Information Transfer and Fidelity in Quantum Copiers

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Information transfer and fidelity in quantum copiers

P. Deuar∗ and W. J. Munro

Centre for Laser Science,Department of Physics, University of Queensland, QLD 4072, Brisbane, Australia
(October 24, 2018)
We find that very different quantum copying machines are optimal depending on the indicator
used to assess their performance. Several quantum copying machine models acting on nonorthogonal
input states are investigated, and assessed according to two types of criteria: transfer of (Shannon)
information encoded in the initial states to the copies, and fidelity between the copies and the initial
states. Transformations that optimize information transfer for messages encoded in qubits are found
for three situations: (1) when the message is decoded one state at a time; (2) with simple schemes
that allow the message to be encoded using block-coding schemes; and (3) when the copier produces
independent copies. If the message is decoded one symbol at a time, information is best copied by
arXiv:quant-ph/0003054v2 12 Apr 2000

a Wootters-Zurek copier.

I. INTRODUCTION much information as is allowed by the Holevo bound; and

(3) when the copies are an unentangled product state.
Quantum copying has attracted considerable interest In Sec. V the performance of these copiers is assessed
in recent years, ever since the discovery of the no-cloning according to information transfer and fidelity criteria,
theorem [1,2], and the universal quantum copying ma- and compared to the performance of fidelity-optimized
chine [3] which copies arbitrary unknown qubits with the copiers known previously.
best fidelity. To date, most treatments have used fidelity
to characterize the quality of the copies produced. The fi-
delity between two quantum states characterized by den- II. MUTUAL INFORMATION AND FIDELITY
sity operators ρ̂ 1 and ρ̂ 2 is MEASURES
 q 2
F (ρ̂ 1 , ρ̂ 2 ) = Tr 1/2
(ρ̂ 1 ) ρ̂ 2 (ρ̂ 1 )1/2 . (1) A. Fidelity, and some of its drawbacks

A good summary of its properties is given in Ref. [4]. In Fidelity is used in many fields as an indicator of close-
the case where one of the states is pure, the fidelity is ness between two states, and is often quite useful. It is
simply the square of the overlap between the two states. probably also one of the easiest such indicators to cal-
Many authors [5–15] have made use of two fidelity mea- culate. However, it sometimes suffers from a number
sures for quantum copiers: the global fidelity of the com- of drawbacks (examples of which are given below) when
bined output (both copies) of the copier, with respect to used as a measure of closeness over broad classes of sys-
a product state of (unentangled) perfect copies, and the tems, so there will be times when one wants to use a
local fidelity of one copy with respect to the original input different indicator.
state. Here, we will concentrate on a different indicator While a fidelity of 1 obviously implies identical states,
of copying success: mutual information content between and 0 implies orthogonal states, what intermediate val-
the copies and the originals. One finds that which copier ues mean is highly dependent on the particular states
is optimal depends greatly on which indicator is used. In that are being compared, particularly if both states are
practice, this will mean that what sort of quantum copier impure. Thus a statement such as “The fidelity between
is best depends on what one wants to do with the copies the two states was x,” to be unambiguous, often needs
afterward. considerable additional information on the states that
This article proceeds in the following fashion: After were compared. To give an example: For standard opti-
commenting on some drawbacks of fidelity, and why one cal coherent states of complex amplitude α, given by
might want to use different indicators, we outline exactly ∞
what we mean by information content between copies and 2 X αn
|αi = e−(1/2)|α| |ni , (2)
originals in Sec. II. General features of the copiers that n!
will be considered are mentioned in Sec. III. Copiers
optimized for maximum copied information are given the fidelity between two pure coherent states |αi and
in Sec. IV (and derivations are given in Appendixes A |α + 1i is always constant:
and B) for three cases: (1) when the information is de-
coded from the copies one state at a time; (2) when 1
efficient block-coding schemes are used to transmit as F (|αi hα| , |α + 1i hα + 1|) = . (3)

Now if α = 0, the two states are the vacuum and a low- B. Mutual information measures
photon-number coherent state — states with qualita-
tively different properties. However, if α is large, then
A different, natural, measure of copying efficiency that
|αi and |α + 1i are macroscopic, and experimentally in-
can be used is the amount of mutual (Shannon) infor-
distinguishable, but the fidelity between them is still 1/e.
mation [16] shared between the original states, and the
Another drawback of fidelity is that it is not directly copies. This mutual information does away with some of
related to other quantities commonly measured in exper- the drawbacks of fidelity, as discussed below.
iments. While the fidelity is an expectation value of an Consider two observers: one of them, the sender (la-
observable (the observable being either one of the two beled A), is sending states chosen from some ensemble,
states), it cannot usually be calculated from the results where the a priori probability of sending the ith variety
of experiments whose aim is to do something other than of state is PiA . The other observer, the receiver (labeled
measure fidelity. It is not in general directly related to B), makes measurements on one of the copies, obtaining
expectation values or measurement probabilities of other the jth measurement result with probability Pj|i B
, given
quantities, so it does not say much about the usefulness that the ith state was sent into the copier. The amount
of a copy. In this sense, fidelity characterizes the close- of information (in bits per sent state) that the receiver
ness of the mathematical representation of physical states has obtained from the sender is the Shannon mutual in-
more than the closeness of the physical properties of those formation, given by
states. Of course, in many situations, these two types of
closeness are equivalent, but not always. X B
For the specific case of quantum copiers, global or local I(A : B) = PiA Pj|i
log2 , (6)
fidelities are not robust to unitary transformations made i,j
on the copies individually after all copying has been com-
pleted, and also can be very high even though the copies where PjB is the overall probability of the receiver obtain-
are uncorrelated with the originals. For example, suppose ing the jth measurement result, averaged over the input
a message is encoded in a binary alphabet of orthogonal states.
states |0i , |1i, and sent through a lossless communication To use this measure to characterize a copying machine,
channel that interchanges the states, i.e., they undergo rather than the specific message encoding or the ingenu-
the transformation ity of the receiver in constructing a measuring appara-
tus, three points should be noted. First, even if a perfect
|0i → |1i , (4) copier is used, the amount of information that can be
transmitted from originals to copy depends on the ensem-
|1i → |0i , (5)
ble of states that is used to encode the message. Thus,
the information about the original extractable from the
then the fidelity of the transmitted with respect to the copy I(A : B) must be compared to the amount of infor-
initial state is zero, but nothing of interest has been lost. mation extractable from the original I(A : A).
It is sufficient for an observer receiving the message to re- Secondly, if observer B makes a suboptimal (in terms
label the states which they receive to recover the original of recovering the original message) set of measurements,
message. then B’s stupidity will affect the mutual information. To
Conversely, consider the situation where very eliminate the effect of B’s ingenuity (or lack of it), it has
nonorthogonal states |ai and |bi are used to encode a mes- to be assumed that optimal measurements are made to
sage. Using appropriate error-correction schemes, some recover the encoded message.
information can be reliably transmitted with this encod- Thirdly, a characterisation of the copier would usually
ing. However, now suppose that the message is inter- involve examining its information-copying performance
ceptedpby an eavesdropper, who simply sends the same for a given set of input states. However, these may occur
state 1/2 (|ai + |bi) on to the intended receiver every with various a priori probabilities PiA . We will take the
time. The fidelity between sent and received states is still case where these probabilities are chosen to encode the
very high, but the received message carries no informa- maximum amount of information in the signal states to
tion from the sender. be most representative of the behavior of information in
Global fidelity measures are often particularly removed the copier. Thus the mutual information quantities that
from experimental results, since they compare the com- will be used in later sections of this article are Im (A : B)
bined state of both copies with a perfect copy state that and Im (A : A), given by
is generally unattainable due to the no-cloning theorem.  
However, in practice, one usually makes copies so they Im (A : B) = max max I(A : B) , (7)
can subsequently be considered only individually. {PiA } {EB }

