We, a doubt of ever feeling that their work was things, I will make thee ruler over many of the Mormon church has long been to have
entreat all who read this not to despise the done, and that they were ready to meet their things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Utah admitted as a State. This done, Mor-
Old Testament or the law of God 3 " for what- Lord when he should come. But the Bible Matt. 25 : 23. J. W. MCREYNOLDS. monism would have full sway, electing its
soever things were written aforetime were certainly teaches that it is our duty to be pre- own rulers, and having a voice in the coun-
written for our learning " (Rom. 15 : 4) ; pared, ready and waiting to meet our Lord. cils of the nation. Think of polygamy boast-
In the 12th chapter of Luke there are some AN ARGUMENT CLINCHED. ing triumphantly in Congress ! There is
and also to take heed to the " more sure
word of prophecy" (2 Pet. 1 :19), not forget- statements which we think justify this con- THE argument in confirmation of the per- danger that in another such time as followed
ting that "blessed is he that readeth, and clusion. In verses 35, 36, our Saviour, by petual sanctity of the seventh-day, Or Bible the last presidential contest, their designs
they that hear the words of this prophecy, the preparation for a marriage feast, illus- Sabbath, is clear, concise, and pointed, and may succeed, and an entrance may be bought,
and keep those things which are written trates the completeness of the preparation its advocates stand as a unit in its support. for the sake of their votes. Once admitted
therein ; for the time is at hand." Rev. 1 : 3. necessary to meet the Lord. He says : " Let It is an argument that a• child might easily as a State, they would make themselves felt
Wis. PENNIMAN. your loins be girded about, and your lights learn and use to the discomfiture of oppo- Their missionaries, to the number of about
4, burning; and ye yourselves like unto men nents. 300, are in foreign fields, and the number of
that wait for their Lord, when he shall re- Not so with the array of arguments and immigrants brought in by them every year is
CHRIST ONLY.—A Spanish painter was turn from the wedding, that when he cometh propositions in behalf of first-day or Sunday in excess of 5,000. These converts, like
once employed to paint the " Last Supper." and knocketh they may open to him immedi- sanctity, which are legion, many of them those already in the Territory, are at the
It was his object to throw all the sublimity ately." Here there is a mature preparation, having as little assimilation for each other as beck of the Mormon hierarchy. If a colony
of his art into the figure and countenance of a complete fitness for the event before it oil and water. I had come to think that the is to be established in Arizona, Idaho, Ne-
the Lord Jesus ; but he put on the table in comes. If we were called to attend the mar- list was about complete, until, recently, call- vada, Wyoming, New Mexico, or Colorado,
the foreground some chased cups, the work- riage feast of some honored friend, we would ing at a blacksmith's shop to solicit sub- the word goes forth, and men move like cat-
manship of which was excee&ingly beautiful. see that our clothing, deportment, etc., were scribers to the Stimme der Wahrheit, I learned tle driven by their overseers. If a sum of
When his friends came to see the picture on timely, fitted to be acceptable on the occa- that I had been mistaken. It was on Sun- money is needed to secure political legislation,
the easel, one said, " What beautiful cups 1 " sion. So with those who are looking for the day. The smith, who was a Lutheran in the command is uttered and the money is
"Ah," said he, "I have made a mistake; return of their Lord. They will have washed faith, was ironing a wagon for himself, an brought to Zion. If a force of men were
DEC. 4, 1879.] TNR EVIEW AND HE ALB. 179
needed for any purpose, the click of the tel- The good name of a woman is the great wearied before even the normal half hourehas Among the ignorant poor, the desire to
egraph would summon them, as it did a few and most precious gift of her life ; without it expired. make a parade of a funeral is well-nigh uni-
years ago, when a great demonstration was existence
. is but torment and misery. Beauty A sermon is very apt to be too long if a versal. A poor woman died lately of starva-
made in behalf of counselor Wells, impris- or wealth cannot compensate her for the loss minister does not thoroughly understand his tion. A subscription was started for the
oned for contempt of court! of her reputation as a pure woman. Know- subject. In that case, it is impossible for children, and the wealthier neighbors, shocked
Two things, it seems to me, are neeesetery ing this as women do, is it not strange that him to present it clearly. Speaking without ly feeling, gave liberally. But the
into kind
in attempting to suppress this great they should seek to take from one another aim, ever striving to reach some point which whole fund was spent in hacks, candles, high
First : the work of education aheuld be their very life, to take that without which keeps in advance of him, he is almost certain mass, etc. " Who would begrudge a poor
pushed forward as rapidly and widely as pos- they would be scorned and mocked, to steal to continue till he and his hearers are quite sowl that had shtarved to death a decent
sible. Education and Mormonism are dea„dly that priceless gift of womanhood, a pure and tired. A very good discourse is often stretch- buryin 'I"
foes, and cannot live together. Education spotless namel Doctor Le Moyne, who built a crema-
ed out unreasonably because the preacher
can save the Mormon children from treading In quoting the commandment, " Thou does not have his thoughts well arranged, tion-furnace in Pennsylvania, was, it is said,
in the footsteps of their parents, and it is shalt not steal," let us who never feel tempted or because he lacks felicity of expression. prompted to do so by his disgust at the vul-
doing so. The work of the denominational to abstract pocket-handkerchiefs or watches, Dissatisfied with what he has said, or with gar display of fashionable funerals, and his
schools, in Salt Lake City,, and in various pray that we may be guiltless of stealing the way in which he has said it, he will ex- desire to provide a cheap and simple mode of
places throughout the Territory, has been emi- from our neighbors their good name and rep- haust himself, the congregation, and the hour, disposing of the dead.—Youth's Companion.
nently successful, though as yet only a begin- utation. C. WC. with repetitions and explanations, with new
ning has been made. The Mormons lose efforts to resolve the confusion into which, he
numbers from their ranks every year by must fall, under such circumstances, with the SAYINGS OF MARTIN LUTHER, FOR
apostasy, and the number of apostates is, I effect of only making matters worse. Another
think, a growing one. But so long as the VETERAN LAYMAN,' through the Advo- man prides himself upon being an extempo- " THERE is no sermon that can improve like
flood of immigration is allowed to pour in cate, has been amusing me in several articles raneous preacher. He relies upon the impulse a gospel sermon."
unchecked, it will more than counterbalance to theological students and ministers, but re- of the moment. He goes into the pulpit and " He who seeks a comfortable life should
the outflow. Therefore, secondly, korinon ligious humor has its bounds ; so I found expresses his thoughts as they occur to him, not be a teacher of religion."
immigration must be stopped. Mormon mis- when reading his article in the Advocate of without definite object or arrangement. He " Do thou preach, and let God convert
sionaries must not be allowed any longer to Sept. 10. He appears like some other lay- never knows when he is done, because he souls."
seduce these ignorant people from their men I have met, who know all about preach- really has nothing in hand to finish, and is " The gain of souls must animate the
homes across the sea, with lying promises. ing, but cannot do it. I fear the pew may certain to be too long, by the watch and by preacher, or he is not a true preacher."
It is a fact that the immigrants are disap- sometimes meddle too freely with the pulpit. every other criterion. The remedy for the " Three things preserve the church,—faith-
pointed when they reach Mormon ground; Veteran Layman cannot control the time fault of these classes of preachers is in study ; ful teaching, diligent prayer, and patient suf-
many of them would not remain there if it unless he controls the thoughts and the com- study of the subject of the discourse; of the fering."
were possible to get away, but no money is position of a sermon. Least of all is a thoughts to be presented, and their logical " The word of God must be preached in its
furnished for egress from the valley, and so preacher similar to a race-horse, whose genu- order, and of the language in which they are purity."
they fall under the power of the hierarchy. ine qualities are definable by a watch. Pol- to be uttered. " In order that a man may lift up his head.
The complete despotism of the Mormon iticians, lawyers, doctors, are not bound by Another class of preachers are full of their toward Heaven, he must find nothmg on
government is strengthened by the fact that arbitrary limitations of time. The ministe- subject ; they know well what they are to earth whereon to lean it."
their converts are taken from countries rial craft is the most oppressed and persecuted say ; but they are fond of presenting their " Be not double-tongued, and have not two
which are not impregnated with the free of any. A faithful minister, if he takes more thoughts each in several lights ; or they are hearts."
spirit of republicanism, and from the Most than a half hour out of one hundred and gifted with a dazzling richness of illustration " A good preacher must be able to com-
ignorant classes to be found in those coun- sixty-eight, or thirty minutes out of 10,080 and imagery. Much may be said in favor of press a sermon into two or three words, and
tries. Secretary Evarts has already taken minutes of a whole week, is criticised in the these qualities when they are employed in also out of one flower to make a whole
the initiative in this direction, but, as yet, nursery, dining-room, and lyceum, till the chil- moderation. It is the excess of them that is meadow."
it seems to have had little effect. What is dren and the old almost despise him. He objectionable; but even those who have them " Form your judgment not from the opin-
needed is a strong, earnest public sentiment is too tedious.' " in excess are not always tedious. They are ion of the world, but from the Word."
on this subject, which shall make it impos- Brevity is not the most essential quality in too often so, however. The remedy for their " The life of a Christian must be a war-
sible for our laws to be uninforced, and our a sermon ; it is hardly one of the essential fault is restraint. fare, and ministers of the Word must lead
rulers to join hands with the Mormons for qualities. It is an error to lay so much stress The minister who goes into a pulpit with a the army."
the sake of furthering their own schemes. upon it as many hearers and even some min- clear idea of what he is to say, and of the ob- " I earnestly entreat you to contemplate
The God " who can have compassion on the isters do. Certainly a large proportion of ject he is to attain, or the effect he is to pro- simple sayings and narratives recorded in
ignorant" demands this of us; 130,000 peo- the sermons that are preached are too long ; duce by saying it ; who has carefully arranged the Bible."
ple deprived of free schools are a living ap- but the fault most often is less in the length his thoughts so that they shall bear with " Three properties belong to a good prayer :
peal to us; the honor of our country, whose of time occupied than in the matter and most force upon each other, and in such a first, the laying hold upon the promise;
laws are trampled under foot, and whose, po- structure of the discourse. It is not a good way as to develop the central idea most dis- second, an anxious feeling concerning what
litical prosperity is threatened, demands that fit to the time. The shortest sermon may be tinctly ; who clothes them in appropriate lan- is asked for ; third, thankfulness and confes-
we remove this foul spot from the body poli- too long if it has no thoughts; a compar- guage and avoids unnecessary phrases, will sion. The prayer also should be diligent,
tic, that it may no longer be a sore festering atively long one may be too short, if, while it seldom be found too long if he keeps increasing, untiring, ever withstanding sus-
before the eyes of the nations.—C. Frank is well constructed, it does not sufficiently within any reasonable limits. In no case picion, unbelief, and despair."
Gates, in Advance of Oct. 30. develop its central thought. It is by the ought he to be forced or tempted to cut short " He is the best Christian who has most
rule implied in these words, not by the clock, the discussion of a topic before he has fin- love ; after that, he who has most faith."
that sermons should be measured. Rather ished it, as though it could be measured " Knowledge without works is like a tree
" THOU SHALT NOT STEAL." than ask that they all be short, we should like cloth, or to omit anything necessary to without fruit."
AMONG the ten commandments is this one, desire that they be compact and complete. round it off completely, as though it could be " To stand still is to go back."—Selected.
—" Thou shalt not steal." It is a command- A sermon, like every other good work, is made a thing of lattice work. Sometimes a
ment that most of us firmly believe we keep. made for a purpose. Every one has, or theme is presented which cannot be properly
We may covet our neighbor's goods, but we should have, some definite object in view. disposed of in the extreme time allowed for Lti ISTulf.
are much too respectalge to steal them. 'We It may be to enforce or illustrate some truth, a sermon. It may be treated in two or more
"A little balm, and a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuta
Consider stealing a despicable- sin and the to test some article of faith, to instruct, to discourses, each of which should be a whole, and almonds." Gen. 43:Ir.
thief one of the lowest of inankitiel The cheer, to rebuke, to exhort, to awaken. yet in a certain sense connected with the
burglar who creeps into our house at. night Whatever the object, the discourse ought to others.—Advocate.
and makes off with our money, jewels, or be constructed with especial reference to it. —Br the streets of by-and-by one arrives
other valuables, is a low wretch who deserves Whatever bears upon the object, whatever at the house of never.
shooting. The petty thief who steals a loaf will help to make the fundamental truth FUNERALS. —THE Scriptures have lights in them that
of bread is placed in prison and forever after more plain, should be contained in it. What- IT is said that in Philadelphia, more than are not seen by common gazers.
has the contempt of hie more honest or:less ever does not conduce to these ends should be any other city, funerals have degenerated —THE star that sets may rise again, but
hungry fellow-men. The word " contempt " left out. It should be long enough to present into fashion and fine art. Until within a year the star that falls is forever lost.
expresses clearly the feeling we have for those all the thoughts and illustrations necessary or two, every house in which a death occurred
who break the commandment, " Thou shalt to make its object clear, and impress itself was closed for twelve months, and each win- --A WORD unspoken is a sword in the
not steal." We can have no pity for a weak- with force upon the hearer ; if it is not, the dow draped with black. Nothing could be scabbard; a word uttered is a sword in an-
ness so mean, a sin so Contemptible. whole purpose of the discourse will be sacri- more lugubrious than the aspect of the streets. other's hand.—Quarles.
