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"Here is the patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14 :12.
and terrible day. They do not want to be thou power with God and with men, and does not God hear? why does he not bless
tuilu 4 T)-n% lost ; hence they are led to make some effort
to be saved. They will do something; they
hast prevailed."
Look at the record. What a wonderful
me?" Twenty-one days had gone by, and
Daniel was still holding on. The Lord saw
TS ISSUED WEEKLY BY will do just enough to have a hope that they case that was I Here was Jacob-- his brother he never would give up, and then he sent an
qle Seventh-flay Adventist Publishing Association. will be saved, but not enough to secure a
enuine evidence of their acceptance with
was about to kill him. He knew that he
had sinned against his brother Esau, and
angel to tell him, " 0 Daniel, a man greatly
beloved, . . . from the first day that thou
ELDER JAMES WHITE, President. od. They will not come up to the Bible done that which was displeasing in the sight didst set thy heart to understand, and to
M. J. CHAPMAN, Secretary, H. W. KELLOGG, Treasurer. standard, They will miss the mark, and lose of God; and that unless the Lord specially chasten thyself before thy God, thy words
gir• TWO DMA ES A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or One Del- all at last. interfered, and worked a miracle to soften were heard."
Aar a Volume of 25 numbers. This is the point to which I wish to call the heart of Esau, or to protect him in some For what are these cases put on record
; Address, Review & Herald, Battle Creek, Well. your attention. My dear brethren, notwith- way, his life would be taken. What did he To illustrate my text,—" Many shall seek to
standing the Father, and the Son, and the do? enter in, and shall not be able." The reason.
holy angels are anxious for us to come, not- An angel of God came to him, and Jacob we have so many weak Christians, so much
withstanding the weakest and vilest sinner laid hold upon him. Jacob pleaded for a darkness, is that persons are urged into the
WHEN the clouds have left the hill-tops, can cotne, notwithstanding we can have our
And the beauty of the day blessing, for pardon, for forgiveness of his churches ; they are petted, the cross is taken
Gleams through shining, golden portals, sins all washed away, there is something to sin. How long did he plead ? He pressed away, and the path is lined with flowers. It
Melting all the mists away ; be done on our part which we must not over- his request till midnight, but the blessing did seems to them an easy thing to be a Christian.
Then this earth will be all joy-land, look. This pardon and blessing from God not come ; he continued to plead until one, The real fact is they do not know what the
Blessed day of jubilee I must - be desired earnestly. It must be thus, two, three, four, and five o'clock ; he wrestled Christian life is. So, my friends, God has said
Oh, for thee our hearts are yearning, that the God of Heaven may know that we
Sunshine of Eternity. all night. How weary he must have been ! that if a man will have a blessing, will have
really desire it. If we come reserving a part The angel put forth his hand and touched his name written in Heaven, will have his
When the darkness rolls from ocean, of the price, saying, " I will try to be if—," Jacob's thigh, exerted his divine power, and sins pardoned, and if he will become a child
And the light beams brightly o'er the Lord will never accept us. If you cannot in a moment Jacob's thigh was out of joint. of God, he must agonize for it. We are sin-
Every wave and foaming billow do this duty, or lift that cross, or if you fail Did you ever have a limb out of joint? If ners, covered with vileness ; we are worms of
Dashing 'gainst this mortal shore;
Then the heart will sing with rapture to make that sacrifice,—if anything is too, you have, you know how very painful it is. the dust; we have broken the law of God.
And the voice break forth in praise precious in your sight to give to God, any- What did Jacob do under these circumstances? Now that God should pardon us, wash out
To the God that rules the tempest: thing too hard do do for the Lord, he will Did he give up and leave ? No ; he paid no the stains of sin, write our names in Heaven,
" Just and true are all thy ways." never bestow his blessing upon you. If I attention to it ; he held on. " I will not let make us the sons of God, give us a place in
When the pain and wasting fever can make you feel this truth as I feel it, I thee go, except thoubless me," was his dec- his kingdom, and let us live eternally, is an
And the thousand ills of life think I can help you. Here are some seek- laration. When the angel saw that Jacob amazing mercy. My brother, God does not
All are healed by one Physician ing God, some commencing the Christian life, was in earnest, it was enough. " Thy name confer such blessings upon us without some
And forever hushed the strife; some talking of being baptized. My breth- shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel ; effort on our part ; but when he sees that we
Then sweet peace and holy comfort ren, have you the blessing of God? Do you for as a prince hast thou power with God are really in earnest about the matter, he will
Will possess the inmost soul, and with men, and halt prevailed."
For the tired, homesick pilgrim enjoy religion I Do you possess in your do it, and that willingly.
Will have reached the longed-for goal. heart a clear conscience? Does the light of This incident was put on record for our in- Here is another case " Then Jesus went
God shine upon your soul ? Some of you say, struction. God was just as willing to bless thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre
When the graves of earth are opened, " No; oh, my leanness! my barrenness !" Let Jacob at sundown as in the morning, but he and Sidon. And, behold, a woman of Canaan
And fair, loving forms arise, me tell you that I am thoroughly convinced wanted to see if Jacob was in earnest; and came out of the same coasts, and cried unto
Springing up from dusty chambers,
Soaring upward to the skies; that a large share of so-called Christians have when he found that he was, he gave the de- him, saying, Have mercy on me, 0 Lord, thou
Then sweet waves of thrilling music but little connection with Heaven,—very lit- sired blessing, and his name was changed to Son of David; my daughter is grievously
Will entrance the listening ear, tle vital godliness. And it is simply because Israel, because he had power to prevail with vexed with a devil. But he answered her
Like the sound of many waters," they do not desire it enough ; they are not God and men. not a word. And his disciples came and be-
Murmuring gently, soft, and clear. willing to pay the price for it. Dear friends, you and I can be Israel ; but sought him, saying, Send her away ; for she
When the city, grand, eternal, People are too lazy, mentally. When I how ? Not by making a faint effort, faintly crieth after us." Matt. 15 : 21-23.
Comes to earth 'mid clouds of light, was at our General Conference last fall, our offering the prayer, " Lord, bless me," and Jesus had cast out many devils. Here
And the King bids saints to enter dear Sr. White made one remark that struck stopping when the first straw comes across came a woman to him crying, " 0 Lord, thou
Mansions filled with holy light; xne very forcibly. She said that a great our path ; not by laying down the first cross, Son of David, my daughter is grievously
Then the life-work of all ages many Christians were lazy—mentally lazy. and yielding to the first temptation. That vexed with a devil. He answered her not a
Will receive a just reward—
Home and Heaven, sweet rest given, ,They would pray a moment, shed a tear or will never do. If we take this course, the word, paid no attention to it. But she kept
In the kingdom of our God. two, sacrifice a few dollars, and then if the Lord will let us be carried down to eternal entreating, " Have mercy on me, 0 Lord,
ELIM.S. H. MORTON. blessing of God did not fill their souls they ruin. thou Son of David." He did not even look
Battle Creelc, Mich. would give up ; and thus they were kept Let us take another case,—the case of around ; but she kept on urging her plea.
weak. There was strength, there was par- Daniel and his companions. You know how By-and-by the disciples became worried.
`don, and there was a blessing for them, had celebrated Daniel was. Why was it The They could not endure to have her crying
Zip iStrituat. they only sought a little further. reason is that he persevered. He sought God. after their Master. They came, and said to
God holds back his blessing, and lets us Read the record of his earnestness as found him, "Send her away." Then he said : " I
"I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall seek, lets us press, lets us pray, lets us fast,
page the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom: PREACH
in the tenth chapter of Daniel: "In those am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the
t.THE WORD." 2 Tim. 4:1, 2. lets us become in earnest; and when God days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks. house of Israel." She was not a Jew, but
sees that we are in earnest, determined to I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh a poor Gentile woman, and she was told
ETERNAL LIFE—ITS WORTH.* press the matter, he will not withhold it. nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint that she had no right to this favor. But
Let us illustrate the subject. We will take myself at all, till three whole weeks were ful- she pressed her case a little further. Then
BY ELD. D. M. GAERIGHE. the case of Israel, the father of the people of filled." Dan. 10 : 2, 3. Jesus answered her in this cutting language
TEXT : " Strive to enter in at the strait gate; God. Do you know why he was called Is- Many of us in such a case would have wept " It is not meet to take the children's bread,
'for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and rael, and what the word means? I want to a little, prayed before God for a short time, and and to cast it to dogs." It is not right for me
shall not be able." Luke 13: 24.
show you why he received this name. You will then, if the blessing did not come, we would to give the children's meat to you Gentile
There are some statements in this text find an account of it in the last part of the have given up seeking for it. But look at dogs. Just think of it. You would have be-
_that are very important; one in particular is book of Genesis. Jacob had been living with Daniel's course. Here is a man seeking God. come angry then, You would have said, " I
-that we must " strive." You know what it Laban, his father-in-law. He had, as you He did not simply pray one day, one night, never will stand that." But she did not do
IS to strive ; it is to struggle very hard. The remember, lied to his father Isaac, and cheated but three full weeks. Now see what hap- so. She had something at stake, and she was
original Greek word signifies to agonize, his brother Esau out of his birthright. Esau pened : " Then said he unto me, Fear not, determined to have her petition granted. She
That is a harder work still, It means to was very angry, and had vowed in his heart Daniel; for from the first day that thou didst meekly replied, " Truth, Lord; yet the dogs
:drain every nerve, to be very cautious, and that he would kill Jacob. Well, as you set thine heart to understand, and to chasten eat of the crumbs which fall from their mas-
to watch earnestly. You are to strive to ,en= know, Jacob could not stay with Laban, and thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, ters' table." What humility ! what a confes-
ter in at the strait gate. This very idea hence he had to go home. So with his wives, and I am come for thy words." sion ! But what did Jesus say to her then
shows that there will be opposition to meet. and servants, and cattle, etc., he started to re- Notice this statement. An angel came " Then Jesus answered and said unto her, 0
There will be struggles ; there will be battles,„; turn to his native land. Esau, hearing of this, from Heaven to Daniel, and told him that woman, great is thy faith ; be it unto thee
there will be difficulties; there will be ene- quickly prepared a company of four hundred from the first day that he had set his heart even as thou* wilt. And her daughter was
mies, darkness, and doubt. men, and was coming fully determined to to understand, and to chasten himself before made whole from that very hour." Did not
" For many, I say unto you,"—Christ knew kill him. What should he do? See what he God, his words were heard. But did God Jesus want to heal her? I believe his heart
what he was saying—" will seek to enter did do. Ile sent his wives and everything answer him at once ? No ; he wanted to try yearned over her all the time; but he wanted
in, but shall not be able." So in order to that he had across the ford, Jabbok ; and Daniel. " We will see whether or not Daniel to prove her to see whether she was in earnest.
obtain an entrance into Heaven, you will now I will read to you Gen. 32 : 24-28 :— is in earnest." Daniel prayed all day, then These cases, as I said before, are in the Bi-
[h have to struggle, you will have to ago- "And Jacob was left alone; and there all night; he fasted the next day; he pressed ble to show that if we want the blessing we
rnize. I understand the Lord to mean wrestled a man with him until the breaking his petition : but still no answer came. He must make some effort for it, we must make
k this : There are a great many who, as they of the,day. And when he saw that he pre- persevered till the first week was gone, but some sacrifice ; and when we have done all
read the Bible, as they see the beauties of vailed not against him, he touched the hollow still there was no answer. All Heaven looked that lies in our power, we can have the appro-
Leternal life, as they read of the city of God, of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh upon him. They were interested to see bation of God. In fact, we value the blessing
of being with the angels and where the Lord was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. whether Daniel would hold on or not. Dan- of God only in proportion to the effort we
is, desire to be Christians; On the other And he said, Let me go, for the day break- iel continued his petition. Two weeks passed, have to put forth to gain it.
;hand, as they read of the wrath of God, the eth. And he said, I will not let thee go, ex- and the Lord did not appear; but he heard I often hear people say, "I would like to
'fearfulness of the Judgment the doom of the cept thou bless me. And he said unto him, all the time. Daniel held on; he pressed his be a Christian, I want to be a Christian; but
•ungodly, they wish to be hid in the great , What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. case still. Most of us would have said, " Oh ! if I have to do this or that or the other thing
And he said, thy name shall be called no the Lord won't hear me; I cannot be a Chris- I never shall be one." One says, " I cannot
rreported by W. E. Cornell. j
vr *A sermon preached at Newark, Ohio, and phonographically more Jacob, but Israel ; for as a prince hast tian I I am lost; I can never be saved. Why keep the Sabbath ; " another, " I cannot be
146 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. [Vol.. 54, No. 19.

baptized ; " still another, " I cannot give up that she must have the blessing of God, she place, and push the conquest till you are a where we can go by land, we shall find all of
my tobacco ; I cannot take part in meeting." must have pardon; and she knelt down and crowned victor. them running the Sunday trains. Of course-
And others have something else in the way, cried out, " 0 Lord, I will give up everything, Never, until God shall have sealed you, the Sound boat-lines are coming in Sunday
If you think more of these things,—of your even my silk parasol." When she said that, should you be worthy, as an heir of immor- morning, but now we find the Sound boats,
food, your clothing, your appearance,—than the blessing came, and she was happy. She tality, will you be secure against the attacks are going out Sunday evening, and it prom-
of doing the will of God, if you do not lay by was truly converted to God, because she had of this artful foe, to the fullest extent of your ises to be a permanent arrangement. 10-
your dislikes and petty notions, God will yielded the dearest object she had, the one ability in Christ to endure. God has never the towns twelve and fifteen miles out we
never give you an entrance into his everlast- that stood between her and God. provided superfluous armor for the soldiers of find three or four trains each way during the
ing kingdom. We must come where God It is just so with you. If it is a ring on the cross. If only one article of the Chris- day ; and, what seems strange, one of the con-
can reach us, and can work for us. your finger or a feather on your hat, if it is tian's panoply be wanting, no one will more ductors on one of these Sunday trains told?
Read the history of our Lord Jesus Christ. your tobacco or your tea and coffee,—any- quickly discover the defect than this arch- me he got no extra pay for his Sunday work.
Did you ever think of his self sacrificing life 1 thing, no matter what, that is more precious enemy. But, fully clad in this armor (see Some of the horse-car lines running to the
Jesus represented the sinner, and in his life in your eyes than the blessing of God, you Eph. 6 :14-18), the weakest saint may suc- beaches have as many as a dozen trains a day
he represented the course the sinner must will 'never receive pardon till that idol is cessfully resist and overcome. on Sunday.
take to secure the blessing of God. I will given up. Everything must be surrendered In this warfare Christ is our exemplar : " One of the Sunday excursions by water
read : " And in the morning, rising up a for Christ. Is it not worth something to gain " To him that overcometh will I grant to sit was of such a peculiar character that it de-
great while before day, he went out, and de- eternal life, a home in the kingdom of God, the with me in my throne, even as I also over- serves special notice. It was an excursion
parted into a solitary place, and there prayed." favor of the great Eternal, and the pardon of came, and am set down with my Father in to Plymouth, to visit, among other place; of
Mark 1 : 35. His wee a life of prayer. He all our sins? Is it not worth everything his throne." Rev. 3 : 21. How important interest, the graves where lie the bodies of
did not wait for the sun, he did not wait to The Lord illustrates this in what seems to be that, in these days of special peril, our loins the Pilgrim settlers. Could those who went
have family prayers ; but he rose a great very strong language, and yet it is true. " If should be girt about with truth, the truth of upon that hill have had the faintest idea of
while before day, and while others slept he any man come to me, and hate not his father God for our times. Without this, even pro- the manner in which the Pilgrims kept their
prayed. My friends, he wanted strength [in the original the idea is, love his father fessed Christians are liable to be deceived by Sunday I If so, would they have dared to go
from God. Do you do so I Do you pray to more than mej, and mother [this is a very Satan, and made to " believe a lie ; " a mes- there on such a day ? The Pilgrims' bones
God as much as you should tender relation], and wife [the dearest tie we meric influence, mistaken by some for conver- or dust must have been stirred in their
Again I read : " And it came to pass in have], and children [the objects of strong sion, being thrown over the mind and heart. graves. It was certainly not a bit short of
those days, that he went out into a mountain affection], and brethren, and sisters, yea, and So great is the power of the devil that it is insulting to their memories to go there as
to pray, and continued all night in prayer to his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." impossible to correctly measure our standing these excursionists did and when they did.