where PiA denotes the set of a priori probabilities of

A using the ith state in the encoding of the message, and

{EB } is the set of all positive valued operator measures shown [20,21] that if A encodes the message using only
[17]. We will call Im the copied information. certain sequences of states out of all the possible ones
While this quantity can be more laborious to calcu- (although still respecting the a priori probabilities of in-
late, it has some advantages over fidelity. It is unchanged dividual states), and B makes measurements on whole
by relabeling or by local unitary transformations on the such sequences rather than on individual states, then as
copies after they have left the copier, as well as always the length of these sequences increases, the information
being zero if the copies are independent of the originals. capacity per state can approach arbitrarily close to the
Also, such mutual information is a physical quantity Holevo bound IH (A : B). This is called a block-coding
of interest in its own right, and is in fact what one is in- scheme, and such a communication setup is analogous
terested in in many fields (such as cryptography, for ex- to sending and distinguishing only whole “words” at a
ample). Even where this is not the case, mutual informa- time in the message, rather than individual “letters.” In
tion between originals and copies can often be calculated this analogy, letters correspond to individual quantum
from probability distributions of experimental measure- states, and words to sequences of them. Naturally, only
ments. Furthermore, it is clear what the statement “the special choices of the “words” to be used will approach
mutual information transfer from A to B is x ” means the Holevo bound, Eq. (8).
physically, with no further knowledge of the actual quan- With this in mind, there are two obvious candidates
tum states that were sent. It could be said that the for a mutual information quantity with which to char-
information-copying capacity of a quantum cloner quan- acterize copiers: the ultimate copied information given
tifies the practical usefulness, in many situations, of the by IH , and the one-state copied information I1 , which
copies produced by it. is the maximum information obtainable if measurements
There is a qualitative difference between information- are made on only one state at a time. Both will be con-
theoretic quantities such as copied information, and sidered in what follows.
quantities such as fidelity. Fidelity, and similar quan-
tities such as the Hilbert-Schmidt norm or the Bures dis-
tance, are quantifications of relations between two quan- III. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF THE COPYING
tum states (or, more precisely, between their mathemat- SETUPS CONSIDERED
ical representations), while information-theoretic quanti-
ties deal with the relations between ensembles of states. In the interest of clarity and simplicity (and, one must
This is the reason that they are robust to such postcopy- admit, ease of analysis), only the most basic relevant
ing effects as relabeling of the copy states. copying setups have been investigated. This should make
the principles involved easier to see, without introducing
too much complexity.
C. Ultimate and one-state copied information Thus, we will consider the case where observer A en-
codes a message into a
sequence of pure quan-
Consider the situation discussed in the previous sub- tum states ρ̂ A A ψ A (i = 1, 2) with equal a pri-
i = ψi i
section. Observer A encodes a message into a  sequence ori probabilities of being sent (PiA = 12 ). The PiA are
of quantum states, chosen from a set of states ρ̂ A chosen to be one-half for two reasons: (1) this is the sim-

i la-
beled by the index i. Each of the sent states has an plest case; (2) this is the situation where the maximum
a priori probability PiA of being the ith one in the set. amount of information is encoded in the input states.
When the copying machine acts on the signal state ρ̂ A Since there are only two input states, the dimension of
, it produces a copy state ρ̂ B the relevant Hilbert space can be reduced to 2 by appro-
i , which is usually different
from the original. It has been shown [18,19] that the mu- priate unitary transformations, because the states span
tual information between A and B can be no more than at most a two-dimensional manifold in Hilbert space.
IH (A : B), given by Any such can be written (discarding an irrelevant phase
factor) in an orthogonal basis {|+i , |−i} as
Im (A : B) ≤ IH (A : B) A
! ψ
1 = cos θ |+i + eiµ sin θ |−i , (9a)
X X A −iµ
PiA ρ̂ A PiA S ρ̂ A ψ2 = sin θ |+i + e cos θ |−i , (9b)