And yet, do not we, who pride ourselves ficed to brevity, and it might as well have This custom has fallen partially into disuse, —Do not take away from any one opin-
on our freedom from this sin, sometimes take never been delivered. When the object has but the fashionable undertaker still maintains ions that render him happy, if you can-
that which is not our own I We do net Steal been presented with the desirable clearness, his absolute sway. The moment that the not give him better ones.
our neighbor's jewels or his money; we do it is then time to stop preaching. All elab- breath is out of the body, he takes possession —STUDY pure and holy walking, if you
not enter his barn at night and carry off his oration, repetition, exhortation, after that, of the house, mourners, corpse and all, and would have your confidence firm, and have
corn; we do not steal his coat, his hat, or is worse than useless. It neutralizes the ef- orders every detail to suit his inexorable boldness and joy in God.
his umbrella; but there is' something more fect of what has been said, and sends the rules. The most agonizing grief must con-
precious to men and women, more to bee,-al- hearers away with vague impressions and duct itself in harmony with his pomp of —THE man who when he is alone and with-
tied, more to be carefnlly guarded and pro- confused recollections of high-sounding words, mutes, flowers, plumes, etc. out witnesses is the same as when ho is in
tected than precions jewels and costly, rai- rather than the strong convictions or distinct A story is told of a young fellow, a sincere public, is nearly always an honest man.
ment,—something that if men or women lose, apprehensions which it ought to give them. mourner for his father, who had become ut- —ENGAGE not hastily, as a party, in a dif-
or have stolen from them, leaves them With- A preacher may profitably shorten his ser- terly disgusted by the mockery of woe about ference between others, but reserve thyself
out a hope or a prospeet in life, cast adrift on mon by pruning it of trivial thoughts, super- him, when the undertaker, while arranging impartial and unengaged, that thou mayest
the waves of public acorn, without a plank fluous words, repetitions, and figures which the coffin, applied his handkerchief to his moderate between them.
to hold to or a hand to help. How" many carry no force of illustration ; but he ruins eyes. His assistants at once followed his ex- —You can no more exercise your reason
have been guilty of stealing from a neighbor it if he leaves out any important thought in ample. The young man tapped him on the if you live in constant dread of ridicule, than
his most precious possession, his good mule ! the chain, or if he fails to bring it to its log- shoulder. you can enjoy your life if you live in constant
We, who would scorn to steal a shilling, ieal conclusion. Hence we are led to pro- " None of that !" he said, sharply, " none fear of death.
who would consider ourselves disgraced by nounce the law to be that the length of the of that." The man of woe instantly put his
—By doing good with his money, a man,
having the word " thief" whispered in our ear, sermon must be determined by its substance. handkerchief in his pocket, and turned on as it were, stamps the image of God upon it,
do not scruple to take from our blether his Dean Swift's celebrated charity sermon : him, smiling blandly. and makes it pass current for the merchandise
good name. By hints, winks, shrugs, and in- " He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the " Just as you please, Mr. C., just as you
of Heaven.
sinuations we steal away the character of a Lord. My hearers, here you have the terms please. Some families perfer it, and some do
friend. Sometimes we do it thoughtleeely, of the loan. If you like the security, down not." —VALUE no man for his opinion, but es-
from mere love of talk. We gossip; gossip with the dust "—was long enough. Other The extent to which fashionable folly has teem him according as his life corresponds
been carried in funerals has lately caused a with the rules of piety and justice; a man's
leads to slander, and slander is contemptible. sermons have been preached, and are preached
Sometimes we do it from pure malice, because still, in numbers, in which two hours are oc- wholesome reaction in that city. In fami- actions, not his conceptions, render him val-
we wish and intend that harm may be' the cupied with profit and delight to minister and lies of the highest culture, the dead are put uable.
result. We steal the good name of one we hearers. Often after such a discourse those out of sight with absolute quiet and simplicity, THE history of the world teaches no lesson
envy and dislike. Can the petty thief of a who are attentive may go away feeling that attended to the grave only by those who with more impressive solemnity than this ;
penny cake be more mean, more low--can he they could have sat still longer under the loved them best. It would be well if Bos- that the only safe guide of a great intellect is
be half as cruel or malicious as he who 'thus preacher's words, and not been tired. In the ton and New York would also follow the a pure heart; that evil no sooner takes pos-
steals away the joy and peace of a human face of these instances, every one may recall dictates of good taste and good feeling in this session of the heart, than folly commences
life t occasions on which he has found himself matter. the conquest of the mind.—(7. C. Em my.
180 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. [Vol.. 54, No. 23.
till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of second advent of Jesus Christ, and the observ- welcome, and every attention and comfort grate-
ZTF Rrutyit tra%. the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a per-
feet man, unto the measure of the stature of the
ance of the Lord's Sabbath. \
" Accepting the simple rule that the Sacred
ful to our worn and weary condition. The la-
bors of the season had been severe ; but those
fullness of Christ." Eph. 4 : 11-13. Scripture means what it says, excepting when a of the last meeting, at which were held the ses- •
"Sanctify them through Thy Truth Thy Word is Truth." eions of the General Conference, the Michigan
Just how this complete state of unity is to be symbol or parable is used, we soon found our-
BATTLE CREEK, MIMI., DEO. 4, 1879. perfected, when it will be reached, and who are selves fully furnished with the clearest and most State Conference, the Publishing Association,.
to be embraced in it, it is not the design of this Battle Creek College, and the Health Reform
direct proofs upon the advent question ; also
J. N. AseIsBWS,
Corresponding Editors. article to set forth. But the writer may be al- shut up to the celebration of Jehovah's rest-day Institute, were almost beyond measure. And it
U. SMITH Resident Editor. lowed to state that one of the happiest hopes on the seventh day of our week. We accept the seems really selfish to give our brethren of the
that has cheered him on in battling for Bible claims of the fourth commandment as it reads, S. D. Baptists only a few days, in which to rest,
truth for more than a quarter of a century, has while the first-day men do not. In few words, and poorly represent our people.
CHRISTIAN UNION. " On the 27th the seventy-second annual ses-
been this, that pure truth that can be read out here is where we differ : The front of our offend-
THERE is no sentiment in all the New Testa- of the Bible will call forth a people who shall ing on the Sabbath question is in believing that sion of the General Conference of the S. D. Bap-
ment more strongly expressed than that of be keeping the commandments of God and the God, in the fourth precept of his holy law, tists opened with Vice-President James Bailey
Christian union. While Christ was with his faith of Jesus Christ, looking for the coming of means what he says. in the chair, President Jonathan Allen, of Al-
disciples, their leader and teacher, he secured to the Son of man. Then will the two ends of the " We do not differ with those who keep Sun- fred (N. V.) University, not arriving until the
them unity and love. And when about to leave Christian age be brought round to meet, when day from a love to be odd. We believe it to afternoon meeting. Our reception as delegate
them without a visible leader, to go up to his our adorable Redeemer shall come the second be a sin to differ with those around us, unless from the Seventh-day Adventists to that body-
Father, we should expect his great yearning time and find his waiting people standing in there are the best of reasons for doing so. But was very cordial, and we were by vote invited
heart of love would go out in petition for them unity and in power, such as was the crown of unless our first-day friends furnish better proofs to take part in the deliberations of their Confer-
in words expressive of true Christian union. glory that adorned the church at his ascension. than those already brought into their service, ence.
" And now I ant no more in the world, but We hold it to be wrong to differ with others to turn us from obeying the fourth command- " Addresses were given during the three days
these are in the world, and I come to thee. where there are no good reasons to differ. Once ment as it reads, we shall cling to the literal we were with this people from Prof. A. R. Corn-
Holy Father, keep through thine own name an earnest sister asked the writer's opinion as to text. Here all Sabbatarians unite, while those wall, of Albion (Wis.) Academy, Eld. 0. U.
those whom thou halt given me, that they may the importance of all the church coming to the who do not accept this position, and resort to Whitford, of Farina, Ill., and Eld. L. A. Platts,
be one, as we are." John 17 :11. " I pray not unity of the faith. Being apprised of the fact schemes to evade the force of the literal decla- of Westerly, R. I. Several hours each day were
that thou shouldst take them out of the world, that this good woman was dealing in small mat- rations of the fourth commandment, from their devoted to the business of the Conference and their
but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil. ters which could be no test of Christian charac- number, may be named legion.' We recom- missionary work, and the discussion of topics of
They are not of the world, even as I am not of ter, we answered, that on all important ques- mend to our friends who differ with us and la- interest. ( By request, we spoke at length upon
the world. Sanctify them through thy truth ; tions, such as keeping the commandments of bor to move us from our position, a Sunday con- the relation of the two bodies of Sabbath-keep-
thy word is truth." Verses 15-17. " Neither God, we thought it very necessary that the vention, in which to settle their differences upon ers to each other, which met with hearty re- ,s
pray I for these alone, but for them also which church should stand in unity ; but in such mat- this subject, as with their present broken front sponses of endorsement by most of the ministers
shall believe on me through their word ; that ters as whether our brethren should plant white they are poorly prepared to impress us favor- present, individually and personally, in social in-
they all may be one ; as thou, Father, art in beans or striped beans in their gardens we did ably. This, too, we would suggest, is very im- terviewa with them. 'Our position relative to
me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in not regard unity important. portant in order to attract the people from our the two bodies will be definitely stated next
us ; that the world may believe that thou hast Paul, standing at a period when outward cir- appeals. week."
sent me." Verses 20, 21. cumcision had ceased, meets the mistaken zeal " At the close of the Sabbath morning ser- Under the caption, The Two Bodies, The Re-
Accepting the testimony of the apostles as ex- of those who would still urge it upon the church, vice, we were cordially greeted by many who re- lation Which the S. D. Baptists and the S. D.
pressing the mind of Christ as breathed forth in with these words, " Circumcision is nothing, ported themselves Seventh-day Baptists, who Adventists Sustain to Each Other, the next week l•
earnest petition for the unity of his church, we and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping gave our hand the very next thing to it, if not we gave the following :—
have in Paul's epistles to the churches at Rome of the commandments of God is something." the real Advent shake. Among these was Prof. " On the broad platform of the divine law, and
and at Corinth a more complete idea of the sub- Whiting's translation of 1 Cor. 7 : 19. " If thou Cornwall, of the Albion, Wis., S. D. Baptist redemption from its transgression through the
ject : "Now the God of patience and consola- wilt enter into life," says the Son of God, Academy, who invited us to speak to the citi- death and mediation of the divine Son, both the
tion grant you to be like-minded one toward an- "keep the commandments." In the divine zens of his place. Nothing could have given us Seventh-day Baptists and the Seventh-day Ad-
other, according to Christ Jesus ; that ye may law, and in the gospel of the divine Son, are greater pleasure than to respond to this and ventists stand in general agreement. Here are
with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the tests of Christian character. And it is with similar courtesies from others, by speaking freely the greht tests of the Christian life, and a fitness
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. an ill grace that those who have been splitting to this people upon the great fundamentals of for Heaven ; and besides these there are no
15 : 5, 6. "Now I beseech you, brethren, by up into petty sects during the nineteenth cen- our common faith,—the commandments of God others.