God." Luke 6 :12. Did you ever pray that Luke 14 : 26. If you value this short life of in Christ by emotional exercises of the mind Nothing could possibly have been more out
length of time 7 You pray a few minutes, a few days, full of sickness, full of labor, full and heart alone. Our only safety consists in of •place than such a visit.
and then ask, " Why does not God bless of tears, full of pain and distress,—if you appealing to the word of God on every dis- " It seems just now as if the riders upon
me ? Why do I not have light ? Why does not prize a life of this kind, which is only lent to puted question of faith or practice, and in fer- bicycles timed their advent into the suburban
an angel of God come and visit me 1" My you, more than you prize an endless life with vent prayer. Though the war is almost over, villages on Sunday morning on purpose to
brother, you do not persevere. Remember the holy angels, God will permit you to take the last contest will be close and severe. meet the people coming out of the churches.
how Jacob wrestled with God, how long your choice. Perhaps you fear that your bus- Many, in the grime and smoke and terror of Coming out of one of these churches we en-
Daniel continued his supplications, and how iness will decline. Well, what if it does ? battle, will cast away their shield (Eph. 6 : countered a party of six of these blue-stock-
the Gentile woman pressed her request. See Did not God give you your life? Can he not 16), and fall, never to rise again. But some ing-legged young men rolling over the road,
what Christ has done. Will an exception be give you eternal life 1 How many millions will endure every hardship on the tented on these machines."
made in your case 0 my friends, how the have been burned at the stake, and that alone field, assured of a day of triumph near at It is an ostrich piety which shuts its eyes
Judgment will undeceive some of us for God1 Did not Jesus Christ lay down hand. Ohl who can estimate the triumph- and refuses to see the dangers which threaten..
Now let us read again : " Who in the days his life for you ? Yes ; he suffered a terrible ant joy of the return from the war ? They With that kind of piety we will have no part
of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers death. Then can you not trust God for the will return `.` with singing unto Zion; and nor lot whatsoever. It is at the head-quarters•
and supplications with strong crying and things of this life 1 If not, how can he trust everlasting joy shall be upon their head : of Puritanism that the Puritan Sabbath is in
tears unto Him that was able to save him you with eternal life ? In Luke 14 : 26 we they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sor- ruins. The Sunday excursions are more nu-
from death, and was heard in that he feared." are told that he will not. These are not my row and mourning shall flee away." Isa. merous, in proportion to the population, out
Heb. 5 : 7. Christ prayed all night ; in tears words, but those of the Lord Jesus. We 5'1:11. of the city of Boston than they are out of the
and agony he called upon the God of Heaven, must comply with the conditions, or we can ‘4 Thrice happy morn for those city of New York. The definition of the
who was able to save him, and he was heard have no hope of eternal life. Who love the ways of peace ; Sabbath as a day in which men are to be
because of his importunity. No night of sorrow e'er shall close, " taken up the whole time in the public and
The more I study the Bible and its spirit, Or shade their perfect bliss."
A. SMITH. private exercises of worship, and in the
and consider the example of holy men of old, THE CHRISTIAN'S FOE. duties of necessity and mercy," is buried in a
the more I become satisfied that there is light OF all created beings, the most beautiful, deeper grave in New England than in the
for us that we live without; that there are the most glorious, the most exalted in power, THE NEW ENGLAND SUNDAY. Empire State. To refuse to see this fact—
blessings we do not enjoy; and that Heaven was Lucifer, bearing the distinctive title, THE Christian Union has been called to to go quietly to church with your wife on
is full of liberty, and light, and glory, if we " Son of the Morning." account by some orthodox defenders of the your arm and your hymn book in your hand,.
will only seek God as we should.. I am afraid Of his wisdom and beauty God thus testi- faith for telling tales out of school in its por- whilst in your hearing the hoot and shriek of
there are many who read about these things, fies by his prophet : "Thou sealest up the traiture of the New England Sabbath, and the locomotive and the steamboat mingle dis-
and do not realize them. sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. one misguided contributor in the Chicago cordantly with the chimes of the church bells,
Let me read another text : "And from the . . . Every precious stone was thy covering, Advance even undertakes to treat the Chris- and in your sight men slink down the side-
days of John the Baptist until now the king- the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the tian Union as an indorser and approver of streets to lounge in neighboring grog-shop&
dom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the vi- beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the practice which it described, and which or openly resort by thousands to the Sunday
olent take it by force." Matt. 11 : 12. Christ the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold ; it distinctly disavowed approving. excursion train or steamboat—and then to be
illustrates the entrance upon a Christian life the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy A correspondent, moved, possibly, by one indignant because a neighbor with clearer
by the figure of storming a fort. The soldiers pipes was prepared in thee in the day that of these criticisms upon our declaration that eyes beholds the evil and describes it, is but
rush upon it, but are repulsed. They make thou wast created." See Eze. 28 : 11-19. the Puritan Sabbath was not going but gone, a sorry way of serving either the day or its.
another charge, and again are driven back. Clad in the habiliments of high authority, writes us the following account of the way Maker. The Puritan Sabbath, we repeat, is
The commander leaps to the front, and ex- glittering in jewels, possessing a voice as pen- in which Boston observed its Sunday, during not going, it is gone ; and the business of
claims, " Come life or death, we must take etrative as the thunders of heaven, command- the last summer season :— American churches to-day -is not to re-instate-
this fort ; " and the men, thus urged on, ing angels in their missions to fulfill the be- " If we turn to see what other attractions the ruined observances of their fathers, but to
scale the walls and capture it, and triumph- hests of God in the utmost bounds of the uni- we can find to make the Sunday pass pleas- search the Scriptures, and to learn, if they
antly march off with the trophies of their vic- verse, under God the divine King, being next antly to the non-church-goer, we shall find a can, the nature and spirit of the day of the-
tory. This is the way the kingdom of God in rank to the Son of God ; what mind can long list of them. In fact, a number of col- Lord, as indicated in Old Testament law and;
must be taken. But the trouble with the conceive of a more perfect or exalted being ? umns of the Sunday Herald are taken up yet more clearly in the New-Testament teach-
most of us is that when we encounter trials, • Strange that such a being should ever with the places that one may visit on that ings, and then to provide for its preservation
we immediately give up, and exclaim, " I can- have merited the asseverations : " Thou hast day. If you would go to Nantasket Beach, and its larger fruitfulness by methods accord-
not be a Christian ; I cannot serve God." sinned. . . . Iniquity was found in thee. . . the Coney Island of Boston, we shall find ant with the spirit and exigencies of the•
Such a person will never be saved. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy that the boats make nine trips each way, and nineteenth century.—Christian Union, Oct,
The point is this, brethren and sisters,— beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by the attractions are an illumination of the 15.
how much of the peace of God do you have ? reason of thy brightness. . . . Thou halt de- Calk grounds, a concert by a celebrated mil-
how much of the light of Heaven ? Did you filed thy sanctuaries by the multitude of itary band, and, of course, everything you A BLIND PRAYER.
ever imitate the Lord Jesus ? Did you ever thine iniquities." wish to eat and drink. To Strawberry Hill,
pray until God heard you ? The trouble with That angel, once so glorious, but now fallen, another port of Nantasket, we find the boats " Loan, have mercy upon us, and incline
most of us is, we are too indolent to seek the is the Christian's foe, The titles that now run six times each way. The Melville Gar- our hearts to keep this law."—Episcopal serv-
blessing of God effectually. We pray a little, distinguish him are, " Dragon," " Satan," dens are open, and the Nantasket boats stop ice.
to land passengers ; and a clam-bake dinner What law ? The law in which the fourth'
and then stop. No wonder the blessing does " devil," " prince of the power of the air,"
not come. "god of this world," etc. He is not an ideal twice a day, at twelve and four, tempts the commandment is included. In lofty cathe-
In Matt. 13 : 14 I read : " Again, the being of hoofs and horns and barbed tail, epicure. At other beaches or gardens in or dral, in massive church, in royal chapel, in
about the city, the Germania, or the Amer- quaint, sequestered hamlet where the ivy and
kingdom of Heaven is like unto treasure hid emitting brimstone fumes and flames of hell ;
in a field; the which when a man hath found, though, to deceive the unwary, his power of ican Brass Band of Providence, or the Med- yew grow, by the lonely brook and craggy
he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and sell- transformation enables him at will to assume ford, or the Salem Brass Band, do their best mountain, in far-off India, in the isles of the
to entertain the people;; and what private sea, in Afric's wilds, in Australian bush, in
eth all that he hath, and buyeth that field." these phases of character as well as the oppo-
enterprise may fail to do, the city itself will these United States of ours,—wherever the
Notice the illustration. Christ says that when site attributes of an exalted angel of light.
a man found a treasure in a field, he hid it, Having made the human mind and heart help to make up by music at its own expense. English language is spoken, does this prayer
and sold all his possessions that he might buy his study through the long period of six The steamer Empire State,' an excursion ascend, responsive to the moral law of God,
boat, all the summer, has, of course, its list of which is read in Episcopal churches every
that field. This does not mean that a man is thousand years, he has learned the art of
peculiar attractions for Sunday, calling spe- Sunday morning the wide world over.
to sell everything that he has; but it does molding every trait of character either good
mean that if a man wishes the flavor of God or evil, to suit his ;hellish purposes, so far as cial attention to Captain Boyton, who, will What presumption ! praying to the good
he must be willing to give up anything he re- the behests of God have not overruled and display his wonderful aquatic agility. The Father to have mercy upon them, while the
quires of him, whatever that may be. held him in abeyance. steamer Nahant,' for Nahant, runs three law is broken by desecrating his holy Sab-
A very simple story will illustrate the He is able to take the lives of men (Heb. times the Sunday, and makes one of these bath and substituting Sunday observance,
point I wish to make. A little girl ten or 2 : 14 ; Job 1 :12, 19 ; 2 : 6) ; or to destroy trips an excursion upon the blue Atlantic. foisted upon the people by Pagan-Papal in-
twelve years of age came to seek the Lord, their property or health (Job 1 :12-17; 2:7; Two sacred concerts were advertised at For- trigue. " Wherefore the Lord said, For as
She was really convicted of her sins; but the Luke 13 :16). est Gardens on Sunday afternoon, from three much as this people draw near me with their
minister said it was wrong to be proud, to This foe of the human race is especially to five and from eight to ten. Park Garden mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but-
dress richly. Just a few days before, a kind angry with those who constitute the remnant also advertised a Grand Concert,' avoiding have removed their hearts far from me, and
friend had made her a present of a pretty silk seed of the woman, or the church that keep the hypocrisy of calling it sacred,' in the their fear toward me is taught by the precept
parasol, really finer than she was able to have. the commandments of God, and have the faith evening. Oakland Garden presented the of men ; therefore, behold I will proceed to do
She was proud, and she knew it. The very of Jesus. See Rev. 12 :17. Reader, is it same attractions. Very likely we have a marvelous work among this people, even a
first thing that came up was, " Little Mary, your happy privilege to be numbered with omitted some of the excursions ; in fact, marvelous work and a wonder ; for the wis-
you are proud of your .newliparasol; your those who suffer the wrath of this mighty another comes to mind,—one to Long Island dom of their wise men shall perish,,and the
heart is not right—you must give nit your foe ? Then, as a faithful soldier of Jesus and Lovell's Grove. understanding of their prudent men shall be
parasol." Several days passed, but little Mary Christ, how important that, clad in the pan- " If we look over the various time-tables hid." Isa. 29 :13, 14. " Open thou mine
did not get the blessing. By-and-by she felt oply of Heaven, you should understand your of the railroads leading out of the city to see eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out,
OCT. 30, 1879.] THE EVIEW AND HERALD. 147
of thy law. I am a stranger in the earth ; have established their point to the satisfac- years ; but it would hardly be possible, if she A TRUE HOME PLEASURE.
hide not thy commandments from me." Ps. tion of every critic of the Greek. is compelled to sustain the teeming /millions
with which our temporal-millennium friends IT is strange that in a country whose lan-
119 :18, 19. " Think not that I am come to But can they do this? All are free to ad-
are wont to people the earth during the mil- guage is stored with the choicest works of
destroy the law, or the prophets ; I am not mit that kuriake is an adjective derived from
the human mind, and whose population is,
come to destroy but to fulfill. For verily I the noun kurios. Kurios means Lord, and lennial period.
as a whole, so well educated, reading aloud
say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one kwriake means Lordlike, or pertaining to the According to 2 Chron. 36 : 21, it was only
jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Lord. It is, then, perfec tly obvious that if as a source of amusement and means of en-
while the land " lay desolate" that " she kept joyment is so little resorted to. There are
law, till all be fulfilled." Read Matt. 5 : 17- kurios is ever used to express Christ's rela- sabbath," and if we adopt this theory, that many families, even in book-loving New
19. D. F. EWEN. tion to the first day of the week, when the seventh thousand years are years of rest,
kuriake is used to describe a day, as in Rev. England, in which a book or a chapter of a
analogy would require that it be desolate dur- book, is never read to the family circle from
HIDDEN. 1 : 10, -this last day may be, and in all proba- ing the thousand years. It matters not, as to one end of the year to another. The indi-
" Thy hidden ones." Ps.83 :3. bility is, the first day of the week. the fact of time-setting, whether the coming of vidual members of the family read, but all
On ! praise ye the Lord for a truth so resplendent, Right here is where they must stand or Christ be at the beginning of the thousand
fall. If there is nothing in the Bible which reading done in the family is silent reading.