=S i − i , (8a)
i i
where the parameter θ ranges from 0 to π/4 (other values
where S(ρ̂) is the von Neumann quantum entropy of state of θ are equivalent to a relabeling of the two states). In
ρ̂: the rest of the article, µ will be taken to be zero for sim-
plicity, although all results can easily be extended to the
S(ρ̂) = −Tr [ ρ̂ log2 ρ̂ ] , (8b) nonzero case. This, then, gives a one-parameter family
of input states:
a result known as the Holevo theorem. A
ψ1 = cos θ |+i + sin θ |−i ,
In practice, the transmitted information will usually be (10a)
significantly less than IH (A : B). However, it has been ψ
2 = sin θ |+i + cos θ |−i . (10b)

These can be fully labeled by the fidelity between them, could be achieved by making measurements on the origi-
nals, and sending the results classically, but that a simple
f = F (ρ̂ A A
1 , ρ̂ 2 ) = sin (2θ). (11) unitary transformation with no coupling to the external
environment can achieve the same is perhaps less obvi-
In similar fashion, by taking the least complex case, ous. What is more, the WZ copier does much better than
the copiers considered will be unitary, create only two any fidelity-optimized copiers, as will be seen later.
copies, and be symmetric. By symmetric we mean that Explicitly, the transformation of the input states (10)
the reduced quantum states of both copies by themselves is given by
are equal. A
The unitarity of the copying process implies a “black ψ1 → sin θ |++i + cos θ |−−i , (12a)
box” process: no external disturbance is required during
ψ → cos θ |++i + sin θ |−−i , (12b)
the copying. Probabilistic copiers [10,22] are not consid-
ered here. where the basis vectors |+−i, etc., indicate tensor prod-
Physically, there are two subsystems o and c (which ucts |+io |−ic of the basis vectors for the o and c copy
can be considered two dimensional for reasons outlined subsystems, respectively. The combined state of the
above) put into the unitary copying machine, and two copies is highly entangled, but the reduced density matri-
come out. At the input, the subsystem o contains the ces of the copies (the full output density matrices traced
original state to be copied, while c contains a “blank” over all subsystems except one copy) are in the classically
state that is always the same, irrespective of what en- mixed states
ters at o. Both subsystems contain the (usually imper-
cos2 θ
fect) copies when they exit the copier, while an ancil- B 0
ρ̂ 1 = , (13a)
lary machine state subsystem (x) is also used in some 0 sin2 θ
of the copiers. At the input, all three subsystems are sin2 θ
unentangled, while at the output, entanglement is usu- ρ̂ B = . (13b)
2 0 cos2 θ
ally present. Due to unitarity, the full entangled output
states consisting of all three subsystems o, c, and x are The one-state copied information, which is the same
pure, but the states of individual subsystems are in gen- as can be extracted from the originals, is
eral mixed.
I1WZ = [(1 + q) log2 (1 + q) + (1 − q) log2 (1 − q)] ,
where q, which we will call the distinguishability param-
eter, is
In this section, we present transformations for several
copiers optimized for information transfer to the copies,
q = 1 − f. (14b)
given a binary sequence of equiprobable input states. All
these copiers are symmetric. The input states are in gen- From the purely classical nature of ρ̂ Bi , it follows that
eral nonorthogonal, and the degree of orthogonality is the ultimate copied information IH WZ
is no bigger than
characterized by f , the square of the overlap between I1WZ . In fact, applying more WZ copying machines to
the two input states ρ̂ A A
1 and ρ̂ 2 . These will be compared the copies made by the first one, in a cascade effect, cre-
to known fidelity-optimized copiers in the next section. ates larger numbers of copies, each of which still carries
the same amount of (one-state) information as the orig-
inal message. In this way, arbitrary numbers of optimal
A. Copiers that optimize the one-state copied copies can be made — similarly to how one can make
information arbitrary numbers of copies of classical information.
The local fidelity between a copy and the originals is
Rather than carry out a tedious optimisation, it stands f
to reason that if any unitary copier allows one to extract F (ρ̂ A B
i , ρ̂ i ) = 1 − . (15)
as much information about the originals from the copies
as from the originals themselves, then it achieves the op- There are other copiers related to the WZ copier which
timum. Is there such a copier? allow the same optimal one-state information transfer.
Perhaps surprisingly, one finds that the Wootters- One example is the family of copying transformations cre-
Zurek (WZ) quantum copying machine [1,3] (used in the ated by applying identical local unitary transformations
original proof of the no-cloning theorem) allows one to on both copies after they come out of the WZ copier. The
extract as much information (using a one state at a time particular transformation presented above in Eq. (12) is
extraction) from either of the copies as from the origi- the one that gives the best local fidelity out of this family
nal. One can imagine that the same information transfer of transformations.

B. Copiers without ancilla that optimize the given by the somewhat lengthy characterisation below.
ultimate copied information The details of how this was obtained have been left for
Appendix A.
It is also of interest how well information can be trans- There is a whole family of copying transformations,
mitted when the possibility of complicated block-coding related by local unitary transformations on the copies af-
schemes is allowed, as discussed in Sec. II C. To make ter they have stopped interacting with each other, which
the calculations relatively tractable analytically, we have give the same ultimate information copied IH . Of these,
made two restrictions on the copiers that we considered we will specify that particular one in this family which
for this task. gives the greatest local fidelity between the copies and
First, only copiers that do not use an ancillary subsys- originals. The transformation can be written in terms of
tem x, entangled with the copies, have been considered. the parameters rm and φm , which have to be determined
It is probably possible to obtain somewhat better per- numerically. In terms of the initial states (10),
formance in ultimate information copying by using such r r
helper subsystems, since discarding x after copying is A
ψ1 → 1 + rm 1 − rm
completed partially relaxes the conditions that the copy |b1 i + |b2 i , (17a)
2 2
states o and c must satisfy to preserve unitarity (since
one then has more parameters left to optimize over). It is r r
not clear how much better one could do with such helper A
ψ2 → x x
states, but we suspect not much better, since from Fig. 2, |b1 i + − rm cos φm |b2 i
2 2
the copier considered here is only marginally better than r
several others obtained by optimising over different indi- 1 − x + rm cos φm  
+ |b3 i + |b4 i , (17b)
cators such as fidelity and one-state copied information. 2
Secondly, for similar reasons, we have assumed that
since A where
A 2
 possible input states ρ̂ i are of equal purity
Tr (ρ̂ i ) (totally pure, in fact), then both reduced copy 1 p 
x= 2 sin2 φ
1 + cos2 φm + 2rm cos φm + 1 − rm
states ρ̂ B m ,
i will be of equal purity also: 2
Tr (ρ̂ B