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all tury over forms of church government, matters and the faith of Jesus Christ ; but hoarseness, " The principal difference between the two
speak the same thing, and that there be no di- of expediency, free and restricted salvation, fatigue, and the labors of the Minnesota camp- bodies is the immortality question. The S. D.
visions among you ; but that ye be perfectly trinity and unity, whether we may sing any meeting the next week, compelled us to pass on Adventists hold the divinity of Christ so nearly
joined together in the same mind and in the good hymn in church or only the Psalms of without even calling upon any of our S. D. with the trinitarian, that we apprehend no trial
same judgment." 1 Cor. 1 :10. David, and other matters which constitute no Baptist friends. here. And as the practical application of the
Paul exhorts to unity in the high " name of test of fitness for Heaven, now pounce upon us, "Here we may, by divine grace, enjoy a subject of the Gifts of the Spirit to our people
our Lord Jesus Christ," which means more than and display any amount of religious horror, sim- strong union ; and while Seventh-day Advent- and to our work is better understood by our S.
kindly feeling toward those who hold opposing ply because we regard strict conformity to the ists may prize very highly, and tenaciously hold D. Baptist brethren, they manifest less concerts
views. It reaches almost infinitely beyond the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus their views upon the immortality question, and for us on this account.
insipid idea of modern times, that the highest the only true test of Christian character. may cherish as important to the glory of God " But the views which both bodies entertain
type of Christian unity is expressed in the J. W. and their own prosperity, their definite views of respecting free investigation and the right to
words, " We will differ in love," and embraces the manifestation of spiritual gifts, they will personal opinion forbid any restriction whatever
a oneness such as exists between the Father and agree that it will be much better to seek for that to be laid upon each other in the proper advo-
the Son, expressed by the apostle as being "per- union that may be enjoyed upon the broad cacy of the sentiments in which both cannot at
ENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS. fundamentals of our faith, than to sacrifice that
fectly joined together in the same mind, and in present agree.: We recommend, however, that I
Ix the REVIEW for Nov. 20, we remarked union in urging upon them sentiments peculiar there be no controversy between the two bodies,
the same judgment."
This is the unity taught by the first apostles of upon the growth of the S. D. Baptists and .to Adventists. The differences between us are of such a nature,
Christ. For this they labored, and to this they S. D. Adventists as denominations, and the re- " Sabbath afternoon the weather was fine, so and we have in common so broad a field of la-
exhort Christians of each successive generation lation the two bodies who revere the ancient that a much-increased congregation assembled in bor with those who differ with us respecting the
since they wrote. But, oh, unhappy church of Sabbath of the Lord should sustain to each the open grove at the stand. Bro. Littlejohn fundamentals, upon which hang the destiny of,
Christ I that she passed under the shades and other. We closed, stating that " in view of gave a very impressive, practical discourse. a world lying in wickedness, that Seventh-day
into the mists of the great apostasy, down into statements recently made in the Sabbath, Re- Here we were happy to meet for the first time Adventists and Seventh-day Baptists cannot af-
the wilderness of papal corruptions of the word, corder, prejudicial to S. D. Adventists," we Eld. D. E. Maxson, pastor of the S. D. Baptist ford a controversy on doctrines which neither
where she gathered to herself traditions and su- should treat the subject more fully in the next church at Milton, and Eld. Carpenter, retired regard as tests of Christian character.
perstitions, which even the power of the great issue. The labors and cares of our General S. D. Baptist missionary to China." "Both bodies have a specific work to do. God
Reformation did not tear completely off. What Conference, however, so fully occupied our time At a later period, Mrs. W. and the writer bless them both in all their efforts for its ac-
a pity that the reformers left off reforming ! as to make it impossible to give the matter spoke to the people at Armory Hall, Westerly, complishment. The field is a wide one. And
The Lutherans stopped with Luther ; the Cal- proper attention last week. R. I., with great freedom. S. D. Baptists we further recommend that Seventh-day Ad-
vinists, with Calvin ; the Methodists, with Wes- While we regret the existence of some un- formed a considerable portion of that very large ventists in their aggressive work avoid laboring
ley ; and so on, bringing to the present century, pleasantness between S. D. Baptists and S. D. assembly. It was there that we formed happy to build up Seventh-day Adventist churches
as represented in nearly all our cities and towns, Adventists, it is with great pleasure that we acquaintances with our lamented brother, Elder where Seventh-day Baptist churches are already
the various denominations, presenting a grand note personal and public association with our Tomlinson, pastor of the S. D. Baptist church established. If ministers or members from the
babel of confusion of creeds, church covenants, S. D. Baptist brethren. It was our pleasure to of that place, Elder Utter, and others. God has Seventh-day Baptists regard it their duty to
articles of faith, and different forms of church speak to several hundreds of that people at the ever given us freedom in speaking to our S. D. come with us, under the impression that they
organization and government, for which there Milton, Wis., camp-meeting held at Clear Lake, Baptist brethren, and them an ear to listen can serve the cause of God better, we shall give
is not a single apology in all the New Testament. June 22-29, 1871. From the report of that with marked attention, especially to the words them a place with us. But we see no reasons
But, thank God, above all this Babylonish chat- meeting given in the REVIEW for July 4, 1871, of Mrs. W. These facts, together with the why there should be any effort put forth on the
ter the Pauline note of more than eighteen cen- we here give the following :— Christian courtesy manifested by the worthy part of our people to weaken the hands of our.
turies ago rings forth in all its entreating ear- " Sabbath morning, the brethren seemed delegates from them to our General Conference, Seventh-day Baptist brethren, in order to add to
nestness, " Now I beseech you, brethren, by cheerful and happy, notwithstanding the recent and the many acts of regard and love shown for our numbers from those who were before us in
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all rain, and the unsettled state of the weather. our people, had inspired in us feelings of the revering the ancient Sabbath of the Lord.
speak the same thing, and that there be no di- The open grounds were too damp for the morn- highest regard for the leading men in the de- "If it please our Seventh-day Baptist broth-7
visions among you ; but that ye be perfectly ing service, and the large tent was furnished nomination. ren, let the interchange of courtesies in the ap-
joined together in the same mind and in the with seats to accommodate as many as possible. With these views and feelings we were pres- pointment of delegates be continued, and be con-
same judgment." 1 Cor. 1 :10. At half-past ten it was estimated that about ent at the General Conference of the S. D. Bap- ducted in a manner to secure mutual benefit,
Nothing short of the mind of Christ, as seen nine hundred persons were assembled in and tists, held at Walworth, Wis., in Sept., 1876, as The visits of the worthy delegates from the Sev-
in his prayer for his church and as expressed about the tent. This congregation was made delegate from the S. D. Adventists. Of that eth-day Baptists, Pres. Allen, Elders Wardner,
in the earnest pleadings of Paul, is the full up of Seventh-day Adventists, we judge, four good meeting(,we gave a report in the REVIEW Burdick, Rogers, Hull, and Prof. Whitford„
measure of Christian unity. Christ prays for hundred ; Seventh-day Baptists, probably the for Oct. 5, 1876, from which we clip the follow- have done our people good. And if the dela-
this. The New Testament pleads for this in same number ; and one hundred who do not ob- ing :— gates from our people to that body, Elders An-
plainest terms, and the callings and gifts placed serve the Lord's Sabbath. The weather was " In company with Prof. W. C. Whitford, of drews, Smith, Canright, and others, have failed
in the Christian church were designed to secure cool and comfortable, and we took great pleasure Milton (Wis.) College, we left the Lansing to do that people good, it has been from want
this state of complete unity. "And he gave in speaking to this candid and intelligent audi- (Mich.) camp-ground, Monday P. as., the 25th of ability and a knowledge how to work out
some apostles, and some prophgits, and some ence. We crowded the hour as full as possible ult., to attend the Seventh-day Baptist General that good which it was in their hearts to do." e
evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for with reasons of the two prominent features of Conference at Walworth, Wis.; \ and reached " What God in his wise providence has marked
the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the our, faith and hope, expressed in our name, the place of meeting the 26th. Here we found out for these two bodies in their future labors,
ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, Seventh-day Adventists ; namely, the personal open doors, and kind friends to give us a hearty' and destiny, the future alone can unfold. But
DEC. 4, 1879.] THE EVIEW AND HERALD. 181
whatever that may be, it seems a certainty to us the Sabbath Recorder for Aug. 2, 1877, we find wife joined us at the Sabbath-school. The serv- Conferences here present, be a committee to ap-
to-day, while looking with faith and hope to- the following preamble and resolution offered ices and kindly greetings of that Sabbath will portion the amount yet to be raised, and to
long be remembered by the visitors. recommend the amount each 'Conference should
ward that untried future, and cherishing a filial by Elder James Bailey be expected to furnish.
love for those whose history of loyalty to High Whereas, Eld. James White, of the Seventh-
`0 Whereas, We also spent a day at the S. D. Baptist Gen-
This was discussed by W. C. White, M. B.
Heaven stretches across long centuries, that no day Adventist church, gave assurances to the eral Conference at Brookfield, N. Y., the follow-
ing week. There we were cordially greeted by Miller, Jas. White, B. L. Whitney, and G. I.
good can result to either from controversy and Seventh-day Baptist General Conference at its Butler, and adopted.
proselyting, and no harm can come to either last session that their laborers be advised not to Elders Hull, Williams, Lewis, Burdick, Rogers,
from those courtesies and labors of love calcu- go into our societies ; and Wardner, and many other of the S. D. Baptist ELEVENTH MEETING.—Nov. 24, 2 P. M.
lated to build each other up on our common " Whereas, Since that tithe increasing labors ministers for whom we cherished feelings of high Prayer by Eld. S. N. Haskell. The Committee
faith. have been performed by them in our churches regard and brotherly love. If that body did on Resolutions continued their report by pre-
" We do not say that we have in time past in Minnesota, to the damage of our cause; not see fit to appoint a delegate to our General senting the following, which were briefly dis-
seen the proper relation between the two bodies therefore Conference, that is their matter, not ours. We cussed and adopted :—
as clearly and joyfully as we do now ; neither "Resolved, That the pledged faith of the head have no complaints to make. S. D. Adventists CHANGING APPOINTMENTS.
do we wish to be held responsible for what some of the Seventh-day Adventist church, for fra- will go on with their work. They will seek to Whereas, The changing of appointments of
of our people have done, or may do, not in har- ternal union, has been violated, much to our relate themselves properly to the S. D. Baptists, our general State meetings after the appoint-
and leave the rest for the Lord to work out to ment has appeared in print, has worked against
mony with the foregoing. But that our settled `grief, and prejudicial to our union with them." the interest of these meetings, therefore
convictions on the subject for more than five The spirit of these resolutions, the motives of his own glory and the good of his cause. The Resolved, That it is the sense of this Confer-
years may be understood, we refer to the report the framer of them, and their influence, are too more disagreeable features of this matter, which ence that when an appointment for such a meet-
of the Clear Lake camp-meeting in the REVIEW apparent to need comment. We felt their in- have appeared in the recent issues of the Sab- ing has been published, it should in no case be
for July 4, 1871." tended force, and with a sense of our integrity, bath Recorder, will be noticed next week. changed without the consent of the State Con-
I. W. ference Committee of the State where such
Be it known to the readers of the REVIEW that we had acted a sincere and honorable part, meeting is to be held.
that we pledged our influence before the S. D. and our duty to maintain that honor, we wrote an THE HEALTH AND TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION.
Baptist General Conference at Walworth, Wis., article for the REVIEW for Aug. 16, 1878, from GENERAL CONFERENCE. i f
Sept., 1876, against that which we then regarded, which we take the following :— Resolved, That in the opinion of this body
(Continued.) it is the duty of all the members of this denom-
and now see to be, a wrong. Impressed with "Under these circumstances we greatly de- ination to become members of the American
THE sixth, seventh, eight, and a portion of
a sense of the Orongs committed at an early plore the rashness of Eld. Bailey and his breth- the ninth meetings were spent in considering a Health and Temperance Association, and to use
date in our history by some who professed to be ren of the North-western Association. Accord- their influence in inducing others to unite in
report of the committee on unhappy marriages this reformatory effort.