A pearl of great price from the deep of his word, years, as we believe it will be, or at their Only those who have visited in families
Where treasures unbounded, of love all transcendent, applies either of these Greek words to Sun- close. Any school-boy who has learned to
Lie strewn for his saints in a largess unheard1 where the gift of reading was cultivated as
day, they must give up the case, since it is cipher can readily tell that 1000 years from
Oh ! the fountain of joy he, in love's regal fashion, a source of family enjoyment, and the custom
As life-giving water, unseals from above— simply begging the question to assert that A. M. 6001, will be A. bi. 7001.
kuriake hemera, in Rev. 1 : 10, is Sunday, of reading aloud to the family practiced,
What tender affection, what, yearning compassion, Thus it will be seen, that, in spite of him- can imagine what a help and blessing to the
So richly unvailing his fullness of love. without some scriptural authority for such self, our friend has set the time of Christ's family life such a habit is. Music is well in
an assertion. It is merely to assume the second coming, even if he does not come, as
That our Father! Oh, heart-thrilling story its way, but its range of expression is far
very point to be proven. he believes he will not, till the end of the
His "children" shall rest 'neath the shade of =his An appalling fact here meets our Sunday- narrower than that of reading, and for that
wing; thousand years. But we believe he has even matter is far less practical in its adaptation
Farewell, then, to sadness; awake thou my glory,— keeping friends. That fact is this : that named the year in which (if his theory of to the family wants. Then, too, singing re-
With love's mellow chanting his temple shall ring ! neither kwrios nor kuriake is ever used to ex- the time of the beginning of the millen-
For 'mid the rude storms of this life's tribulation, quires an instrumental accompaniment, and a
press Christ's relation to the first day of the nium be correct), Christ will appear. We
When Satan's wild legions spring forth to destroy, piano costs money and requires too much
week. But, on the contrary, kwrios is ex- draw this conclusion from the fact that we practice on the part of the performer to be
He spreads his " pavilion," becomes my " salva-
tion," pressly used to declare Christ's relation to believe Christ will come at the beginning of available for the many. The art of reading
And hideth me safe in unspeakable joy. the Sabbath day. The Son of man is kurios the thousand years. We will now briefly well is easily acquired and cheaply taught,
(Lord) of the Sabbath day. Matt. 12 : 8. state why we so believe. By reference to
Ah ! was it not thus, when the foe, deeply angered, and the expressions of literature are abun-
Here kwrios is used to show Christ's rela- Rev. 20 : 4-6, it will be seen that the begin- dant and varied. If sorrow has fallen on
O'er Mizraim's plains flew on Israel's track? tion to some " day ;" viz., the Sabbath day.
The "cloud of his presence, " by day as a vanguard, ning of the thousand years is to be marked very the family, the needed antidote can, be found
At night was a warder of fire at their back ! Now, as we have seen, kuriake is an adjective distinctly. Among other things, the " first both in prose and poetry. If fun is called
And the ages proclaim, with an eloquent power: derived from kurios. If, then, we anywhere resurrection" is to take place. By reference for, then fun can be had at the asking ; for
" 0 trust in the Lord, ever trust him, ye saints I find kuriake applied to some day, and there
He, the Refuge' and Fortress,' the Rook' and to 1 Thess. 4 : 16, it will be seen that the the language is so full of humor, so quaint
is nothing in the passage where it is so used second coming of Christ is to take place at
High Tower,' and subtle, that the bare recital of the author's
The Strength of your heart,' is not weary nor nor in any other passage, requiring us to ac- the time of the first resurrection. words brings the point out and " sets the
faints! knowledge a different day from that to which
We think our . friend hardly appreciated table in a roar." History, tragedy, comedy,
kurios has been applied, we are bound to con-
4, His potent , right hand' all his chosen investing, the position in which he placed himself by wit, pathos, sublimity, every spring at which
clude that the day to which kuriake is applied
Still casteth a shadow,' his love's secret place ! ' his improbable theory; but this is hardly the the human mind loves to drink, can be
is the same as that to which kurios is applied. opened, and the sweet waters be given freely
E'en now, as with Daniel, swift peril arresting, worst of it, the theory itself is very unreliable.
That shadow shall tell of the might of his grace ! So that kwrios of the Sabbath day is identi-
The 1260 years naturally begin at the setting to every one.
0 wanderer, try it ; thy hope is well-founded ; cal in import with kuriake day. Amen; so
up of the papacy, A. D. 538, and close with How cosy those home readings may be
The Lord shall thy Guide and thy Champion be ; let it be. H. WREN. made ! Warmth, light, companionship, cul-
His wisdom so lofty, his love so unbounded, its overthrow and temporary abolition, by
The power of his might,— all are purchased for the capture of the pope by Berthier, the ture, happiness, are all included in them.
thee." TIME-SETTING. French general, in 1798. But this did not How much you are missing, good people,
DISREPUTABLE as time-setting is, it is not mark the beginning of the thousand years; if reading is not cultivated as one of the
The way to the refuge? Oh, is it not Jesus, for the dead are not yet raised, and Christ means of happiness and pleasure in youi
The " Man for a hiding-place " clearly foretold ; confined to those calling themselves Advent-
Who suffered from thralldom to sin to release 'us; ists. Rather an unusual feature of this per- has not yet come. family circle; for in such an exercise there
The " Rook " that was riven the lost to enfold? nicious practice was indulged in lately by one Let our temporal millennium friends be- is a quickening of the imagination, an appeal
The glory of Sinai and Horeb's stilt voices of the popular churches of the day. It was ware, when they find fault with the preach- to the judgment, which will teach the chil-
Tell of splendid revealings, of whisperings heard dren more of literature in three hours than
By him who in Jesus' cleft aide now rejoices— embodied in two sermons on the " millen- ing of the near approach of the coming of
'Tis written in letters of light, in the word nium," and was as follows :— Christ, calling it setting the time, when no they can learn at school in three weeks.
Christ would not come till after the mil- time is named, lest, in searching for this (im- Next to the impulse of love as a means of
0 pavilion of God, on thy shelter relying, lennium, but at the end of that time he aginary) mote, in some one else's eye, they drawing families together, is the influence of
When the "blast of the terrible " menet& amain, should afterward find that they were cherish- intellectual companionship. Cultivate this,
Safe housed in thy love, my soul is defying would come to judge the world. The mil-
lennium was explained to mean, in the judg- ing a beam in their own eye. good friends, and see how satisfactory will
The heat of the furnace—,life's uttermost pain 1 be the result.—Golden Rule.
Oh, haste to that " Covert," that loved " Rock of ment of the speaker, a thousand years of lit- A. J. DENNIS.
Ages," eral time. Henry, Ill., Oct. 9.
And fully believe in his presence and power ! Now it is plain to be seen that if the be-
A " rampart of fire," all our fear he assuages,
Most vivid in splendor in life's waning hour ! ginning of the millennium be located, this, of
necessity, would locate the second coming of THE BIRD'S LESSON.
"A little balm, and a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts
And thus—Hallelujah!'--my Father in Heaven Christ; for no matter when the millennium and almonds." Gcn. 43: Ix.
By heart-speaking types my protection assures : " Thy right hand bath holden me up." Ps.18: 35.
commences, the coming of Christ will be one
Not a place, not an hour, from life's morn to its thousand years from that date, according to A LITTLE bird came fluttering against my
even, window one dark night. I raised the win- —THE worst of crosses is never to have
But his fond, loving-kindness completely secures this theory. had any.
- My freedom from danger, nay bliss never-fading, In view of so necessary a conclusion, it dow, and it came in, but, dazzled by the light,
M y closer communion, my still deeper rent! flew wildly about, dashing against whatever —ODD comes to see us, or to look upon us,
would seem strange that one who thought without a bell.
Oh, mighty compassion I Oh, sweet overshading I that Seventh-day Adventists were setting the happened to be in its way. Fearing it would
Can even the "angels elect" be more bleitl injure itself, I caught and kept it until morn- —BEGIN your web, and God will supply
time because they thought the coming of
Christ was " near, even at the door," would ing, and then let it go. The thoughts sug- you with thread.
Then aglow with thy love, 0 thou sovereign De- gested by this apparently trifling incident
fender, presume to undertake the task of locating —A CRIPPLE on the right road will beat a
I pass to the cloud halo-bright with thy rays! the time when the millennium would com- have helped me so many times, that I have racer on the wrong.
Enshrined in thy "presence," my life thou Shalt mence. But theory is often dearer than con- come to regard that little bird as a divinely —PRAYER brings down the first blessing,
render appointed messenger to teach me a lesson of and praise the second.
Luxuriant with blessing, perfumed with thy sistency, and so it appeared to be in this case.
In speaking of the " signs of the times " in faith and trust. Could it have reasoned—as —IT is rough to be poor, but to be ashamed
praise !
I long to be near thee, I know thou' wilt guide me ; for aught I know it could and did—while I
regard to the approach of the millennium, the of it is putting salt on a sore.
In view of this joy my heart merrily sings ; 7th chapter of Daniel was referred to in con- held it firmly in my hand, must not its
Till I see thee in glory, Oh, lovingly guide me, thoughts have been : " Alas alas 1 it is all —GoD has often a great share in a little
Drawn close to thy heart 'neath the shade of thy nection with Rev 12 :14, and it was thought house, and but little share in a great one.
the " time, times, and the dividing of time," over with me now. One of those terrible
wings. creatures that I have always so dreaded, has —WE waste our time in moments, our
—E. C. Wrenfortl, in Christian Woman. or 1260 years, referred to the continuation of money in dimes, and our happiness in trifles.
the papacy, and began about A. D. 737, at the got me at last. He holds me in a grasp of
time when the pope received universal tem- iron. My frantic struggles are as nothing. —SYSTEMATIZE your business, and keep
LORD'S DAY AND THE GREEK. Good-by to my free and happy life. It is an eye on little expenses. Small leaks sink
poral power. (Query. How is it that these
gone forever." great ships.
SUNDAY advocates sometimes appeal to the days continue after his temporal power has
Greek of the New Testament, and Rev. 1 : 10 passed away I) Another date was referred Could 'it have understood my intentions in —LET nothing foul or indecent, either to
is a text which is so used. The Greek ex- to (probably A. D. 538), but as it could not regard to it, could it have realized that never the eye or the ear, enter those doors where
pression there is "kuriab honera," translated be right, it was passed over without even in all its life had it been so perfectly secure youth dwells.
"Lord's day." being named. from all its enemies, quickly would its little —ABSENCE destroys small passions and
The argument they draw from the phrase Twelve hundred and sixty years forward heart have ceased its wild throbbings. It increases great ones, as wind blows out tapers
is this : kwriake is a term which signifies from A. D. 737 would give A. D. 1997, which, would have put its head under its wing and and kindles fires.
relating tcrthe Lord, i. e., to Christ. Hence, added to what some consider the age of the gone to sleep, as peacefully as when sheltered —NEVER reflect on a past action which
kuriake hemera is a day relating to Christ, world at the beginning of the Christian era by its mother's wing, upon its native bough. was done with a good motive and the best
or to the Christian dispensation. This day, (A. M. 4004), would give A. M. 6001. So, when my plans have been thwarted, judgment at the time.
they say, cannot be the seventh, as it related It was thought by some, that, as days are every way hedged up, and when nothing has
—FORBEARANCE is a domestic jewel, not to
to the old dispensation;, but it must he gull- reckoned by sevens, every seventh day being remained for me but to be still- and wait, and
be worn for state or show, but for daily and
day, as this dispensation is characterized by a Sabbath, and as the years were formerly wonder what the Lord could -mean by his
strange dealings, it has been given me to feel unostentatious ornament.
Christ's having risen on that day. reckoned in the same way, every seventh
year being a sabbath of rest for the land, and that more lovingly, wisely, and firmly than 'I —SHE who does not make her family com-
Now, to our mind, this conclusion is not
held that bird, the Lord's hand was holding fortable will herself never be happy at home;
sufficiently obvious to carry with it a con- every fiftieth year a year of jubilee, the world,
me ; that my good only, and my highest good, and she who is not happy at home will never
viction of truth. If it could be shown by the after six thousand years of trouble and sin,
advocates of Sunday, that somewhere in the would have one thousand years of rest, during was the sole aim and object of the painful be happy anywhere.—Addison.
Bible kuriake is applied, in plain terms, to which the saints of God would " long enjoy discipline through which I was called to pass. —" PIETY," remarked an Arkansas preach-
the first day of the week, then their argu- the work of their hands." I felt sad as the bird spread its wings, and er to his congregation the other day, " does
ment from Rev. 1 : 10 would be good. Or, It did not • make much difference whether with a quick, glad cry, flew swiftly away. not consist in noise. The Lord can see you
if failing to find a passage where the adjective his hearers believed this theory or not, in the Had it learned to trust and confide in me, give to the needy just as easy as he can hear
kuriake is so applied, they would produce opinion of the speaker (and in our opinion, how gladly would I have been its friend and you pray the roof off."
one in which the stem, or original noun, too, so far as any practical benefit to be de- protector ! Do we not often thus grieve our —THE Glasgow Times says, that when a
kurios, is so used, that will do.; as all will rived from it was concerned); it was his Heavenly Father, by rushing eagerly and preacher goes astray, men who have been all
readily admit that if tIi noun kurios, is used theory, and he simply presented it as such. thoughtlessly away from the loving hand that their „years of manhood covered with the
to express Christ's relation to Sunday, then We think it very Rrobable that the land has been patiently trying to restrain us from same slime of wickedness, will roll their hyp-
the adjective kuriake, which is derived from will " enjoy her sabbaths" (2 Chron. 36 : 21), evil and lead us to a higher and better life`i— ocritical eyes and swear that preachers are
kwrios, is so used in Rev. 1 : 10 ; and they of which she has been robbed for six thousand Christicurc at Work. the worst men in the world.
148 THE REVIEW AND HE ALD, [VoL. 54, No. 19.

after they had done something themselves. country has ever known. At an early age Eld. of the Annual each member will take, pay for,
buipt raRt. On the whole, those who have managed the
great work have managed wisely and well.
White entered the ministry, in which he has
been an active laborer for more than thirty
and circulate. These figures can be brought or
sent to Battle Creek at the time of the General
"Sanctify them through Thy Truth : Thy Word is Truth." 4. Those who have a heart to work should years, having in that time accomplished an Conference, when the plan can be perfected to
work on faithfully and energetically. They amount of work rarely equaled in a single life- ship them by rail and save the postage, except-
BATTLE CREEK, MIOH., OCT. 30, 1879. should feel that they are working for God, and time. Eld. White has always taken a strong ing to the most distant parts of the field. This
that Satan knows it and is doing all he can do stand in favor of temperance, being in this re-
would reduce the cost of the Annual about one-
. Corresponding Editors. to discourage them. The fault-finders want the spect far in advance of most workers in thisthird, and give it a very extensive circulation
SHITEI Resident Editor. work to stop. And if the workers become dis- branch of reform, having for many years advo- without burdening the Tract and Missionary
couraged, and become faint-hearted and weary cated and practiced abstinence not only from societies, which are now badly in debt.
J. w,
THE GENERAL CONFERENCE. LJ in well-doing, this will please them, and Satan liquors of all sorts, but from the use of tobacco,
and his angels will hold jubilee. The Lord tea and coffee, and all other narcotics and stim-
THE time of our General Conference is at
lives and reigns ; brethren, work on. This is ulants. He has, in fact, for nearly thirty years, ADVERTISE ! ADVERTISE ! !
hand. Important matters are to be considered
the only way to help those who are hindered by promulgated the principles embodied in the
THE customs of the times in which we live
at this annual assembly of the representatives of the temptations of Satan. pledges and constitution of the American Health
our people. There should be as full representa- are such that but little can be done -without ad-
5. With the experience of the past we can and Temperance Association, of the executive
vertising. Our institutions are struggling hard
tion of the presidents and secretaries of the
Missionary and Temperance Societies as con- better lay plans for the future. Times are hard. committee of which he is chairman.with financial embarrassments. And one rea-
Our publishing houses are embarrassed. Every "In response to the constant demands for
son why we urge the circulation of 400,000
sistent. The great questions which will decide such a work, Eld. White has prepared a volume
the work for our people for the coming year will Tract and Missionary Society in the land should copies of the Health and Temperance Annual is
of ` Life Sketches,' which is not only a deeply that it may go out everywhere, to be placed by
be patiently considered, and, we hope, cor- be completely out of debt before January 1, interesting account of the remarkable life and as many firesides, a perpetual advertisement of
rectly decided. God is merciful to his people, 1880. Every State, and every district, and labors of the author, but also of Mrs White,
and jealous of his honor and work, and is still every church in the district, and every member our College, our Sanitarium, our Publishing
who has been closely associated with her hus- Houses, and our Health and Religious Publica-
speaking to his people. Let this be the prayer of the Tract and Missionary Society should
work to this point. The reading matter to be band in his work, and incidentally of the vari- tions, which are a power in the land.
of every sincere heart, "Speak, Lord, for thy ous religious and other reformatory movements
servant heareth." J. W. circulated by the Tract and Missionary Societies Brethren, one and all, come to our help.
will be considered at the soon-coming Confer- which he has been chiefly instrumental in inau- Friends, stand by our institutions and our work
) ence. If we have a pioneer sheet, it should be gurating. In press, nearly ready. About 600 in this trying crisis. Help us advertise. Send
TRACT AND MISSIONARY WORKERS. a live one, ably conducted, and the price as low pp. Elegantly bound, containing fine steel en- your orders for the Annual at once.
