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Collaborative Work Skills : Freshmen Foundations 101

Teacher Name: Ms. Joshua

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 3 2 1 0
Time-management Routinely uses time well Usually uses time well Tends to procrastinate, but Rarely gets things done by the
throughout the project to throughout the project, but may always gets things done by the deadlines AND group has to
ensure things get done on time. have procrastinated on one deadlines. Group does not have adjust deadlines or work
Group does not have to adjust thing. Group does not have to to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this
deadlines or work adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person\'s inadequate time
responsibilities because of this responsibilities because of this person\'s procrastination. management.
person\'s procrastination. person\'s procrastination.
Quality of Work Provides work of the highest Provides high quality work. Provides work that occasionally Provides work that usually
quality. needs to be checked/redone by needs to be checked/redone by
other group members to ensure others to ensure quality.

Counseling Visited Career Visited Career Visited Career Did not visit Career
Counseling/Mental Health Counseling/Mental Health Counseling/Mental Health Counseling/Mental Health
Counseling/Student Support Counseling/Student Support Counseling/Student Support Counseling/Student Support
Services 3 or more times Services 2 times. Services 1 time. Services at all.
Campus Involvement Apart of 2 or more Apart of 1 club/organization. Did not join clubs but attended Did not join clubs or attend
clubs/organizations. more than 3 student events. student events.

Study Habits Excellent study habits. Scored Good study habits. Scored 80 or Ok study habits. Scored 70 or Poor study habits. Scored 69
90 or above on all assignments. above on all assignments. above on all assignments. and below on all assignments.

Date Created: Jul 09, 2021 05:55 pm (CDT)

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