S. D. Adventist preachers, in weakening feeble ing to the statement of Elder Curtis, real grounds
and tobacco-selling. Quite extended remarks Resolved, That the officers of the several
S. D. Baptist churches, which gave rise to strong of complaint from our S. D. Baptist brethren were made by different ones on the various State societies of the A. H. and T. Association
feelings expressed in words by some of our S. D. have not existed. But admitting that our phases and features of these questions, but no be requested to take energetic measures for the
Baptist brethren, we brought the following pre- brethren in Minnesota have not acted fully up formation of H. and T. clubs in every church
resolution was passed concerning them. where such an organization is expedient, and
amble and resolutions before our late General to our view of the matter expressed at the S. D. The Committee on Resolutions were instruct- urge the hearty co-operation of all members of
Conference, which were adopted as the sense of B. General Conference, Elder Bailey and his ed to convey to Sr. White the sympathy of the the denomination.
the Conference by unanimous vote,,:— < ' brethren should have appealed to us in the mat- Conference in her work, and also to consider by Resolved, That the Conference Committee of
" Whereas, The S. D. Baptists have for many~ ter before publishing our name and our people each Conference be requested to encourage
what means both Bro. and Sr. White can be proper persons to fit themselves to engage in
years observed, taught, and defended the Sab- to the world in so prejudicial a manner. If provided with better facilities for accomplishing the Health and Temperance work ; and we es-
bath of the fourth commandment, and are known Elder Bailey did not hold us responsible for the the work they have on hand. pecially urge all ministers to prepare themselves
to us through their delegates to our General action of our people in their relations to the S. THE CAUSE IN CALIFORNIA. to present the subject of Health and Temper-
Conference as a body of Christian Sabbath-keep- D. Baptists in Minnesota, why publish us to the ance in an efficient and practical manner, and
Moved, That Eld. G. I. Butler, W. C. White, make it a part of their work in their various
ers possessing a good degree of culture, liberal- world ? If he did hold us responsible, why did H. W. Kellogg, B. L. Whitney, and J. H. fields of labor.
ity of sentiment, and Christian forbearance, he not communicate with us in the matter be- Kellogg be a committee before whom Eld. S. N.
therefore fore acting with the North-western Association THE EDUCATIONAL AID FUND.
Haskell may lay a full report of the condition
"Resolved, That we deem them worthy of our in rashly passing sentence in the case, and giv- Resolved, That we approve of the plan now
of the cause and his work on the Pacific coast. being adopted by most of our State Conferences
respect and love, and that it is for the interest ing our name, and that of our people, to the A communication from Eld. J. H. Waggoner of raising an educational aid fund to assist
of the Sabbath cause that the two bodies of world in a manner calculated to excite bitter relative to his work in California was referred worthy persons to attend our school at Battle
Christian commandment-keepers labor to sus- prejudice ? to the same committee. Creek. And we recommend those Conferences
tain friendly relations to each other, and " For more than twenty years we have urged which have not yet adopted this plan, to do so
The Treasurer's report was presented, showing at once.
" Whereas, Certain preachers, who professed our people to treat the S. D. Baptists with great the amount received and expended, and the
to be S. D. Adventists, at an early date in our respect. We stood with Elder Andrews in the BATTLE CREEK COLLEGE.
present condition of the treasury, as follows :— Resolved, That we again recommend our peo-
brief history, did seek their field of labor in the first Address from our General Conference to GENERAL CONFERENCE TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE
localities where there were S. D. Baptist chinch- theirs, in 1868, which brought about relations ple everywhere to patronize the Battle Creek
YEAR ENDING NOV. 14, 1879. College, and encourage others to patronize it.
es, and did weaken some of their feeble churches, enjoyed since that time by both bodies. We Amount of indebtedness Oct. 1, 1878, $1033 44
and blot out others, resulting in harm and only deeply regretted the havoc made in some of the paid out during year, 7556.58 The subjects of the English mission, the work
harm, to the great grief of the S. D. Baptists, S. D. Baptist churches in Pennsylvania, more in Sweden, Switzerland and other parts of Eu-
than twenty years since, by men who do .not Total, $ 8590.02 rope were considered at some length, but no
therefore Amount received during the year, $8848.62
" Resolved, That our S. D. Baptist brethren now stand with us. For while that wtr'l weak- resolution was adopted concerning them.
Cash in treasury to balance, 258.60 TWELFTH MEETING. — Nov. 24, 7 P. M. Prayer
had just cause for complaint, and that it >.-the ened the S. D. Baptists, it brought but very lit-
sense of this Conference that our praachers are tle strength to our cause. $8848.62 by Eld. James White. Minutes of previous
violating the Golden Rule—Do unto others as '° In some localities there now exist both MRS. M. J. CHAPMAN, Treas. meeting approved.
you would have them do to you—in seeking S. D. Adventist and S. D. Baptist churches. Eld. G. I. Butler presented the following res-,
The report was accepted.
their fields of labor where S. D. Baptist, churches We cannot advise our brethren to give up the olutions
ground. We exhort them to respect the S. D. Moved, That G. I. Butler, S. N. Haskell, and ORDINATION.
are located. B. L. Whitney be a committee to consider the
"Resolved, That while we deplore the spirit of Baptist brethren, and seek to be in peace with matter of a more extensive circulation of the Whereas, Certain difficulties in the past in
prejudice and unkindness manifested `by certain them. We cannot shut our doors against the connection with this cause have grown out of
writings of Mrs. E. G. White.—Carried. the subject of ordination, arising from the ques-
S. D. Baptist ministers toward.S, D. Adventists, S. D. Baptists. And if, under convictions of tion, Who is authorized to baptize and admin-
TENTH MEETING. —Nov. 24, 9 : 30 A. M.
we deeply regret the injury done'to individuals duty, they wish to change church relations, we Prayer by W. E. Dawson. Eld. J. 0. Corliss ister the other ordinances of the church ? and
and to feeble churches, about twenty years cannot refuse to receive them. was received as an additional delegate from Whereas, In the rapid growth of this cause,
since, by those men whom we could not control, "But we do recommend that our preachers these difficulties will probably increase, as it ex-
choose other localities for labor to raise up Michigan. tends to other people and draws from other de-
and who have since done S. D. Adventists ten-
churches besides those where the S. D. Baptists The committee on the circulation of the writ- nominations ministers and official members, and
fold the injury they did the S. D. Baptists, re- ings of Sr. White reported that they had not Whereas, It is very desirable that some uni-
sulting in weakening and grieving both denom- have churches, and we have none. In most yet completed their consideration of the matter; form plan of action should be adopted by our
inations. And while we pledge our influence cases, the same amount of labor that would con- but the chairman of the committee, Eld. G. I.
different Conferences and ministers in all parts
against such wrongs in the future, we ask not vert ten S. D. Baptists, and make them S. D. Butler, took occasion to set forth some of the
of the field ; and as our work has reached that
stage where some action on this subject is em-
to be held responsible for that which we have no Adventists, would convert as many from the reasons why her works should be more widely inently desirable, therefore
power to control." Roman Sunday and from the infidel world to all Resolved, That to meet this want we express
circulated. Bro. and Sr. White followed with
We have never claimed that we had the right the doctrines of the S. D. Adventists. interesting and instructive remarks upon the
the opinion as the sense of this Conference, that
or the power to control the labors of S. D. Ad- "And with all respect to our S. D. Baptist none but those who are Scripturally ordained
same subject. are properly qualified to administer baptism and
ventist preachers. Neither does our General brethren, we pen the honest convictions of our The Committee on Resolutions presented the other ordinances.
Conference claim such authority and influence. own mind, that the best timber to build up our
following :— This was discussed by Elds. G. I. Butler,
The General Conference Committee consti- cause is that hewn from the forest, upon which
tute a boara to advise, and to plan ways and there has been no theological lining and hewing. HELP FOR BRO. AND SR. WHITE. Jas. White, and D. M. Canright, and adopted.
Whereas, This Conference has invited Bro. The following was also discussed by the breth-
means. It gives men papers, or credentials. It S. D. Adventists could hardly be tempered down
and Sr. White to attend the different State ren last named, and by A. 0. Burrill, A. A.
employs men for this and that field, and aS long to the moderation of S. D. Baptists, and it meetings held by our people, and John, and E. B. Lane, and adopted :—
as these men accept good counsel, it pays them would be equally difficult for the S. D. Baptists Whereas, It is desirable that much of their
for their work. The several State Conference to come under the inspiration of the advent public teaching should be reported for the Whereas, We regard ordination as a solemn
Committees do the same. And if men whom faith, and keep pace with the vigilant movements press; and and impressive ceremony, sanctioned by the
Whereas, They have important writings which Holy Scriptures and indicating the setting
they employ to preach become disaffected, and of our people. Both bodies have been called apart, or separation, of the person receiving it
should be in print as soon as possible, therefore
continue to preach in their disaffected state, into existence in the direct providence of God, Resolved, That this Conference authorize them from the body of believers with whom he has
without credentials and without pay, that is a and both have places to fill. The wide harvest to employ reporters, copyists, and such other been associated, to perform the office to which
matter beyond our control, and for the injury field is before them, and each should labor to help as they deem necessary to aid them in this he is ordained, and as suggestive of the conferring
work, at the expense of the General Conference. of those spiritual blessings which God must-im-
they may do, S. D. Adventists should not be bring numerical strength to themselves without part to properly qualify him for that position ;
held responsible. /weakening the other." This was adopted without discussion, when and
And we here affirm that whatever we have It was our privilege to spend a few very pleas- the Committee reported further, as follows :— Whereas, In our age of the world there are
pledged our S. D. Baptist brethren that we would ant hours at Alfred Center, N. Y., the seat of THE TABERNACLE DEBT. many different sets of professing Christians
do, we have done. We pledged our influence. the S. D. Baptist University, in September last, which teach more or less of false doctrine, and
Whereas, There are unpaid pledges on the whose practices are in many respects incon- -
This we have brought to bear at our General in company with Mrs. W. and our children, W. Tabernacle to the amount of $7,000, and an un- sistent with the principles of our faith; and
Conferences, at State Conferences, and with in- C. and his wife, M. K. White. We were kindly provided indebtedness of $3,000, making an en-
tire debt on the Tabernacle of $10,000, and Whereas, Ordination signifies the setting apart,
dividuals, against those wrongs which have received by Pres. Allen, Dr. Williams, Prof. or appointment, of a person to some official posi-
grieved our S. D. Baptist brethren. And while Lewis, Elder N. V. Hull, and others. Whereas, The Publishing Association is in
need of this amount, which it has furnished for tion ; therefore,
standing in this position, not at all enviable, the vitation, Elder Hull visited the New York Con- the completion of the building, therefore Resolved, That we consider it inconsistent for
spirit of kindness and appreciation_of the diffi- ference camp at Hornellsville, and pr'eached to Resolved, That we recommend the immediate our Conferences to grant credentials to individ-
culties of the position would have spared our the edification and profit of our congregation. payment of all the pledges now due, and the uals to occupy official positions among our peo-
pate from some of the blows that have fallen And by invitation we spoke to Elder Hull's raising of such additional funds as may be ple, who have never been ordained or set apart
needed to liquidate the entire debt. by our people.
upon us. In the minutes of the North-western large and intelligent congregation at Alfred, Resolved, That the General Conference Com-
Association of S. D. Baptists which appeared in Sabbath morning. In the afternoon W. C. and mittee, together with the Presidents of the State (Continued on page 184.)
18 2 THE REVIEW AND ALD, [Vol. 54, No. 23.

SOWING TIME, Sandgren writes from Sundsval that they have reorganized the Sabbath-school, and they will both of the Methodist Episcopal Church, are
"In due season we shall reap if we faint not." formed a small church there with six members, now hold regular Sabbath-school and meetings. discussing the same question in the columns of
I SEEK not the harvest here and asks for Bro. 0. to come and help them. May the Lord help them to realize the times in Zion's Herald, the Professor holding that God
From the seeds of truth I sow ; CHRISTIANA. —The tract society held their which we are living and the importance of a possesses all prescience, and Dr. Steele taking
I willingly wait to bind the sheaves ciparterly meeting Oct. 16. This society was closer walk with God. the opposite view. Of course, if Dr. Steele is
In the world to which we go. formed July 24, this year. It now numbers 57 I then came to Seward. The brethren and right, man can surprise God, take him unawares
members. They have bought tracts during the sisters here seem to manifest a desire to walk in —for aught we can say to the contrary, daze
The breath of the Lord shall waft quarter for Kroner 224.87, and obtained by do- the light of present truth. A health and tem- and bewilder the Almighty. And then, if God
Each one wherever he will ; nations and sale of tracts Kr. 206.05 (about perance club was organized, twelve members is not omniscient, he is not omnipotent ; for
And there it shall spring, and bear its fruit, $55.00). Besides this, they have tracts worth signing the teetotal pledge, and four the anti- omnipotence must be able to anticipate future
His purpose to fulfill. about Kr. 50.00. They donated Swedish tracts rum and tobacco pledge. Mr. J. B. Finch, the exigencies, as well as overcome present obstacles.