WE have something to say to the officers and as can be afforded for one of four pages. Such gravings of Eld. and Mrs. White. Price, post- J. W.
workers in the blessed cause of tract and mis- a sheet can be sent out from Battle Creek, post- paid, $1.50.
sionary work. Dear brethren, you have done a "Address REVIEW AND HERALD, Battle Creek, REVIVAL MEETINGS.
age paid, for fifty cents a volume of fifty num-
great work. Through you our publications bers. Such matter as The Life of Christ and Mich." SINCE the commencement of last Sabbath,
have gone to the ends of the earth, and by their the Apostles, Christ in the Old Testament and We imagine that we hear some of the tract
Oct. 25, the meetings in Battle Creek have been
means chiefly we now have missionary stations the Sabbath in the New, and the great truths and missionary workers exclaim : " Four hun- directed to the special object of a revival of the
in Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, Egypt, bursting in upon us upon the grand theme of dred thousand copies ! Never ! ! No, we can work of the Lord in our midst, and we are
Norway, Denmark, Sweden, besides the Cana-
redemption through Christ, should hold a large do no such thing I No, never I I " Hold, dear happy to say that some tokens of good appear.
das, and at many other points on the Western place in such a sheet. And the volumes, friends ! We have not yet asked you to circu-
Bro. White gave two addresses Wednesday
continent where we have no State Conferences. pamphlets and tracts from the pen that wrote late 400,040 copies of the Annual for 1880. It
and Thursday evenings to those who came out to
We repeat it, you have done a great work. the articles on the life of Christ should be put has been offered to you for just two-thirds what
the Biblical Institute, filled with good counsel
Let us call to mind what has been accomplished. into all the families where they will be read it cost. Should you circulate as many, it would
the in reference to the great principles of this work,
1. You are thoroughly organized, and are coming year. There is power in them to re- be a loss of just $2,000 to the REVIEW Office, to
He dwelt upon the instructive experiences of
ready for any effort that will advance the cause. move prejudice say nothing of the expense of handling it, and
and reach the hearts of the the past, especially showing the connection of
To bring this about has called into action genius, people, to be found in no other works. We what Dr. Kellogg deserves for his services in the spirit of prophecy with this cause, in a man-
vigilance, and patient labor. Elder Haskell, preparing it for the press. Should you circulate ner to inspire confidence and fortify the mind
close on this subject for the present with these
under God, has accomplished a great work. 400,000 copies at one dollar per hundred, the
lines :— against the approach of any doubt that God has
You have witnessed his sincerity, his sacrifices, Office could hardly stand the strain just now.
" Soldiers of Christ arise, had this movement under his providential care
his incessant labors and patient toil, and have And put your armor on ; We suggest that the Health and Temperance
from its very beginning.
worked with him. Already you have done a Fight, for the battle will be ours ; Annual for 1880 be circulated through the mail
We fight to win a crown." Sr. White spoke at the commencement of the
work, the magnitude and importance of which at once by the members and friends of the
Sabbath to a full congregation, on the solemni-
eternity alone can tell. But the period of your " The battle's almost o'er ; American Health and Temperance Association.
ties of the Judgment. Our attention was called
greatest success and usefulness is before you. The race is nearly run ; There should be 11,000 of these on the continent.
to the unerring records of those books which
Go forward. As President Allen, of the S. D. Then with our glorious conquering King, These can dispose of 400,000 Annuals easily,
We'll sit down on his throne." will be opened, from which every one will be
Baptist University, said, our publications are if each person will purchase and circulate gratu-
J. W. judged according to his works. With great
the "right arm" of our strength. itously to their neighbors and friends quantities
power she urged upon all the importance of
2. In this work of thorough organization, with ranging from twenty-five to one hundred copies.
HEALTH AND AND TEMPERANCE ANNUAL. making the record on the side of devotion and
persons, many of whom have not the elements of Such an Annual will be a present to be prized by
►FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES SHOULD consecration, and not on the side of defects and
order in them, and considering the activity with all reading, thinking, sensible people. And
BE CIRCULATED. failures, expressing, at the same time, her
which the tract and missionary work has been there are thousands of persons among us who
thankfulness that we have not yet reached, in
carried forward, the experiences of all who really THE Health and Temperance Annual for 1880 have each a hundred such friends to please by
our present condition, the last deciding scene,
love the cause of Christ have not been pleasant. is ready. In the second edition is a leaf de- presenting to them a copy of the Annual. Let
but that there is yet opportunity to be zealous
Many have not realized the importance of that voted to brief sketches of the lives and temper- us figure. Suppose
and repent, and wash our robes and make them
order and correctness in doing business that ance principles and labors of Elders Joseph Bates 1000 persons take 100 each=100,000
2000 " " 50 " =100,000
white in the blood of the Lamb.
has been urged upon them. And Satan, ever and James White, with their portraits. Of these
men who were the first to labor in the cause of 8000 " " 25 " =200,000 Sabbath forenoon Bro. White spoke from 1
ready to take advantage of the situation, has
Pet. 4 :18, and Sr. White, in the afternoon, on
brought sadness upon certain ones, which has present truth and in the temperance reform, So 11,000 persons would take 400,000 Heb. 12 : 1-4. Both enjoyed great freedom;
led to inaction. But these are rallying and will the Annual says :— We now offer the Annual by mail, postage and though the congregation was so largo, the
yet come nobly up to the work. "Thousands of those who read this page will paid, at the following rates :-
very best of attention was given throughout.
3. Others have felt that the calls for means recognize in the accompanying portrait the kindly At the close of the remarks of Sr. White in
100 copies to one address, $2.15
have been too urgent and unqualified. Here Sa- face of one of the veterans of temperance reform 50 " " " " 1.10 the afternoon, opportunity was given for those
tan, of course, has been ready to step in and ex- in America, who was well known among tem- 25 cc cc cc cc .60 who wished to start in the service of God, or to
perance reformers half a century ago as Capt. 10 cc- cc cc .25
cite covetousness, sadness, and a rebellious spirit 5cc cc cc start anew in that service, to show it by coming
which in some cases has led to refusal to pay Bates. After following the sea for more than .15
3ac cc cc .10 . forward. There was no special urging ; but
pledges made in good faith. Suppose we admit twenty years, during which period his life was single copy .05 while appropriate hymns were being sung, there
that the experience of ten years has helped those often miraculously preserved by a kind Provi-
Father Bates, the health and temperance was a very encouraging move and deep feeling
who havla managed these things, then what ? dence who had work for him to do in after in the congregation. The numbers who came
What if they could not see clearly the end from years, he settled down with an ample fortune in hero, the man who first led out upon the Sab-
an eastern city, and engaged in the temperance bath question among us, sleeps. The memory
crowding forward were so many that all distinc-
the beginning ? Are these the only men who was finally lost between them and the rest
reform, of which he was one of the earliest ad- of this noble, good man is precious. Though tion
have erred ? Charity invites patient looking of the congregation. Testimonies, accompanied
vocates, being instrumental in organizing the dead, he speaks. His good face is given in the
over the situation before passing severe judg- with penitent tears, were borne, and the subcht-
ment on those men of God who have felt the first temperance society in America. The nar- Annual, with a sketch of his life. Let it be re-
rative of his life, written chiefly by himself, is a peated in our Annual for 1880 not less than 400,- ing, melting influence of the Spirit of God was
hand of Providence upon them urging them on
present in a large degree. For this we all felt
to a great work. To them the field of labor work of the most thrilling interest, and one 000 times.
Friends of the Health and Temperance Annual, very thankful.
they were entering was a new one. They en- which should be in the hands of the young
be in season, be in earnest. Before your nu-
Sunday evening the usual district meetings
tered upon their work more as an experiment everywhere. Few men of more"dignified char-
were held, conducted by the different ministers
than that which had been laid out and tried by acter or more unselfish disposition have left merous friends have a chance to take to their
present, and from these good reports are re-
others. The hand of Providence seemed to records of their lives as examples worthy of homes the comic and drug-advertising almanacs,
put 400,000 of the Health and Temperance An• ceived. Nine ministers are thus far in from
open paths before them, and urged them on. emulation.
abroad. We hope for still more interesting
Did they make some false motions ? It is a " The first edition of the Life of Elder Joseph nuals at as many firesides. Let the orders come
Bates was exhausted a long time ago, and the in with the cash, and let the Annual go out to religious meetings, for a profitable Institute,
wonder that they made so few. Did they over- and for an encouraging Conference.
act in a few cases? Not a tithe as many in- call for it has been so great that a new and the people. . J. W.
stances of this knd occurred as those in which greatly improved edition, edited by Eld. James
cautious hesitation prevented many from do- White, for more than thirty years one of his BAPTIZED INFIDELITY.
ing anything. Shall we look for men who never most intimate friends and co-laborers, has been CANON F ARR AR, whose " Life of Christ " has
make a mistake ? Shall we expect those who issued and is for sale at the REVIEW AND HER- ANOTHER PLAN TO CIRCULATE THE ANNUAL. had a wide circulation, has now written a work
are overwhelmed with toil and care, so that ALD Office. The work is one which ought to be IT is true that the postal law is favorable to entitled, "Life and Work of Saint Paul," which
they have hardly time to mature plans, to al- in every family. 320 pp., price $1.00, postpaid. the circulation of reading matter, so that it costs is published in two large volumes by E. N.
ways keep a perfect balance ? The man who "Address REVIEW AND HERALD, Battle Creek, but one cent to send a single copy of the Annual Dutton & Co. From a notice of this work in
spends half a lifetime in getting his balance, Mich." to any part of the United States and the Cana- The Independent of Oct. 16, we take the follow-
and the other half in keeping it, can do nothing "The original of the portrait opposite needs das. Yet this would amount to the handsome ing paragraph :—
else, and is of as little value as a corn cob. He no introduction to the readers of the Annual, as sum of $4,000 on 400,000 copies of the Annual. " He regards the apostle as mistaken in some
can growl. at Providence and retard the great there can be few of them to whom both the We suggest a plan that will save a large por- of his views as to oar Lord's second coming, but
protects himself from a charge of heresy here by
wheel of reform by putting he: almost worthless name and the countenance of Eld. White are tion of this sum. It is this : Let the Tract and insisting that this was a subject on which reve-
body before it, and never perform onssliberal act not familiar as the leading man in one of the Missionary librarians, or some live person they lation was expressly withheld. The work is
for God and humanity. A demand for perfec- most interesting, and in many respects remark- may appoint in each church, thoroughly canvass conceived in the most reverent and believing
tion would come from these with better grace able, religious movements this or any other the church, and ascertain the number of copies spirit."
OCT. 30, 1879.] THE REVIEW AND HERALD. 149

This last sentence, in view of what precedes butions on that day, we have kept the only law September. All denominations were repre- ter than any other religious paper in this coun-
it, sounds like the most biting sarcasm. What there is for Sunday. But how much has this to sented from all parts of the world. I made'great try.
reverence or what faith is there in treating the do with the Sabbath ? calculations on doing something in behalf of the We mail and sell about eight hundred copies
writings of the apostle in this manner ? Paul Judging from one more declaration, which we truth at this Conference. I hoped to become at present. And we are very glad of one fea-
wrote by inspiration ; yet creed-bound, spirit- present below, we conclude that Mr. V.'s views acquainted with many during the session of the ture about this paper,—that it has paid its own
ually dead, withered-away and plucked-up The- of the Sabbath are much like those of the Chris- Alliance, and I selected a large quantity of pub- way and some over, since it was started, Jan. 1,
ologians, eighteen hundred years afterward, tian Union; namely, that it is an institution lications to give to such as I thought would be 1879. We do not need to ask our brethren to
discover that he undertook to write upon a sub- wholly in the hands of men, to be manipulated benefited by them. But I was obliged to keep help pay our debt on the paper. But we have
ject upon which revelation had been "expressly by them according to their own pleasure. He my bed during the entire period that the Al- asked them to help us to type and the neces-
withheld ; " and although he treated it just as says liance was in session in this city. I deeply re- sary material for a small printing office. To
though it was a subject which had been, like " I do not hesitate to affirm that the strict ap- gretted my situation, but could not change it. this appeal our brethren in America have cheer-
other truths, revealed to him, yet he made a plication of the fourth commandment to the My strength returns very slowly, but I hope fully responded, and we are very thankful for
mistake ! modern world is an impossibility. As the Sab- every day for a marked change in answer to this 'help.
bath was made for man, it must bend and ac- Our tract society in this city sells about six
Not a whit more astonishing would it be for commodate itself to the peculiarities of his ever- prayer.
some one to arise and say, "The evangelists changing and ever-progressing history." During this period of feebleness I have dic- dollars' worth of tracts each week. Brn. Jas-
were mistaken in what they wrote about there tated much writing, and attended to many mat- person and Roseqvist are in Skien. They will
Then he goes on to say that certain branches
ever being such a person as Jesus Christ here on ters of business. I have made the best use of soon get a hall for meetings. Meanwhile, they
of business must be carried on on Sunday, and
my time that the circumstances have admitted. have visited people and sold tracts. They had
the earth ; but then, I must not be accounted a that "when a man engages in an employment that
heretic for so writing, because this is a point on One thing which we have undertaken to do sold about eight dollars' worth of tracts when
necessitates Sunday work, he ought not to have they last wrote. Our brethren in Denmark have
which, information was " expressly withheld." laid on his conscience the sense of sin." He I hope will be of much service to the cause of
It is said that one verse in every 35 of the en- God. We have attempted to obtain the names formed a tract society, and are at work. The
apologizes for recreation on that day, and does
tire New Testament, and one in every 25 in and addresses of many thousand persons who consequence is that our tracts from America are
not blame " the added hour of sleep " on Sun- all gone except two kinds and some pamphlets.
Paul's writings, speaks of the second coming of day morning. speak the French language. This will enable
the Lord. Talk about revelation being " ex- us to introduce our paper to the attention of Our brethren in Sweden need books and tracts.
It would never do to let such views of Sun-
pressly withheld " on such a subject as that ! the general public, and I trust will be of great In Sweden very little can be done without
day, from a minister of the gospel, go unre-
The very ink should blush that records the advantage to the cause of truth. tracts. Preachers who are not of the. State
buked ; hence another Methodist, H. E. John- church are not permitted to preach there, ex-
thought. We suspect this plan is adopted as son, Independent, takes him to task for such To show the bitter spirit which prevails in
the only way to get rid of the great doctrine of some places I will mention the fact that the au- cept in their own meeting-houses. But books
loose views. Mr. J. plants himself squarely
the second coming of Christ. But any subject thorities at Orbe, Canton Vaud, have assessed a can be sold freely, and the people like to read.
upon the fourth commandment, having yet to Bro. Olsen, who has been with us about five
in all the Bible could be set aside in the same learn, what he must some day learn, that that tax upon Bro. Ertzenberger on the basis of an
way, and with just as much reason. This is the assumed salary of 20,000 francs, or $4,000. months, will soon leave this place and try to la-
commandment can never be made to enforce the
baldest kind of infidelity, and all the worse be- He has appealed to the higher authorities a bor in Sweden. It seems that the time may not
Sunday Sabbath. be far distant when there will be a demand for
cause it comes from the, pen of a churchman, This agitation is waking up the people every- Lausanne, and I have sent a statement in his
and under the sanction of religion. behalf showing that he receives for his services Swedish tracts large enough to get them printed
where to this great question ; and the more peo-
as missionary only enough to furnish his food here.
ple wake up to it the more the agitation in- I have furnished manuscript for about three
GONE, IS IT? creases. Let it go on. It is destined to shake and clothes and pay his traveling expenses.
