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Read the below questions, then answer them carefully.

1- Ghandour Manufacturing Company (GMC) is a Lebanese manufacturer of “Tahina”, “Halwa”
etc. that was established in 1857. Since then, GMC has grown up from a small family company
into a leading company fully automated.
In order to increase its current profit margin, GMC decided to improve its productivity. Hence, it
decided to appoint a new energetic General Manager who possesses the qualifications of a real
leader who has the capacity to satisfy the employees and motivate them to enhance GMC
productivity and, consequently, improve the result of the company and increase its profits.
Moreover, the new General Manager should be able to decrease the high turnover rate and
absenteeism of the workforce.
Short after assuming his position, the new General Manager discovered that invariably most of
the departmental managers, though highly qualified and indispensable, yet they are not
properly observing their delegated authorities and responsibilities. Hence, he decided to
correct the administrative behavior of the heads of departments being a “Leader’ and not only
a General Manager.
1. a)  What are in your opinion the most important Leadership Traits and Behaviors,
associated with leadership success, the New General Manager should possess? Justify
your answer.
(25 marks)
2. b)  As you know, the General Manager of GMC has the power to get the managers and
employees to do what he wants them to do. Choose two types of leadership Power
you think the General Manager should use, then justify your answer.(25 marks)
2- Lucy and Jayme are two supervisors applying to a shop manager’s position. They are similarly
qualified in terms of education, experience and degrees, but differ in personality and traits.
Lucy is a confident, creative and full of energy, while Jayme is not as confident, motivated and
creative as Lucy. These traits will no doubt have an impact on the overall workflow outcome.
Katy the general manager will need to weigh the advantages of their differing traits to be able
to choose between them.
1. a)  According to leadership traits, if you were the general manager and you have to
choose between Lucy and Jayme, who would you select? Why?( 25 marks)
2. b)  What other traits successful leader can have other than those mentioned in the
case (25 marks).

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