= Tr (ρ̂ B
1 ) 2 ) . (16)
This is also a property shared by all other copiers men- and the four |bj i are orthogonal basis states, given in
tioned in this article. The usual assumptions of Sec. III, terms of the usual |+i and |−i basis states used in Eqs.
such as both copies being equal, apply also. (10) and (12) by the matrix equation
So, an ancillaless copier, that produces two identi-
cal (usually imperfect) copies of any of two possible |b1 i |++i
   
pure signal states, that makes copies of the same purity  |b2 i   |−+i 
whichever of the two input states is sent, and that (given  |b i  = U  |+−i  , (18)
the above) maximizes the amount of information that can |b4 i |−−i
be transmitted to each of the copies by any block-coding
scheme when the two input states are equiprobable, is where the unitary matrix U is

1 + sin φm /2 1 − sin φm /2 cos φm /2 cos φm /2

 
1  1 − sin φm /2 1 + sin φm /2 − cos φm /2 − cos φm /2 
U=  . (19)
2 − cos φm /2 cos φm /2 1 + sin φm /2 sin φm /2 − 1 
− cos φm /2 cos φm /2 sin φm /2 − 1 1 + sin φm /2

As can be seen from the above, the basis states |bj i are where the parameters q and qH are
entangled over the two copies.
The parameter φm is actually the angle between the φm
q = rm sin , (21a)
Bloch vectors of the two possible reduced copy states 2
ρ̂ B φm
i , which can be written qH = rm cos , (21b)
1 1 + q qH
ρ̂ B
1 = , (20a) and appear in the expressions for I1 and IH .
2 qH 1 − q
  Now cos φm is dependent on rm , and is given in terms
1 1 − q qH of it as the second largest [23] real root of the following
ρ̂ B
2 = , (20b)
2 qH 1 + q quartic polynomial in cos φm :

h p i h p i
0 = cos4 φm rm2 2
(2 − rm − 2 1 − rm 2 ) + cos3 φ 2
m 4rm (1 −
2 )
1 − rm
n p o h p i
+ cos2 φm 2[rm 4 2
+ 2rm + 4f ( 1 − rm2 − 1)] + cos φ 2
m 4rm (1 +
2 − 4f )
1 − rm (22)
h p i
+ (4f − 1)2 − (1 − rm2 2
) + 2(rm2 2 .
− 4f ) 1 − rm

The ultimate copied information is given by Given the above two restrictions, a copier that opti-
mizes both the one-state and ultimate copied informa-
u 1 tion, while keeping the copies unentangled, is given by
IH = [(1 + rm ) log2 (1 + rm ) + (1 − rm ) log2 (1 − rm )]
− [(1 + qH ) log2 (1 + qH ) + (1 − qH ) log2 (1 − qH )] , (23) p √ p √
2 A
ψ1 → 1 + 1 − f 1 − 1− f
|++i + |−−i
which can be made a function of rm only, using Eq. (22). 2 2
To obtain the optimum copier, we find numerically
√ the + f 1/4 |+−i + |−+i , (25a)
value of rm that maximizes IH u
on rm ∈

1 − f, 1 . 2
The one-state copied information I1u is given by the
same expression in the distinguishability parameter q as
p √ p √
ψ2 → 1 − 1 − f 1 + 1− f
for the WZ copier [Eq. (14a)], with q now given by Eq. |++i + |−−i
2 2
(21a). 1  
It is interesting to note that, for input states which are + f 1/4 |+−i + |−+i , (25b)
sufficiently nonorthogonal (f . 0.206), the copier given 2
here is just the WZ copier described
√ in Sec. IV A. In these with notation identical to Eqs. (12). See Appendix B for
cases, φm = π and rm = 1 − f . This sudden change details of the optimisation.
in behavior (particularly evident in Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 ) This gives pure state copies (they must be pure from
may be due to excluding the use of ancillary subsystems. the unitarity of the transformation, since the input states
Allowing these may make the IH optimal copier consis- are pure, and the output state is ρ̂ B B
i ⊗ ρ̂ i )
tently better (although possibly not by much) than the
Wootters-Zurek for all values of f , even the small ones.
p √ 1/4
B 1 1+ 1− f f
The local fidelity between copies and originals for this ρ̂ 1 = p √ , (26a)
2 f 1/4 1− 1− f
copier is
p √ 1/4
1 B 1 1− 1− f f
ρ̂ 2 = √ . (26b)
 p p 
F (ρ̂ A B
i , ρ̂ i ) = 1 + q 1 − f + qH f . (24)
2 2 f 1/4 1+ 1− f

A family of copiers which do as well in the information

measures, but worse in local fidelity between originals
C. An optimal copier that gives unentangled copies and copies, is given by making unitary transformations
on the copies individually.
As has been remarked by many previously, opti- The one-state copied information I1NE is given by the
mal quantum copiers typically produce highly entangled same expression in q as for the WZ copier (14a), with q
copies. This also applies to the two quantum copiers now given by
given in Secs. IV A and IV B. Nevertheless, copies of q
some quality can be made without entanglement between q = 1 − f.
them. This might be desirable in some situations.
Once again two simplifying assumptions have been The ultimate copied information is
made to make the calculation easier. It has been assumed
that the copies are, again, unentangled with ancillary NE 1 + f 1/4 1 − f 1/4
machine states, and that the output state of the copier IH =1− log2 (1 + f 1/4 ) − log2 (1 − f 1/4 ).
2 2
is simply a product state of the two identical copies,
rather than a classical mixture of several such product
states. The case with additional machine states present The local fidelity of copies with respect to originals is
might allow somewhat higher information transmission
IH with block-coding methods, for the same reasons as
1 3/4
q p
in Sec. IV B. This would be interesting to check, but we F (ρ̂ i , ρ̂ i ) = f + 1 + (1 − f )(1 − f ) . (29)
have not done this to date. Allowing classical correla-
tions between copies and a machine state subsystem x It turns out that this copier also gives the best local fi-
does not, however, improve information transmission. delity out of such unentangling copiers (see Appendix B).