The persons who have assessed this tax know hundred book pages during the last eight weeks,
THERE appeared recently in The Chfristian this citadel of papal error as it has never been besides writing for the paper, reading proof,
well that Bro. Ertzenberger is a poor man. They
Union, au article declaring that " the Puritan shaken before. have placed this immense tax upon him in order holding six meetings each week, and attending
Sabbath is gone ; not threatened, not going, to drive him out of the Canton. Bro. E. will to several other things. The attendance and in-
but gone;" and suggesting that the future must A FREE SUNDAY. appear before the authorities at Lausanne, and terest is increasing in our meetings since the
give us a modified day of rest regulated, by law, A MR. REITZEL, in a speech in Patterson present documentary proof with respect to his tract society commenced to work. The house
in which both laymen and preachers will, with- Park, Baltimore, Sunday afternoon, Sept. 28, income, and make oath to the same. We hope was crowded Sunday evening. The people
out scruple, "read the Sunday- paper, ride in said :— the authorities of the Canton will correct what listen with marked attention. The truth is
the Sunday cars, and trade in the Sunday "There are about 100,000 Germans in this city, the city authswities have done. gaining ground. Immediately after the close
market." and if these, taking all the circumstances into I have confidence that the Lord is about to of the service, two of us hand out tracts for the
A writer in the Advance of Oct. 9, 1879, se- consideration, would cast their vote in the right work for us in Switzerland, and I hope in my members of the tract society, and receive the
direction, Baltimore would soon have a free
verely criticises this article in The Christian Sunday. The great majority of the people are next letter to report myself in active service in money which each one has received for tracts
Union, as a virtual surrender of the whole Sab- in favor of a free Sunday, and there are only a the field. during the week. This takes about an hour.
bath controversy. He also objects to the, use few bigoted people who wish to perpetuate the A Baptist lady writes from Geneva that she There is always a surplus of money in the trees-
of the word " Sunday," but pleads for the term Sabbath of the olden time."' has commenced to observe the Sabbath. We .ury of the tract society. Then the tracts go
" Sabbath," and the maintenance of the Sab- He was followed by a Mr. Lewis N. Hirshberg, out to different parts of the country as well as
have the same news from a lady in Canton
batic institution, of course on the first day of who, after declaring that no persons had a bet- Vaud. In a former report I spoke of Sabbath- in the city.
the week. He says :— ter right than the Germans to "strike from the keepers in the Turkish empire ; I have since Our quarterly meeting was well attended.
"There is nothing in a mere `Sunday' to be- statute books the many objectionable parts of Seven persons were baptized on the previous
learned that there are fifteen in this cempany.
get, foster, and spread those influences that af- the Sunday law," said :— J. N. ANDREWS. evening. Sabbath morning we felt a good de-
ford society and a nation the support and :suss "No, my friends ; I tell you the time has Hale, Oct. 6, 1879. gree of the presence of God. In the afternoon
tenance of the higher social virtues. But in the come when the people, and consequently the
Sabbath' there is ; . . . a Sabbath originat- Legislature, can no longer remain indifferent to seventy-two brethren and sisters took part in
ing, not in the Westminster Catechism, but in these things, or to the behests of so large a por- 7 CHRISTIANA, NORWAY. the ordinances. This was the first time the
the Old-Testament Decalogue." tion of the law-abiding citizens of this city, and WE are all well here, and laboring to advance washing of feet was introduced among them.
The utter misapprehension under which men as a matter of policy, if for no other reason, the good cause. I have never had so much All except two took part in this solemn ordi-
are laboring in reference to the Sabbath question, they will modify them. Last year the petition work before me as now. I preach four times a nance. We have now in all seventy-five mem-
sent to Annapolis, and signed by 7,000 people,
is here apparent. The thought that the termab- was pigeon-holed, after having been made the week, and have the charge of the Sabbath- bers in good standing.
bath in any wise belongs to Sunday, or that t.can special order of the day, through the influence school and one prayer-meeting besides. Then Bro. Brorson has labored some time in the
be truthfully applied to that day, and that the of a few citizens and ministers. We will take I have to furnish copy for the paper and for southern part of Jutland, and some souls have
decalogue can be used to enforce the observance the same steps next year, send another petition, the Sabbath-school lessons. there embraced the truth. The fields are white
and if this, too, is pigeon-hOled,' why we will for the harvest in Northern Europe. The time
of Sunday as a Sabbath, is one of the fatal Weak- take more decided steps, and send men there Our work among the Scandinavians has up to
nesses of the Sunday movement. Many have who: will listen and act upon the moderate re- the present time lacked one essential element, is short, and it is a great work to be prepared
already learned that this cannot be done; and quests of our best citizens, and in this way mod- —a well-organized Sabbath-school. In Amer- to meet our God. But this is the great aim of
all will have to learn it. This is the new wine ify this chip from the block of the old blue ica this want was in some degree made up by our lives, and we desire to win as many souls
laws.' " with us as possible, before the Lord shall come.
which Nicholas Bound, D. D., tried to pour into the American Sabbath-school, because most of
the old Sunday bottle in 1595; but it will burst This speech was received with tremendous the children would learn to speak English, and Oct. 7. J. G. MATTESON.
it into shreds, for it has given birth to the in- applause. It shows how the Sunday question
could thus be instructed out of our English
quiry how the fourth commandment can be is being forced into politics. In Newark, N. Sabbath-school books. But this is not the case CAMP-MEETING AT EL DORADO,
made to sustain the observance of Sunday, and J., it has already been made a test question. here. The children of Sabbath-keepers in this KANSAS.
thus the fatal fallacy of the position is revealed. In the election in that city, Oct. 15, the Ger- country must be instructed in their native THIS was a small meeting. Perhaps sixty or
We predict that the popular Sabbath of the man vote, which has heretofore been Republi- tongue, or not at all. seventy were encamped on-the ground. The
future will be such an institution as The Chris- can, was cast solidly for the Democratic anti- When we started a Sabbath-school here on weather, after the commencement, was very
tian Union speaks of,-,-an American Sabbath, Sunday and free-liquor candidate for mayor, the American plan, it awakened an interest far fine, except that the nights were quite cool.
not enforced by the Bible, but resting on the giving him a majority of 3,367. Commenting beyond our expectations.* Old and young vie There were no very striking or remarkable fea-
sanction of human law. on this, the Christian Statesman of Oct. 16
with one another in learning their Bible lessons. tures in this meeting. A good degree of inter-
The average number of members in our Sab- est was shown by the people. Nearly all of
" But this does not settle the Sabbath [Sun-
THE SUNDAY QUESTION IN day] question by a long way, even in Newark. bath-school in this city during the past quarter those encamped on the ground came forward for
BALTIMORE. It only shows the utterly unscrupulous charac- has been 117 ; average attendance, 101. Here prayers Sabbath afternoon, when the call was
ter of the liquor and anti-Sabbath [anti- Sunday] old and young have an opportunity to become made. And on Sunday, when the teetotal
THE agitation existing in the city of Balti-
interest, and that it holds all other political established in all points of our faith. Under pledge was passed, as nearly as we c,puld ascer-
more on the Sunday question, has alreadybeen principles and issues subordinate. to the su-
referred to in these columns. -A friend hawsent preme issue of license for immorality. This these circumstances we agreed that it was a tain, all S. D. Adventists present who had not
us a package of Baltimore papers containing ser- will help to emancipate- Christian men from necessity to print Sabbath-school lessons, and previously done so, signed.
mons on the Sunday question, and other llu- Christian party bondage, and combine them in loyalty to they are now forming themselves into three A Sabbath-school was held, though our lesson
principles as supreme over all other small books adapted to the three divisions of sheets and Instructors did not get there in sea-
sions to the exciting theme. Most prominent considerations."
just now, seemingly, are the sermons of J. B. the school. son. The Sabbath-school work was discussed,
There is already seen a determination on both
Van Meter, pastor of the Mount Vernon Meth- sides which is rarely manifested at so early a Our brethren in Denmark are very much as well as the T. and M. interests. Pledges to
odist Episcopal church. After laying down some stage in any controversy. in need of these books, and they will soon be the amount of over $100 were made to the re-
general principles based on the declaration that wanted by others in Norway. We are so situ- serve fund.
"the Sabbath was made for man," he is re- ated here that we can print small editions and The meeting closed Monday forenoon, with a
NI THE EUROPEAN MISSION. make it pay. An edition of five hundred pays very good feeling, nearly all expressing grat-
ported in the Baltimore American of Sept 29,
A LONGER period has elapsed since writing my the work and material, and leaves a margin be- itude for the benefits they had received, and
1879, as saying :— claiming to have learned much more perfectly
" These are the broad principles that are to last report than I intended to permit before sides wide enough for the trade. We print the way of life.
guide us in the observance of the Lord's day. writing again. I have desired to speak of a tracts in editions of five hundred, and sell them Many of those present had never had the ben-
We are left to apply them as best we can and as marked improvement in my health, and have to the tract societies at the rate of twenty pages efit of a camp-meeting before, and had it not
honorably as we will. We must work out" our waited in the hope of being able to do this- for one cent, and make it pay. The Lord has been held here most likely many would not have
Sunday theories from these principles, for there But it has seemed almost impossible for me to blessed our efforts, and with but little means attended. Doubtless the profit to them was
is not a single specific fittecept in the Bible bear- more than sufficient to compensate for the labor
ing on the subject, except Paul's command to gain strength. and short experience we succeed in printing, and expense of the meeting. All seemed to go
make charitable contributions on that day." The World's Evangelical Alliance held its The last issue of our paper is as neat and well away feeling well. GEO. I. BUTLER.
Then when we have made charitable contri- session in this city during the first week of printed as any reader will ask, and it looks bet- El Dorado, Kan., Oct. 20, 1879.
150 THE REVIEW AND HE' _LDS [Vol. 54, No. 19.

THE LOVE OF MUM MICHIGAN. VIRGINIA. of heart. The ministers in this State took an
WHAT joy to think of all the love especial interest in the testimony, and expressed
That Christ bestows on me, Mason.—As the interest here was good, Mt. Jackson. After making an effort at a determination to go forward in the pathway
And trust the precious sacrifice the brethren at Alaiedon furnished us with Bolivar, I held a few meetings in a neighbor- so clearly laid out. The model Sabbath-school
Offered on Calvary. wood and a large stove during the recent cold hood three miles west of this place, where there was organized by Bro. N. W. A]lee, and was a
weather, so we still keep our tent up ; but we very interesting feature of the meeting.
0 scene of scenes ! one wondering look are eight Sabbath-keepers. Mrs. Sanborn is at There were about seventeen family tents on
I backward turn to thee ; shall take it down as soon as it is sufficiently present living in the neighborhood, and &ling a the ground, and quite a number of families in
O Lamb of Heaven ! can I forget dry to pack. We shall then be obliged to hold large amount of missionary work, which is in- the old circular tent; some lodged in covered
The One who died for me? our meetings in a private house. We are just creasing continually. If we succeed in carrying wagons, and others occupied rooms in Windsor,
starting a Sabbath-school. There are about out our plans, one thousand copies of the Sigsts only abo
ut one-third of a mile from the camp.
No ; let my hand forget to move, twenty-five Sabbath-keepers here now, and oth- will soon come into this mission every week. The people of the town and vicinity were very
My tongue to silence fall, ers are investigating the Sabbath question. Bro. Fultz and I design to start on a trip next kind and obliging.
If I forget the dying love Pray for us. T. M. STEWARD. Monday toward the southern part of the State, The prominent place given in Eld. Butler's
Of Christ, my all 'in all! E. P. DANIELS, to obtain names for V. M. workers, and to cir- discourses to the influences of the Holy Spirit
culate reading matter. Then we shall be able to in the great work of elevating the Christian
With childlike faith I turn to thee, furnish names to societies in other States.
And to that cleansing tide; Dist. No. IL—According to appointment Our quarterly meetings just past were good. character, is worthy of special mention. It was
Renew my soul, nor let one sin shown and proven from the word of God and
in REVIEW, I attended the quarterly meeting of The preaching was practical and searching, and the history and experience of the church, that
In my poor heart abide. all the lovers of the truth seemed encouraged to
P. ALDERMAN. Dist. No. 11, at Bancroft, Oct. 11 and 12. The without the influence of the Holy Spirit the
meeting was thinly attended, and the churches be more faithful than in the past. The V. M. ablest efforts of men are vain and abortive,
workers are now sending out weekly thirty-five while with the aid of this Spirit all that is good
failed to report ; hence much that ought to have copies of the Signs. They also raised about and desirable may be accomplished. It was oh-
prriTu Ile emmt. been interesting was lacking. But a few friends
had kindly contributed to a paper prepared for
that district, called ," The Morning Star," de-
$26.00 in donations and pledges, to add to our
tract fund. We have some money on hand and
a good supply of tracts. The church at Zion,
served that in the testimonies of the brethren
and sisters this principle had a place ; a univer-
sal desire was expressed to obtain a greater
"lie that goeth forth and weapeth, bearing preotone need, shall doubtless voted to tract and missionary and health and Page Co., is now fully organized, having eleven measure of the Holy Spirit, and to drink more
come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." l's. 12d :6, temperance work, which was listened to with in- members and an ordained elder and deacon. deeply into the spirit of this work.
terest. They have a Sabbath-school. The work moves JOSEPH CLARKE.
Our meetings were well attended by the slowly, but I trust its progress is sure. Pray
OHIO. brethren and sisters of Bancroft and Vernon, for us. I. SANBORN.
and there were a• few from other places. On
Clarksfield.—Since my last report the Con- Sunday evening we had quite a good turnout of FINDING THE LIGHT.
gregationalist church has been closed against us, the citizens of the place, who listened with at- VERMONT. MRS. ANNIE STIFFICOOL, of Clark Co., Wis.,
'which action, as usual in such cases, has worked tention and candor. The meeting-house at Cabot and Warren.—Oct. 11, 12, I held writes :—
in our favor. " The directors immediately opened Bancroft will soon be completed. It will be the meetings with the little church at Cabot. Bro.
first in the place. T. M. STEWARD. I have recently been brought to see the light
the village school-house, which stood near by, R. S. Owen, on his way to the southern part of of the "third angel's message." I now rejoice
which is even a better place for meetings than the State, was with us. We think our visit was in the glorious law of liberty. God is revealing
the dilapidated old church. Opposition is now Dist. No. 13.—Sabbath, Oct. 18, I met timely, encouraging believers. and pointing out to my inquiring heart the strait
rising somewhat, and this gives us some hope with the Dryden •church, and was glad to see The work on the meeting-house is progress- and narrow path. The REVIEW is a welcome
that more good will be accomplished. We con- visitor to our home, and we shall endeavor to do
tinue one week or longer. some there from Almont and Imlay City. I ing. Paul bears record as to the willingness of all the good we can by putting it into the hands
H. A. ST. JOHN. spoke on the progress of our cause, and the im- some of his brethren to work "beyond their of others. We have a little band of command.
