Tapping Method (E.F.T.) Emotional Freedom Technique: Basic Recipe

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Basic Recipe:

1. Pick a Target (pain, emotion, pattern, state of being, etc.).Tunes in and rate the Target
on a scale from 1-10 (1 being the least intense and 10 the most intense).
2. When you are in touch with the target (emotion or pain or whatever it is, bad habit,
patterns) and the number make a note of it and begin.
3. Repeat this opening statement THREE TIMES while tapping the karate chop point
located on outer side of palm below the base of the pinky finger (see illustration).

Even though I feel, I have, experience (YOUR TARGET GOES HERE) I completely
love and accept myself anyway.

4. Now you can move on to the rest of the points tapping along stating the reminder
phrase (this emotion this pain, etc.) each a few times on each point.

“I feel ________________ but I still love and accept myself anyway”

 IB – inner eyebrow
 OB – outer eyebrow
 UE- under eye
 UN- under nose
 C- chin (under lip)
 CB- collar bone
 UA- under arm
 TH- Top of head.

You can change it as you go along but still acknowledging how you feel. For example:
“This feeling of _____________grips me and freezes me, but I still love and accept myself

You get the drift, as long as you are acknowledging the emotion, pain, or whatever it is and
stating that you love and accept yourself is important.

So after about 3 rounds of tapping, TAKE A DEEP BREATH and access how you feel about the
emotion, pain, event, etc. Has it gone down from the initial number? A little? Repeat 3 more
rounds but you don’t have to start with the karate chop point again. Just go straight to the
inner eyebrow point and continue the sequence.

You may need to repeat it a few more times to get it to a place that it doesn’t feel as intense.

This is important before you can go into any positive affirmative statements.

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