V. A COMPARISON OF THE COPIERS The fidelity-optimized copiers do not do as well as
the WZ, which in itself is to be expected, as after all
To see how well the copiers rate in terms of the infor- they were optimized for fidelity, not information transfer.
mation measures IH and I1 , we first need to determine However, they do very much worse, causing the loss of
how much information could be extracted from the input much information that could be regained if better copiers
states if they were not copied. Since the input states are were used. This shows quite clearly that fidelity is not
not orthogonal for f > 0, then a full bit of information necessarily a good measure of the quality of the copies
cannot be extracted from each state even though they for all situations. It is perhaps also surprising that even
are equiprobable. though we are considering information transmitted to
One finds that the information extractable one state one copy here, the copier that has been optimized for
at a time is global fidelity between the combined output state and
perfect copies, does significantly better than the one that
I1o = [(1 + q) log2 (1 + q) + (1 − q) log2 (1 − q)] , (30) has been optimized for local fidelity between a single copy
2 and original.

with the distinguishability parameter q = 1 − f . This The UQCM gives much less information transfer than
is the same as with the Wootters-Zurek copier (14a). The the other copiers, since all the others have been specif-
ultimate information extractable from the signal if block- ically tailored for the two signal states, whereas the
coding methods are used is, however, unlike that for the UQCM must handle any arbitrary states with equal fi-
WZ copier, much larger: delity.
√ √ The copiers that give optimum unentangled copies do
o 1+ f p 1− f p
IH =1− log2 (1 + f ) − log2 (1 − f ). generally significantly worse than the other copiers apart
2 2 from the UQCM, but one sees that all the copiers apart
(31) from the WZ copier and UQCM converge to the same ef-
ficiency (much worse than the optimum) for high values
It is interesting to compare the performance of the
of f , i.e., when the signal states are not very orthogonal.
copiers given in Sec. IV to previously known fidelity-
optimized ones. Three will be considered here, and a Note that a plot of the actual (rather than relative)
brief summary of the copies they produce is given in Ap- amount of information extractable from the original sig-
pendix C in terms of the input state overlap parameter nal I1 is shown in Fig. 2 as the Wootters-Zurek curve,
f. since IH = I1o .
These three copiers are as follows. (1) The universal
quantum copying machine [3] (UQCM), which copies ar-
bitrary qubits with a local fidelity of 5/6. This is the
maximum possible if it is to copy all with equal fidelity. B. Ultimate copied information
(2) A copier found by Bruß et al. [8] that optimizes the
global fidelity when copying one of two nonorthogonal
input states. (3) A copier also found by Bruß et al. [8,24] The ultimate (Holevo bound) copied information IH
that optimizes the local fidelity when copying one of two gives an absolute maximum on how much information
nonorthogonal input states. So let us see how they com- could possibly be transmitted by a given copier, with
pare in performance. the best signaling scheme that is possible. In general, to
achieve this bound, the encoding/decoding scheme has to
be very elaborate, and it is often not achievable in prac-
A. One-state copied information tice due to complexity. In the case of qubit systems being
transmitted here, this would entail making measurements
The one-state copied information is a good indicator of of many-qubit observables to decode the information: a
the efficiency of communicating classical data to the two difficult task at present.
copies. The recovery and coding of the information in As can be seen in Fig. 2, most of the copiers cluster
this case relies only on measurement of one-qubit states, just below the optimal capacity achieved by the copier
and classical error-correction schemes. of Sec. IV B. While this is not necessarily the absolute
Looking at Fig. 1, one sees that the Wootters-Zurek optimum that can be achieved, as there remains the pos-
copier, apart from achieving the optimum and transmit- sibility that introducing helper machine states may in-
ting as much one-state information to both copies as was crease this bound, this bunching makes it seem plausible
encoded originally, is also far better at it than any of the that no large gains can be achieved beyond this. This
other copiers shown (except for the small-f region, where ultimate-information optimal copier is quantitatively not
the ultimate-information optimized copier becomes the much better than the Wootters-Zurek copier. Its great-
WZ). The WZ copier has by far the simplest transfor- est gains, which are still quite modest, come when the
mation out of these copiers, so it seems that for basic overlap between signal states is high, where the absolute
information transmission the simplest copier is the best. information content in the signal is small.