• 4 portance of engaging in the work of the tract power ; " and so may we say respecting the sac- ment-keeping people in our neighborhood, who
North Bloomfield, Bedford, and North society, after which we had a good social meet- rifice some of these brethren have made in thus are earnestly seeking to make Heaven their
ing. Nearly all expressed a desire to engage far completing their house, but they must have home. May God help us one and all.
Solon.—All that attended the meeting at niore heartily in this branch of the work. In more help if they comple te it this fall, as
North Bloomfield, Oct. 4, 5, were greatly en- the evening we had a tract society meeting, and should be done for the good of the cause in this I -
couraged to go forward. One good sister took a we were glad to see the brethren and sisters locality. It is very much needed for their FROM BRO. RODMAN.
stand for the truth, and two were 'baptized and came up nobly to the work. If all would do as weekly meetings, and that a course of lectures
united with the church. A local temperance well as the few here, our debt would soon be may be given there early in the ensuing winter, I FIND that in the last few years I have not
lifted. if the General Conference Committee send us had that heartfelt interest and zeal for the cause-
society was organized, and a good interest was
manifested in all branches of the cause. I then introduced the subject of temperance, help to supply the place of Eld. C. W. Stone, of truth that I had when I first embraced the,
We organized a church of five members at and nearly every one present signed the teetotal by them called from the State. third message. I had become overanxious about:
pledge. One of these was a good sister who The following friendly words from some one
Bedford. Others will soon unite with them.
An elder and a clerk and treasurer were choSein. has been tampering with the weed, but who watching our work here, I clipped from a Mont- the things of this life, instead of seekingfirst
Two more have decided to obey the truth at now resolves, by the help of the Lord, to be free. pelier paper of a recent issue :— the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and
GEO. 0. STATES, Director. " LOWER CABOT. —The Seventh-day Advent- trusting in him who feeds the raven and clothes
North Solon. R. A. INDEnwoon. ists are rapidly progressing with their new the lily. But for a few months past I have
J. C. BARTLETT. church, and the prospects of its completion be- been trying to draw near the Lord, and he he
Lakeview.—Oct. 11 and 12, I attended the fore cold weather are good. The church is heard the voice of my supplication and accepted
quarterly meeting at Lakeview. There was small, but it is better adapted to a small audience my confession of sins. He is giving me thelove,
Farmington, Oct. 20.—We closed our quite a representation from the other churches than a large one would be. When finished it of the truth as in former days, and restoring, t&
will be neat, plain, and pretty, nothing being me the joy of his salvation, for which I praise
meetings here last night. We have had a good in the district. Commencing with the evening put in for mere show. We shall then have four him with all my heart.
.attendance throughout. The no-law advocates or the Sabbath, seven meetings were held. A churches in town instead of three, in consequence If the above is read by any who have wan-i
have bitterly opposed the truth on the Bible social meeting Sabbath morning at 9 A. M., was of opposition ; and that opposition to a new sect dered from God, let me beseech you to return
'Sabbath from the first. Nevertheless, \our efforts followed by a Sabbath-school in which the tends to increase its numbers and energize its at once while the Lord is waiting to be graciouS.,
have not been fruitless. Six have been added schools at Muir and Lyons, Orleans, Saranac, forces. Clergyinen would do well to thoroughly Tarry not in the wilderness of sin, but make;
to the church, and yeaterday five were buried Vergennes, Greenville, andley or were repre- investigate the scriptural authority for the haste and delay not to draw nigh to God, and'
with their Lord in baptism, four of whom have sented. After the recitations and general ques- change of Sabbath from the seventh to the first he will draw nigh to you. " Yet a little
been Sunday-keepers. There are fourteen keep- tions, remarks were make by F. Howe, Eld. day, lest the blind lead the blind and both fall and he that shall come will come, and willnot,
ing the Sabbath here now, and we hope for Van Deusen, and others. At 1 P. ss. there was into the ditch.' " tarry. Now the just shall live by faith ; but if
a discourse on baptism, after which four were Agreeably to appointment, meetings were any man draw back, my soul shall have no
baptized. In the evening, Eld. Van Deusen held in Warren on the 18th and 19th inst. pleasure in him." To draw back is perdition,:
spoke on the subject of temperance, and quite a Brethren and sisters were present from each but to hold fast the faith unto the end in obey-
Hoopeston and Vicinity, and East Lynn. number signed the pledge. side of the Green Mountains. The State secre- ing the truth will secure a passport through the
—Since reporting last, in -addition to my ordi- Sunday morning we had an excellent prayer tary of the tract society, two directors, and the gates into the eternal city. See Rev. 22 :14,
nary work I have given three discourses in re- and social meeting, after which the tract society secretary of the State Sabbath-school Associa- Brethren of New England, pardon me for:'
ply to opposition efforts by a Christian preaeher, business was taken up. In the evening, Eld. tion and temperance organization were present, grieving you by my coldness, and pray tar me.
one of which was made at East Lynn to draw Van Deusen spoke to an attentive congregation which contributed to the interest of the meet- Yours in hope, P. C. RODMAN'
away my congregation, and another in the on the coming of the Lord. On the whole, we ings. Sanitarium.
trust we had a profitable meeting. The word was preached with freedom, an in-
school-house where I have been preaching.
The result thus far has been that several minds Eld. Van Deusen remains to hold meetings teresting Sabbath-school was held, the ordi-
during the week. J. FARGO. nances of the Lord's house were celebrated, and AN APPEAL TO THE BRETHREN IM
have been settled in favor of the truth, and I two persons were added to the church. A tract
have received a special invitation from a promi- VIRGINIA.
society meeting was held, in which many words
nent member of the Christian church to hold Jefferson, Hillsdale Co.—The quarterly of good cheer were spoken ; and the first local I BELIEVE the time has come when it is very
meetings at East Lynn. important that all Seventh-day Adventists
As Bro. Gros is obliged to leave me, unless meeting of Dist. No. 1 was held at this place. H. and T. club of the State among S. D. Ad-
get suitable help I shall not be able to give a There Was a good attendance, the best they ever ventists was organized.
I am satisfied that we, as a religious body,
should pay their tithes. How can we expect the
full course of lectures at East Lynn. I have have had at a meeting of this kind. The meet- looking for the soon-coming of Christ, and hop- blessing of God, if we refuse or neglect to do
:an appointment out to give two discourses in ing suffered some by a few returning home be- ing for the rest that remaineth to the people of this duty. To all who are doubting he says,
that place in reply to opposition efforts. fore its close ; but a spirit of interest character- God, should, with the blazing banner of health " Prove me." I would therefore ask the lonely
Last Sabbath I organized a Sabbath-school of ized it all the way through. Sabbath-keepers in Virginia to send all 'their.
and temperance reform, stand ahead of every tithes, every quarter, to A. C. Neff, Quicksbarg,
twenty members. Others who were absent will We had a good Sabbath-school Sabbath morn- other people.
unite. The penny contribution was adopted. ing, in which nearly all took part. The inter- Temperance is one of the fruits of the Spirit, Shenandoah Co., Va. He is the legally author.
Oct. 20. D. T. BOURDEATI., est in this work is so reat that a Sabbath-school against which " there is no law " nor sound rea- ized treasurer for the State, and will faithfully
convention could be eld with profit at the time son. Peter would have us " give all diligence " take care of all our tithes, and hold them sub7
of their quarterly meeting. ject to the order of the General Conference
Rockford, Oct. 22.—Commenced meetings in adding one Christian grace to another, in do-
The business of the tract society occupied ing which we must add to knowledge temper- Committee, who will see that the money is prop-
at Lena, Sept. 2. On Sabbath, Sept. 27, the two meetings. Harmony prevailed. A large ance ; and if the man of God does not do this, erly used to advance the third angel's message
brethren from surrounding neighborhoods came proportion of the pledges that were made during he not only lacks knowledge, but he certainly in this State. You can send by post-office order;
in, and we organized a union Sabbath-school -to the past year to clear the district from a long- will fail in erecting the monument of Christian or by registered letter.
;meet the first Sabbath, of each month at Nora, standing debt have been• paid. When the re- graces. Now do not fail to attend to this. If youareel
with four branch schools. I then went to a mainder are paid, the district will be free from Paul says : "And every man that striveth for faithful and prompt in the performance of this",
school-house five miles south of Apple River, debt. As the debt rolls off, courage comes in, the mastery is temperate in all things. Now and 'all other duties, you may expect to see the
where we have a small company of Sabbath- and we trust well-directed efforts in the future they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we message spread and souls converted to the com.-
keepers. I came when most needed, and trust will not only keep the district clear from debt, an incorruptible." mandments of God and the faith of Jesus, in thi
I left them with much better courage than- I A. S. HUTCHINS. State. I. SANBORN.
but will accomplish much good in spreading a Oct. 21.
found them. knowledge of the truth.
Oct. 1, spoke in a hall in Nora. A good in- Sunday forenoon we gave a discourse on tem- NEBRASKA CONFERENCE.
terest to hear the truth was manifest. Expect perance, after which we obtained fifty signers to OUR CAMP-MEETING.
to commence a series of meetings here Dec. 6. the teetotal pledge. Let us give the temper- THE second annual session of the Nebrealflq
Oct. 3, I visited Winslow, and had a good ance interest a little time and room at these THE camp-meeting held at Windsor, Henry Conference was held in connection with th44
hearing from the outside. One was baptized. general meetings. After the services in the Co., Mo., Oat. 9-13, was a good and profitable camp-meeting at Seward, Neb., Oct. 2-7. In
Oct. 10, commenced meetings at Belvidere. afternoon we repaired to Bird Lake, where meeting. The interest increased to the close. all, twenty-three churches were represented 4;1
Had a good meeting. The brethren here, al- seven, four adults and three children, were Eld. Geo. I. Butler labored hard and with delegates. -€
though unorganized, seem to have the spirit of buried with their Lord in baptism. Thus closed much love and plainness to arouse the church to The president, being authorized to appoint.;
the work. On Sunday we organized a Health and our good district quarterly meeting. action, and a deep feeling of interest in the the various committeea, announced the -follow-'•
Temperance club, established regular monthly M. B. MILLER. word spoken was manifest. Elds. Wood and ing : On nominations, Stephen Rider, J.
meetings, etc. All seem willing to do their part. Chaffee greatly aided in the preaching of the Williams, H. A. Whitaker; on resolutions, Eld,
I also visited Ridott Oct. 7, and spoke once.
One young man of some promise had lately em- Cedar Lake.—Bro. Francis Nelson reports word. The absence of Bro. and Sr. White was
deeply felt ; but all seemed inclined to do what
Geo. B. Starr, R. R. Chess, N. H. Hopkins ;
auditing committee, Stephen Rider, .0. W. Bent,
braced the Sabbath through reading. that the church at Cedar Lake has recently been they could, and the good, uniting influence of J. C. Middaugh, J. B. Stilwell, Robert Gardis..
" In the morning sow thy seed, and in the greatly revived and encouraged by the labors of the Holy Spirit was felt in every meeting. ner, N. H. Hopkins, C. P. Bollman ; on crei
evening withhold not thine hand ; for thou Eld. 0. Soule. Six have for the first time com- The testimony sent to the Missouri Confer- dentials and licenses, Stephen Rider, J. C. Midi
knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or menced the Christian life, and two who had pre- ence at this meeting was very much to the daugh, H. A. Whitaker, 0. W. Bent.
that." The work is onward. viously kept the Sabbath have been baptized point. It was close, searching, and clear ; and The Sabbath-keepers at New Era, Ord, Al.
C. H, BLISS. and have united with the church. nearly all accepted it in humility and contrition bion, El Dorado, Halifax, Eagle, and Syracuse
OCT. 30, 1879.] THE EVIEW AND HERALD. 151
were taken under the watchcare of the Confer- — THERE is a prospect that New York City wilt
INDIANA TRACT SOCIETY. ORGANIZATION OF THE TENNESSEE have a zoological garden, an attraction which many
The committee on nominations recommended THE Indiana Tract and Missionary Society held H. AND T. ASSOCIATION. of the European cities have, and which Philadel-
the following-named persons as officers of the phia has here. A stock company with a capital of
its seventh annual session in connection with the AT the camp-meeting at Edgefield Junction, $2,000,000, has been organized, and grounds have
Conference for the ensuing year : For president, camp-meeting at Rochester, Ind., Oct. 5, 1879. after an address on the subject of temperance, been purchased.
C. L. Boyd ; secretary, R. R. Chess,Albion, The meeting was opened with prayer by Eld. J.
Boone Co., Neb.; treasurer, J. C. id
daugh, the teetotal pledge was circulated, and signed —THE state of affairs in lferzegovina is becoming
M. Rees. Minutes of the last quarterly meet- by twenty-five, quite a number of whom had serious. The Christians refuse to pay rent to the
Fremont, Neb.; executive committee, C. L. ing read and accepted. Turkish landlords, and threaten to shoot them if
Boyd, H. Shultz, and Geo. B. Starr. These Rids. S. H. Lane and James White made previously decided against signing pledges.
they attempt to collect. Alt is believed that the
persons were unanimously elected to their re- some remarks on the work of the tract society. Leaving quite a number undecided, those who Christians are being supplied with money and arms
spective offices. J. M. Rees, Wm. Covert, and J. S. Shrock had signed the pledge proceeded to organize a
The committee on credentials and licenses were appointed the nominating committee. State Health and Temperance Association. Eld. from Montenegro.
recommended that the credentials of Bids. Chas. D. M. Canright was elected chairman, and Julia. —A CORRESVONDENT of a Chicago paper, who has
The report of labor for the last quarter was been making something of an examination of the
L. Boyd and H. Shultz be renewed, and that read, as follows : No. of members, 136 ; reports A. Owen secretary pro tem.
that of
Geo. B. Starr be ordained and receive creden- returned, 86 ; members added, 2 ; families vis- It was voted that the chairman appoint the situation of the negroes in Kansas, states
tials. It was also recommended that Daniel officers, and they were appointed as follows : the the 7,000 to 8,000 who arrived in that State during
ited, 78 ; letters written, 79 ; new subscribers rush from the South, not more than a dozen
Nettleton, A. J. Cudney, Geo. S. Reicharda., for REVIEW, 82 ; Signs, 17 ; Good Health, 19 ; For president, G. K. Owen ; secretary, Julia are late dependent on the alms-giving of any one. They
tire, R. R. Chess, and F. G. Harris 're- Instructor (weekly), 48 ; other periodicals, 13 ; F. Moore. are no detriment to Kansas.
ceive licenSes. Credentials and licenses were pages of pamphlets loaned, 18,283 ; pages of The following resolution was adopted :—
granted accordingly. tracts given away, 8,195 ; periodicals distrib- Resolved, That we heartily indorse the temper- — A GREAT movement has just been inaugurated
The committee on resolutions reported as fol- uted, 1,289 ; Annuals sold and given away, 475 ; ance movement conducted by our people, and that against intemperance in Great Britain. It is the
lows :— we urge all in our Conference to sign the pledge. formation of a joint stock company, with a million
donations to tract fund and money received Of capital in shares of one pound each, to provide
on memberships, 9.83 ; received from sales, JULIA A. OWEN, Sec. pro tern.