'Tis a joy to bear the seed, to Bro. Olsen to the value of Kr. 20.00, and great temperance lecturer of the West, signed And if God is not omniscient and omnipotent,
To go with the store of grain, Norwegian tracts to Bro. Jaspersen to about the the teetotal pledge, and became a full member neither can he be all-wise. At this rate, it will
To scatter it here and scatter it there, same amount. They ordered 50 copies of Tider- of this club. H. SHULTZ. not be long before we shall make the Almighty
And sow and sow again'; nes Tegn. altogether such an one as ourselves. "He that
The building society read their report at this sitteth'in the heavens shall laugh : " it seems as
In the morning's dewy hour, meeting. Expenses on our property in Akers- Dry Creek, Nov. 23.—The meetings at if the set time for giving force to that declara-
'Mid noontide's sultry heat, veien No. 2 for repairs and running expenses Dry Creek were continued three weeks with tion had already come. It strikes us there is
At evening time, when the shadows fall, amounted to Kr. 1,977.00 ; interest and semi- only a small interest, and closed yesterday. A better work to be done than that of proving the
To drop the gospel wheat, amnual payment were Kr. 1,837.50 ; in all Sabbath-school of thirteen members was organ- Lord an Almighty who isn't almighty at all, but
I know not which shall thrive, Kr. 3,814.50 ($1,017.20). Receipts were : house ized ; five copies of the Instructor are taken, a Deity of finiteness and limitations.
But the promise of God I take ; rent Kr. 1,555.18 ; shares and donations, Kr. 1,- and three Song Anchors were sold.
His eye will follow the smallest grain 04.00 ; together, Kr. 3,209.00. The balance, The old lady eighty-six years of age, men-
I sow for his dear sake. Kr. 605.50, was put into the hands of the treas- tioned in last report, was baptized. INCREASE OF CRIME.
" Blessed are ye that sow 1 " urer by members of the society eight days before GEO. B. STARR. IN the Christian, at Work of Nov. 20, 1879,
Yea, Lord, the work is sweet; the payments were due. A sister who has earned we find the following items relative to the in-
The hardest toil is the dearest joy, what she owns by her own hands, and lives very
economically, occupying only a room 14x8 feet, KANSAS. crease of crime. And while we find in the sick-
The soul's most dainty meat. ening details of crime and woe as given through
under the roof in the third story, came to me Star Valley, Cherokee Co., Nov. 25.—I
Thank God for the sowing time! before the meeting with Kr. 800.00, 400 for the press a confirmation of the prophecy that in
But who can the bliss foresee, shares, and 400 to be loaned without interest. came back to this place soon after camp-meet-
When the work is done, and the workers Our friends in America have no idea of the ing, and have continued meetings up to this "the last days" wickedness (Greek, lawlessness)
throng difficulties which we meet in this country in ob- time. The interest is deeper now than at any should' abound, we also see in them an assur-
To the harvest jubilee! taining places for meetings. Our opponents are time before. Several have commenced keeping ance that the "everlasting kingdom," the king-
E Brown, in London Christian. determined to crowd us out, and have a good the Sabbath, among whom is the class leader of dom of righteousness and peace, is soon to be set
chance to do so, because property and rent are the United Brethren church and his family. up.
very high. It has cost us a great deal to get Next Sabbath we have Sabbath service. Last
our building in good order. We have now a week we preached ten times, besides visiting. "During the last year, in Ireland 6,959 cases of
YrriBm very respectable hall for meetings, which can May the Lord give strength and wisdom to pre- serious crimes, such as assaults, robberies, etc.,
were disposed of ; of lesser offenses there were
seat about 500 persons, and it is none too large sent the third angel's message in its purity.
for our Sunday meetings. Our expenses the We shall visit the church at Ward as soon as 266,268, and of cases of punishable drunken-
"IIe that Soeth Y rth and weoreth, bearing precious need,
some again with rejoicing, bringing hit sheaves with him.•• 14.i11'1.44=.1"' coming term will not be so high. Still it will we can leave Star Valley. L. D. SANTEE. ness,' there were 107,723. Scotland shows a
be quite a task to meet them. We have, how- slight increase in serious crimes over Ireland.
ever, used no means from our brethren in The latter country, with a population of 5,400,-
J NORTHERN EUROPE. CALIFORNIA. 000 returns 79,000 paupers, while Scotland,
America for this purpose. The means sent
SKIEN. —Brn. Jasperson and Roseqvist have by our brethren in the distant West are used with 3,500,000 population, returns 100,200 pau-
exclusively for the printing work and for mis- Cloverdale.—At Cloverdale, where Brn. pers. These figures show how much remains to
made a good beginning in Skien. Skien is a be done for these countries, while the criminal
sionary work, and we try to use the strictest Grainger and Hurley have been laboring, six
city of some over 5,000 inhabitants. It is half economy in every direction. have signed the covenant. statistics of England and Wales show a much
a day's journey from Christiana by steamer. At this meeting Bro. L. G. Olsen was unani- larger preponderance of crime than in either
When the railroad is finished, the distance will mously chosen by the church to act as evangel- San Jose.—There are a few here trying to Scotland or Ireland. With the poor growing
be much shorter. Skien is a central trading- ist in Sweden, Bro. G. Johansen was chosen for live out " present truth." There are eight poorer in Scotland and Ireland, and thousands
place, and it is known in Norway as a principal exhorter, and Brn. 0. Johansen and L. Hansen names on the tithing pledge, and the same num- of operatives in England and Wales thrown out
place for all kinds of dissenters. Several other for deacons. The Sabbath following, these four of employment, the outlook for immigration to
towns are situated near by along the bay, so ber on the teetotal 'pledge. The Sabbath-school this country is justly believed to be promising
brethren were ordained by prayer and the lay- has two classes, children and adults. A club of
that it is an excellent station for missionary op- ing on of hands for their respective offices. to an unusual degree."
erations, if the truth can be planted there. six Instructors is taken. The Congregational " Statistics of crime in Italy show a fearful
The Lord came very near to us at this meeting. church is rented for regular Sabbath meetings.
Bro. J. found every door closed when he Nov. 6, 1879. J. G. MATTESON. state of affairs. The report of the minister
came, and a renowned preacher from Christiana The tithing boxes have been taken by nearly shows that during the past year more than 2,000
in full operation to hinder the work if possible. all. There is some outside interest. murders were committed, an average per mill-
Bro. J. succeeded, however, in doing the only I now go to Gilroy, Cal., to hold a series of ion of the population unequaled by any other
thing that could be done,—renting a dwelling- country on the face of the globe. During the
house for half a year. He has seated three Kendall Co., Nov. 24.—Since we took same time the number of ordinary robberies,
large' rooms,and occupies the fourth also for down the tent, I have visited 102 families Los Angeles Co.—The cause of present burglaries, etc., is stated at 40,000, while there
meetings. e has provided seats for 300 per- (mostly in Kendall county), and have given truth in this county is still progressing. Sev-
are 50,000 robberies accompanied with violence.
In her long catalogue of crime Italy stands with-
The Lord has helped, and blessed his endeav- away 3,102 pages of tracts and 12 Annuals, have eral took a stand on the truth while the tent out a peer."
ors. All the rooms were crowded the first loaned 900 pages of reading matter and sold was in Westminster. A large amount of unrea-
night, and many stood in the street and list- $8.15 worth, and have obtained one subscriber sonable prejudice exists against the truth in this
ened. Tuesday and Thursday evenings it was for Tidernes Tign and one for the Instructor. I part of the country ; but the message here, as THE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR
not so crowded, but Sunday evening the house have also 'held four meetings at Norway, ten in most places, gathers the most conscientious THOUSAND.
was filled again, and there were still more with E. M. Grove, and two north of Sheffield. and substantial people of the community. The A COMPANY is brought to view in Rev. 7 and
hearers in the street. The people would stand The Lord blessed me in speaking his word at Lord has blessed our labors, and we now have
these places. I am now at home in Chicago. quite a company that meet to worship on the 14, who are said to be sealed with the seal of
up and liken for more than an hour without
showing the least sign of weariness, Bro. J. Pray for me. L. JOHNSON, true Sabbath. God, It is a question of some interest to de-
says it did his heart good. 4111.11.- I have put away the tent, and will now labor termine where, in point of time, we may look
Tracts are taken freely, and are also scattered in school-houses as the way opens. Last Sab- for such an event as this sealing to transpire. To
in the surrounding country. These strangers NEW YORK. bath was a good day for us. While four will-
ing souls followed their Lord in baptism, the deny the possibility of locating the time when
and their doctrine have become a general theme Van Ettenville, Chemang Co., Nov. 26.—
of conversation on the street and in the stores. Spirit of God was in our midst. the prophecy should become due, would be
The rumors of the work in Christiana have Since our last report we have continued the J. L. Woon. equivalent to impeaching the wisdom of God in
awakened the curiosity of the people all over meetings in this section, and shall soon com- Anaheim, Nov. 10. making it a subject of revelation.
the country ; and although our brethren find mence the third course of lectures. One oppo- -z The most remote period, I think, that has
many opposers in Skien, yet they have also al-, sition discourse has been preached, which we been claimed as the time when this transaction
NEBRASKA H. AND T. ASSOCIATION. should have taken place, was that of Christ's
ready some friends and defenders. Last Sab- reviewed, the truth gaining the victory. The
bath three persons kept the Sabbath with them. AT the second annual session of the Nebraska resurrection, when " many bodies of the saints
few that have embraced the Sabbath here seem which slept arose," and constituted the sealed
DENMARK.—Sister Renlef writes from the vi- to be doing well. They hold regular Sabbath- Conference held at Seward, Neb., Oct. 2-7, the
cinity of Ribe (the place where Bro. Brorsen meetings, and we preach to them. A Sabbath- company. The arguments adduced in support
health and temperance work was made a prom- of this proposition are (1.) The 144,000 were to
was born, and where he has labored some this school has been organized, and lesson sheets have
fall) that another person has commenced to obey inent feature. Eld. Boyd and his co-laborers be of the tribes of Israel, and hence not Chris-
been sent for. The subjects of temperance, tians but Jews ; and (2.) They were to be the
the truth, and that many have become convinced spiritual gifts, and systematic benevolence have had been agitating the subject for sometime,
of our faith. Bro. Brorsen writes that he been presented, and generally accepted. and a goodly number of our people had signed " firAfruits," answering to the wave sheaf in
preached in the last part of September among the teetotal pledge and were prepared to enter the former dispensation, which was offered at
T. M. LANE. the beginning of harvest.
the friends in Nortvig and Ring to interested heartily into the work.
hearers. Three more have commenced to obey On Sunday afternoon Eld. Butler spoke on Of the first argument we would say, that the
the Lord, and others are on the way. IOWA. the subject of Christian temperance, and in a limitation of this company to the tribes of Is-
In October he held meetings in the vicinity plain and pointed manner set forth its claims rael does not necessarily exclude Christians
of Aarhus. Here he found a brother who had Conway and Grant.—We held meetings in upon us as a people, after which pledges were from a participation in its membership, for they
been brought to the Lord in a remarkable way. and near Conway, Taylor Co., Oct. 25-30. circulated and 118 signed the pledge and paid also are declared to be the seed of Abraham.
He was sick last winter, and sent to his neighbor Two Sabbath-keepers living near Bedford signed the initiation fee, quite a number of others be- "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's
for some novels to read. In the place of this coming pledge members. seed, and heirs according to the promise."
the covenant here, making eleven. Some who Monday afternoon an organization was ef- Gal. 3 : 29. "Now we [Christians], brethren,
he sent him Advent Tidende, which a friend attended our meetings desire to hear more about
from Wisconsin had been sending to him for fected, and permanent officers were chosen. as Isaac was, are the children of promise."
our faith. One man, though not a Sabbath- Chap. 4 : 28. " They which are the children of
some time. The paper led the sick man to keeper, gave us five dollars. Eld. Geo. B. Starr was elected President, and
seek the Lord and to embrace his truth. He C. P. Bollman Secretary. Fourteen-were re- the flesh, these are not the children of God ;
Nov. 2-5 we held meetings in Grant town- ported from the Beaver City camp-meeting, but the children of the promise are counted for
subscribed for Tidernes Tegn, and is much inter- ship, Ringgold Co., where our tent was pitched
ested to spread the truth. He re Bro. B. had a making the total number of full members at the the seed." Rom. 9 : 8. There is nothing,
last this season. As the result of these meet- therefore, in that argument, to invalidate the
long discussion with a priest and three teachers ings, eight signed the covenant. These, with time of organization 132.
about regeneration, baptism, and the Sabbath. Since the organization of the State Associa- claim that even the last generation of Christians
four who had previously signed it, will keep up tion, several local clubs have, we believe, been or- may constitute the 144,000.