It can be seen that, while the no-cloning theorem did VI. COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS
not stop one from perfectly copying information con-
tained in one state at a time, its effect is strong where It was seen in the previous section that quantum
block-coding schemes are allowed. This is because, if we copiers optimized for fidelity measures are far from opti-
restrict ourselves to the one case at a time situation, we mal for basic information transmission to the copies, and,
are not utilising those properties of the states that are vice versa, information-optimized copiers are far from op-
affected by the no-cloning theorem. The difference be- timized for fidelity between copies and originals. This
tween what can be extracted from a copy and from the indicates that various measures of quality should be used
originals is quite striking, and for highly overlapping in- for quantum devices, depending on what final use is to
put states, over 60% of the information in the originals be made of the states created.
is unavailable from a copy.
Some other general trends that were seen for the quan-
The behavior of the copiers for high overlap between tum copying devices that were considered, include the
states is as one would expect. That is, the Wootters- following. The ultimate-copied-information-optimized
Zurek copier becomes much less efficient than the others copier behaves more similarly to the fidelity-optimized
when block-coding schemes are used, as the other copiers ones than to the one-state optimized WZ copier (where
do not fully entangle the copies with each other, thus al- it differs from the WZ). The fidelity-optimized copiers are
lowing one to extract some extra information by looking not bad when one allows multiparticle measurements on
at several sequential states together. the copies, but are far from optimal if one does not. This
Since the Wootters-Zurek copier has I1 = IH , by com- may be because the fidelity-optimized copiers preserve
paring the values of IH for the local and global-fidelity- some of the quantum superposition of the input states
optimized copiers to the WZ copier, one can see that (as evidenced by the off-diagonal terms in the density
for these fidelity-optimal copiers, much more informa- matrices of the copies), whereas the WZ copier makes
tion than I1 can be sent to the copies by allowing com- the copies purely classical mixtures when they are con-
plicated block-coding schemes which use correlations be- sidered individually. To get extra information transmis-
tween subsequent signal states. This approach, however, sion by making measurements on multistate observables,
is unhelpful with the Wootters-Zurek copier, and is of one needs some quantum effects between the successive
very little help when using the the UQCM. copy states, and these effects are lacking with the WZ
As for the other information measure, the global- copier.
fidelity-optimized copier does slightly better than the lo- A small, but perhaps surprising feature was that the
cal fidelity one. The unentangled copier does slightly global-fidelity-optimized copier gave better performance
worse than the rest, except for the UQCM which is con- in the information measures than the local-fidelity-
sistently worse on all counts, as it is not tailored to the optimized one, even though only information flowing to
input states like the others. one copy was considered. Other features seen include
the poor performance of the UQCM relative to the other
copiers — unsurprising, since the other ones are tailored
specifically to the two signal states, and the poorer per-
C. Local fidelity formance when the copies are made unentangled with
each other.
For all copiers considered, when the input signal states
This is shown for various copiers in Fig. 3. The UQCM are nonorthogonal, the information carrying capacity of
is absent from the plot, as its local fidelity lies far be- a channel between two observers is significantly greater
low the others shown there. Figures 1 and 3 show quite when the receiver gets undisturbed states (IH ) than when
clearly that fidelity and information transfer quantify the receiver gets one copy, even when the copier is highly
quite different properties of the copying transformation, optimized (IH ). This is an information-theoretic mani-
and one has to keep in mind which properties are desired, festation of the no-cloning theorem.
before deciding on a quantity to characterize efficiency.
As expected, the best local fidelity occurs for the copier
that was optimized for this, and the global fidelity op- APPENDIX A: DERIVATION OF
timal copier is almost as good. The WZ copier is no
good at fidelity at all for significantly overlapping states.
The unentangled copier is once again slightly worse than The copier sought has the following properties: it takes
most of the others. The sharp change in behavior for the one of two (i = 1, 2) pure input states [25] ρ̂ A i of Hilbert
ultimate-information optimal copier is particularly evi- space dimension 2, and by a unitary transformation cre-
dent in this plot. ates a state ρ̂ i consisting of two (possibly entangled)
copies (ρ̂ oi and ρ̂ ci ), again of Hilbert space dimension 2.
The state of each copy, when the other copy is ignored,
is identical, and both possible copy states (corresponding

to input states) have
 equal purity, as measured by their Using Eqs. (A11), (A7), and conditions (A1), (A5),
self-fidelity Tr ρ̂ 2 . Assuming all states considered are one obtains the following restrictions on the expansion
normalized, these conditions can be written as coefficients of the total output states ρ̂ i :

Tr ρ̂ A
normalization: = 1, (A1) γ1 = β1 , γ2 = β2 ,
i A
input pure: A
ρ̂ = ψ ψ , (A2) β12 = 1 + r − α21 , β22 = 1 + r cos φr − α22 , (A12a)
i i i
δ12 = α21 − 2r, δ22 = α22 − 2r cos φr ,
unitarity: ρ̂ i = |ψi i hψi | , (A3)
Tr [ρ̂ 1 ρ̂ 2 ] = Tr ρ̂ A A
1 ρ̂ 2 = f, (A4)
β1 α1 eiφβ1 + δ1 eφδ1 −φβ1 = 0,

symmetry: ρ̂ oi = Trc [ρ̂ i ] = ρ̂ ci = Tro [ρ̂ i ] = ρ̂ B , (A5) (A12b)
 B 2 i
β2 α2 eiφβ2 + δ2 eφδ2 −φβ2 = r sin φr .
 B 2 
equal purity: Tr (ρ̂ 1 ) = Tr (ρ̂ 2 ) . (A6) (A12c)

And, of course, on top of these conditions, the Holevo Now Eq. (A12b) implies that either β1 = 0 or
bound on ultimate information copied IH is to be maxi- (α1 = δ1 and 2φβ1 = φδ1 + π). The second possibility is
mized. uninteresting, as it immediately leads to r = 0, which
The output states can be written in terms of a vector gives IH = 0 — certainly not the optimum case, one
of complex expansion coefficients in some basis as hopes!
Also, using the unitarity condition (A4) and the equal
|ψj i = √ αj , βj eiφβj , γj eiφγj , δj eiφδj , purity condition (A6), one obtains the restrictions

√ 2f = x + r(r − 1) cos φr
where αj ,βj ,γj ,δj ∈ [0, 2], and the angles φ... ∈ [0, 2π). p p
Normalization gives α2j + βj2 + γj2 + δj2 = 2. One of the +C 1 − r2 x(x − 2r cos φr ), (A13)
expansion coefficients can be made real and positive,
without affecting the final bound, by multiplying by ap-
propriate unphysical phase factors, so let us do this to r2 (1 − cos2 φr ) = 2(1 + r cos φr − x) (A14)
the αj . ×[x − r cos φr + K x(x − 2r cos φr )],
Now, any two states in a two-dimensional Hilbert space
(such as the reduced states of the two possible copies ρ̂ B 1 respectively. For brevity, the mutually independent pa-
and ρ̂ B 2 ), can be described by two Bloch vectors ri . The rameters x, K, C have been introduced, where
states are then given by
x = α22 , (A15a)
1 ˆ 
ρ̂ i (r1 ) = I + σ · ri where σ = [σ̂ 1 , σ̂ 2 , σ̂ 3 ] (A8) K = cos(φβ2 + φγ2 − φδ2 ), (A15b)
C = cos(φγ2 − φγ1 ). (A15c)
and σ̂ j are the Pauli matrices. By an appropriate choice
of basis, one of the two Bloch vectors can be chosen to Note that the condition (A14) is equivalent to Eq.
lie in an arbitrary direction, while the other is separated (A12c).
by some angle φr from the first, both of them lying in a Using Eqs. (8), (A8), and (A11) leads to IH being given
plane of our choosing. Thus there are only three parame- by the expression
ters for these two states that are not arbitrary, depending
on the choice of basis: the lengths of the Bloch vectors 1
IH = [(1 + r) log2 (1 + r) + (1 − r) log2 (1 − r)] (A16)
ri , and the angle between them φr . Also, since 2
 1 − [(1 + qH ) log2 (1 + qH ) + (1 − qH ) log2 (1 − qH )] ,
Tr ρ̂ i (ri )2 = (1 + |ri |2 ), 2