Whereas, The second annual session of the Ne- temperance coffee houses, and temperance places
braska Conference of S. D. Adventists shows an en- $11.86 ; received on periodicals, $59.33 ; total, all over the kingdom. The Archbishop of Canter-
couraging prosperity of the cause both in numbers $121.02. bury is at the top of the list of clergy.
and in the spiritual condition of our people, there- After some words of encouragement from Eld. N. Y. AND PA. H. AND. T. SOCIETIES.
fore James White and others, the consolidated report —TEE International Exhibition in the Australian
Resolved, That we express gratitude to God for the IN connection with the Seventh-day Adventist province of New South Wales was opened at Sydney,
of the past year was read as follows :—
aid of his Spirit, and for the means placed in our No. of families visited, 334 ; letters written, camp-meeting held at Hornellsville, N. Y., a Sept. 17. The exhibition building is more than a
third larger than the Crystal palace occupied by the
hands to extend a knowledge of the present truth. 177 ; Signs in clubs, 204 ; new subscribers to meeting was called at 6 o'clock P. at., Sept. 23, first exhibition in London, covering seven and a
Whereas, The existence of the tract society has REVIEW, 173 ; Signs, 40 ; Good Health, 50 ; In- 1879,' for the purpose of organizing a State half acres of land. America and most of the Eu-
proved to be an efficient means of placing the evi-
dences of the truth before the people, and bringing structor (weekly), 147 ; other periodicals, 36 ; Health and Temperance Association in both the ropean countries are represented among the exhibit-
many to Christ, therefore pages pamphlets loaned, 75,593 ; given away, New York and the Pennsylvania Conference. ors.
Resolved, That we cherish it as an institution wor- 34,166; periodicals distributed, 22,113 ; Annuals The meeting was organized by electing B. L. —THE enormous military and governmental ma-
thy of our united support; and that we urge upon sold and given away, 3,502 ; donations to tract Whitney chairman, and Chas. C. Lewis secre- chine established in Germany is also enormously
all Sabbath-keepers the necessity of becoming active fund and money received on memberships, tary. After remarks by the chairman stating expensive. The deficit of ten and a half millions,
members at once. $387.70 ; received from sales,$79.16 ; received the objects of the meeting, the Constitution of which, according to a cablegram, the Prussian
Whereas, A thorough knowledge of the truths of on periodicals, $189.66 ; tota, $678.09. the American Health and Temperance Associa- budget for the past fiscal year shows, and the con-
God's word 'is of the greatest importance both ,to The committee on nominations reported as tion was read, and adopted for the State organ- tribution of five and a half millions which Prussia, it
ourselves and children, therefore follows : For president, S. H. Lane ; vice-presi- izations. is estimated, must make to the exchequer of the
Resolved, That we recommend the formation of dent, J. D. Shilling ; secretary and treasurer, The Chair was authorized to appoint a commit- Empire, go to indicate how heavy the cost is.
Sabbath-schools in all our churches and in the fam- S. S. Shrock. These persons were elected to tee of three from each of the Conferences, to
ilies of isolated Sabbath-keepers, for the systematic —A GLIMPSE of the misery inflicted on homes by
their respective offices. nominate officers for their respective associations. greedy liquor-sellers is furnished in the fact that,
study of God's word. The propriety of redistricting the State was After remarks by W. C. White, explaining the during last month the Philadelphia Society to Pro-
Resolved, That we hail with joy the health and then considered. Dist. No. 5 was dropped, and plan of work which it was proposed to follow, the tect Children from Cruelty acted upon 74 cases, in-
temperance movement and the formation of a State the churches at Noblesville and Frankton were chairman appointed the following nominating volving the custody of 197 children, of whom 55
Association, as being in perfect harmony with the added to Dist. No. 4. Directors were then committees : For New York, G. D. Ballot', were removed from the custody of their parents.
Christian religion ; and that we recommend the
formation of local societies in every church in this
elected as follows : For Dist. No. 1, J. D. Shil- M. C. Wilcox, and M. H. Brown ; for Pennsyl- Nine-tenths of these cases of cruelty wore owing to
Conference. ling ; Dist. No. 2, J. S. Shrock ; Dist. No. 3, vania, F. B. Reed, F. Peabody, and John. Lind- the intemperance of the parents.
Whereas, The testimony of Jesus was to be one of Wm. Covert ; Dist. No. 4, Frank Zirkle ; Dist. sey. —THE distress in Hungary on account of the bad
the characteristics by which the remnant people of No. 5, Noah Carahoof. Adjourned to call of Chair. harvest is very great. The government has sus-
Adjourned sine die.
God were to be known, therefore
S. H. LANE, Pres. SECOND MEETING, at 10:30 P. M., Sept. 23. pended the collection of taxes until the next harvest,
Resolved, That we return gratitude to God for: the The nominating cominittee reported for officers has been gathered. In 57 towns and villages in
manifestations of this gift in our midst; and that we E. A. WILHELM, Sec.
of the associations the following-named persons, Temes county the greatest distress prevails. In
show our appreciation of it by giving heed to its Saros county, where some oases of starvation have,
warnings, and by recommending that a circulating who were unanimously elected : For New York, occurred, 40 parishes are threatened with famine.
library of Sr. White's works be purchased by each TENNESSEE TRACT SOCIETY. president, M. C. Wilcox ; secretary, Isadore L. Frightful accounts have also been received from the
church company, and read by all its members. Green ; for Pennsylvania, president, D. T. counties of Abanj, Heves, and Zemplie.
AT the camp-meeting held at Edgefield Junc- Fero ; secretary, Mrs. D. T. Fero.
Resolved, That the work of our ministers is not
complete in any field until the subjects of Christian tion, Tenn., Oct. 10-16, it was voted to organ- Adjourned sine die.
temperance, s. B., and spiritual gifts are presented. ize a tract and missionary society. Eld. D. M. B. L. WHITNEY, Chairman.
Resolved, That a vote of thanks be extended to
Messrs. Moffit and Harris for the free use of the
Canright was elected chairman, and G. K. Owen C. C. LEWIS, Sec. pro tem. Ottiftrar4 iafi
secretary of the meeting.
camp ground. Voted, That the Chair appoint the usual com- " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from hence-
The treasurer's report showed that the ex-
penditures of the Conference exceed its receipts.
mittees. J. B. Yates, J. K. Cartwright, and
Peter Owen were appointed the committee on
Rafts of Vrtti. forth" Rev. 14:53.

It was voted that one-tenth of our s. B. be nominations, and Julia A. Owen, J. H. Dortch,
paid to the General Conference ; also that a re- and J. E. White the committee on resolutions. —PHILADELPHIA has naturalized its first Chinese WHITCOME.—Died, Sept. 15, 1879, at St. Louis,
serve fund be raised to purchase tents. The committee on nominations reported as citizen. Mich., Daniel L. Whitcomb, infant son of Levi P.
In all, three business meetings were held. follows: For president, G. K. Owen; secretary —THE Greek Church of Russia has appropriated
and Nancy E. Whitcomb, aged 6 months. Funeral
Adjourned sine die. and treasurer, Clinton Owen ; director of East $37,000 to propagate that faith in Japan. service by the writer ; text, 1 Cor. 15 : 21.
C. L. BOYD, Pres, Tennessee, P. D. Moyers ; of Middle Tennessee, JAMES M. NICHOLS.
—The first English Episcopal church built in
GEO. S. REICHARD, Sec. Clinton Owen, of West Tennessee, J. H. Dortch. Spain was opened last June at Portugalete near
These persons were all elected, MERCHANT.—Died in Brooks Co., Ga., Sept. 26,.
The committee on resolutions reported as fol- 1879, Burie, only daughter of Bro. and Sr. I. T.-
lowS :— —THE body of Major Thornburg, who was killed Merchant, aged 5 years, 3 months, and 19 days.
CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE. in a recent charge on the Ute Indians, is en route Burie was an interesting child. Our mourning
THE following report of the eighth annual Whereas, In the providence of God, the tract so- for Omaha.
brother and sister wig find comfort in Jer. 31 ; alscs
ciety is the strong right arm of the third angel's
session of the California State Conference of message in spreading a knowledge of the truth, and —Tun second Sunday in November is to be de- in 1 These. 4. C. 0. TAYLOR.
Seventh-day Adventists, held on the Heal dsburg Whereas, Many of us have received the truth voted by the Congregational ministers of England
through this means, therefore to the subject of temperance. PRESTON.—My brother, John S. Preston, died of
camp-ground Sept. 18-23, is condensed from Resolved, That we urge every Sabbath-keeper in —As eminent Welsh literary authority says that inflammation of the bowels, at Marion, Ill., Sept. 2,
the report of the secretary, Geo. Mane0, as Tennessee to join the society and do all in his power a bad book, meaning a thoroughly immoral one, does 1879, aged 75 years. Re leaves a faithful compan-
given in the Signs of Oct. 9 :— to forward its work. not exist in the Welsh language. ion and four children to mourn his loss, but they
mourn not as those without hope, for we believe he
Resolved, That as we need a fund of two hundred —THE Indians at the White Earth Reservation, C. B. PRESTON.
The business of the session occupied five and fifty dollars for the use of the tract society, we sleeps in Jesus.
at an agricultural fair last month, made 1,520 dif- •
meetings, the first of which was held Sept. 18. urge every Sabbath-keeper in Tennessee during the ferent entries of their productions.
Eld. S. N. Haskell was elected chairman. Thir- coming Conference year to contribute for this pur- RuLET.— Died of diphtheria, in Alaiedon, Mich.,
—Tim Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has de- Sept. 26. 1879, Frank J., son of Bro. Truman Hulet,
ty-eight delegates were present, representing pose according to his ability. cided that Allegheny county is liable for the dam- aged 11 years, 9 months, and 7 days. This is a sad
twenty-one churches. The churches at Vacaville After interesting and appropriate remarks by age done by the great riot of 1877 bereavement to these parents, yet they mourn not as
and Rocklin were received into the Conference, Eld. Canright, the above resolutions were
— MANY of the favorite Sankey hymns have been those without hope. Sermon by the writer, from
and those at Arbuckle and Nevada City Were adopted. Twelve members were added to the translated into the Hindoostanee language by the 1 Cor. 15: 26. T. M. STEWARD.
taken under its watchcare. society, and the sum of $170 was pledged to the native pastor of the church at Lucknow, India.
Wm. Saunders, of the committee to defend tract society fund. — IT is estimated that China lost 9,500,000 of her Osseo,
LEONARD.—Died of typhoid fever, near
our position before the Constitutional Conven- During the session, three meetings were held, people by the late great famine. During the height Hillsdale Co., Mich., Oct. 13, 1879, Mrs. Ann Eliza
tion on Sabbath observapee, reported that' the and at the last one, after the reading of the of its ravages, the buried dead were eaten with Leonard, aged 19 years, 1 month, and 12' days.
committee had caused petitions to be circulated minutes of the last meeting, the time was mostly ravenous relish. Ann Eliza was an obedient child and made a kind
throughout the State, which had received about occupied in giving instruction concerning the — THE Secretaries of the American Baptist Mis- companion, but death claimed her so soon as his,
2000 signatures ; that this petition had been business and funds of the society. thus leaving a husband to mourn for her, and as
sionary Union estimate that in the whole foreign field little daughter to feel the loss of a mother's love and
duly presented to one Of the delegates to, the Adjourned sine die. under their care the number of native converts bap-
convention, but owing to, the liberal disposition D. M. CANRIGHT, Chairman. tized last year will reach nearly 17,000. care. Funeral services were held in the Baptist
of that body in placing all religions denomina- church at Osseo, where the writer addressed a full
G. K. OWEN, Sec. pro tern. —PRINCE GORTSCHAKOFF believes Austria is in congregation from the words, " For the living know
tions upon an equal footing, no action was taken danger of becoming a humble satellite of Germany, that they shall die." M. B. MILLER.
upon the petition. who is extending her influence from the mouth of
Resolutions were passed, expressing gratitude HEALTH AND TEMPERANCE 'CON- the Scheldt to the mouth of the Danube. LRAM:I.—Died near Olivet, Mich., Sept. 22, 1879.
to the General Conference for sending S; N. VENTION. —IT is said that capitalists have purchased the of paralysis of the heart, after an illness of less than
Haskell to assist in the work on the Pacific Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, paying -therefor the one-half hour, sister Esther Leach, aged nearly 77
THE Clyde District Health and Temperance
coast ; appropriating one-tenth of the funds of sum of $200,000. They intend to light up its dark- years. When about eighteen years of age she gave
the State Conference.o the General Conference ; Association met P.
at Clarksfield, Huron Co., 0.,
Meeting opened by singing ened caverns by the use of electric lights. her heart to the Master; and when called to close
expressing confidence in the Testimonies, sand Oct. 11, at 7 :30 M. songs by the choir, A. F. —Tun flood in Spain proved more serious than her earthly career gave evidence that she was ready
recommending churches to place theist whin spirited temperance or-was at first reported. The damage to property is to respond. She had kept the Bible Sabbath since
musical director, Gertie French
reach of all the members ; recommendinOhe Whitright
ganist. Prayer by Eld. Wm. Beebe. estimated at 30,000,000 francs. It is believed that 1855. Her death caused sorrow to Montle, three
dividing of the Conference into districts, "and children, and her aged husband with whom she had
assigning to each laborer his own field ; etc Eld. H. A. St. John addressed the congrega- over 2000 people perished; 570 bodies have been lived 53 years. Funeral services, Sept. 23 ; text,
speaking one hour and twenty minutes. recovered.
tion, Num. 23: 10. G. W. COLCORD.
Eld. S. N. Haskell was elected president of The best of attention was given. A fifteen — Is the belief that a religious persecution is im-
the Conference for the ensuing year; J. D. minutes' speech by the writer followed, and minent in France, some Catholics and Royalists
Rice, secretary ; Mrs. Emma L. White, 'treas- FOSTER. — One of the members of our little church,
them came the tug of war. Bro. St. John kept have united in a scheme for emigrating to the sister Mary Foster, of Haverhill, Mass., died Sept.
urer ; S. N. Haskell, John Morrison, and M. C. the choir singing, and the battle began in ear- island of Papua, there to found an essentially Cath-
Israel, executive committee. 28, aged 79 years and 8 months. Our sister was
nest. We first turned our long-range gun No. 1, olic colony. one of the oldest members, having united with the
Credentials were renewed to J. N. Loughbor- the teetotal pledge, on the enemy, capturing —THE Inter-Ocean of Oct. 22 says : " The abdica- church at the time of its organization by Bro.
ough, M. C. Israel, J. L. Wood, J. D. Rice, thirteen ; but the range being too long for tion of the Ameer in Afghanistan is but another way of Loughborough in 1864. Her mind was very much
B. A. Stephens, Wm. M. Healey, and john some, we brought No. 2, the anti-whisky and saying that that country is to acknowledge no ruler impaired in her last years, but the tender care of
Judson ; ministerial licenses were granted to tobacco pledge into action, bringing down but England. This time British soldiers have gone her children did not fail her. It has been said of
R. A. Morton, J. E. White, W. C.. Grainger, five. No. 3, the anti-whisky pledge, not being to Cabul to stay." her that she was seldom seen without her Bible in
and J. S. Howard ; dud colporteur's licenses in good working order, captured only one. We —In the State Conference of the Congregational her hand. She leaves one son and two daughters to
were granted to Edward Bush, Geo. 1111441.101, expect to get them in range again soon, and Church of Minnesota, held at Minneapolis, Oct. 8- mourn her loss. May the consolations of their
J. G. Hurley, E. L Mc Capes, J. B. DyMot, shall renew the battle. 12, a paper was read on the Sunday question ; a mother's religion become theirs also. Words of
W. M. Smith, M. D. Church, L. H. Church, May the Lord bless the American Health and question which the Christian Union says is coming comfort were spoken by Rev. Charles Cole, Disciple,
R. D. Hicks, P. M. Partridge, and Frank Lamb. Temperance Association. WM. BEEBE. to the front as one of the live questions of the day. of Haverhill. MRS. FRANK PEABODY.