The priest acknowledged the truth on several prayer-meetings. We hope they will let their To the second argument we reply, that Christ
points. A number of the hearers were con- "light so shine " that others, who are almost ganized, but no official reports have been re-
vinced that we had the truth on our side. ceived. Secretaries of local clubs are requested is plainly declared to be "the firstfruits of
persuaded, will embrace the truths of the Bible, them that slept" (1 Cor. 15 : 20) ; but this ex.,
The brethren in northern Jiilland are firm C. A. WASHBURN. to report promptly.
in the truth, and the work is prospering among My P. 0. address is Albion, Boone Co., Ne- pression is nowhere applied to those who came
A. W. H. MILLARD braska. C. P. BOLLMAN, Sec. out of their graves soon after his resurrection;
them. They are commencing to labor in the The only direct reference to this company found
tract work, and are helping to increase our list
of subscribers. The brethren are paying sys- NEBRASKA. in the Bible is in Matt. 27 : 52, 53 ; but in Rev.
tematic benevolence. Bro. B. has labored with WHAT NEXT 5 :8, 9, four living creatures and four and
great self-denial and diligence. The mission in Stromsburg, Waco and Seward, Nov. 24. THE following from the Christian at Work twenty elders are mentioned as ministering con-
Denmark can now sustain him in his labors. —The quarterly meeting with the Stromsburg jointly with Christ as priests, and who ascribe
needs no comment :— their redemption out of every nation, and
SwnrnN.—Bro. L. G. Olsen has left Chris- church was good. The Saviour came very What a strange Being some people make of tongue, and people (some besides Jews among
tiana, and is trying to labor in his native coun- near to us by the Holy Spirit. Two were bap- God ! Some little time ago we noticed the ap- them, certainly,) to the Lanib. This company
try. He held meetings one week at Amot. tized. A health and temperance club was or- pearance of a book taking the ground that God was doubtless composed of the resurrected
Many were willing to hear. He found two grieed, all but one of the thirty-four members did not and could not know everything that saints who ascended with Jesus to Heaven (see
friends keeping the Sabbath, and he says that signing the teetotal pledge. The Constitution should come to pass, because, if he did, it would marginal reading in Eph. 4 : 8), and probably
they are God-fearing people. Many were con- and By-laws recommended by the American H. do away with human causation and free-will— consisted of a few holy men out of each genera-
vinced of the truth by reading. Bro. 0. is now and T. Association were read and adopted. about as absurd a conclusion as was ever de- tion from the beginning of the world ; but that
in Herresta, where a dear family, has been long Found the Waco church on the background, duced from an untenable premise. Rev. George they were not the sealed ones mentioned in
waiting for help to spread the truth. Bro. having neither meetings nor Sabbath-school. I M. Steele, D. D., and Prof. Wm. North Rice, Revelation '7 and 14, appears from the fact that
the 144,000 sing their song of deliverance before or establishes unalterably, the contents of the in saving to go to perdition. May the Lord for shipment to the United States. Still later,
them. See Rev. 14 : 3. document to which it is affixed. Let the first save us from the snare of Satan, that we may £450,000 was drawn in a single day, little less than
It has been claimed by some that the first represent the seal of God, and the last the at last be permitted to enter through the gates half of which was for shipment to this country.
converts to Christianity from among the Jew's 't markof the beast." into the city, have right to the tree of life, and —Ns latest location of the Garden of Eden is
constituted the 144,000. But, as we have seen, Any individual might obtain a piece of red pa- dwell with angels and all the saved forever. that given by Rev. P. G. Robert, of St. Louis, at the
Christians, of whatever extraction, are counted per like that described, and attach it to a doc- May we be of the number that "follow the Minnetonka Lake Sunday-school Assembly, who
as the " house of Israel," Furthermore, it is ument of his own framing, and, though that in- Lamb whithersoever he goeth ;" may we be with learned reasons advocated the idea that it now
not likely that so many of the Jews believed strument might be correct in detail, and the among the pure in heart, and see God, lies at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
and were made perfect, else the apostles would seal properly affixed, yet, to constitute it a legal P. C. RODMAN. --DURING the present recess of Congress, various
not have found it necessary to turn to the tenure, it must be stamped by the officer of law. Sanitarium. experiments with electric lights have been made,
Gentiles. See Acts 13 : 46. So one might keep the Bible Sabbath, and the with the view of lighting up the halls and grounds
But what is most fatal to both the foregoing life record in other respects might be quite per- of the capitol from the dome of the building. It is
positions is the fact that what was revealed to
John A. D. 96, about thirty-five years after the
fect, yet such a person could not be considered
as sealed in the full sense contemplated in the ofr Vrttn. expected that all arrangements will be completed in
time for the coming session.
resurrection of Christ, was concerning- ;events text, until that life record had been scrutinized -BISHOP POTTER, of New York, who has recently
yet to transpire. See Rev. 1 : 1 ; 4 : 1. It is by the Judge of all, and stamped with the name — INDIANA has a school fund of $9,000,000. celebrated the 25th anniversary of his episcopate,
worthy of remark that there does not appear to of God, of Christ, and of the New Jerusalem ; —VEstnrius threatens another great eruption. has, in that time, ordained 418 persons to the
be a hint or reference to this sealed company in thus showing a purity of character that will deaconate, and 342 to the priesthood. He has
either the gospels or epistles, except, perhaps, qualify the receiver to behold the face of God — TYPHOID fever is alarmingly prevalent in Mont- consecrated 108 churches, and
real. confirmed 72,000
in Jas. 1 :1, 18. This is certainly very singular, in glory, to enjoy the companionship of Christ, persons.
if a work of such marked peculiarity had trans- and to inherit eternal life in paradise. Until GRANT is again at his old home in — THE almost incredible fact is stated that R. A.
pired at the time when, and in the place where, this point is reached, a Sabbath-keeper may fall - a, Ill.
Galen Packer, President of the Pennsylvania and New
the inspired writers of that portion of the New from grace, lose the seal entirely, and irredeem- —Ir costs $30,000 a year to keep St. Peter's, at York railroad, while recently in Nebraska, con-
Testament lived. The epistle of James was evi- ably mar his life record in Heaven. Rome, in repair. versed for two hours with his wife and brother in
dently written especially for the benefit of Chris- The special work of the sealing angel, as now —Nov. 1, the returns showed 90,000 deaths from Pennsylvania, 2,000 miles distant, by means of a
tians living in the end of time, just before transpiring in the earth, consists in filling out, cholera in Japan. telephone, through which every whisper was audi-
Christ's second advent. Jas. 5 : 3, 7, 8. or writing, the moral document, so to speak, of —RELIGIOUS liberty has been granted to the ble
The earthly records of some of the tribes of each individual's life, with pure and holy prin- Baptists of Russia. -MALARIAL and typhus fevers prevail in Jerusa-
Israel are said to have been irredeemably lost ciples that will constitute it a legal tenure in —IT takes $58,000,000 a year to support the lem, owing to the overcrowding of the poor in small
long before our Saviour's time. But we may the kingdom of God ; and the scrawl of an state church in England. dwellings, the total neglect of sanitary precautions,
be assured that a perfect record is kept in Heav- earthly tenure is exchanged for the seal (Sab- — UTAH'S annual yield of lead, silver, and gold is
and the scarcity of pure water. The Pools of Solo-
en, and every true convert to Christianity is as- bath) of another state, and all who will are be- estimated at $5,000,000. mon would furnish abundant supplies, but Moslem
ing made ready for the final stamp of immor- fanaticism will not permit foreigners to build an
signed his place in one of the tribes of Israel. —THE library of the British Museum contains
tality. aqueduct.
See Dan. 7 :10 ; Luke 10 : 20 ; Heb. 12 : 23 ; over 1,000,000 volumes.
Rev. 13 : 8 ; 20 : 12. Up 'to the time of Christ, Do those who keep Sunday have the mark of —THE shore end of the new ocean telegraph
the beast ? No ; unless they do so knowing it -WALTER ItAsrixos, lately deceased, bequeathed cable connecting France with the United States
the records of Israel served the purpose of es- $500,000 to Harvard College.
tablishing the genealogy of the lineage of David to be a papal institution, and that the seventh has been successfully laid at North Eastham on the
day is the Bible Sabbath, which God requires —THE Chilians have recently gained a decisive coast of Cape Cod, and on the instant a congratula-
and Abraham, and of preserving the integrity tory message was sent to the officers of the company
of the Aaronic priesthood ; but when the minis- men to sanctify, certainly not in a sense that victory over the Peruvians.
tration in the heavenly sanctuary began, God it cannot be exchanged before the close of the — THE Spanish Countess Montijo, mother of the in France. Starting from Brest, in the northwest-
ex-Empress Eugenie, is dead. ern corner of France, the cable is laid to the island
would no longer shield the now worthless third angel's message for the "seal of the living of St. Pierre, one of the three small islands south of
memorial from corruption. God," the Sabbath of Divine appointment. —Tim Scriptures, either the whole or a part, Newfoundland which are owned by France, and
When, in the providence of God, this proph- The moral aspect in the earth reveals the have been translated into 250 languages. thence to our coast.
ecy should become due, four mighty angels ap- work of the sealing angel as rapidly approaching —THE wheat crop of this country for the present
pear on the stage of action, to whom is assigned its final consummation, when every servant of year is estimated at 425,000,000 bushels. — IT is significant of the new policy that obtains
at the Vatican, that, whatever may have been the
the duty of holding the four winds of the earth God will receive the seal of immortality, and — THE Mormons are erecting a new temple at private advice to the Belgian bishops, all language
until the process of sealing shall have been ac- every sinner the impress of eternal death. It Salt Lake City, which is to cost $5,000,000. at variance with the diplomatic correspondence with
complished. In prophetic language, " wind " will be too late then for the self-righteous pro- — AMHERST COLLEGE, Mass., has just received Belgium is publicly disavowed. The Inter-Ocean
is a symbol of war (compare Rev. 7 : 1 with fessor to plead admittance on the ground of one donation of $55,000 and another of $50,000. thinks this indicates that the church recognizes the
Dan. 7 : 2 ; Jer. 25 : 32 ; 49 : 36 , 37) ; and having been associated in church capacity with necessity of conforming to the spirit of modern prog-
" the great sea," which it agitates, is an emblem some who are saved ; too late for the backslider — EDINBURGH has opened its first temperance cof- ress. Yes ; the church " recognizes the necessity."
of the people who constitute the nations of the to return to his first love ; too late for the sin- fee-house for the accommodation of workingmen. " They shall take away his dominion, to consume
earth. (Compare with Ise. 8 :7, 8 ; Jer. 46 : 7, ner to plead for the mercy which he has once —IT is estimated that there are 12,000 mission and to destroy it unto the end," said the prophet.
8 ; Dan. 7 : 2 ; Rev. 17 :15.) rejected and despised. schools in the world, containing at least 400,000
Why should it be necefteary to employ mighty " Too late ! too late ! ' will be the cry ; pupils.
angels to restrain the nations and keep peace on Jesus of Nazareth has passed by.' " —IN Italy, church property to the value of $109,-
earth, unless the armaments and temper of those Reader, you have not yet reached that awful 000,000 was sold at auction from Oct. 26, 1877, to 011ifunq
nations were such that, in all human probability, period of anguish. The third angel's message Sept. 30, 1879.
a general war of such magnitude as to seriously still sounds its solemn warning in your ears : —Ax equestrian statue of Gen. Geo. IL Thomas, " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from hence.
impede the Divine work in question were inevit- " If any man worship the beast and his image, executed by the sculptor J. Q. A. Ward, was re- forth" Rev. 14:13.
able ? Can the reader discern in the signs of and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his cently unveiled in Washington.
the times a condition of military and diplomatic hand, the same shall drink of the wine —Ex- Gov. H. P. BALDWIN has been appointed ARNDT.—Died of typhoid fever, Nov. 3, 1879,
preparation answerable to this hypothesis ? of the wrath of God." Rev. 14 : 9, 10. United States Senator from Michigan, to fill the Sister Alice R. Arndt, aged 22 years and 5 months.