and we are assuming equal copy purity (A6), both Bloch
vectors are of equal length r = |ri |. Let us choose these φr
qH = r cos . (A17)
Bloch vectors to be 2
r1 = r[0, 0, 1] and r2 = r[sin φr , 0, cos φr ]. (A10) One finds that IH (r, cos φr ) is a monotonically decreas-
ing function of cos φr — thus, to maximize IH for a given
Thus, without any loss of generality, the copies can be value of r = ro , it suffices to minimize cos φr (i.e. make
written in an appropriate basis as the angle between the possible copy Bloch vectors as close
  to π as possible). IH (r, cos φr ) is also a monotonically in-
B 1 1+r 0
ρ̂ 1 = , (A11a) creasing function of r.
2 0 1−r For any particular values of r and cos φr , there are
1 1 + r cos φr r sin φr three parameters left to vary to try to satisfy Eqs. (A13)
ρ̂ B
2 = . (A11b)
2 r sin φr 1 − r cos φr and (A14), after the relations (A12) have been used:

x, K, and C. Each of the two Eqs. (A13), (A14) will where |ψi i is given by Eq. (A7), and the unitary trans-
give an allowable range for x (exactly which point in formations are
these ranges is satisfied by the copier then depends on  
C and K). The ends of these ranges are given by cos ξH sin ξH φr (rH ) − π
UH = where ξH = .
− sin ξH cos ξH 4
∂ cos φr
=0 or C = ±1 (A18a) (A20b)
for Eq. (A13), and This can be written as Eqs. (18) and (19).

∂ cos φr
for Eq. (A14). Only those values of cos φr for which
the two x ranges partially overlap give allowable copiers. Consider copiers producing product states of the
Now, for any particular r = ro , if we vary cos φr , the x copies. This transformation can be written
ranges will vary also. In particular, at that value of cos φr
which lies at the boundary of allowed cos φr (ro ) values, at ρ̂ A B B x
i → ρ̂ i ⊗ ρ̂ i ⊗ ρ̂ i , (B1)
least one extremity of the first x range, due to Eq. (A13),
will coincide with an extremity of the second x range due where ρ̂ B x
i are the copies and ρ̂ i is a helper machine state.
to Eq. (A14). Of course, not all cases where x range The only other constraint on the copier is that it must
extremities coincide will correspond to a cos φr (ro ) ex- be unitary, which means that traces are preserved. This
tremity, but any parameters for which such x extremities immediately leads to ρ̂ B x
i andρ̂ i being pure because the
coincide will give viable copiers [they could be well within input states are pure (via Tr ρ̂ 2 ). Furthermore,
a region of allowed cos φr (ro ) values]. Hence, if we look at
all the parameters [given by Eqs. (A13), (A14), and (A18) f = Tr ρ̂ B
 B 2
Tr [ρ̂ x1 ρ̂ x2 ] = f12
1 ρ̂ 2 fx , (B2)
] where x range extremities occur, then one of them will
give the desired minimum cos φr (ro ) value. It turns out where f12 and fx are the fidelities between, respectively,
that this cos
√φr (ro ) minimum corresponds
√ to K = C = 1 the two copy and two machine states produced after
when r ∈ [ 1 − f , 1]. For r < 1 − f , cos φr (ro ) can input of originals. Thus, since fx 6 1, it follows that
reach its absolute minimum value of −1, but since IH √
f 6 f12 6 1.
is also monotonically increasing
√ in r, the optimum IH Let us start with optmizing for one-state information
copier must have r > 1 − f , so these low values of r transfer I1 . It is easily shown that for equiprobable input
can be ignored. This leads to the second largest real root states, I1 satisfies Eq. (14a) with the distinguishability
of polynomial (22) as the expression
√ for cos φr (r) that parameter given by
maximizes IH for a given r > 1 − f . The final value of
r that maximizes IH out of all the copiers considered, rH ,
q = 1 − f12 . (B3)
is given now by a straightforward, one-parameter
√ maxi-
mization of IH (r, cos φr (r)) over r ∈ [ 1 − f , 1]. Because This is most straightforward to show using the Bloch vec-
this calculation is simple, straightforward, and accurate tors of the copies. Since I1 is monotonically increasing
numerically, but not so simple analytically, an analytical with q, it will √
be maximized when q is maximized. This
solution has not been attempted. is when f12 = f .
Now, to find the particular transformation which, Now let us look at IH . For qubit copy states, this is
given input states (10), not only maximizes IH but also again given by Eq. (A16), √and since the copies are pure,
makes the local copy-original fidelity as large as possible, r = 1, and one finds qH = f12 . With r = 1, IH depends
first make the Bloch vectors of the copies be in the same only on qH , and will reach extreme values either when
plane as the Bloch vectors of the input states, and then  
make both pairs symmetric about a common axis. The dIH 1 1 − qH
= log2 = 0, (B4)
Bloch vectors of the input states are dqH 2 1 + qH
p p p p
s1 = [ f , 0, 1 − f ] and s2 = [ f , 0, − 1 − f ]. or at the end points of the qH range: qH = (f 1/4 or 1).
(A19) One sees that Eq. (B4) is only satisfied for
qH = f12 = f = 0, so for general f√ , extreme values of
These are in the (σ̂ 1 − σ̂ 3 ) plane, and symmetrically IH are reached at f12 = 1 or f12 = f . f12 = √ 1 leads to
spaced about [1, 0, 0]. So, to achieve the desired opti- IH = 0, so the optimal value for f12 is again f . Thus
mum local fidelity copier, the appropriate transformation the same copiers that are optimal in I1 are also optimal
of the input states is found to be in IH .
A Lastly, let us look at local fidelity. The fidelity between
ψ → (UH ⊗ UH ) |ψi i , (A20a) any two pure states is given by