152 THE REVIEW 4/ND HERALD. [Vox.. 54, No., 19.
of -Murcia, and the watchman, by ringing the needed information about forming clubs, can ob- any other business that may come before the meet-

istruhlin alarm bell, aroused the inhabitants just in time tain it by addressing the secretary, Miss Jennie
'for many to escape the sudden ruing while in Thayer, Battle Creek, Mich.



Battle Creek, Mich., Fifth-Day, Oct. 30, 1879. that city alone more than one thousand per- M. B. MILLER, Pres. Mich. H. and T. A.
TEE eighth annual session of the Michigan T. and
ished. Seven villages are reported as swept en- M. Society will be held at Battle Creek, commenc-
tirely away, and the devastation through all the DRILL IN ELOCUTION. ing Sunday, Nov. 9, 1879, at 5 o'clock P. M.
BATTLE CREEK. province is complete. All officers of the society and all persons inter-
WE are happily situated at Battle Creek, This, with the double flood in Hungary, the ARRANGEMENTS are being made with Prof. ested in missionary work are requested to attend,
as this will be a very interesting and important
again laboring joyfully with the members of this memory of which it so vividly revives, the suc- S. S. Hamill, the distinguished elocutionist of
meeting. J. FARGO.
church. We can never lose our interest in the ceeding earthquakes, the disastrously wet sea- Chicago, to secure his services during two
institutions located here, which we have labored son in England, and the drouth in France, with weeks, at least, of the Biblical Institute. He GENERAL TRACT AND MISSIONARY
to build up and defend. cyclones and famines in other places, show un- will spend two hours each day with the minis- SOCIETY.
A large portion of this church feel in a degree common disturbances in the physical world. ters during his stay. THE second annual session of the General Tract
the interest in them that we feel. Others are His drill will no doubt be just what our preach- and Missionary Society of S. D. Adventists will be
held at Battle Creek, Mich., in connection with the
willing to be financially benefited by them, ing brethren should have to aid them in their General Conference to commence Nov. 7, 1879, for
WHERE ! efforts to cultivate an easy style of delivery, the election of officers and the transaction of other
and may excuse themselves on the ground that
they have contributed largely to them, while a E. C. SMYTH, D. D., of Andover, in his ad- and to correct habits of speaking that are prov- business.
dress before the Sunday convention recently ing ruinous to the voice. Prof. Hamill is a EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
few who unworthily wear the Advent name, and
have done nothing, or the next thing to nothing, held in Boston, is reported to have said :— practical teacher, and will not fail to give the
"The Apostle [Paul] repeatedly asserts the best satisfaction. The expense to each member
to build up these institutions, stand ready to
non-obligation of the Jewish Sabbath." of the class will be but a trifle. Indeed, this ANCE ASSOCIATION.
take advantage of the poor, the widow, and the THE annual meeting of the American Health and
Where are these " repeated " assertions ? instruction will of itself prove of sufficient bene-
orphan. God pity them.
Where is just one of them ? It would be an fit to pay for all the expenses and sacrifice of Temperance Association will be held in connection
We therefore warn those of our people who with the General Conference, for the purpose of
immense relief to many anti-sabbatarians if it attending the Biblical Institute. COMMITTEE. hearing a report of the workings of the Association
may come to Battle Creek, or who intend to
could be found. Is it where Paul says that the during the first year of its existence, considering
live here and enjoy the benefits of our College plans for its future work, and electing officers for
law is holy, just, and good, and is " established"
and Sanitarium, to look well to it what hands the ensuing year. All members of the Association
by faith in Christ ? Is it where he repeatedly • STIMME DER WAHRHEIT. are invited to be present and participate in the
they fall into. Remember these things :-
recognized the Sabbath as an existing institu- meeting. It is especially desired that the presidents
1. Be not in haste to purchase property in tion, and preached upon it by the river-side as A REQUEST. and secretaries of State H. and T. Societies should
Battle Creek. Wait till you 'have seen men WE request those of our German brethren attend the meeting. If unable to be present in
well as in the synagogue, and to Gentiles as well
who occupy responsible positions, and take time person, the president of each H. and T. Society
who are able to do so, to send us some good but should
as Jews ? We imagine, however, that this is a appoint a delegate to attend the meeting.
to see for yourselves. companion to a declaration made by a professor short articles for the December number of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
2. Before you close a bargain, learn whether in another theological school, that Christ met Stimme der Wahrheit. We will try to make
the parties are members of the church, and if with his disciples eight or ten Sundays after his this number still more interesting than either of GENERAL SABBATH-SCHOOL
in good standing. The fact that some in their resurrection I the previous ones have been. Shall we have ASSOCIATION.
haste are being deceived and are paying too the aid of all our German brethren 1 THE second annual session of the General Sabbath-
much for property, is our apology for this warn- school Association of S. D. Adventists will be held
Since our last report, the subscription list has at Battle Creek, Mich., Thursday, Nov. 13, 1879, at
ing and these statements. SUNDAY CONVENTION. increased to almost fifteen hundred subscribers. 9 A. Di., for the purpose of electing officers and do-
3. Both the College and the Sanitarium have A oceevEErfox to discuss the Sunday question H. N. ing other business.
good building lots for sale, lots that are on Was held in Boston, Mass., Oct. 21, 22. Meet- S. N. HASKELL,
D. M. CANRIGHT, Executive Cons.
good streets, on which cottages could be built ings were held in two churches, morning, noon, NOTICE. W. C. WHITE,
that would hold their value, and probably in- and night. Among the speakers were such men
AT the Conference held at Lyons, Mich.,
crease in value. Some of these lots on good as Dr. Duryea, Joseph Cook, Leonard W. Ba- PROVIDENCE permitting, I will meet with the
some applications for means to apply on meeting-
streets, and near the Sanitarium and College, are con, Judge Strong of the United States Supreme church at Olivet, Mich., Nov. 1, 2. Will Bro,
for sale at low figures. Court, Russell Sturges, Esq., Wm. E. Dodge, houses were referred to the Michigan Confer- Van Horn meet me at the Olivet station Friday aft-
ence Committee. To all those concerned we ernoon? M. B. MILLER.
4. However unpleasant, we are giving these Esq., and others.
would say, It is expected that the committee
matters attention, and shall not cease our ef- The Boston Sunday Herald of Oct. 19, in an POSTPONED.
will all be together at the time of the coming
forts to convince all true minds and hearts that article giving notice of the meeting, said : " The THE annual meeting of the. New York Sabbath-
General Conference, at which time these mat- school Association, which was to have been held at
we are a highly favored people in having these Sunday question is again coming to the front.
ters will be decided. J. FARGO. Adams Center, Nov. 1, 2, is postponed until after
institutions planted in our midst by the Divine It lifts up its head as often as men think seri- the General Conference, and will be held in conneom
Hand, and that all the members of the Battle ously of the points in which traditional religious tion with the tract society meeting.
Creek church should be above seeking pecuniary views come in contact with current social life." A REQUEST. M, H. Baowx, Pres.
advantages from them. In another place it is remarked that the speak- WILL all who have become full members .of
As ever, battling for the right in the 'name of ers had "evidently been chosen to represent the the New York Health and Temperance Associa-
the righteous Master, J. W. sentiments of evangelical Christians, in the dis- tion, please send their names and addresses to
,uttlis trti' PrItalifitirttf.
cussion of the Sunday question," and " to pre- the State secretary, Miss Isadore L. Green, "Not slothflil in business." Rom. so :
.eisO- In the REVIEW for Oct. 9, we called for sent the traditional view of religious New Eng- Sacket's Harbor, N. Y. Some of the pledges
the books, Bible from Heaven, Systematic Be- land people in a fashion that admits of neither taken at the camp-meeting are unintelligible. gOr Notice of expiration of subscription will be given by
nevolence, and the engraving, Way of Life. answer nor appeal." We hope all who have become full members special stamp on the margin of the paper. we should be
In a notice of the same meeting, The Christian pleased to receive your renewal at once.
Those agents and preachers who have them on will send without delay. A full member is one
Union of Oct. 15 said : " This question is now Novice.—The change of figures on the address labels will be
hand will please bring (or send) them to the who has signed one of the three pledges, and in all cases a sufficient receipt for money sent for the paper,
Office when they come to the General Confer- recognized as one of the most important and paid to the Association twenty-five cents. All If these changes do not in due time appear, and if books or,.
dered by mall are not received, notice should be given. 411
ence. W. pressing questions of the day, and it will be dis-
those expecting certificates will please forward other business is acknowledged below.
cussed in all its bearings by representative min-
at once. •
isters and laymen." All those holding funds belonging to the Mich. MY address, till further notice, will be Battle Creek,
AB- The report from Elder Matteson at Chris- H. W. DECKER.
tiana, Norway, gives a very cheering account in New York Health and Temperance Association
this week's REVIEW of the cause at that post. TEMPERANCE WORK IN MICHIGAN. will please send them at once to the same ad- THE money pledged for the Wisconsin educational
We are very glad that he can print cheaper in dress. MILTON C. WILCOX, Pres. fund should be sent to the REVIEW Office. It will be
WE are anxious that the temperance work receipted in the REVIEW.
Norway than we can in America. We shall be H. W. DECKER.
may still go forward in Michigan. Much has
more than glad to let him have all the Danish Books .Sent by Empress.
and Swedish printing now done at this Office.
been done in this work at our camp-meetings
during the past season, but much remains yet to
Ilitit6nfittpfs, Geo Foreman $18.44, S A Bramhan 5.00, J H
It has been said, "God will help every man who Thompson 6.00.
will help himself." Our missionaries, a home
be:done. We have more than twelve hundred "And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is Gash Reo,4 on Account.
signers to the pledges. Hundreds more should at hand." Matt. m:7.
and abroad, may expect help from General Con- Ind Conf Fund, Mary Nickum tithe $3.00, N E T
sign this winter. M Society per E Thayer 150.00, H A St John 5.00, Wis
ference, if they will work, economize, and help Educational Fund, W G West 25.00, E P Daniels 60.00,
r. W. As most of those who have signed the pledge GENERAL CONFERENCE.
themselves. 0 A Johnson 10.00, Mo T& M Society per D C Hunter
did so while attending camp-meeting, but few THE eighteenth annual meeting of the General 90.00, Ill T & M Society per L S C 45.50, Ky and Tenn
local clubs have been formed. What we want Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be held Iowa T & M Society per Bettie Coombs 20.15, J Q Foy 4.27,
Or. It is said that in the city of Philadelphia, at Battle Creek, Mich., Friday, Nov. 7, 1879, at Conf Fund, D Weavers a 10.00, W W Sharp 3.05
now is to form clubs all through the State. In 10: 30 A. m., for the election of officers and the
Wis T& M Society per M A Kerr 176.17, A H& T As-'
Pa, 50,000 persons are employed in the manufac-
so doing we shall reach those who have not had transaction of any other business that may come sociation per .1 Thayer 6.75.
ture of clothing, and that 20,000,000 suits are Mich. Conf. Pond.
an opportunity to connect themselves with this before the meeting.
made there every year. Garments are cut by work. When these clubs are thus organized, we JAMES WHITE, Gen. Orleans per J Fargo $34.25, Greenville per J F
machinery, one machine doing the labor of shall have accomplished a great work, and be S. N. IlAsnEmr., Conf. 55.00, Ovid per H L Birmingham 20.64, Jasper per NA
D. M. CANRIGHT, COME. Horton 13.60, Charlotte per 14 S Merriam 30.00, Bronson
about eight men. Button-holes are worked by ready to present a solid front against the
cause per Mary Miller 18.92, Armada per D A Wellman 27.00,
machinery at the rate of one hundred and eighty Otsego per A Carpenter 11.25, Montereyper A C 75.00,
of intemperance. THE EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. Douglas per A C 73.25, Allegan per A C 13.00, Kala-
per hour, while by hand only three could be In order that the above-named work may be mazoo per E R J 1.00, Kendall, P Markellie per E R J
THE Seventh-day Adventist Educational Society 2.00, ()arson City per Wm Evans 12.20, Cedar Lake
worked in the same time. This shows the
accomplished, we appoint all our ministers and will hold its fifth annual meeting at. Battle Creek, per C Webster 12.00, St Charles per W H Littlejohn
wonderful effect of labor-saving machinery, the 1.00.
tract directors who have signed the teetotal Mich., Nov. 9, at 9 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of
productions of this marvelous age. electing a Board of Trustees for the ensuing year, Mick. & M. Society.
pledge, to act as agents to form H. and T. clubs. and transacting any other business that may come
,1- k) We do not ask you to do this work to the neg- before the meeting. TRUSTEES. Dist 6 added 3 per J Fargo $14.87, Dist 16 per M E
Rathbun 5.00, Dist 9 per W Ostrander 1.72, Dist 12 pet
;gee Full reports from the recent flood in lect of other important duties, but we do ask 11 Ashdon 50c, Dist 14 per Ella Carman 80.00, Dist
6 per F Howe 45.01, Dist 4 per A Carpenter (Douglas
Spain show it to have been more disastrous you to give it that attention it demands. It is a THE HEALTH' REFORM INSTITUTE. 72.82, Allegan 10.72, Monterey 36.20, Otsego 3.75),
than any event of the kind on record. Almost part of the last great work in which we are en- THE stockholders of the Health Reform Institute Dist 3, P Markallie added X 1.00, Dist 1 per C S
Veeder 17.33, Dist 8 per J S Matthews 3.00, Diet a
will hold their thirteenth annual meeting at Battle added
the whole Spanish province of Murcia was en- gaged. X 1.00.
All who form clubs should send the secretary Creek, Mich., Monday, Nov. 10, at 9 o'clock A. ea.,
gulfed. Towns were swept away, and over for the election of officers, and for the transaction Gen. Conf. Imund.
three thousand people were swallowed up in the name and address of all who sign the pledge, of any other business that may come before the Mary B Wagner 7.00.
watery graves. Preceding months had been specifying those who pay the initiation fee of meeting. Stockholders who cannot attend will General T .11T. Society.—Dottatiorts.
please see at once that their stock is represented by
months of intense heat and drouth. Not a twenty-five cents. No part of this money proxy, if they have not already provided for this, Ill T & M Society tithe 7.83.
cloud had been seen, and the river had become should be retained. It should be sent to the as a majority of the stock must be represented to Danish Mission.
so low that carters drove along its empty bed. secretary. We have blank books for keeping make the doings of the meeting legal. 0 A Johnson 10.00, S hi Johnson 1.00, Hans Swinsen
At 9 o'clock Sunday evening, Oct. 19, the ap- the records and accounts of clubs. All who will DIRECTORS. 1.00, Mary Swinsen 25c, Thomas Swinsen 50c, John
Lorntz 4 00.
proach of the " mistral," a cold, biting wind, send us the address of the secretary of their club European Mission.
from the direction of Cartagena, "was felt. The will be furnished this book. Do not fail to do H A Anderson $10.00, Helen A Sheffield 1.00, Lone
THE Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Associa-
heavens were almost instantly oArelouded, and this, as we desire uniformity throughout the tion will hold its twentieth annual meeting at Battle
Johnson 2.85, Felix Chapman 10.00.
the storm burst upon the people. By midnight State in this work. Creek, Mich., Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1879, at 9 A. M., Donation to Publishing Association.
the river was overflowing its banks in the city Any of those above specified lacking the for the election of officers, and the transaction of A friend $5.00.

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