These four angels have, no doubt, received a And the cheering promise still pleads : "To him unexpired term of Senator Chandler. Sister Alice was clerk of the Troy church at the
commission from Heaven to influence the-decis- that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in -ANOTHER lake horror is recorded. The steamer time of her death. She lived and died at the home
ions of councils and legislative- bodies at the my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set Waubuno has been wrecked in Georgian Bay, and of her parents, in the township of Sullivan, Ashland
capitals of nations, in order to hold in abeyance down with my Father in his throne.'' Chap. this time it is believed that 30 persons perished. Co., Ohio. During the last days of her sickness she
the strife of war until the specific work of 3:21. A. SMITH. —Tun north-western provinces of India are suf- suffered extremely, but was constantly sustained by
sealing the servants of God shall have been ac- fering from a severe epidemic of malarious fever. the grace of God, and the Christian's hope. She
complished. The death-rate is increased to an enormous extent. embraced the present truth during a series of meet-
Co-incident with the appearance of the four THE PLEDGE. ings held by the writer in Sullivan, in the spring-of-
— A LIQUOR-SELLER in Massachusetts, who has 1877, since which time she has been a faithful
angels, and with a commission running parallel Wnbelieve the teetotal pledge to be a source been fined $200 in the Middlesex District Court, is
with irs,
he another mighty angel, having the worker and a devoted Christian. The church and
the first one to suffer under the civil damage act.
seal of God, is seen, ascending from the east, of strength in the time of temptation. When — A YOUNG lady, a pupil in St. Mary's academy,
Sabbath-school sustain a great loss, and they deeply
his ascending, no doubt, indicating his groi-ing the temptation is upon us, our appetites are feel it. She was greatly beloved by all. She leaves
power and influence in, the earth, like the in- urging us to indulge, and we are surrounded by Windsor, Ontario, was fatally poisoned by a dose of brothers, sisters, and aged parents to mourn their
laudanum accidentally administered by one of the loss. Funeral services at the U. B. church in Troy,
creasing effulgence and fe rvor of the sun as he those who use the poisons, with but little time nuns. which was well filled with sympathizing friends and
ascends from the horizon to, the meridian. to recall the evidences of the injuries to be sus- — A PROPOSITION to make General Grant Captain a large circle of mourners. Sermon by the writer,
This angel exerts a powerful influence upon the tained by indulgence, it is a poor time to decide General of the U. S. army, with a salary of $25,000 from 1 These. 4 :13. H. A. ST. JOHN.
religious world, employing agencies compar- aright. If we have fully decided the matter in or $50, 000, will probably come before Congress at
atively weak at first, but increasing mightily, in our minds before, when the temptation pre- its next session.
power, and becoming world-wide in renown. sents itself, it finds no entertainment. Fathers, —THE new Baptist church in St. Louis, which
Low.—Died of typho-malarial fever, near Sedalia,
Could such events in the political and religious mothers, sign the pledge yourselves, and get was dedicated Nov. 6, cost $200,000, and is said to
Mo., Nov. 12, 1879, Sister Jennie Low, second
world have transpired at the resurrection of your children to sign it, and thus protect them be the finest church building owned by the Baptist daughter of Rufus and Ellen Low, aged 17 years,'
Christ or in the days of the apostles, and not when temptations are pressing hard upon them. denomination. 10 months, and 12 days. Sister Jennie, with the
become the subject of profane and eclesiastical G. B. S. rest of the family, embraced the Sabbath and kin-
—To conciliate Germany, Russia has offered some dred truths a little more than one year ago, under
history, so emphatic as to leave no doubt as to 411.1.11. long-refused commercial facilities, releasing German the labors of Elcl. Geo. I. Butler, and she has since
the application of the prophecy at that time ? traders from expensive exactions by the Russian lived a very devoted and exemplary life. She was
Let stern facts respond to the question. A SOLEMN INQUIRY. local authorities. beloved by all who knew her. The church and
THE SEAL OF GOD, DEAR BRETHREN, are we as active in the work —BosToN gives women the privilege of voting on family realize that in her death they have sustained
The seal in the hand of the angel is an object of God as we ought to be ? Are we as earnest matters pertaining to schools, but only about one a loss. While we mourn, it is not as others who
that demands the most careful attention, as thousand have registered preparatory to exercising have no hope. d For if we believe that Jesus died
every servant of God is to bear its impress, and as we should be in our efforts to save the per- this right at the coming election. and rose again, even so them also which sleep in
all must receive this seal gladly, knoWing its ishing, so that our zeal persuades them that we —Thosn who complain of the present prices of Jesus will God bring with him." Funeral services
character, or they cannot be sealed and finally believe the Lord is soon coming, and that the books need to remember that in 1720 a copy of the couducted by the writer; discourse from Rev. 14:
inherit eternal life. wicked will drink of the unmingled wine of the Latin Bible was valued at $150, and wages were so 13. J. G. Woon.
The term is thus defined by Webster : " Seal, wrath of God ? I fear that we shall fail of low that it took a laborer 15 years to earn one.
n. 4. Any act of confirmation. 5. That which eternal life, and that the blood of souls will be — THE level of nearly all the lakes in the far West HALE. —Died in Norridgewock, Me., Oct. 24,
confirms, ratifies, or makes stable ; assurance. " found upon our garments, unless we awake. has been rising for several years past. Salt Lake 1879, Bro. Wellington Hale, aged 65 years and 5
" Seal, v. t. 2. To set or affix a seal as a mark Let us be zealous and repent, and at once enter has risen 12 feet in 25 years ; Pyramid Lake, 9 feet months. He embraced the third angel's message
of authenticity. 3. To confirm ; to ratify.; to upon the work of saving souls. We have slept . ears ; and Winnemucca Lake, 22 feet in 4 under the labors of Elds. J. N. Andrews and M. E.
establish. . . . 10. To imprint on the mind." too long already. Where is our first love ? Cornell, and his faith never wavered to the last.
Dr. Clarke, in his notes on Rom. 4 :11;, sass : Have not many of us lost it ? If so, the Lord --THE reading room of the British Museum contains From the time he professed religion till his death,
"There is nothing more common in the Jewish calls on us to repent. For a little ease, a large three miles of book- cases eight feet high. The dome he was a constant reader of the Bible, never allow-
writers than the word 111N oth, SIGN, and bnIn share of the love of this world, a little self-in- whence the electric light irradiates the vast room is, ing a year to pass without reading it through.
Chotham, SEAL ; as signifying the mark" in the dulgence, can we afford to be forever shut out next to that of the pantheon at Rome, the largest Very patiently he bore his sickness, which was dis-
flesh, by the rite of circumcision." of the kingdom of God, which is so soon to be extant. tressing, believing that in a little while the Lord
It will be seen from theSe extracts, that the given to the saints ? Remember, once too late —THE Wesleyan Methodists, at their General would come, and that he should awake and sing
terms seal, sign, and mark are synonymous ; is forever too late. Now is the accepted time. Conference recently held at Pittsford, Mich., refused " 0 death, where is thy sting ? 0 grave where is thy
and by reference to Heb. 8 : 10 ; Rev. 3 ;12 ; "Behold, now is the day of salvation." to receive the delegate from the Episcopal Method- victory?" He leaves a wifeFuneral and a large circle of
discourse from
Ex. 31 :13, 16, 17 ; and Rev. 14 : 11, that these Let us put on the whole armor of God, and ist church, as he was a member of the Masonic fra- friends to mourn his loss.
symbols may indicate such impressions; Made fight the good fight of faith, laying hold on eter- ternity. 1 Cor. 15: 21-23. CHAS. STRATTON.
npon the mind as will convince-the judginent nal life while we may. We are in the watching —THE " petty American republic of Paraguay,"
and reform the life ; and that the Bible Sabbath time. Read Matt. 24 : 42-44 ; Mark 13 : 33-37 ; according to the Catholic Mirror, has of late become SANDBORN.—Died of diphtheria, in Sippewa,
and the so-called Christian Sabbath, are, re- 1 Pet. 4 : 7 ; 1 Them 5 : 6, noticing the con- actually rebellious in its attacks upon the authori- Mich., Sept. 2, 1879, Lida, daughter of C. and S.
spectively, the "SEAL or eon" and the " MARK texts, and you will conclude that these script- ties of the churbh, not sparing even His Holiness Sandborn, aged 4 years, 8 months, and 10 days.
OF THE BEAST." ures apply now, when the signs show that Jesus himself. Lida early learned to love the Sabbath school, and
In view of the foregoing, the use of the seal is near, when sudden destruction awaits the —Tim Bank of England was incorporated in a short time before her death repeated her lesson,
under consideration is obvious ; lent the condi- wicked, and judgment begins at the house of which she was in the habit of learning well.
1649. The buildings cover five acres of ground,
tions upon which it is to be affixed, can, I think, God. and 900 clerks are employed. There are no win- F. Howe.
be made very clear to every candid reader by Dear brethren, will you obey the words of dows on the street, light being admitted through
the following illustration : Before me lie two our Saviour as found in Luke 21 : 34-36, and be open courts. BAUBR.—Died of croup, near Palermo, Kan., Nov.
deeds of conveyance, one of which was executed prepared to stand before the Son of man, when —THE little village of Vitznau, on the shore of 7, 1879, our son, Edson Bauer, aged 2 years and 4
in the State of Massaceusetts, and sealed with he shall appear Each must heed these words Lake Lucerne in Switzerland, at which tourists months. We feel that we have met with a great
a bit of circular, serrated red paper, attached to for himself. We must not neglect the teachings take the cars for the ascent of Mount Righi, is loss, for our little one was a promising child; but
the document with sealing-wax, and stamped of the word of God ; if we do, we shall make a threatened with destruction from the falling Of a we are comforted with the blessed hope that our
With the initials of the Sealing officer ; the other fatal mistake. Begin now to heed the words of mass of rock overhanging it. Saviour is soon to come, when our darling will be re-
deed is sealed with a 'mere scrawl of the'pen. truth ; to delay is to peril our eternal interests, —Nov. 25, £186,000 of bullion was withdrawn stored to our embrace.
ach seal answers a specific purpose,-it ratifies, and permit souls that we might be instrumental from the Bank of England, £90,000 of which was CHRISTIAN AND HATTIE BAUER.
184 THE REVIEW AM I, HERALD. [Vol.. 54, No. 23.

(Continued from page 181.) they are really converted men, or whether they TO CLUB SECRETARIES.
hold the truth as a mere theory. WILL the secretaries of the Wisconsin local
Moved, That G. I. Butler, B. L. Whitney, 3. In reference to their practical capabilities ; H. and T. clubs please forward their names and
nd W. C. White be a special committee to con- namely, whether they can set things in order in
Battle Creek, Mich., Fifth-Day, Dec, 4, 1879. addresses to the State Secretary, Mary F. Still-
icier the subject of the proper qualifications of the church, give good counsel touching the tem- man, Madison, Wis., in order that they may be
inisters, and report to the next meeting of the- poralities of the church, bring up the members
COLORADO. supplied with blank books convenient for keep-
onference.-Carried. to a proper standard in all their practical duties, ing correct minutes.
WE have made several tours in Colorado for THIRTEENTH MEETING. -Nov. 25, 9:30 A. M. and thus edify and build up the church.
health, have preached some in that new State, Prayer by Eld. Jas. White. Minutes of previ- 4. In reference to their general information ;
and know something of the state of the cause GENERAL MEETINGS IN OHIO.
ous meeting approved. and in this direction, a course of study, includ-
there. We love the mountains and pure air of WE wish to hold two general meetings in
THE MISSIONARY BOARD. ing different branches, should be systematically
Colorado, and Mrs. W. and the writerdesign to each district in Ohio, where the district elders
The committee to whom was referred the sub- pursued.
be on the ground in early spring, and spend The report was accepted. may appoint. We will begin with Bro. St.
some time there next summer. ject of the creation of a Missionary Board, re- John's district; Sabbath, Dec. 20, and hold the
ported by recommending that the following per- The Chairman having made some suggestions
Colorado is a promising field of labor, and second one Sabbath, Dec. 27. Will be at
sons constitute such Board for the coming year; in regard to the practical carrying out of this
through the faithful labors of Elder Corliss the matter, it was North Bloomfield, Jan. 2-5 ; and the next Sab-
namely, W. C. White, Mrs. M. J. Chapman, bath where Bro. Underwood may appoint.
young cause stands well. There are no reasons Moved, That the Chair appoint a committee
Eld. 0. A. Olsen, Miss Maud Sisley, and Eld. We hope to make these meetings of much im-
why our brethren in Colorado should suffer dis- of three, of which he shall be chairman, to take
couragements to come upon them, or slacken their B. L. Whitney. portance ; hence we request as large an attend-
An amendment to increase the number of the such steps as may be necessary to accomplish
hands in paying their tithe. We suggest, that this end.-Carried. ance as possible. This is a time when our breth-
Board from five to nine by the addition of four ren are not pressed with work ; so they should
for safe keeping of their funds, and that they FAMILY READING.
more members was carried, and the motion, as all arrange to attend one or more of these meet-
may be ready when Colorado shall be blessed
amended, prevailed. Miss M. L. Huntley, Sec- Moved, That this last committee, with the ad- ings.
with a laborer, or laborers, that when twenty-
retary of the General T. and M. Society, and dition of U. Smith and J. H. Waggoner, be a Our State quarterly meeting will be held at
five or fifty dollars be collected, it be forwarded Eld. U. Smith, were then added, after which it committee to suggest a course of reading for the regular time,-the third Sabbath in Janu-
to REVIEW AND HERALD, Battle Creek, Mich., was
to be used by the General Conference till families.-Carried. ary. We think of holding it at Dunkirk, if all
Moved, That the committee by whom the fore- It having been ascertained that most of the the directors think best. All our tract officers
needed. That our brethren may know how
going Board was nominated, be instructed to preachers present could remain till Wednesday, and ministers should attend this meeting. We
Bro. Corliss is regarded by the General Confer-
present a nomination for the two remaining Dec. 3, it was decided that the time till then be will spend much of the time in instructions in
ence, we give here a resolution unanimously members, at some future meeting. -Carried.
adopted by the General Conference now in ses- largely devoted to instruction in the keeping of the tract work and also in the temperance work.