1 and the one-state copied information is given by Eq. (14a)
F (ρ̂ 1 , ρ̂ 2 ) = (1 + cos φ) , (B5)
2 with distinguishability parameter
in terms of φ, the angle between their Bloch vectors. To s
minimize the average over both possible inputs of this 1−f
q= . (C3)
Bloch angle between originals and copies, we choose the 1+f
Bloch vectors of the copies to lie in the same plane as the
Bloch vectors of the originals, and to be symmetric about The ultimate copied information is given by the expres-
the same axis. Obviously, in this case, the local fidelity sion (A16), where r, the magnitude of the Bloch vectors
will be maximized if the Bloch angle between the copies is of the copies, is in this case
as similar to the Bloch angle between the originals as pos-
sible (since the Bloch angle between original and√copy is p √
1 + f (1 + 2 f )
half the difference between these).√ Since f12 = f > f , r= , (C4a)
this means that we want f12 = f again. Hence, the 1+f
unentangled optimal copier given in Sec. IV C is optimal
in all three indicators considered in this article. and the parameter qH is
Choosing Bloch
√ vector parameters such that Eq. (B1) √
holds, f12 = f , and local fidelity is optimized, easily f+ f
qH = . (C4b)
leads to the copier given in Eq. (25). It is simplest to use 1+f
Bloch vectors for this calculation.

APPENDIX C: SOME FIDELITY-OPTIMIZED 2. The copier that optimizes the local fidelity

This section gives a brief summary of the fidelity- As in Appendix C 1, Bruß et al. have found the copier
optimized copiers that are compared to the information- that optimizes the local fidelity between a copy and the
optimized ones in Sec. V. Expressions are given in terms originals [8,24]. From Eqs. (C1)-(C6), and(C12) and
of f , the square overlap between the two input states. subsequent discussion in Ref. [8], the copies are in the
Much more detail is given in the literature. states
 √ √ 
sec 2φ cos 2φ + 1 − f (1 + f ) sin 2φ
ρ̂ B
1 = √ √ , (C5a)
2 (1 + f ) sin 2φ cos 2φ − 1 − f
1. The copier that optimizes the global fidelity  √ √ 
sec 2φ cos 2φ − 1 − f (1 + f ) sin 2φ
ρ̂ B
2 = √ √ , (C5b)
2 (1 + f ) sin 2φ cos 2φ + 1 − f ,
The quantum copying machine that optimizes the
global fidelity between the combined state of both copies
and a state consisting of unentangled perfect copies has where the angle φ is defined by
been found by Bruß et al. [8] The copies produced are √ p √
(with the help of a little algebra) f − 1 + 1 − 2 f + 9f
sin 2φ = √ . (C5c)
4 f
 s √ 
1−f f+ f
 1+  The local fidelity is [rearranging Eq. (C11) of Ref. [8]]
1 1+f 1+f
ρ̂ B

1 =  √ s , (C1a)
2 f+ f


 1n p p o
1+f 1+f F (ρ̂ A B
i , ρ̂ i ) = 1 + cos 2φ[1 −f + f (1 + f ) sin 2φ] .
 s √ 
1−f f+ f
 1− 
1 1+f 1+f
ρ̂ B

2 =  √ s . (C1b) After some algebra, one finds that
2 f+ f



1+f 1+f
q= 1 − f cos 2φ, (C7a)
q p
The local fidelity is [from Eq. (47) in Ref. [8]] r = cos 2φ 1 − f + (1 + f )2 sin2 2φ, (C7b)
 √ √  qH = sin 2φ cos 2φ(1 + f ), (C7c)
1 (1 − f ) 1 + f + f (1 + f )
F (ρ̂ A B
i , ρ̂ , i) = 1+ ,
2 1+f
which can be used in expressions (14a) and (A16), re-
(C2) spectively, to find I1 and IH .

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3 i
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Electronic address: no physical significance and thus can take any value, all
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I1 / Io1



0.3 Wootters−Zurek Copier

Ultimate−Info Optimal Copier
0.2 Global Fidelity Optimal Copier
Local Fidelity Optimal Copier
0.1 Unentangled Optimal Copier
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
f = fidelity between possible original states
FIG. 1. One-state copied information (in bits per signal state) I1 for the copying machines discussed in Secs. IV and V
and Appendix C, as a fraction of the maximum one-state information I1o extractable from the input states (10), plotted as a
function of the fidelity f between the two pure input signal states.

1 Input States
Ultimate−Info Optimal Copier
0.9 Wootters−Zurek Copier
Global Fidelity Optimal Copier
0.8 Local Fidelity Optimal Copier
Unentangled Optimal Copier
0.7 UQCM

IH (bits)






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
f = fidelity between possible original states
FIG. 2. Ultimate (Holevo bound) copied information (in bits per signal state) IH for the copying machines discussed in
Secs. IV and V and Appendix C, depending on the fidelity f between the two pure input signal states. The Holevo bound on
information extractable from the originals is also given under the name “Input States.”





Wootters−Zurek Copier
Holevo−Optimal Copier
Unentangled Optimal Copier
Global Fidelity Optimal Copier
Local Fidelity Optimal Copier

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
f = fidelity between possible original states
FIG. 3. Local fidelity F (ρ̂ A B
i , ρ̂ i ) between a copy and the original, for the copying machines discussed in Secs. IV and V and
Appendix C, as a function of f , the fidelity between the two input signal states.


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