Some very stirring remarks on the subject of T. and M. and S. S. records, organizing churches, Let all begin now to lay plans for it. We must
sion :-
missionary work were made at this point by keeping church records, etc., the lessons being not be behind our other State Conferences in
" Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with Sister White. given by Eld. S. N. Haskell and other T. and M.
Elder J. 0. Corliss in his sickness, which made these good works. D. M. CANRIGHT.
it necessary for him to leave the encouraging U. SMITH, Sec.
field of labor in Colorado, and pledge our broth- The committee on the circulation of the writ-
(To be continued.)
erly care, and our prayers for his recovery, that ings of Mrs. E. G. White reported as follows :-
he may return to his field of labor in that State The committee appointed by this Conference GENERAL CONFERENCE SUMMARY " And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is
at the opening of next tent season." J. w. to consider the subject of the circulation of at hand." Matt. to: 7.
For the year ending Nov. 7, 1879.
Sister White's writings, would respectfully pre-
sent the following report :- MT. PLEASANT, Iowa, Dec. 6. G. I. BUTLER.


Whereas, Our past experience has fully proved No providence preventing, I will meet with the

Fun ds
Goon news comes up from the counting room, that our prosperity as a people is always in pro- friends near Macon City, Macon Co., Mo., Dec. 13,
that clerk, Bro. Edwards, very busy mailing portion to the degree of confidence we cherish 14, and remain as long as the interest may demand.
the Health and Temperance Annual for 1880. in the work of the spirit of prophecy in our J. G. Woon.
midst; and Maine 3 3 18 826 $1,135 79
Only one month more, and this blessed Annual Whereas, The most bitter opposition we have Vermont 8 6 13 392 1,636 '77 WILL meet with the church at Maple Grove,
will become a practical matter. One month to meet is aimed against this work, showing that New England 3 6 24 503 2,898 69 Mich., Sabbath, Dec. 6. Cannot the brethren from
more to finish the circulation of the 300,000 our enemies realize its importance, whether we New York 11 10 33 655 2,959 25 Assyria and Baltimore be present?
Pennsylvania 3 12 300 1,331 29 L. G. MOORE, Director.
copies. Circulate it? Why? do or not ; and Ohio 8 12 28 674 2,762 44
Whereas, We have found that the most ef- Michigan 22 15 94 3175 8,280 48
1. Because it is just what the people need, fectual way to meet and disarm this opposition Indiana 4 5 21 422 1,835 74 Moarinv meeting for the churches of Oakland,
and was either to secure the personal labors of the Wisconsin 12 10 52 1107 3,904 88 Little Prairie, and Johnstown, will be held at Heb-
one through whom we believe that the Lord has Illinois 9 11 34 676 3,084 24 ron, Jefferson Co., Wis., Dec. 13.
2. Because that in it are year-long advertise- Minnesota. 17 20 53 968 3,875 65 Thos. BICELE.
spoken, or to freely circulate her writings, and Iowa 13 8 55 1202 3,954 11
ments of our institutions and our work, espe- Whereas, Great light has shone upon us Nebraska 3 6 23 298 1,340 00
cially of the Sanitarium, to be posted right by through this channel, which not only our own Dakota Conference 1 3 10 200 NEW YORK T. AND M. SOCIETY.
the fireside, to be referred to on each secular people greatly need, but which would be a bless- Missouri. 2 5 14 398 894 71
Kansas 5 10 34 700 2,256 00 THE next annual meeting of the New York Tract
day in a whole year. ing to the wchld, remove prejudice, and break California 7 4 81 *740 *5,899 36 and Missionary Society will be held at Adams Cen-
Circulate it ? Certainly. Let 300,000 copies the force of the bitter attacks of the enemies of Kentucky 1 1 8 76 272 46 ter, Jeff. Co., N. Y., Dec. 20, 21, 1879. We request
the truth, therefore Tennessee 1 3 5 54 133 00 a full attendance of all officers of the society and all
of this Annual be placed in as many homes be- Resolved, That we urge upon our ministers Oregon.... .... 3 8 9 225 1,129 49 persons especially interested in the tract and mis-
Texas 1 1 *4 250 *500 00
fore the comic and drug almanacs get the and tract societies the importance of making Gen'l Southern Mission ... ... *3 *68 *172 00 sionary work, as it is proposed to hold immediately
ground. Circulate it ! Circulate it I Prices earnest efforts to extend the circulation of the Nevada Mission 2 45 *508 00 following this a Tract Society Institute to continue
volumes of the Spirit of Prophecy and the Tes- European Mission ..... ... 2 ... 16 223 442 70 two weeks.
by mail, post-paid :- timonies to the Church among our own people, Danish Mis'n in Europe.. 2 1 6 141 17 33 It is expected that every director and district sec-
100 copies to one address, $2.15 till these shall be in every family of believers. Ontario Mission 1 2 70 retary, and as far as possible every librarian, will
50 6 4 CC 1.10 Resolved, That we recommend the Publishing P. Q. Mission ..... ...... 1 ... 3 73
250 00 attend this Institute. We have secured the assist-
250 00 ance of Bro. Haskell, and every effort will be made
25 44 CC CC Colorado Mission ........ ... ... 2
.60 Association to issue in attractive form such of Virginia Mission 1 3. 55
.25 her writings as would be of general interest to Wyoming..... .......... ... ... ... to make our meeting and Institute a success.
5 '' 46 GC .15 the reading public who are not of our faith, to No charge will be made for board. Those who de-
3 41 CC 44
.10 be placed in public libraries, reading rooms, on Total 144 151 59914,141 $51,714 38 sire to assist in bearing the burden of the meeting
single copy .05 As given last year 11715154913,077 $17,637 79 can bring such provisions as they choose. The
shipboard, etc., by canvassers and T. and M friends should bring some bedding, and bed-ticks
J. W. workers, where they, as well as our other stand- Gain during the year. 27 t3 50 1,064 $ 4,076 59 where convenient.
ard works, may be accessible to the people. Reduction of fare has been secured on the R. W.
Resolved, That we recommend the Publishing *Figures taken from last year's report. & Og. R. R. All will pay full fare to the meeting,
Association to issue in as cheap a form as con- and one cent a mile on returning.
THE eighteenth annual session of the General sistent, the matter substantially contained in B. L. WHITNEY, Pres.
Conference closed Dec. 1, at 11 A. M. Eighteen volume two of Spiritual Gifts, concerning the AV- Among the many important resolutions
early life and labors of Sister White, in connec- passed by the General Conference at its present
meetings in all were held, and a large amount of tion with the rise and progress of this work, for
business was transacted. Harmony of feeling and the special use of our ministers in new fields,
session, we hope the second resolution passed at tcltfi rs1 ritarfattill.
unanimity of action prevailed throughout. The and among those first becoming acquainted with the third meeting, as reported in REVIEW No.
her connection with this cause. And we further 21, will not be overlooked. This was the reso- " Not slothful in business." Rom. xa :11.
remaining records of the proceedings will appear
recommend the publication of a small edition of lution stating that this' Conference regarded it
next week. her earliest writings, now out of print, to bring .46g- Notice of expiration of subscription will be given by
the duty of each State Conference Secretary to special stamp on the margin of the paper. We should be
The Institute closed Wednesday, Dec. 3. all her writings within reach of those anxious to furnish to the secretary of the General Confer- pleased to receive your renewal at once.
The reports of the +General T. and M. Society, obtain them.
Resolved, That we consider it to be the duty ence, quarterly, a statistical and financial report FOR sale or exchange, a beautiful home of fifty acres,
S. S. Association, and H. and T. Association, of the churches of his Conference. According one hundred rods north of the Adventist College.
of all our ministers to teach the Scriptural view
will, we expect, be furnished in due time, by of the gift of prophecy among our brethren to present arrangements, the churches are to re- Valuation, $8,000; terms easy. Address Dr. W. I.
the secretaries of those organizations. everywhere, and the relation it sustains to the Baker, Battle Creek, Michigan. P. 0. Box 423.
port to their State Secretary quarterly. With MYRON ASHTON, Spencer Creek, Antrim Co., Mich.,
This occasion will be looked back upon with a work of God in which we are engaged.
Resolved, That we advise that efforts be made but little trouble the State Secretary can fur- would like to employ six or eight able-bodied, reliable
good degree of satisfaction. The expressions to complete the raising of the fund of $5,000 nish a copy of these to the General Conference Sabbath-keepers to chop cord wood through the win-
we have most frequently heard from the breth- voted at the last annual session of the Confer- Secretary. Thus the standing of all the Confer- Books Sent by Easyress
ren, have been those of thankfulness for this ence for the purpose of increasing the circulation ences will be known each quarter, and by com- Mrs Sopha Parker $8.15, F A Drake 1.00, Sylva Wil-
opportunity of enjoying such great privileges. of these writings ; said fund to be used in plac- paring these, we can be quite certain of tolera-. ton 2 00.
ing them in public libraries, reading-rooms, and Books Sent by Freight.
As a whole, it has been a pleasant and encour- other locations where they will be open to the bly full and accurate information concerning the J B Gregory $356.79, Wm Ostrander '72.69, D
aging season. Light on many points has been reading public, and in such of the families of the standing of the cause in, all the field, at the close Lamson 102.11, 0 A Olsen 83.92.
brought out, which we purpose to notice here- very poor as the officers of the T. and M. Society of each year. On this action of the Conference Gash Reed on Acootant.
after. A large amount of instruction, especially decide should have them. we base a pleasing hope of the needed improve- WChristian Black $3.00, NYT&M Society per B L
268.00, Me T & M Society it J Goodrich 80.00, D
to ministers, of the most vital importance, has FOURTEENTH MEETING.-NOV. 25, 2:30 P. M. ment in the matter of statistical and financial Bourdeau lie.
been given. The Lord has greatly helped Bro. Prayer by G. W. Colcord. Minutes of previous reports from the different Conferences to the Mich. Conf. .Fund.
meeting approved. Vergennes per E Van Denson 460.90, Mattawan Jen-
and Sr. White to speak, and has given them his General Conference. And we trust it will not nie It Richards 4.00.
word fruitfully. QUALIFICATIONS OF MINISTERS. be disappointed. Mich. T. & M. Society.
All our different enterprises, home and for- The committee on the proper qualifications of J 0 Barnhart $6.40, Dist 13 per D A Wellman 8.38.
eign, have received due consideration ; and we TO MY FRIENDS. Gen. Conf. _Fund.
ministers reported verbally through the chair- Mrs E Perkins free-will offering $5.00, W McliTitt
believe the results of the doings of this Confer- man, G. L Butler, recommending, as the mind I WOULD say to my friends that my health is 1.07.
ence will be more marked, and tend more to European Mission:
of the committee, that all candidates for the so much impaired, that I shall of necessity re- A Sister for Wales $2.00.
the advancement of our work, than those of ministry should be thoroughly examined,- main at the Sanitarium for treatment during
any other Conference we have yet held. English Missies'.
1. In reference to their knowledge of all the coming winter. I shall need all the means John Valentine $5.00. •
The records of the proceedings, so far as pub- points of our faith, on which they should be I can command, and therefore request all who Danish Mission.
fished, will give our readers some idea of, the well informed. are indebted to me, for books or otherwise, to Paul Jensen $5.00, Matilda Jensen 1.00, Pehr Nor-
amount of business done, and account for the 2. In regard to their spiritual qualifications. forward the amount to me at Battle Creek. man 2.00, A 0 S Gudmundsrud 1.50, Jens Holm 15.00,
Peder Amundson 15.00, Gina Amundson 8.00, Signs,
length of the session. Evidence should be sought to determine whether J. 0. CORLISS. Olsen 2.00. .ef!

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